Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris24 on June 17, 2004, 10:14:12 pm

Title: Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: Chris24 on June 17, 2004, 10:14:12 pm
And the dumb bastard award goes too ................ Me for yesterdays dumb and dumber moment.
I went into Argos to buy a new air pump for blowing up my airbed. Ordered the pump (£7.99p) paid and waited for the order number to be called. My number was called, the ticket stamped and then I was given a 4 man dome tent instead of the air pump. Without thinking first, I immediately told them that was not what I had ordered. Then it suddenly dawned on me what I had just done.  If I had said nothing I could have walked out with a brand new 4 man tent having paid on £8 for it. I haven't stopped kicking myself since ! D'oh !

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2004, 08:44:51 am
OK, off to Argos now!!!!   ;D

What was the product number??

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: mgmark on June 18, 2004, 12:12:08 pm
Hands down win on that one I think - would really require something special to beat that, but thank you for having the moral courage to own up to it in this caring, understanding environment..........

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: turkish.sps on June 21, 2004, 07:42:05 pm
In response to the dumb bastard award.......a tale from the poo bar:

During one of my many toilet trips on Saturday night, Me and Pogo from SPS spotted some off duty Ferrari girls. After much drunken deliberation it was decided we would approach them and see if we could get a photo (very hard to do with blue pigtails). With a  little gentle persuasion and a cheeky smile i positioned myself between said girls. Pose, aim, flash and goodbyes were said.

Walking back to the Poo bar, asking to see the photo it became apparent that technology and champagne do not mix.
P*ssed up idiot had taken a photo of three pairs of feet!!

Cheers mate!

Photographic evidence to follow.

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 22, 2004, 09:52:34 am
My story of dumbness waited for the entire weekend to become apparent.....

We'd all travelled up on Monday morning and arrived at the ferry port....we boarded the ferry, and I had my laptop with me, with the plan to write a few emails, and transfer some photos off of my compact flash card.

Unfortunately, said laptop had been abused over the weekend, and now had a dead battery.......great I thought.....but its OK, I have the power adaptor with me, there must be a plug I can borrow.......

So I hunted for a plug.....

I looked everywhere, under the chairs, around the lights - anywhere that I thought there might be a plug........

Well I found one - but it was on the stage......

So I went back to grab the power pack - and I said to "goldfish SPS" that I was going to subtley sneak behind the curtain and plug i drew the curtain back, and bolted into the back of the stage.

Unfortunately there was a 1.5 ft high metal railing which I had failed to see - you guessed it - BANG CLATTER DING DONG BUGGER!!!

So the subtlety went out the window.......

Unfortuntely, after all of this, i found out that the 4 way plug I was planning to hijack, wasnt plugged in, and there wasnt a single plug in sight.....

Ho hum!!


Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: faffer on June 22, 2004, 05:04:49 pm
2 drunk blokes ( not me)

its late
very very late
wheres my wallet gone
not in tent oh no
wakes up mate in other tent, who has mobile gets on to bank to try stop cards etc
2 drunk blokes search around our tents for a good hour
sun is coming up
2 drunk blokes walk all round houx annex roads
still no sign
still cant get through to bank
2 drunk blokes getting a wee bit cold
decide to get a shirt on before looking round the roads again
drunk bloke with wallet goes into tent again lifts shrit of floor
ah ha.... wallet never left tent....
3 days later on Ferry back to Scotland still cant remember putting wallent in tent for safety.....

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: SteveZarse on June 23, 2004, 12:53:19 pm
One from last years LM, but a good one:

Remember the 'Audi Jam' Jamiroquai gig, and the brand new yellow A3 they were giving away? All you had to do to enter was send a text, which I duly did (just once) and forgot all about it.
The following morning, after the usual race-night drinking/funfair/drinking/drinking mess and a couple of hours kip, I surfaced at around 9.15. The usual morning head haze was just subsiding after a compulsory 'breakfast' can of grolsch, when it occured to me to look at my mobile (about 10.15am). I went to get it and - hurrah! 1 message received! it read:

"Congratulations - you are one of the eight finalists to win the A3! Come to the Audi hospitality suite between 9 and 10am on Sunday morning to have a chance to win!"

D'oh! >:(

I wonder how many other p*ssheads didn't make it to the final that morning...

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: turkish.sps on June 23, 2004, 03:01:10 pm
So I went back to grab the power pack - and I said to "goldfish SPS" that I was going to subtley sneak behind the curtain and plug i drew the curtain back, and bolted into the back of the stage.

..............and he emerged from behind the curtain, like a butterfly from a chrysalis, wearing a long blonde wig and beautiful sequined dress............

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 23, 2004, 05:32:17 pm
That my friend, was YOU!    ;D

have you managed to scan any photos yet?

Title: Re:Dumb Bastard Award !
Post by: turkish.sps on June 23, 2004, 06:12:31 pm
There's loads on