Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpchenet on November 10, 2004, 11:04:51 am

Title: 2005 Prices
Post by: jpchenet on November 10, 2004, 11:04:51 am
The 2005 price list is now available on the ACO site.

Main prices as follows. All prices in Euros:

GA 59 (45 for ACO members)

Camping Tickets listed as: Site: General; Price: ACO Member Price: Extra Nights
Maison Blanche    80   72   15
Intérieur Musée   45   41    8
Chapelle              38   33    8
Tertre Rouge       90   82   15
Bleu                     38   33    8
Karting Nord        45   41    8
Expo                    50   44   10
Beauséjour         45    41    8
Technoparc         45    41   10
Houx Annexe      38    33    8
Houx                   75    68   15

Grandstands. Note two of them are cancelled this year!!

17 – Durand
(ex- T05 Georges Durand) For ACO members only –
2 tickets max per card
18 – ACO
(ex- T05 ACO) For ACO members only –
2 tickets max per card
19 – Lagache
(ex- T06 Michelin) 92
20 – Leonard
(ex- T07 Total) 92
21 – Tavano
(ex- T08 Jaguar) 92
22 – Wolleck
(ex- T09 Bugatti) 57
23 – Maison Blanche
(ex- T10 Maison Blanche) 92
34 – Stands
(ex- T12 Stands) 60
1 – Tertre Rouge
(ex- T15 S de la Forêt) 75
3 – Chapelle
(ex- T14 Chapelle) Cancelled
5 – Dunlop
(ex- T1 Dunlop) 80
11 – Wimille
(ex- T2 Nord) 75
12 – Benoist
(ex- T2 Nord) 75
13 – Singher
(ex- T3 Singher Durand) Cancelled
14 – Barnato
(ex- T4 Nord) 84
15 – Chinetti
(ex- T4 Nord) 84
16 – sommer
(ex- T4 Nord) 84

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Bob U on November 10, 2004, 11:44:55 am
Nice to see Bob Wolleck has had a stand named after him.

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 10, 2004, 12:31:39 pm
No significant price hikes from 2004  - good to see Houx Annexe on the list  ;D

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: smokie on November 11, 2004, 12:08:11 am
€15 for each extra night on MB? Blimey. That's....that's....a lot of €s,

Still, I never got asked for any last year  :)

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Perdu on November 11, 2004, 10:04:42 pm
Still no update from ACO about whether the camping sites ordered will be allocated. Have tried for 6 on the Annexe again next year.

Steve are you and your guys taking guests again next time?

Should I pester the ACO girls or will that antagonise 'em?


(Next daft question, If 6 are ordered do they allow extras to be added before the allocation is set??)  
[[Looks like half the blokes at work want to trip along with us next time..]]



Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: DelBoy on November 12, 2004, 05:40:55 pm they allow extras to be added before the allocation is set

Last time I increased my order, I got busted to the back of the queue - ended up being offerred BSJ.  I wouldn't risk it - try and get extras from the 'Sale' forum here.


Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Perdu on November 12, 2004, 10:06:04 pm they allow extras to be added before the allocation is set

Last time I increased my order, I got busted to the back of the queue - ended up being offerred BSJ.  I wouldn't risk it - try and get extras from the 'Sale' forum here.


Thanks for that DelBoy, that was the thought that had crossed my tiny mind. I thought I might have read about that happening, so I am glad I asked and that you answered. Owe you one at the 'poo bar for that cheers.



Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 12, 2004, 11:40:15 pm
Am I wrong or is this the first year MB is pricier than Houx?

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 13, 2004, 10:45:03 am
Steve are you and your guys taking guests again next time?

Bill, we would be more than happy to oblige as before.

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Perdu on November 13, 2004, 05:27:57 pm
Thanks for that Steve. We are aiming for a Wednesday arrival next year, too. We will see.

The ferry situation is a b*ll-ache for next year so we may go Dover Boulogne or Newhaven Dieppe. A problem might be one of our mates coming along in a campervan. That may not get on the Speedferries vessel...

Oh yes, nice pic of your car on t'other thread.


 :D :D :D

Title: Re:2005 Prices
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 13, 2004, 07:53:11 pm
A problem might be one of our mates coming along in a campervan. That may not get on the Speedferries vessel...

We could sort that with an angle grinder  ;D

We're on the Dover / Boulogne Speedferries on Wednesday morning at 07:45.

See you there!