Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 02, 2005, 05:25:13 pm

Title: ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 02, 2005, 05:25:13 pm
Hi guys,

The last few years I have booked up with travel destinations and got everything i wanted. This year we are trying to do it on the cheap and hence tried to order our camping permits via the ACO. Not being very organised due to PhD commitments I have only just sent off the booking form via email to the ACO on Monday. My question is this, should i expect a reply to my email confirming the tickets or do i receive a invoice in the post with payment instructions. I am aware i will only be offered Beausjour but que sera.
I just really want to know when i should start chasing them.
Alternatively if any of the good members of this forum have any spares lying around then I would be more than happy to take them off your hand. The site we are not supposed to talk about has them, but if i go there then i might as well phone up travel destinations and shell out again.



Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 02, 2005, 06:13:31 pm
They should acknowledge your booking request and then, when your number comes to the top of the pile, send you an invoice and request for payment.

The invoice may, however, list your selection as 'Wait List'.

Fingers crossed.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 09, 2005, 11:42:03 am
Thanks for that, a quick email to the ACO came back with the reply that my allocation for 2 Beausjour passes were despatched on the 31st Jan gives me a bit of reassurance. Although it is now 9th Feb. Is it true they have been sending invoices via Thailand.

Oh well looks like Team Cannonball will be on Beausjour unless i can arrange a swap nearer the time. Suppose its close to Arnage for all the fun and games on the Friday. That was brilliant last year was it not. I saw a few club arnage t-shirts in the crowd. The bollicking the french guy in the viper got was amusing. He looked thoroughly sheepish.

Which part of East Anglia are you at Steve. I'm stuck here in Norwich at the UEA furthering my education and stringing out my student days as long as possible. I am now in my 7th year dodging council tax.

Plus I get to ogle all those fresh young innocent 18 year olds who turn up at uni and are looking for anything they can get.

You can't beat it


Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Bob U on February 09, 2005, 12:22:14 pm

Plus I get to ogle all those fresh young innocent 18 year olds who turn up at uni and are looking for anything they can get.

You can't beat it


Sounds like a real chore to me, you lucky b******d

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 09, 2005, 01:46:59 pm
Which part of East Anglia are you at Steve.

I'm just outside Colchester but our cobra Le Mans regulars (generally 20 of us) come from Diss, Norwich, Thetford, Bungay, Ipswich - in fact all over.  We have monthly cobra meets at pubs all over East Anglia.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: chrisbeatty on February 09, 2005, 03:35:30 pm
Got my confirmation/invoice last week, came straight from France tho!?!

I can second Jay's comments about the innocent 18 year olds in Norwich.
I've just moved up to Norwich for work & got all the "carrot cruncher" jibes but after a night out here my mates wanted to arrange a repeat visit  :D

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 10, 2005, 10:11:22 am
Brilliant. 2 Beausjour passes confirmed in yesterdays post. It makes the guys on Ebay selling tickets for ridiculous prices look a bit silly. Makes the guys buying them look even sillier.

So you can book late and still get away with it. Now wheres that transmanche website.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 10, 2005, 11:33:59 am

Plus I get to ogle all those fresh young innocent 18 year olds who turn up at uni and are looking for anything they can get.

You can't beat it


Sounds like a real chore to me, you lucky b******d


Which would be the most convenient weekend to come and visit you? This weekend or next?

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 10, 2005, 12:02:59 pm
Unfortunately, this weekend is Valentines weekend and after the better half (who is coming to Le Mans this year - what was I thinking) read this post, after she was looking for info on what goes on. I am now officially barred from ogling. However she can't watch me all the time.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Barry on February 10, 2005, 12:14:03 pm

So you can book late and still get away with it. Now wheres that transmanche website.

Transmarche have cancelled all sailings this week due to 'technical' problems.
Speedferries are worth a look, but some people think that they are a bit risky as well, hope they survive we are using them for our summer hols

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 11, 2005, 01:20:43 am
Speedferries haven't any places left for the sailing times i want. bit of a pisser about transmanche. oh well looks like p and o out of calais then. unless anyone else knows of any better deals.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 11, 2005, 12:14:45 pm
Norfolk Line, they were a lot cheaper for car + caravan but they go to Dunkerque which is even further than Calais.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Nordic on February 11, 2005, 12:54:32 pm
Hoverspeed also run the Newhaven - Dieppe crossing.

last time I looked they still had some space on the Monday return crossing.

Transmanche have only cancelled crossings this week The ones in June are still on.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 11, 2005, 02:55:21 pm
Cheers Norfolk Line looks good at £59 notes I can't complain.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Barry on February 11, 2005, 04:08:20 pm

Transmanche have only cancelled crossings this week The ones in June are still on.

That's what I meant, must brush up on my use of english and punctuation, sorry for any confusion

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 14, 2005, 05:46:59 pm
I saw a guy selling Beausjour tickets on e*** for 129 quid. I felt suitably riled to send him an email telling him that he was a thieving gypo. Here is the reply i got. I suggest we start a little campaign. If publishing his email address is against the rules  then feel free to delete this post. Sorry, email address removed. Smokie . Go on send him a mail let him know that he is a robbing gypo preying off of the ones who don't realise that in the weeks before the event there will be loads of face value tickets available.

Thanks for your e-mail, good to see you keeping up the fine socialist traditions of UEA. How is the concrete jungle by the way? haven't been back there for some time.
If you do a brief search through eBay you will see there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of tickets on sale none of them "in hand". In fact there are, I'm sure, plenty of people selling tickets they don't even have a hold over.
This pass is paid for and I have a written confirmation and receipt from the ACO. A friend e-mailed the ACO last week and they had no camping passes available, if some more have become available then that is great, I am not forcing anyone to buy this ticket. If you look at the Le Mans camping passes that have sold recently on eBay they have gone for between GBP60 and GBP360. Hence my price. It's the one thing they don't teach you at UEA, it's called capitalism and it's what makes the world go around. Look forward to seeing you down at Le Mans so we can continue this debate over a few beers.

Whatever anyones feelings may be on any topic, this site doesn't wish to be associated with any campaign, small or large, of "hate mail" or other potentially offensive or abusive material against an individual or organisation. So please don't publish anybody's private email address or any other personal details without their consent and do not incite others to make nuisance to others via this site. smokie

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 14, 2005, 05:53:56 pm
Thanks Jay, according to the ACO ticket site today, Beausejour is still available at 45 euros. (

Techoparc is also on a waiting list.  Stands 1, 5, 11, 12, 14, 23, and 34 are also available.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Nordic on February 14, 2005, 06:33:31 pm
If you Know the guys name, why not bring the sale of these blackmarket tickets to the attention of the ACO.

The tickets all clearly state not for resale on the back.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 15, 2005, 12:12:46 am
...or just move on with your own life...

We all KNOW we are going to enjoy it.

Like many things, it really isn't worth getting too worked up about...

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 15, 2005, 02:21:39 pm
Apologies. Wasn't trying to start a revolution, just ticket touts are a pain cause it stops the real fans getting what they want. I would love to be on houx annexe and may try to swap my tickets nearer the time if the chance presents itself.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 15, 2005, 06:17:11 pm
No need for apologies - in my last post I wasn't trying to stifle conversation (but it reads like that doesn't it?) - I didn't even have my moderator hat on at the time, but my drinking boots were pretty full!

But even with hindsight, I have to agree with myself, we debate this topic time and time again, and nothing will stop it happening.  I also drop into another forum where people get everso uptight about the smallest things and sometimes they sound like heart attacks just waiting to happen...

The edit to your original post was to prevent potentially damaging accusations being made against the site....

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: chrisbeatty on February 15, 2005, 07:09:17 pm
I agree it is a travesty that people get so many tickets & try to make a huge sums of money from them.

All I can say is "live & let live" he'll pay one day, hopefully by getting nicked on the way down there & losing all his profit  ;D

What I find worse about the whole topic is the ACO dishing out block bookings to these people. After ordering tickets over 1 year in advance some of us still only get the second rate campsites we booked early to avoid!!

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Marc on February 21, 2005, 04:45:47 pm
Brittany Ferries (as at Sunday last) still have availability out of Portsmouth to Cherbourg. Not cheap but we are coming back on the FastCat. I'm taling my R1 and it was £138 return. Two cars (including my pal's very tasty 355) were around £260 I think - each!


Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: SpriteII on February 21, 2005, 08:59:32 pm
It's not just Le Mans.

Tickets for the Van der Graaf Generator reunion at the RFH are changing hands on e*** for over £200 against a face value of £28.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 22, 2005, 12:33:46 am
Where there's muck there's money eh?

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 22, 2005, 10:29:40 am
Who or what are Van Der Graaf Generator?

This must have been before my time.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on February 22, 2005, 10:38:56 am
Avander graaf generator is something we used in physics to create impressive sparks and standing up hair.

Although this is probaby not the same I suspect

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: jpchenet on February 22, 2005, 10:44:25 am
Hmmm, large electrical domes that shocked the whole class are having a reunion at Racing For Holland???  :-\

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Jay (Team Cannonball) on February 22, 2005, 04:06:10 pm
Sorry, may'be I should have been more explicit. I know what a Van Der Graaf generator is. Standard grade physics comes floating back. But i am slightly bemused as to why they are having a reunion. Is this a bit like Creme Brulee, see League of Gentlemen

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 22, 2005, 05:28:30 pm
A beat combo from the early 70's. I think they were in the Progressive genre.

Bet their mum's were proud...

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 22, 2005, 05:38:47 pm
Jay, for Christ's sake don't listen to VDGG, they were a dismally over-earnest early seventies prog rock band who made Leonard Cohen seem flippant.

Creme Brulee are far more preferable, "It's a sh*t business. I’d walk in a urinal and heads would turn!".

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 22, 2005, 05:40:49 pm
A beat combo from the early 70's. I think they were in the Progressive genre.

Bet their mum's were proud...

Smokie, do you think the one on the far right is Brian (L'pool Boys) in earlier days?

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: smokie on February 22, 2005, 07:07:46 pm
LMAO...and the one on the left has that "I've just filled my nappy" look about him...

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 22, 2005, 07:46:07 pm
The Jack Bruce / Ginger Baker / Eric Clapton (aka Cream) reunion gigs are going for shitloads over face value at the moment.  Makes a ticket for BSJ look cheap  ;D

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: gab on February 23, 2005, 06:53:00 am
... do you think the one on the far right is Brian (L'pool Boys) in earlier days?

Andy, I agree that has to be Brian, before of he mastered his fire belching tricks of course.

Title: Re:ACO and Email
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on February 23, 2005, 10:14:36 am
Hey, you guys are to sharp, I thought that my past was way behind me, what with the sex change operation and all, now the smokster brings it all flooding back.
Brianette. :-* :-*