Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: DavidsDad on December 24, 2004, 09:40:20 pm

Title: Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: DavidsDad on December 24, 2004, 09:40:20 pm
My eleven year-old son would love to go to Le Mans, and I've said we could go next June.
(I've been 3 times before, last time was 2000).  Has anyone had any experience of taking young children?  Any pitfalls to be especially aware of, ideas please?

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: bgeorge104 on December 24, 2004, 09:58:19 pm
Sorry can't help you, we've only experience of taking our two kids who've not yet reached the heady heights of an eleven year old. My daughter will be nine & my son 5 next time we go, we've been taking them camping (Houx) since they were about 6 months old.  Unless they like cold showers get 'em up early, watch them in the fair ground, don't let them take anything they're not prepared to lose. Do you have bikes, take them if you can, you can cover so much more ground with them & a sure fire way of tiring them out. Get them a camera so they can take pictures of what they want & enjoy yourselves, we have over the years.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: DelBoy on December 26, 2004, 10:22:18 am
...Has anyone had any experience of taking young children?  Any pitfalls to be especially aware of, ideas please?

I took my son and his mate when they were 13-14.  They had a wonderful time.  I can't think of any particular pitfalls, except one - and that depends on how much you drink when at LM.  I told them that they could drink as much as they wanted, but if they were sick, they wouldn't be able to have any more for the duration.  This allowed them some freedom, whilst I could carry on (more or less) as normal.

Obviously, a close eye is needed at all times over at the circuit, but as I say, they were very impressed with everything - the circuit, the cars and the atmosphere.

He has not yet been back - but that was more a financial thing than anything else.  He is now talking about getting up a group of his own to go next year (he's now 28).


Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: MikeH on December 26, 2004, 02:23:48 pm
I can't see a problem, so long as you are responsible, i.e. no going off and getting blind drunk and leaving them on their own!

You've just got be prepared to do what they want I suppose.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: ian murat on December 27, 2004, 12:22:02 pm
i took my eldest, 10, to last years.

Did the hotel trip rather than camp ended up sleeping in the car for a couple of hours during the night.  but used hotel as a base for a reasonable bed and meal and wash

no problems what so ever, there's plenty to do PS 2 stand, funfair though not cheap,  didn't do pits too exspensive

take a bike and a padlock as it did get a bit boring just staying around the main bit so we cycled to arnage

kids go free

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Canada Phil on December 27, 2004, 07:56:18 pm
Hi Davids Dad,
                      The important thing to remember when bringing children is the right sauce, though finding a BBQ big enough can be a problem too ;D ;D ;D
Note in Ians post how he refers to WE did this and WE did that very different form the "I got pissed" scene but  enjoyable. Thursday night practice is always well attended by the local kids and i would recomend the drivers parade in town on Friday and also exploring the city centre in daylight.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: BigH on December 27, 2004, 08:03:26 pm
Take him around the city centre under the cover of darkness.
Andy Zarse can recommend a few sights worth seeing I'm sure. He'll come back a man.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Black Granny on December 28, 2004, 09:50:29 pm
And Mr Zarse is still trying to claim tax relief on these "sights"

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Matt Harper on December 28, 2004, 10:02:48 pm
Took my 8 year old daughter and her mother in 1990 - never, ever, again. 'Nuff said? Le Mans and those you are responsible for do not mix, under any circumstances in my sophomoric opinion.
My daughter is now 22 and drinks more than I do, so her planned return to La Sarthe in 2005 will probably see her carrying me around.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Snoring Rhino on December 29, 2004, 12:20:19 am
Started taking Brad to Gp's when he was 10, had some great times, wish I had got to LM with him earlier, now he is more useful - (well some times at 23, I still seem to get stitched on money) i.e. driving the car when I want get P-ssed, and sharing the trip back when we're both nackered. we made it our boys event (the wife and thje girls do their thing the same weekend - careful though can make it expensive!). Should be encouraged its what its all about.
Would be interesting to see how many of us first when't motor racing with our dads?

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Barry on December 30, 2004, 12:06:41 pm
Took my 11 year old and 3 year old to the classic this year and would make the following observations.

The younger they are the less of the race you will see
Under 10 take the wife/partner ( see above)
Buy some earplugs which filter out the phrase ' how much further do I have to walk'
Take ear defenders.
Buggies don't work in the sand between Dunlop and Tetre Rouge, a large tricycle pushchair would be the answer.
The younger they are the quicker they will get lost on the campsite, 3 year old managed it within 10 minutes of us arriving on MB.
Plan some alternative activities during the day, Dad's awe at 30's Bugatti's, Bentley's and Aston's can wear thin on the PS2 generation.
You can't get p*ssed during the day, only after the kids are in bed, you need to be soberish during the day to keep track of them.

BUT, we had a really good time, and are thinking about the Classic again in 2006, but probably without the youngest.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: jpchenet on December 30, 2004, 01:53:35 pm
Took my 11 year old and 3 year old to the classic this year and would make the following observations.

The younger they are the less of the race you will see
Under 10 take the wife/partner ( see above)
Buy some earplugs which filter out the phrase ' how much further do I have to walk'
Take ear defenders.
Buggies don't work in the sand between Dunlop and Tetre Rouge, a large tricycle pushchair would be the answer.
The younger they are the quicker they will get lost on the campsite, 3 year old managed it within 10 minutes of us arriving on MB.
Plan some alternative activities during the day, Dad's awe at 30's Bugatti's, Bentley's and Aston's can wear thin on the PS2 generation.
You can't get p*ssed during the day, only after the kids are in bed, you need to be soberish during the day to keep track of them.

BUT, we had a really good time, and are thinking about the Classic again in 2006, but probably without the youngest.

Or just take your children to Houx Annexe during the main race and find the East Anglian Cobra Club. Ask for Steve Brown...he is Club Arnage's Chief Babysitter (as long as you have Thomas the Tank Engine books!!)  ;D

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 30, 2004, 02:41:07 pm
Barry, I seem to remember your eldest got a slight taste for fine champagne at the Poo bar at the Classic!

As to the sights in the town centre, I can recommend the XIVth century cathedral, the interior is magnificent with it's gothic crenellations. It is historically interesting too, as it is where King Henry Plantagenet had a bit of a dust up with the locals, I think it followed a drunken argument with the tatooed slatterns and door management of Ye Olde Relaxe Clubbe.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Rusty on December 30, 2004, 04:01:05 pm
We intent taking a bus full of swedish au pairs to look after our infants. If anyone needs to book themselves into the Brethren creche I suggest you get your application form filled in right now.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: smokie on December 30, 2004, 04:37:00 pm
Me Me Me!!!

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Barry on December 30, 2004, 05:04:44 pm
Barry, I seem to remember your eldest got a slight taste for fine champagne at the Poo bar at the Classic!

As to the sights in the town centre, I can recommend the XIVth century cathedral, the interior is magnificent with it's gothic crenellations. It is historically interesting too, as it is where King Henry Plantagenet had a bit of a dust up with the locals, I think it followed a drunken argument with the tatooed slatterns and door management of Ye Olde Relaxe Clubbe.

I'm trying to keep him away from the vintage port, there's only just enough in a bottle for his mum and me after dinner ;D ;D ;D

I think that ancient cars ( from his perspective ) are a lesser evil than historic buildings. Anyway he is of good English stock, see a medieval French building and trash it ;)

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Bob U on December 31, 2004, 07:46:08 pm
We intent taking a bus full of swedish au pairs to look after our infants. If anyone needs to book themselves into the Brethren creche I suggest you get your application form filled in right now.
A big yes please from me. I'll even bring my own bib in case I dribble

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Snoring Rhino on January 03, 2005, 10:43:54 pm
We intent taking a bus full of swedish au pairs to look after our infants. If anyone needs to book themselves into the Brethren creche I suggest you get your application form filled in right now.
Could I leave Brad there after thoroughly vetting the staff? (Early birthday present)

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: bird on January 10, 2005, 01:31:04 pm
My munchkin will be making annual appearances as of 2006. As I don't drink I can't forsee any issues  :-\

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: hgb on January 10, 2005, 05:41:19 pm
I see no problem taking kids to LM. Most of the adults there behave like six year olds.  ;D

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: DavidsDad on January 10, 2005, 08:09:30 pm
Thanks to everyone for the advice, some was useful, but all was welcome!

My lad has been asking me to take him to Le Mans since he was about 7, (when I last went).  To put an end to his pleading I promised him then I'd take  him when he was older (mum just isn't interested).  
"Will that be next year, Dad?",
(cue violins, ) "No son, it's REALLY noisy at Le Mans, and you hardly get ANY sleep, and you wouldn't like it, honest. Maybe when you're a bit older."
"How old, dad?  When I'm 8 can I go???"

(And I the little bugger has remembered my response:-

Weeeeeell, I dunno, son.  Maybe when you're eleven? IF YOU'RE A GOOD BOY.  

And he is, more often than not.

See you there!

I still don't know whether to pitch the tent onthe front lawn of the airport again, it's such a long walk back when the adrenaline runs out in the small hours.....  Any ideas for tent sites?

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: BigH on January 10, 2005, 08:29:55 pm
Davids dad,
Ambitious, and some would say foolhardy. It's worth bearing in mind the often quoted advice for what items one should take to Le Mans -
"don't take it if you're not prepared to lose it"
Best of luck mate!
I do have some great advice in mp3 format, if someone can tell me how to post it, I will.

Title: Re:Youngsters at Le Mans
Post by: Brad Zarse on January 11, 2005, 11:08:49 am
Started taking Brad to Gp's when he was 10, had some great times, wish I had got to LM with him earlier, now he is more useful - (well some times at 23, I still seem to get stitched on money) i.e. driving the car when I want get P-ssed, and sharing the trip back when we're both nackered. we made it our boys event (the wife and thje girls do their thing the same weekend - careful though can make it expensive!). Should be encouraged its what its all about.
Would be interesting to see how many of us first when't motor racing with our dads?

Stiched for money? Like you ever have any money - the girls take it all, and we get left with the dregs!

From a kids point of view, the day my dad came into my room in 1990 (at a STUPID time in the morning) and said "fancy going to see Nigel Mansell at the Grand Prix" was probably the most influencial thing he ever did when I was a kid - ever since then my blood has had petrol in it - and as much as the lure of football trys to draw me away, my first sporting love will always be motor sports.

There are a few things to be aware of though.

Taking a kid to motor racing ultimately builds thier interest in the sport - take them when they are 10 and they'd like to be involved - they want a kart to start racing - karts are expensive.

Having said that - if we could of, we would of gone racing when I was that age - and football would never have got a look in.  

Give the kid the bug - he'll love you for it.  remind said kid when he's 22 not to buy a kart, cos it means you have to share the running costs.  ;D  :o

Now dad - get back to work - my new car wont pay for itself!   :P