Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Perdu on January 23, 2005, 11:50:11 pm

Title: Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Perdu on January 23, 2005, 11:50:11 pm
Yesterday morning I had a nice letter from France, from a nice Auto Club de l' Oest people ....

Can you guess there is a snag?

Stamped on the front of the bloody envelope was a nice message, in purple, "REDIRECTED FROM BANGKOK, THAILAND"

Inside was a voucher for 6 camp sites at Beausejour, which frankly I was going to decline AND four waiting list places for Houx Annexe which I would have snapped their hands off for.

The Letter was dated the 17th December and required that I accept the passes within 14 days. Anyone know the b***y date today. (notice Bill calming down now?)

Anyone got a clue what happens next if I can get through to Billet tomorrow on the land line?

Am I pissed off? Ooh arr! Notarf....



Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: smokie on January 24, 2005, 12:02:39 am
Mine arrived a week or so back, posted en France on 24 Nov and also via Thailand.

Maybe I will go to LM via Thailand...

I'd already contacted them via email and had my allocation confirmed.

Speak to the nice girls nicely and I'm sure you will be OK.

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Black Granny on January 24, 2005, 09:50:47 am
Must be a job lot going via Bangkok for some reason. Both my invoice and receipt went via this route.
Like Smokie I'd been in touch via E-mail when invoices started arriving and mine hadn't and they sent a copy via fax. Payment was sorted via fax and e-mail before Christmas and the receipt turned up at the weekend- having gone via the aformentioned detour.

Maybe they get sent via this route 'cos they hate tax inspectors too!

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Rob on January 24, 2005, 11:42:05 am
ah the postal service reaks havoc once more,
i work as a part time postie, and i remember doing some sorting over christmas, and getting missorts that were stopping via newbury that were going (in the worst case)from new zealand to canada :o

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 24, 2005, 11:52:22 am
Via Bangkok for my invoice too!! Posted Nov 21st in france and arrived through my door on 14th Jan!  >:(

Fortunately I'd already sent them an email to confirm my MB places.

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 24, 2005, 01:43:45 pm

Better than paying £300 over christmas time inst it ?

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Bob U on January 24, 2005, 04:12:17 pm

Maybe I will go to LM via Thailand...

Smokie, if you do can you nip down to the Patpong road in Bangkok and pick up a few samples for the boys on HA ? Make sure they are not Lady Boys or you will have to drop them off on KN.

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Rhino on January 25, 2005, 01:45:10 pm
Having heard nothing i e-mailed to ask what was happening. The ACO e-mailed that the letter was sent on the 15th december, and they would send another. The day after this (18th jan) the first letter arrived, the day after the next one arrived!
They have a questionaire in the letter, i trust everyone will be replying that we should be able to book earlier and through e-mail so the sodding letter doesnt go via mars.

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 25, 2005, 02:22:41 pm

Maybe I will go to LM via Thailand...

Smokie, if you do can you nip down to the Patpong road in Bangkok and pick up a few samples for the boys on HA ? Make sure they are not Lady Boys or you will have to drop them off on KN.

No, the only home for lady boys is on MB, for reasons best left unsaid.

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Papa Eric on January 25, 2005, 04:57:00 pm
My confirmation came through the same route.

Maybe our dear old Royal Mail is cutting costs with a new sorting office in Bangkok.  Probably got a bit confused with all these companies setting up call centres out East!

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Bob U on January 25, 2005, 05:04:45 pm
Welcome Papa Eric, or is it Bruce Willis

Title: Re:Grrrrr!!! Grrrr!!! Post office? Don't ask!
Post by: Papa Eric on January 25, 2005, 05:07:21 pm
I wish!  After all Brucie would have no probs getting in the pitlane for the weekend.

Mind you, I'm kinda balding like him, just don't have the dosh.