Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: peterrask on January 27, 2005, 12:56:09 pm

Title: Resturant
Post by: peterrask on January 27, 2005, 12:56:09 pm
I'm looking for resturants at Mulsanne. I think there is 2 : Hunaudieres & Shanghai 24 ? . Does enyone know how to find them and how to order a table ? Do you know if you can see the track from them ?

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: smokie on January 27, 2005, 12:58:22 pm
I'm sure if you search the forum this has been discussed before...

But no doubt someone will be along with the answer soon...

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Snoring Rhino on January 27, 2005, 01:08:47 pm
I'm looking for resturants at Mulsanne. I think there is 2 : Hunaudieres & Shanghai 24 ? . Does enyone know how to find them and how to order a table ? Do you know if you can see the track from them ?
I heard the food is better to eat than the tables! ::)

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: jpchenet on January 27, 2005, 01:33:19 pm
I'm looking for resturants at Mulsanne. I think there is 2 : Hunaudieres & Shanghai 24 ? . Does enyone know how to find them and how to order a table ? Do you know if you can see the track from them ?

From the "HELP" section of the forum!!

The telephone numbers for the restaurant and for the chinese next door are as follows:-

Restaurant Shanghaï des 24 Heures  33 (0)2 43 84 14 72

... and the classic one

Restaurant des Hunaudières  33 (0)2 43 84 98 14

If ringing from UK or a mobile precede numbers with 00 and drop the (0).

There are maps of the whole area and loads of other useful info here:;action=display;threadid=274

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: smokie on January 27, 2005, 03:20:18 pm
Hehehe...I knew I'd seen it somewhere...

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 27, 2005, 03:49:48 pm
Yer wasting yer time!

Unless you go there in a double decker bus, you will see bugger all as the frontage is fenced of with thick green mesh. It sounds great, fine dining in a cosy bistro whilst the cars whistle past. The reality is somewhat less than overwhelming.


Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: BigH on January 27, 2005, 06:50:55 pm
you will see bugger all

This really p*sses me off, no end. Why do they do this? I never ever saw a problem with the old arrangement, I can only think the ACO demanded money with menaces, and when the restaurants didn't cough up, put a screen up to foil our fun.
I wonder what other surprises the spectator-friendly people at the ACO have for us this year. If we're pushed any further back from the track it'll be easier to watch from a hilltop in Cherbourg. And then there's the big video screens, or lack of them. And the increasingly intrusive corporate areas, shouldering the people who are genuinely interested nearer the latrines. I think it's time someone torched one or two of those corporate tents between Maison Blanche and the Ford Chicane - the b*stards even had the cheek to tape off the adjacent embankment last year. Indianapolis/Arnage is a shadow of it's former self, and Tetre Rouge seems to be getting more and more distant. How the f*ck are we meant to watch the race?

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Fax on January 27, 2005, 07:18:53 pm
Hey H,
My advice? Go to Sebring or the Petit to find out how the paying punter should really be treated.  Matt about had me pissing myself laughing a few years ago at the Petit, they had a couple of the ACO folks over to help pass out the hardware on the podium after the race and Matt remarked "What the hell are the ACO guys going give out? A little trophy of a cement wall with razor wire on top!"

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: peterrask on January 27, 2005, 07:51:07 pm
Thanks.... Do you know the precise location of the resturants and how to get there during hte race ?

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: BigH on January 27, 2005, 08:56:25 pm
Personally Peter, I wouldn't bother. But, if you're up for it, then check out the 'Look Useful Information' thread, there's a map of the circuit and surrounding area, and you should be able to navigate yourself there using it. The restaurants (and I stand to be corrected here) are the small outcrop of buildings shown just before the second chicane.
To be honest, I've put it down on second hand reports. I went there when there was just an armco between you and the cars, and it was absolutely stunning. A few years later I went back when the screen was up, and stayed about five minutes. I've never eaten there, but as I say, I don't really see the point these days.
Take a sandwich to Arnage.

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Rhino on January 27, 2005, 10:58:37 pm
Calm down Big H.
The restaurants are before the first chicane on the straight. To get to them, best go by car or bike, you used to be able to walk across the fields by the straight but they try and stop that now.
You go through the tunnel by terte rouge, travel about 1 1/2 miles till the end of the road turn right, about 1/4 mile turn right. Follow road down to a mini roundabout which you can only go left. Carry on to the next junction where you turn right then right again into the field used as a car park.
The view has been restricted over the years but last year the police didnt seem to bother to much and had a fine view from a high wall so was able to see above the mesh.
What is far sadder is the fact you used to be able to camp right behind the cafe but that was closed.
Then the farmer in the next field let you stay in the centre of his trotting track. Until last year on turning up late thursday (due to cancelled ferry from newhaven) we turned up to find no camp site (you pay on arrival no pre booking) His next door neighbour told us he had gone bankrupt, fortunately he had opened up a field to stay. But after the thought of 'feck where are we going to stay' as we turned up last year we booked tickets and are now staying on beausjour.
Sad because i liked to watch dawn on the mulsanne, something about i loved, now it will be a long old cycle round. Now when are they going to put those tunnels under the straight?

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: BigH on January 27, 2005, 11:39:20 pm
Sorry mate, you're right, it's been one of those days.
The spectator viewing is still crap though, and how'm I meant to stand for hours on end with this arse of mine?

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Rhino on January 27, 2005, 11:45:36 pm
You could have tried sitting on the wall next to the chinese a couple of years back. The kindly peron next door had put an electric fence on top to deter people from sitting there.
It seemed kind of satisfying. you never know it could pulse the piles back up and do wonders for you...

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Canada Phil on January 28, 2005, 05:26:13 am
I'm looking for resturants at Mulsanne. I think there is 2 : Hunaudieres & Shanghai 24 ? . Does enyone know how to find them and how to order a table ? Do you know if you can see the track from them ?
Hi Petrrask,
                  I suggest going for Lunch on Friday would be  much better. great gathering of fans and Cars.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Ballast on January 28, 2005, 10:30:44 am
Hi BigH

I wonder what other surprises the spectator-friendly people at the ACO have for us this year. If we're pushed any further back from the track it'll be easier to watch from a hilltop in Cherbourg.

You should do what I do and not bother with the racing at all!!  ;D


Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: peterrask on January 28, 2005, 07:30:06 pm
OK,,,it seams like I'm not going to see tge great Mulsanne from the resturants !!. Do you know how to have a look at the Mulsanne ? Is it possibele to access it from a small road, a garden or maby direct from a field during the night ??


Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Rhino on January 29, 2005, 09:33:33 pm
Offically the only place is at the restaurants. You can clamber through the fields either side but they don't encourage it.

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: jpchenet on January 29, 2005, 11:29:58 pm
There is talk of a new MacDonalds restaurant near the first chicane near the Merlin superstore. I believe the complex is accessable from the inside of the circuit (past BSJ etc) so if it's open during the race that could be a new vantage point!!

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Fax on January 30, 2005, 03:05:07 am
This is what its come to...Used to be French cafe's now one's a Chinese joint soon to be joined by one of those Mc'piles of sh*t.  Why in the f**k anyone would eat at a McDonalds is beyond me. The only people who eat at them over here are mall-rats who can't afford anything else and soccer mom's trying to shut the kids up with junk food for a few minutes.

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Ron Jeremy on January 30, 2005, 11:25:19 am
mccrap was mentioned some threads ago

"as the audi enters macdonalds straight........... into the big mac chicane, out of the macdonalds corner onto chocloate milk shake, into mcflurry win the 2010 24 hrs du macdonalds"  

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Fax on January 30, 2005, 06:21:21 pm
The thought of Mickey D's (or Burger King, Taco Hell, etc,) having anything to do with LeMans makes my blood run cold.  Would rather have a crepe from the Mercier stand rather than crap from one of our roach infested, staffed by pimpled teenagers, food poisoning on a bun, burger stands.

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Rhino on January 31, 2005, 12:18:35 am
I highly recomend the toilets though.

Title: Re:Resturant
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on January 31, 2005, 11:02:11 am
As does Mr Zarse his account of having mc sh*t in le mans had me rolling around in tears of laughter