Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Robbo SPS on December 15, 2004, 11:41:00 pm

Title: T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 15, 2004, 11:41:00 pm
Surfers, Members and Visitors,,,

For those of you who have ordered a t-shirt, many thanks. I say thanks as its nice to be involved in such a good web forum and its a privilage to be involved....


This time last year i put in the first order for shirts.... And i had over 150 paid for by now.

This year, i have 54 orders for t shirts and aout 15 other items plus a few stickers.

I say I, as its me whose co-ordinating it, but i dont make a penny( the accounts are available via e mail should you want to check ) . Last year i actually lost £2.74 ( i hadnt paid for one last order shirt - my mistake )

I am a little worried ( yes i know its still 6 months to go ) as the costs to get the new screen made wont even be covered at this rate.

I know people wanted / enquired about other items, and their costs have been swallowed by myself. The only good bit about these costs are that they will never be incured again if the design remains the same.

I have put this post in to see if anyone is genuinly interested or if the ordering process / time scales / trust issues / any other thing  may mean YOU arent interested.

I will also have to re-think the included lanyard bit too as we needed 160 orders to make it viable. Should this be the case, the extra monies involved will go into the shampoo bar on the saturday night, or you may get  a car sticker instead.

Should the design have been changed from the 2004 version ?

I would be genuinly interested. I have asked Dave davies on a few occasions for help ( not financial ), but he is a busy man with his day job too. I know he hasnt been able to get Rhownea ( his friend and model ) into the studio for the shots for a bulk e-mail like last year.

I dont want to sound mella-dramatic but i will have to thing very seriously about doing this much further.

Those of you who have ordered and paid will get the items you want should i decide to bin the t-shirts and bits.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: smokie on December 16, 2004, 12:49:45 am
Thanks Robbo. Please avoid unrelated discussion in this thread, just indicate whether you intend buying.

Of course Robbo, there are a number of familiar faces we will not see until nearer the time - if anyone can contact those people please do so and ask them to drop in to register their requirements.

The best way to do that is by sending a cheque to Robbo as soon as you can (yes, I know it's Christmas - means you all have some time on your hands to catch up!!!)

On behalf of us all, thanks again Robbo.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on December 16, 2004, 08:28:20 am
Robbo, I hate to see a grown man cry, as people say when offered a drink in our camp, Oh go on then.
We will require .
2 x Med
2 x xl
1 x xxl
Looking forward to hearing the cost.
Keep up the good work and the faith.
PS. Wishing all CA's a very Happy Xmas and a bloody good new year.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: smokie on December 16, 2004, 08:45:52 am
List of merchandise and prices is at;action=display;threadid=2521 :) :) :)

Did I say that non informative posts may be removed? Well, they will. :)

Only go to the effort of typing if you need to register a previously unplaced order...and even that should be done with Robbo though PM (and a cheque in the post) rather than here. Thanks

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 03, 2005, 11:36:40 pm
Brian - Can you confirm your oder by e-mail ?

This year the "free" lanyard wont be included as orderes are well down, so "we" cant afford to get them.


Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 04, 2005, 02:26:22 pm
So what do you think of these shirts then?  ;)

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 04, 2005, 02:27:43 pm
2004 !

So last year  :P      ;D

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: pretzel on January 04, 2005, 02:39:31 pm

How did you get away with using the ACO copyrighted logo and typeface? They are normally very protective. They certainly weren't too impressed with the 'unofficial' CA poster.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 04, 2005, 03:33:39 pm
I guess we were lucky there, last year was only a small group anyway (12 people).

This year we'll be with a larger group. If the tickets for Karting Nord come through, we'll use the Hard Rock Cafe-logo ;D

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: powermite on January 07, 2005, 01:46:25 pm
I think maybe the design should have changed for this year.Personally I bought about 10 off you last year and for me and the WANCs but they are still in perfect condition and ready to be worn again.I dont think the wrong date on them will matter especially as some of my other T,s are from year's ago.
The other thing is that last year the T shirt idea was new and had an immediate impact but this year maybe it needed something a bit different to keep the interest up.Im not by any means having a go at you,what you did for us all last year was well beyond the call of duty and much appreciated.

Thanks again Robbo


Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Abs on January 07, 2005, 02:03:40 pm
Robbo, what date are you taking orders up to??

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Neal on January 07, 2005, 02:17:53 pm

as you can see I aint done much posting on here, but have been reading post for a while now. Woould it be possible for such a novice poster to order some t-shirts for my crew of 6



Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 07, 2005, 02:59:02 pm
Welcome aboard Whitey, there'll be no problem with Robbo getting you and your mates 6 tees. Provided you all pass the secret Club Arnage Initiation Ritual first that is. Can't tell you exactly what it involves, but I'll give you a coupe, of tips. Firstly i'd certainly consider shaving "down there" first, Evostick is a bugger to get out of hair. Also, I wouldn't eat curry for about a week prior to the test date. And finally, I hope you don't suffer from a heart condition, epilepsy or are a member of the RSPCA. Your ability to safely operate plant and machinery will be inpared for some time after.

Here's one we made earlier. Enjoy.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Bob U on January 07, 2005, 04:49:48 pm
Kinnel Andy have you been having private lessons from BIGH in all things perverse.

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 07, 2005, 08:18:02 pm
PM - I think you are right, but most people kept quiet, i am not an artist.

Ironically the SPS shirt has changed for this year, for the reasons you mention.

Thanks for the message though.

Whitey - Yeah, you can order using the thread at the top of the gENERAL dISCUSSION AREA.

Abs - Orders finallised near to 1st Feb 2005.

Kind of pissed of with it this year. Lack of support fom an important person !!

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Ron Jeremy on January 07, 2005, 08:54:48 pm

Kind of pissed of with it this year. Lack of support fom an important person !!

sorry you feel that way -

does that mean you will not do it again   ???

Title: Re:T Shirts and other stuff - Please read
Post by: Abs on January 07, 2005, 09:08:23 pm
Kind of pissed of with it this year. Lack of support fom an important person !!

Robbo hang on in there, if it is anything like previous years there will be a glut of regulars turning up on here anytime from now onwards and I am sure these are the people that will want the shirts, this is half the reason for my asking when the last date is.

I'll sort my lot out over the weekend and get something over to you sometime next week, never know I might even drop a cheque into you, would be good to meet you whilst I'm sober!!