Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: mgb1975 on February 02, 2005, 04:04:27 pm

Title: Cheap ferries!
Post by: mgb1975 on February 02, 2005, 04:04:27 pm
Just a quick heads-up:

Have gone through the usual trawl looking for a good deal, and was about to give up and pay full whack when Transmanche ( ( come up with this years offer. Up to a 5 day return, Newhaven to Dieppe for £60 per car.

I used them last year - they're no frills, but have the neccesary bar and restaurant. The only ferry I've heard of that's cheaper is Norfolk Line at £54, but they go to Calais which is a long drive (and an even longer drive back!).

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 02, 2005, 05:02:25 pm
That, mate, is an effin' bargain. Giving serious consideration to cancelling Brittany Ripoffs from Pompey, telling em to keep the £10 deposit and re-booking with this mob. Seeing we're spending the sunday night in Deauville anyhow...

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: smokie on February 02, 2005, 06:11:44 pm is only £50. And it goes to Boulogne (closer). And no, they don't take caravans...  :'(

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 02, 2005, 06:15:52 pm
Norfolk Line actually uses Dunkerque which is even further away.

We're using Speedferries, saving £110 per car over last year which helps to pay for our vast fuel bill   :-[

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: mgb1975 on February 02, 2005, 06:42:34 pm
Aah, I'd forgotten about speedferries - Calais/Boulogne/Dunkerque were all vetoed by the drivers as being too much of a slog on the Monday...

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: Black Granny on February 02, 2005, 09:09:44 pm
We have also booked with this bunch instead of going via Pompey. Car and trailer for about £145 for a 5 day return (around £300 from Pompey). Out Wednesday, back Monday. For the two wheelers it's £43 instead of £120 plus from Pompey.

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: DelBoy on February 02, 2005, 10:52:01 pm is only £50. ........And no, they don't take caravans...  :'(

They take trailers now - don't know where a trailer stops and a 'van starts.  I know of someone just booked car + Trailer (total length 7m) for 132 euros return.  There is talk of them taking 'vans, but I have no details.


Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 03, 2005, 01:23:27 am
My source talls me that Transmanche are being investigated by the MCA ( water police ) for running aground on too many occasions.

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: Rhino on February 03, 2005, 11:07:22 am
And the buggers cancelled the thursday morning ferry last year meaning we didn't get in to Le Mans till 11.30pm!
The most annoying thing was the the ferry that should have been in was still at dieppe, but the next ferry was anchored off Newhaven, and they wouldn't bring it in.
If you wan't a cheaper ferry try the ferry club
They give a discount on normal ferries. Portsmouth Caen £252. Thought we would try it this year as we normally go Transmanche.

Title: Re:Cheap ferries!
Post by: mgb1975 on February 03, 2005, 01:28:20 pm
My source talls me that Transmanche are being investigated by the MCA ( water police ) for running aground on too many occasions.

 ;D All adds to the excitement!

Did a quick search just out of interest, and I think your source may be a little out of date - the grounding was in Feb 2002, and the MCA's report recommedations were all the the Port authority rather than the ferry operator (although they weren't too happy that there was no "black box" on board!).

The full report's here: (

I don't think I'm going to loose any sleep over it. Cancelling the ferries is much more of a concern though! For £15/head return I think I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

Ferry club sounds interesting Rhino, thanks!