Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Mr Toad on February 07, 2005, 06:47:41 pm

Title: Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 07, 2005, 06:47:41 pm
I'm hopeful that there are some fairly competant electicians here at CA.

Question is...what is the downside of daisy chaining Xmas tree fairy lights together - what would happen (I note it says on the box not to do this) - do they just stop working or blow up or what? I'd like to run more lights around our fence, but ran out of multiple extension cables last year.

Any enlightenment much appreciated!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: smokie on February 07, 2005, 06:51:21 pm
You should know that under new UK legislation which Nanny introduced on 1 Jan only competent electricians are allowed to do anything beyond change a fuse.

You will need to employ a gang of IEE members to deal with your fairy lights.

No, wait!!! This is en France!! They don't give a sh*t over there!!!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 07, 2005, 07:07:47 pm
Toad, we are getting a new set of lights made up, custom built by a sparky, but he isnt coming with us.
I shall ask him later tonight.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 07, 2005, 07:09:44 pm

Question is...what is the downside of daisy chaining...
Any enlightenment much appreciated!

Big H, over to you?

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: BigH on February 07, 2005, 07:48:01 pm
Well, my heart skipped a beat...

Toadster, one of our crew is a fully paid up sparks, but you know what these guys are like, time is money. Or in the case of LM weekend, time is beer. I'm sure if you wander across and ask him nicely, and maybe cross his palm with Stella, he'll help you out.
Just don't let him near your testicles.
'daisy chaining fairy lights'!!!! - lordy, are we talking conga dancing rings of buggery here? And I thought it was just a campsite...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: The Planman on February 07, 2005, 08:12:46 pm
Well, my heart skipped a beat...

Toadster, one of our crew is a fully paid up sparks, but you know what these guys are like, time is money. Or in the case of LM weekend, time is beer. I'm sure if you wander across and ask him nicely, and maybe cross his palm with Stella, he'll help you out.
Just don't let him near your testicles.
'daisy chaining fairy lights'!!!! - lordy, are we talking conga dancing rings of buggery here? And I thought it was just a campsite...

H me hearty - You wouldn't be in that band of merry men from Yorkshire Power that wired a drop wire from a live street light a couple of years ago on MB?  This allowing Team Crapaud to wire our Sky Digital for the footie/rugby/Le Mans live coverage in 2003?

If it is you, you unplugged a Greman caravan cos he wouldn't let us spur off him?  My word we had a jolly time watching England stuff New Zealand on home turff.  Half eight in the morning, just having me first beer watching the prematch drival, turn round for me second beer and blam!!  20 guys from the Yorkshire Power Camp plus !!  Bloody good laugh!!


Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 08, 2005, 09:17:16 am

I seem to remember a while back someone mentioning running power of the french national grid with the aid of a pair of marigolds and some large crocodile clamps can't seem to find the post now.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on February 08, 2005, 09:21:31 am
I believe Stu may have dabbled in this area!!!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 08, 2005, 09:45:06 am
dont think it was stu but could have been

speaking of which he has been very quiet of late

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on February 08, 2005, 09:46:59 am
Not as quiet as Ian!!!!!!  And I thought he had more time on his hands now!!  ;)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 08, 2005, 09:53:15 am
I think you may find that Ian is lurking although I may be wrong???

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on February 08, 2005, 10:00:04 am

Ian!!  Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!!  :D

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 08, 2005, 07:01:33 pm
Just for the record - no Yorkshiremen in our team, and no experience of using French national grid in this way.

Last year we were on a splitter from the bog power point kindly offered by GAB I recall...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Canada Phil on February 09, 2005, 01:41:13 am
Hey Chris,
                 I would recommend you stay away from the Electric Grid. One blue flash and no more Chris
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 09, 2005, 10:01:53 am
Don't worry you wont catch me f**k*ng with any french electrics especially not the grid, with or without low flyers.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: gab on February 09, 2005, 01:52:48 pm
Last year we were on a splitter from the bog power point kindly offered by GAB I recall...


Can you find your cable???

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 09, 2005, 02:36:17 pm
wonder if that complies to IEE wiring regs????????? :o

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 09, 2005, 06:48:43 pm
GAB - it's the yellow one which I discovered on Monday morning after the race had progressively slipped down into the septic tank over the week. I've stored it in one of our fridges over the winter - slight sanitary concern over the first meal at BM in June!!

Can you spot the red hot one powering the washing machine and air con for one of the Winebagos?

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: gab on February 10, 2005, 06:40:20 am
GAB - it's the yellow one...

Can you spot the red hot one powering the washing machine and air con for one of the Winebagos?


...that narrows it down, I see at least 3 yellow cables of the red ones is mine, which was split off to to at least 5 other neighborhoods. Not sure but I think by the weekend even the bogs were running off my lead.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Barry on February 10, 2005, 12:16:48 pm
Now I understand what that glow in the night sky over at MB was, must have been this power point glowing in the dark :)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 20, 2005, 05:23:26 pm
Meanwhile - back to the original question - which is - can I daisy chain them together or will this result in electrocution/explosion? - or just dim bulbs? - thanks to any Sparkies who can advise. (Robbo - did you have a chance to mention this to your guy?)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 20, 2005, 08:52:33 pm
Mr. T,
Fairy Light bulbs are normally wired in parallel (if one bulb blows, the whole lot don't go out).

As long as the total cable length is suitable for taking the total bulb current load (I assume you'll have about 50 x 40W bulbs!) Then the cable 'shouldn't' fuse into a molten sparking mess.

50 bulbs @ 40W = 2000W = 2kW @ 240V = 8.5A (say 10A)
Use a purpose made cable and weatherproof bulb holders available from electrical wholesalers.

If you black out MB and end up in the hospital, don't quote me ;)

However, if you're going to daisy chain some cheapo Christmas lights, note that each string of lights will have it's cable sized to handle the load of ONLY the lights on that string.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 21, 2005, 12:17:09 pm
Cheepo Christams Lights, moi?

Ahhh...yes I have thousands of them. I'm the normally the man queuing outside B&Q on Boxing Day to get them at half price!

So not a good idea then...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 21, 2005, 12:42:31 pm
probably not

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 21, 2005, 07:41:39 pm
Okay then, mind you with all that water in the paddling pool and the 240 volt fountain pumps, I'm amazed that I haven't electricuted any members of my team in the last few years!

Maybe we'll get some proper ones made up!

Anyone interested in 15 000 cheap fairly lights - over to ebay...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Canada Phil on February 21, 2005, 11:49:31 pm
Hi Mr Toad,
                 I say plug 'em in. But stand well back.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: smokie on February 22, 2005, 12:30:18 am
Remember to wear the shades 8) 8) 8) when you plug 'em in...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: gab on February 22, 2005, 07:03:25 am
Tell me before you plug them in Toadie, wanna get my camera, could be a worthwhile shot.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 22, 2005, 10:27:46 am
I'll stand by with the fire Extinguisher non water based of course

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on February 22, 2005, 10:46:10 am
It could be a way of newbies finding their way to the track!

"Just drive off the ferry and look for the glow over Maison Blanche and the beer mountain team!!" ;)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 22, 2005, 07:28:11 pm
Thanks all - I'll let you know prior to our inaugral lighting up ceremony (Thu 10.00pm, dress = casual, but bring flame proof vest and fire extinguisher).

I wouldn't want to get a power hungry reputation though, otherwise the "Gods of Power" (Smokie, GAB, Pope & other movers & shakers) would always be unplugging me first from the bog block sockets!!

I thought it was a bit of a ritaul last year sending someone down each time the power went out - kind of like a power committee to agree who's cable was hottest...

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Stu on February 23, 2005, 03:03:52 pm
If your on MB search me out as I can offer my services as a xmas light professional. I always have my light fixing tools with me and can supply examples of my work if required.



Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Stu on February 23, 2005, 03:07:43 pm
Infact heres some I have done.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Stu on February 23, 2005, 03:08:28 pm
And another

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Stu on February 23, 2005, 03:08:59 pm
And one more

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on February 23, 2005, 03:14:59 pm
We're not worthy Stu!!! Please don't forget to pop by and instpect my new disco lights this year... ;D

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 23, 2005, 03:54:27 pm
This is how to do wiring !

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr. Invincible Mou on February 23, 2005, 09:59:04 pm
Excellent, and all running of a single double splitter!!  ;D


Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: gab on February 24, 2005, 06:46:14 am
Steve, that looks like the back of Smokies stereo/pc set up last year.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 24, 2005, 02:47:37 pm
Stu the picture you did not show were the 16 fire engines that turned up after the inagural turn on.  ;D

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Gilles on March 01, 2005, 10:08:16 am
Be careful not to be dismiss with the airport considering all planes landing during this week  :D

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on March 01, 2005, 11:45:45 am
Good point Gilles. Perhaps one day a plane will try and land on MB campsite with all those lights!!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: smokie on March 01, 2005, 11:56:27 am the helicopter last year eh?  :)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on March 01, 2005, 09:03:45 pm
Smokie - I faced a court marshal for deriliction of duty back in Blightly last year from my team after the infamous MB "chopper" disaster! ie letting the team marquee escape from my control and shoot up 5m vertically in the air...

The verdict (depite my personal general drunkeness and incompetance) was a mistral rather than the chopper hit us. We saw one of them on Houx a few years back - I had just never realised how powerful they warned, buy extra guy ropes if the sun shines!! :o

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: gab on March 02, 2005, 06:42:31 am
I had just never realised how powerful they warned, buy extra guy ropes if the sun shines!! :o

..or just send up a few of your fireworks, that ought to chase your chopper friend away Toadie ;)

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Rhino on March 02, 2005, 03:06:50 pm
I remember in the early eighties sitting in the south bank grandstand at Brands Hatch and having a Harrier come and hover over us. The noise and i don't think the trade stands behind were to impressed as they blew away.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Mr Toad on March 04, 2005, 06:00:21 pm
Here's my favouite grandstand picture - Silverstone 2001 and BM's own Mr Disco is handling crowd control!!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: smuudge on March 31, 2005, 12:48:45 am
so has anyone got a pic of their infamous fairy lights hard at work? I need some creative inspiration!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 31, 2005, 01:20:28 am
so has anyone got a pic of their infamous fairy lights hard at work? I need some creative inspiration!

This was us on Houx Annexe in 2003  ???


Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on March 31, 2005, 10:17:56 am
And this was driving around at Sebring!!!

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Bob U on March 31, 2005, 11:47:07 am
Steve. That fairy light display looks familiar. Was it you lot that was projecting the Madonna gig on to the side of a marquee? If it was I congratulate you on the amount of decibels you were kicking out.

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Canada Phil on April 01, 2005, 07:05:13 am
And this was driving around at Sebring!!!

Hi JP,
        Where's my photo credit then ???
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: jpchenet on April 01, 2005, 04:20:51 pm
And this was driving around at Sebring!!!

Hi JP,
        Where's my photo credit then ???
Canada Phil

Most humble apologies Phil!!!   :-[

The picture of La Bamba was taken by Canada Phil (with my camera), probably because I couldn't point the camera the right way by that stage!!  :P

Title: Re:Fairy Lights
Post by: Paddy_NL on April 01, 2005, 07:10:24 pm
The picture of La Bamba was taken by Canada Phil (with my camera), probably because I couldn't point the camera the right way by that stage!!  :P
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