Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Amy on June 19, 2004, 05:35:13 pm

Title: hello!
Post by: Amy on June 19, 2004, 05:35:13 pm

Hi, im a new member! :) just saying hi to everyone, especially the liverpool boys, sav, big H, uncle albert, etc. If you went to Le Mans, and went to the campagne bar on the saturday night, we've probably met. I was the really drunk one covered in twats stickers and writing on everyones Tshirts!!!!  well  HELLO............................................. ;D

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on June 19, 2004, 05:43:15 pm
Hi amy hope you are ok, are you back at home yet?

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 19, 2004, 05:59:02 pm
Hi Amy hope you got all that marker pen off your tum, give Lewis a dig for me and make sure Pengy is not being abused.

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: rcutler on June 19, 2004, 08:24:52 pm

Despite I was still only 10m from where you were camping I only saw you at the Champangne Bar on Saturday. Do you keep the TWATS Sweatshirts that was loaned to you?
Going to wash my Shirts and hope the AMY XXX 04 will remain on them as it is another great memory of the fun that can be had at Le Mans. Nice to see you on the forum.

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Lord Steve on June 19, 2004, 09:04:32 pm
Nice to meet you at the Champers bar. Did the permanent marker wash off?

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: SteveZarse on June 20, 2004, 12:41:41 am
Hi Amy

I must take this opportunity to apologise for the pant-signing episode. I can only imagine the stench... :-[

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 20, 2004, 10:10:36 am
That was definately an indelible maker pen  :D

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Stu on June 20, 2004, 11:07:18 am
Hi Amy and welcome to the board. Look forward to seeing you next year along with Lewis and the rest of your crew, as long as you don't drink any more of that Desperado stuff. Tell Lewis I'll learn some new tricks for him.

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Chris24 on June 20, 2004, 09:52:31 pm
Welcome aboard, for your trip on the loonly wagon ! Glad you decided to join the rest of us nut cases. Thanks for signing my shirt at the Champers bar !

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 20, 2004, 09:57:24 pm
Welcome Amy to the best web forum, you do not need to wait until next year for more fun, there is the classic in July and the Goodwood speed weekend where a number of us will be getting together.

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 12:08:15 am
errrrr....i must have missed Amy at the shampoo bar......

I saw Robbo with his shirt signed, and then mark as well - but i kind of assumed that they'd managed to be complete slippery little buggers and had harassed one of the Hawiian tropic girls........

Does anyone have a pic of amy?

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2004, 12:29:17 am
errrrr....i must have missed Amy at the shampoo bar......

I reckon Amy must have signed just about every CA shirt there!

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 12:47:13 am

we have....

Petrolslutz with a mobile number beside it
Lord Steve
And some bunch of hooligans who wrote on my back.....

I did miss amy....

shame really......

seriously - has someone got a picture of her ??

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Dan Lowe on June 21, 2004, 12:53:42 am
Does anyone have a pic of amy?

*Photo removed*

Don't want to get anyone in trouble with the misses (including me)

Your removal of the pic could imply that it was incriminating in some way. For the benefit of those who missed it, I would add that the photo as I recall it wasn't particularly incriminating of any party, Amy included. Had it been so, it would have gone long ago... no further comment invited or necessary... :)


Title: Re:hello!
Post by: JonFATBOYwarner on June 21, 2004, 09:28:03 am
Hello Amy,

I hope you didnt have too much of a hangover on the Sunday.

Look after my fleece for me and if you still want a t-shirt I will send one to you.

Did you get my text?


Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 09:54:21 am

Ahhh hang on - i could bet that it had something to do with that champagne stuff....

And you shouldnt take pics down peoples tops John - especially when what is written on her tits could be incriminating.........(unless of course she is your missus.....)

What goes on tour - stays on tour......

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: bird on June 21, 2004, 10:03:15 am
What goes on tour - stays on tour......

amen to that  ;D

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 12:22:56 pm
What goes on tour - stays on tour......

amen to that  ;D

For you I imagine that has saved several moments of embarrasment ;)

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: bird on June 21, 2004, 12:42:09 pm

"I don't remember a thing"


Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 12:52:11 pm

"I don't remember a thing"


Trust me - its better that you dont!

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: turkish.sps on June 21, 2004, 06:53:52 pm
Hi Amy.

I'm still breaking my back looking in the mirror to see if your signature has gone!!

Roll on 2005

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: turkish.sps on June 21, 2004, 06:55:59 pm

we have....

Petrolslutz with a mobile number beside it
Lord Steve
And some bunch of hooligans who wrote on my back.....

Only one hooligan..............guilty as charged!!

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: lordbloom on June 22, 2004, 08:12:11 pm

well im glad that most of you know who I am!!!  ;D  I dont have an arnage t-shirt as of yet, i may have to sort that out!

Title: Re:hello!
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 22, 2004, 11:35:56 pm
Does anyone have a pic of amy?

*Photo removed*

Don't want to get anyone in trouble with the misses (including me)

What goes on tour, stays on tour - but internet histories are FAR too easily recovered!!