Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on September 14, 2004, 01:28:58 pm

Title: Wife Problem
Post by: Bob U on September 14, 2004, 01:28:58 pm
I have been going to La Sarthe every year since 1992 with the wifes' blessing. She has always said she wasn't interested in Le Mans as it couldn't be as spectacular as F1 (poor dissalutioned soul). Now, thanks to TV coverage of the LMES she has suddenly seen the light and has mentioned comeing next year. Bloody hell guys what am I going  to do , any suggestions ? Thanks a lot Motors TV you don't know what a theat to my marriage you have caused .

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Abs on September 14, 2004, 01:34:03 pm
Easy you go to LM, and then arrange to take her to Spa or the likes later in the year. Therefore you still have your passout for the boys but get to do another event as well.. :-\ :-\

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Bob U on September 14, 2004, 01:43:46 pm
Good idea Abs but that would mean I would to go and endure Bernie's circus.Right now I will consider anything to preserve the lads annual fun fest.

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: smokie on September 14, 2004, 02:06:06 pm
I have a feeling I have the same problem - after telling her I was talking to Herbert & McNish she wants to meet them too.

So I told her she can come to pre-qual but not to June. She seems happy enough with that

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: gibberish on September 14, 2004, 02:57:36 pm
Just pick on the most god-awful habits that she hates, tell her they are many-fold worse in LM, and there you go.  Mine cant stand the thought of all those sober sensible gentlemen, dressed sensibly, and behaving themselves.  ;) But she does like the cars.

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Bob U on September 14, 2004, 03:13:21 pm
Maybe I could buy her one of Gilles MB tickets for 11 June and plead ignorance.

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: jpchenet on September 14, 2004, 03:20:11 pm
Good idea Abs but that would mean I would to go and endure Bernie's circus.Right now I will consider anything to preserve the lads annual fun fest.

I think Abs meant for you to take her to  one of the 1000km LMES races next year, i.e. the one at Spa!  ;)

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: jpchenet on September 14, 2004, 03:22:03 pm
I have a feeling I have the same problem - after telling her I was talking to Herbert & McNish she wants to meet them too.

So I told her she can come to pre-qual but not to June. She seems happy enough with that

So what are you going to do Smokie, let her come to Pre Quals and then send her home while you stay in France for two weeks waiting for the main event?  ;D

Or have the new dates/plans ruined your plan?  :(

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Russ on September 14, 2004, 05:29:46 pm
Just pick on the most god-awful habits that she hates, tell her they are many-fold worse in LM, and there you go.  Mine cant stand the thought of all those sober sensible gentlemen, dressed sensibly, and behaving themselves.  ;) But she does like the cars.

I think you may have something there gibberish... I get away with the fact that her indoors doesn't do camping... throw in a few tails of sanitary woe and Bob is indeed married to your mothers sister.  ::)

...or "It's Franks Camper van and there's only room for the 5 of us lads, and another vehicle would simply cost us far too much on the ferry"  :(

...or "Did I ever tell you what happened to Phil's misses's the year she braved it..."  ::)

...or "The initiation ceremony for the trip involves drinking 10 pints and stretching your scrote over your that and you're in!"  ::)

...or "No. Now why aren't you in the kitchen."  ;D

...(if I tried that last one though, I wouldn't be able to complete the initiation ceremony either!!)  :o

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: bird on September 14, 2004, 05:46:34 pm
I have been going to La Sarthe every year since 1992 with the wifes' blessing. She has always said she wasn't interested in Le Mans as it couldn't be as spectacular as F1 (poor dissalutioned soul). Now, thanks to TV coverage of the LMES she has suddenly seen the light and has mentioned comeing next year. Bloody hell guys what am I going  to do , any suggestions ? Thanks a lot Motors TV you don't know what a theat to my marriage you have caused .

send her to camp petrol-slut - we'll take care of her  ;D

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Felix on September 14, 2004, 06:19:30 pm
I find being married to a fish-wife is really usefull.

I can get away to Le Mans each year in the chip van, earn a fortune flogging battered sausage and curry sauce to pissed Brits, and do a bit of trading in duty free fags and gin as well.

Meanwhile, the fish-wife is at home hand rolling the saveloys and filleting the special Sellafield haddock - plus she has to keep an eye on the cat because the little bastard tried to run away to sea last year.

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: ian murat on September 14, 2004, 06:40:02 pm
just tell her its been cancelled this year

when the time comes to go just say

"i'm poping out for a pint with the lads luv see you later"

and don't go home for several days

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 14, 2004, 06:49:26 pm
Just tell het it's an obligation to go for the full Monty, leave on the fourth and after Qually-Sunday stare at an empty race track for 10 days in a row. That will teach her  >:(


Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Barry on September 14, 2004, 09:17:13 pm
Most effective line is to tell her that there is nowhere on the campsite to plug in a hairdryer ;)

Second wheeze is take her to silverstone LMES, not notice thats she's wearing sandels not sensible shoes, and then walk round the entire circuit. When the resulting blisters are being discussed, a mention that you walk 5 times further at LM cools any desire to go.

The classic is more wife and family friendly, and as it's 2 years away she might change her mind by then.

Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Nobby Diesel on September 15, 2004, 11:52:59 am
I would always go with the honesty approach........


Title: Re:Wife Problem
Post by: Bob U on September 15, 2004, 01:02:20 pm
You're absolutly right Nobby, honesty is the best policy, and to be perfectly honest I don't want her there. I reckon if I just bugger off next June leaving behind a box of chocies and a service station bouquet, by the time I get back I will have had such a good I will be able to put up with the dog-house for a couple of weeks. Problem sorted.