Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpchenet on May 21, 2003, 07:31:04 pm

Title: Warning!!!
Post by: jpchenet on May 21, 2003, 07:31:04 pm
This was posted by Stig, the moderator over on the Le Mans section of the Piston Heads Forum:

From one of the Ultima Car Club members who lives in France:

"Be careful guys, the word is that the Police are going to be very tough this year. Not only have they halved the alcohol limit, but after Jaques Chirac told the French Public that they were terrible drivers and should take lessons from the Brits, Les "flics" are out to get us! I have been stopped several times in my Caterham (may have had something to do with me banging down the gears as I entered the village where they were lurking!!)"

One of the other members also wrote:

"When I was in France last week, the local Police to the small town where I was staying, were trying out their new Lazer speedguns on the bikers."

Another wrote that he and his friends were stopped last year on Saturday night in their Mitsubishi L200 with 5 in the cab and 8 in the back. This landed them a £480 on the spot fine.

I always thought the Gendarmes were quite lenient towards us Brits. Maybe not!!  :(

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 21, 2003, 07:34:02 pm
Oh great....!!

I had better fit the rear belts to the Sud then, as it is still a little bit grey as to whether it should have them or not (1983 model, not required by law in the UK, never had them fitted originally)

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: BigH on May 21, 2003, 07:59:45 pm
Take a gun. Take two. Big ones.
If they manage to catch you, just shoot them, shoot to kill, between the eyes. It works every time.
After all the b*stards have managed to turn good old cash bribes into legal on the spot fines. In fact, shoot them even if they don't chase you.
I know some people near where we camp whos tents you can plant the guns in.
Don't let them spoil your weekend, and if you think this is a joke, I can recommend some pills for you to take which will make you realise it's worth it.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: IanB on May 21, 2003, 08:18:17 pm
Looks like no more shinnanikins in the Jag this year then BigH . Uncle Albert will be pleased


Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 21, 2003, 08:21:11 pm
H, tell us how many you shot last year after leaving the sports bar, 1, 2, 3 go on H, Uncle Albert, told us it was 6, was it H, was it.
Like in the old movie, Give it to him H.

Hope we don't have to help Albert put your tents up at mid night this year.


Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: BigH on May 21, 2003, 08:41:39 pm
Gimme the gun Albert, it's in the glove compartment.
Well, no, actually. The reality was that Alberts teeth were in the glove box. The old bugger's still moaning on about whiplash, maybe I should get him some cream.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 21, 2003, 10:50:47 pm
Hmmm... One of our party is known as "Guns" - could this be an omen?!  :) ;D

Take a gun. Take two. Big ones.
If they manage to catch you, just shoot them, shoot to kill, between the eyes. It works every time.
After all the b*stards have managed to turn good old cash bribes into legal on the spot fines. In fact, shoot them even if they don't chase you.
I know some people near where we camp whos tents you can plant the guns in.
Don't let them spoil your weekend, and if you think this is a joke, I can recommend some pills for you to take which will make you realise it's worth it.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 12:44:26 am
I was planning on starting a tread on this theme tonight. JPC beat me to it.
There is a very definite crackdown on speeding, crossing white lines and drink driving. There are several new toys at the gendarmes disposal to catch you speeding, most of them virtually undetectable. Spot checks for alcohol are becoming more common and Brits are no longer just waved on through.
Fines are rumoured to have been hiked by a factor of five.
I have an idea that they will be waiting for us Brits on the new A28 and the N138.
Have fun, all of you, but keep your eyes open and take it easy. A few kph over the limit on the open road will probably be ignored, but don't forget that the limit on two way roads is about 56 mph.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: jpchenet on May 22, 2003, 12:48:09 am
Thanks Kpy

Any idea what the drink drive limit is?

I am sure we are all careful and don't drive whilst under the influence but I've heard rumours that the limit has been lowered. Could we perhaps be penalised even if we now just have two small (250ml) beers??

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: BryanC on May 22, 2003, 12:53:36 am

That means I'won't be able to drive before the following Thursday ...

Bryan C  :o

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 01:13:21 am
Thanks Kpy

Any idea what the drink drive limit is?

I am sure we are all careful and don't drive whilst under the influence but I've heard rumours that the limit has been lowered. Could we perhaps be penalised even if we now just have two small (250ml) beers??

Dunno, about half UK limit is a rough answer, but penalties are on a sliding scale. Answer is don't risk it, but two small beers should be OK.
Limit has not yet been lowered, so far there's talk of much heavier penaltes - and they can already be heavy. This is all a result of the relatively new macho right wing government. Note how they crushed a lorry drivers strike a few months ago, just by threatening to confiscating the drivers licences if they blocked any roads. No change in the law, just a new attitude.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: jpchenet on May 22, 2003, 01:25:38 am
I agree, not worth the risk. Our nominated drivers have a couple of beers on the overnight ferry then hit the sack (well.....reclining chairs anyway!!) After all, we can sleep on the way down while they drive, as long as our snoring doesn't put them off too much.

Same again on the way home, they stop drinking on the Sunday night at a sensible time so that they are OK to drive by about 11am.

But I've taken my turns of being the driver so BRING ON THE BEER!!!

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Werner on May 22, 2003, 03:43:09 am
For those of you who want to play it safe, this is the drill:

Speed limits (unless otherwise signed):
Motorway: 130 kph (110 in wet conditions)
Open Road (Dual carriageway): 110 kph (90 in wet conditions)
2-Lane-Road (Most Route Nationales: 90 kph
Town: 50 kph
Conversion to english money: 1 Mile = 1.6 km

Alcohol limit: 0.5. Some people exceed this already after 1 or 2 beers, so better stay clean completely. Don't underestimate your hangover-level from the party the night before. After serious drinking even 10 hours of sleep might not get you down below the critical level.

Seat belts: All passengers (front and back) are required to wear them.

Stopped by the police: When the police signals you to stop, you are expected to pull off the road, switch off the engine, wind down the window and remain seated. The cops will come to you.

Fines: Can be heavy. I once paid around 300 Euros for overspeeding by 35 kph on the motorway.

Latest trend: They have started to measure the gaps beween cars on the motorway by using helicopters. There seems to be a minimum distance, but I don't know what it is. So if you hear a chopper and your car is not equipped with some anti-aircraft-gun, keep some distance;-)



Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: TWIT Racing on May 22, 2003, 06:44:31 am
Can't remember wether any of the A28 is toll road yet, but when using toll roads do not forget the favourite French trick of " les flics " standing at the toll booths and checking your start and finish times from your toll ticket, working out your average speed and Robert's your mother's brother a hefty Eurofine!

On a seriuos note they are being tough on speeding all over the country. There was a report earlier this year from the South of France of a motorcyle being clocked on the A* outside Nice at 260kph. The Gendarmes could not catch him, on the road but got him at the toll booths. They threw away both his bike and the key to his cell!

Be careful & don't get caughgt it coould spoil your weekend!

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 08:56:50 am
For those of you who want to play it safe, this is the drill:

Speed limits (unless otherwise signed):
Motorway: 130 kph (110 in wet conditions)
Open Road: 110 kph (90 in wet conditions)
Town: 50 kph

True, except that open road = dual carriageway.
Two-way roads (like most of the N138 Rouen-Alecon-Le Mans road) have a limit of 90 kph - about 56 mph.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Lancs Se7en on May 22, 2003, 09:09:42 am

Oh dear. And my Se7en only runs at full throttle. Perhaps I should take off a couple of plug leads or one of the 40's.

On the other hand..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 09:14:40 am
do not forget the favourite French trick of " les flics " standing at the toll booths and checking your start and finish times from your toll ticket, working out your average speed and Robert's your mother's brother a hefty Eurofine!

This is a complete myth. It originated from the fact that the gendarmerie are very prone to placing traps close to major toll "stations" - the ones that cover the whole motorway. So there is often a "reception committee" for naughty boys and girls at the toll. I know, I see the traps (various methods - always well hidden, and now they're using lazer equipment linked to binoculars) all the time.
I first heared the "ticket timing" theory in 1974 and have yet to find anyone who has been caught by that method.  They are already there to get you before you produce your ticket.  So stopping for a coffee between tolls will not reduce your chances of a speeding fine>
Have fun.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 22, 2003, 09:18:15 am
KPY - Do you have belts in the back of the Sprint?  If not, what year is it?

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Werner on May 22, 2003, 09:20:29 am
Thanks KPy.

I've modified my posting using your information

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 09:25:54 am
French speakers amonst you may find this site interesting - NOT guaranteed exhaustive!!

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 22, 2003, 09:33:44 am
and for those of us with limited Franglais, use : ( and translate the link!

French speakers amonst you may find this site interesting - NOT guaranteed exhaustive!!

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Kpy on May 22, 2003, 09:54:11 am
KPY - Do you have belts in the back of the Sprint?  If not, what year is it?

No rear belts, and it's MOTd every year for the last six years.
First registered in Rome 1983, but is not the late 1983 model - has inboard front brakes and discs all round.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: rcutler on May 22, 2003, 10:01:50 am
Last year after a very heavy Sunday Night session I was asking who put the light on. I was told that it was the sun coming up and we are leaving in two hours!!
So OK I am about 10 times over the limit after a bacon sandwich!! but we drive on anyway. Just driving through Rouen and the Van starts to belge out steam from under the bonnet. Oh B****r I have over done the speed up here.  So pull into the roadworks on the bridge over the Seine and send half the crew off for water. Meanwile these two very well dressed motards pull up and immediately ask where we have been, and what we have been doing. Said Le Mans and mentioned nothing about football and managed to get away with it but it was a reather close call. ;D

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 22, 2003, 10:20:56 am
Sounds like a beauty!  A Sud in Sprints clothing  ;)

I wont bother with the rear belts then.  Sounds like it's OK.  I may give the AA a call just in case

KPY - Do you have belts in the back of the Sprint?  If not, what year is it?

No rear belts, and it's MOTd every year for the last six years.
First registered in Rome 1983, but is not the late 1983 model - has inboard front brakes and discs all round.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Liszt on May 22, 2003, 10:22:38 am
Personally, I think you have to have the attitude, if you're going to speed, you're breaking the law.  The police are out there to try and prevent you from doing it.  Either drive to the speed limit, watch out for coppers as you would in the UK, or just pay the fine.

The advantage with paying the fine abroad means no declaration to the insurance or points on your licence.

How much does a track day cost and how long do you get on the track?


NB Liszt PLC and its subsiduaries does not recommend or condone the breaking of the law.  Stocks can go down as well as up.  Your home may be at risk. Always wear clean underwear and carry a handkerchief.  One in a bush is better than two in your hand.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Gilles on May 22, 2003, 10:40:13 am
You're right Kpy, the myth of the control of toll ticket is a myth, because it would be judged as illegal by any French attorney. Don't ask me why, that the reason why some French people pay for ACO: having a legal assitance to not pay ther fine and lost the least possible points on their driving licence.

For all of you guys, drive safe. A french fine amount represents too many beer and champagne bottles to tkae the risk to be as thirst as your wallet.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: BigH on May 23, 2003, 08:16:37 pm
"Hmmm... One of our party is known as "Guns" - could this be an omen?!"  

Is he coming down with his mate Moses?

Actually, I shouldn't take the mick out of Uncle Albert, the man's a genuine war hero, no kidding! He was a sniper, which is why his hearing's in such a state, all that time on the rifle range damn near blew his eardrums out. He still cycles competitively at weekends, and is occasionally seen in the village on a Penny Farthing just for the crack. His slightly older brother (83) is still barefoot water skiing. Albert tells me he was well hacked off last year when his doctor made him surrender his SCUBA licence...This is straight up, honest!

Sadly, Albert is not coming down to LM with me, he's in the advance party; as mentioned earlier, there would be certain advantages to having a  (ex) professional sniper in the vehicle.  Despite his impressive track record though, I reckon he would still appreciate a hand with the tent..

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 23, 2003, 10:39:42 pm
Bottom line is "the throttle works both ways" ;D

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 24, 2003, 01:26:55 am
After reading this Bart, looks like I wiil drive UK, side and you take the wrong side of the road stuff.
Will debate later.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on May 24, 2003, 10:40:26 am
Didn't see my name mentioned there so looks like I will be sleeping and geting pissed.

Better bring a better tourch this year so we can see when we help uncle albert put up the tents. Or he could just do what he endedup doing last year break out the beer sleep in our marquee and put them up when its light.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: BigH on May 24, 2003, 04:10:26 pm
Gawd bless you then, after all, we should show Albert a lot of respect. If it wasn't for him we'd all be speaking German, eating sausages, driving Porsches, enjoying a stable economy, holidaying in the Med, singing in the Alps, wearing lederhosen. Actually....the little b*stard, wait till I get hold of him.

Title: Re:Warning!!!
Post by: engineerjim on May 24, 2003, 05:02:47 pm
When I went down to PQ I spotted three motorcycle cops with speed guns on the A28 just outside Calais.

I also saw an article on French TV that weekend.  They had started a trila on speeding on the autoroutes by giving motorsits who get to the toll booths too quicly a pamflet on the dangers of speeding.

Perhaps they will start dolling out fines.