Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: ian murat on October 11, 2004, 07:16:25 pm

Title: nanny knows best
Post by: ian murat on October 11, 2004, 07:16:25 pm
so nanny has decided that all those in the middle lane need to move over and that signs are going to tell them and they will obey them.

mmmmm i don't think so, yes they are bloody annoying, but so are those who drive in lane 3 for mile after mile refusing to move, lorries who pass each other with a 1 mph speed differential, construction contractors vans that have one speed (flat out) and can stop on a penny.

What is needed is......................

coppers, everyone suddenly remembers how to drive (just) when the cops are about.

Signs, like registering a dangerous dog at the post office.....useless   >:(

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Robbo SPS on October 11, 2004, 11:38:33 pm
Ian, i thinkthe other way.

About blooming time. The useles driving abilities of those company car / fleet muppets in he mondeo vectra BMW lane are about to be questioned.

I managed a few weeks ago to drive all the way along the inside lane of the M1 southbound from Donnington. I travelled 3 miles without coming against another car / lorry / van. I was travelling at 70mph and under took the entire fleet of brake hard think slowly outside / middle lane sleepers.

It may just help to peed up the roads.

Got to be worth a go.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on October 11, 2004, 11:44:22 pm
you were up for the BTCC then Robbo?  Was a good day!

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: smokie on October 12, 2004, 12:46:29 am
"Signs, like registering a dangerous dog at the post office.....useless"

Only cos the offenders can't read, mostly

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Kpy on October 12, 2004, 10:50:23 am
"Signs, like registering a dangerous dog at the post office.....useless"

Only cos the offenders can't read, mostly

You would be amazed by what ignorace exists amongst apparently intelligent guys. My brother-in-law, an accountant (OK so maybe not intelligent), thinks the middle lane of a motorway is what he calls the "medium lane". He cruises along in the middle lane at 60 mph even when the whole road is empty and was astonished one Christmas Day when someone cut him up and returned to the left hand lane. He continued at 60 mph in the middle lane and arrived for his Christmas lunch half an hour later still fuming about this "speeder", as he called him, pulling fom left hand lane to left hand lane around him.
That was in UK. Here in France lane discipline is excellent.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Snoring Rhino on October 12, 2004, 10:50:53 am
Dont think it will do much good, been driving an avaerage of 35k /year for 18 years always been the same.
Safest place on the motorway is in the outside lane doing 80-85mph or more if safe, miss all the ameter drivers, neanderthol lorry drivers and furstrated Coach drivers (best move ever restricting coaches - they saw so many accidents in their mirrors.....) and ditherers who cause accidents in lane 1 & 2. There should be a Motorway comptentence test for offeners - at their cost!

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Robbo SPS on October 12, 2004, 04:33:49 pm
you were up for the BTCC then Robbo?  Was a good day!

Absolutely great. even managed pitt access at MG for a few piccies ( on my www site )

The masters race was awesome and not to have been missed.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Chef on October 12, 2004, 06:44:44 pm
i still think drivers should be tested every 10 years. More if it done as a job. Too many people passed their tests too long ago and have not adapted to modern conditions. This is about one of the only coulntries in the world where you pass a test once and thats your lot. Get granny of the road. She passed her test before the war in a horse and cart!
Thats better now, sorry.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Barry on October 13, 2004, 01:23:01 pm
She passed her test before the war in a horse and cart!

Don't think there was a driving test untill the late 20's, I am fairly certain that my grandparents just had to apply for a licence when they were introduced, no test required if you were already driving.

Seeing some of the new drivers round our way I don't think retests would help, if the tests are so easy to pass that these people are on the road, then it would be another tax to stay on the roads, and not improve standards.

Prehaps a better way to go would be to introduce training and pass requirements for car drivers to match the test and training that motorcyclists have to do, you only have to look at at the standard of people driving or riding when they arrive for their tests to realise who are the better trained road users.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on October 13, 2004, 01:50:33 pm
is it true that in Germany, you fail your driving test 3 times and you are using the bus for life ;D

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: hgb on October 13, 2004, 02:15:12 pm
is it true that in Germany, you fail your driving test 3 times and you are using the bus for life ;D

Fairy tale... unfortunately.  ;D

Seriously, here in Germany the driving license is valid for life time. Only if you get caught drink driving you loose it for a certain time (3, 6, 12 months depending on alcohol level). Then you have to complete the so called "idiot test" to get your license back.

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: smokie on October 13, 2004, 04:36:32 pm
I've been doing the Inst of Advanced Motorists course (it's an age thing, I think).

I tell you, it was much easier driving at 90 - 100 as then you are (usually) at the head of the herd. Driving at 70 on motorways, and keeping proper lane discipline is hard to get used to, and hard work too.

And does ANYONE these days REALLY not dry steer?

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 13, 2004, 04:40:19 pm
And does ANYONE these days REALLY not dry steer?

Is that where you steer with your knees on the wheel, with one hand on your ham and cheese sandwich, your mobile phone lodged under your chin and your other hand rummaging around in the glove box for the Kylie CD?

Or is that just me  :-\

.......whilst doing 65 in the centre lane  ::)

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Abs on October 13, 2004, 05:14:07 pm
Used to work with a sales guy who took the keys out of the ignition to unlock the glovebox whilst doing 80 on the M1 before, needless to say I drove back after the meeting :o :o

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Nobby Diesel on October 13, 2004, 05:16:20 pm
Was it the Kylie CD locked away for safe keeping......

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Abs on October 13, 2004, 05:26:53 pm
Was it the Kylie CD locked away for safe keeping......

Got a copy of that in the boot of the car, could get messy if I tried to get that whilst speeding up the M1...

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Robbo SPS on October 13, 2004, 05:45:47 pm
Prehaps a better way to go would be to introduce training and pass requirements for car drivers to match the test and training that motorcyclists have to do, you only have to look at at the standard of people driving or riding when they arrive for their tests to realise who are the better trained road users.

Barry i agree but would add, that on a bike its yours/ my life that goes in a crash via bad driving, not  the air bag cover !!

Title: Re:nanny knows best
Post by: Chef on October 13, 2004, 06:28:01 pm
Cop a load of this prat!,,2-2004472410,00.html (,,2-2004472410,00.html)