Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Steve TTTD on November 02, 2004, 03:41:09 pm

Title: Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Steve TTTD on November 02, 2004, 03:41:09 pm
This is ridiculous, and affects everyone...

Apparently a flat fee for each of vehicles registered in your name and declared SORN.
I also understand that due to E.E.C. regs the old V5 will be replaced with a V5 C or certificate of registration.
Any motor without one does not exist = scrap ?
The DVLA propose a Fee of £4.50 for administration.!!!!!!!!
Now how and why they say this charge is needed when they introduced SORN in the first place I don't know.
The F.H.B.M.C. is starting a petition and as I guess it will effect everyone we need to get as many people out writing to M.P.s etc.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Gilles on November 02, 2004, 06:17:14 pm
I already received this info from the Brooklands Society.

We recently have a mobilisation in France against same sort of law, and we succeed to overtake  :)

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Steve TTTD on November 02, 2004, 06:22:45 pm
Hopefully we can get it stopped over here before it starts.
I showed it to one guy at work and he said "£4.50 a year, that's nothing".
He signed after I pointed out that there's nothing to stop the b**tards increasing it year by year, which they will.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Robbo SPS on November 02, 2004, 06:57:40 pm
I hate to say it ,  but i think its a good idea. It will get lots of scrap cars off the roads, which SORN still doesnt.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Barry on November 02, 2004, 07:12:57 pm
Thin edge of the wedge though Robbo, in no time it will be £50 every time you tax or Sorn your vehicle >:( >:(.
Just about every tax we have was introduced as a temporary measure, or at a low level, once it exists it is very easy and tempting to raise it. Don't know that it will take wrecks off the road even, unless it was a lot higher, and that will hit owners of vehicles that are their pride and joy, and are certainly not scrap.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Paddy_NL on November 02, 2004, 08:56:27 pm
About 10 years ago here in Holland they changed the registration on vehicles aswell, but (even worse) also coupled the computer systems. There's no way now you can have a vehicle registered, without paying Tax or Insurance. Only the MOT doesn't run through that same system.

4,5 quid? Oh well, you'll get over it  :)

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Rhino on November 02, 2004, 10:08:44 pm
Could this be there way of getting rid of road tax. Change it to a SORN tax instead.
Bit worried With SORN nearly being Porn and Big H lurking.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 02, 2004, 10:13:01 pm
Sounds like bollocks to me.

I SORN the Sud each Winter as it and salt on our roads dont mix too good.  Will be mighty pissed to pay to SORN it each time.

Consider it signed and sent

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Joe90 on November 03, 2004, 04:08:54 pm
It is yet another stealth tax and will, no doubt, go up every year.  When road tax was introduced the promise was that the money would only be spent on the highways.  And this is in addition to Road Tax of course...

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: gibberish on November 04, 2004, 04:58:07 pm
This is just another way of taking the p**s out of the motorist.  >:(  Consider it signed and sent.

Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: BigH on November 04, 2004, 07:19:07 pm
I think I'm starting to show my age.
It's manifested itself most recently in the form of acronyms, and I've reached the stage that recalls fond memories of my grandad - I just smile wanly and nod (mind you, towards the end he was brewing some sort of liquid dynamite in the washouse, we discovered this too late, but it explained a lot). I know it's not even worth asking, that in itself is an admission of being uncool, of senility, ignorance of popular culture and probably a leaking trouser leg.
First off we have Steve and Robbo and their SORN, I thought that was a meat substitute but I smiled and signed the petition anyway. Steve TTTTD that is, - see there we go again. Before you can say get your FHMBC off to your MP's someone is telling us that they're LMAO.
Many posters seemed to have changed their name to Lawrence.
Someone asked me recently RUF2T? Jesus-arse-crumbling-Crist, I know I felt pretty rough at the time due to the special offer on London Pride that Unwins were running, but there was no way that they were to know that and besides, what about the 2T bit. A pot of Earl Grey for two? Not on top of Fullers surely?
Now we all know what GBH is, and I've reluctantly got my head round YUPPIES, but YAMS (young arseholes on mopeds) and SH*TS (surburban homosexuals in town to swing) is just taking the p*ss if you ask me. SH*TS, I mean, really.
Before you can say MIDGETS (mentally inferior divorced guys expecting terrific sex), the whole damn things gone down the pan.

As for these myterious holes they're digging at Le Mans, I blame it on John Evans III. It's just too much of a co-incidence don't you think? We have a Texan on site in June, and by the end of the year there's heavy ground investigations going on. It must be oil they're after, he's given them a tip-off, pretty soon there'll be nodding donkeys there (and I don't mean people like me, faced with acronyms).

Although I did see Andy Zarse in that area as well, and we've all seen Quatermass and The Pit...


Title: Re:Print this off and get it signed
Post by: Perdu on November 04, 2004, 11:02:32 pm
Does anyone know the score on this? I have already left a message on the DVLA consultation site about this. Would it be invalidating it to sign this too? I want to add to the message not subtract.

Although Robbo is right about the 'getting old junk off the roads' thing I don't see this having an effect. If they don't sign up for tax or MOT what is going to make the scumbags join this one?

Is the next stage to be using police time to storm garages where suspected old cars are stored? "Come out Jimmy we know you've an old Ford Pilot in there!"

Absolute bollocks and a true waste of everyones time. It will cost more to run than the revenue it'll bring in...

(Err, can you tell I'm not too happy with this one?)

Bill >:( >:( >:(