Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris24 on December 23, 2004, 06:07:07 pm

Title: Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Chris24 on December 23, 2004, 06:07:07 pm

I don't suppose anyone knows the answer to the question below. Or perhaps has any ideas on possible links I could try and research. I thought perhaps they could share the same birthday, or have been educated at the same university. Cronenbergs birthday is 15th March 1943, and he went to Toronto University.

The question -  

What is the connection between a Le Mans winning ex GP driver and the film director David Cronenberg?


Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Bobblehat on December 23, 2004, 06:21:47 pm
Graham Hill? He was in the film Grand Prix.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: BigH on December 23, 2004, 06:30:17 pm
Kevin Bacon.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Bobblehat on December 23, 2004, 06:47:01 pm
Was that in less than 4 moves, H

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 23, 2004, 06:51:21 pm
It's Catherine Zeta-Jones again. No doubt about it.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: ian murat on December 23, 2004, 06:56:53 pm

its brewed in france

hill drank it

the other name sounds like it and is nearly spelt the same

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Chris24 on December 23, 2004, 07:08:34 pm
Ok, enough of the BS, any proper answers as its a serious question. Grand Prix was directed by Frankenhiemer or someone with a name like that that I probably can't spell. Thanks, although not the answer, Bobblehat has made the most sesible suggestion.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: rcutler on December 23, 2004, 07:24:06 pm

its brewed in france

hill drank it

the other name sounds like it and is nearly spelt the same

That's funny I was thinking the same!!!

Drunking tit tas wees speeeak!

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2004, 11:21:46 pm


Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Bobblehat on December 24, 2004, 12:37:44 am
David Cronenberg directed the film "Crash", which got of a lot of Daily Mail readers very upset - it was not a very good film, not that I would watch such tosh (dont read the Daily Mail either!) So I guess that one of the producers was an ex GP driver LM winner, or a stunt driver, or came out against said movie.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Chris24 on December 24, 2004, 12:45:20 am
Cronenberg also made a drag racing film back in 1979 called "Fast Company" perhaps a driver was involved with that film in a similar way, either driving, or coordinating stunts.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Chris24 on December 24, 2004, 12:46:47 am
Crash wasn't that bad, anything that has Holly Hunter getting shagged in a car can't be all that bad !

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: BigH on December 24, 2004, 12:58:49 am
Holly Hunter has a fantastic f*nny.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Canada Phil on December 24, 2004, 04:39:04 am
Hi Chris24,
                 David races a Cooper Monaco. Not sure if that fits anything?  Name the GP drivers who have won Le Mans and someone might see a connection.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Canada Phil on December 24, 2004, 07:03:42 am
Hi Chris24,
                Further research: David owns a 1961
Cooper F1 Car and the 1963 Cooper Monaco.
For no particular reason but try Bruce McLaren
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Nordic on December 24, 2004, 10:43:13 am
Bruce Mclaren did drive a Cooper T 49 Monaco Mk I in 1959, so its unlikey to be the same car that Cronenberg now owns if his is 63 model.

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Nordic on December 24, 2004, 12:12:41 pm
The producer is a historic car nut - David Cronenberg bought the remains of the Cooper car company many years ago (these had gone to Canada after the Cooper auction, and ended up with Cronenberg - he had a lot of drawings, the Monaco and a single seater - which were auctioned a few years back).

Title: Re:Tough question , any ideas
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 24, 2004, 01:36:00 pm
Ok, enough of the BS, any proper answers as its a serious question.

Chris, Shame on you!  :( You should know, in and amongst all the BS and daft answers, the good folk of CA will give you lots of good ideas too.

The Bruce McLaren thing has got to be right. I've got a book on Bruce somewhere, I'll try and look it out, and it's years since I read it. But I think he first drove Coopers in his native New Zealand before he came over here to race with fellow Kiwi Chris Amon. I think he was pretty quickly signed up for F2 initially by John Cooper. The Cronenburg thing I really have no idea about.