Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: Mark 2006 Lemons Gang on June 17, 2004, 01:30:14 pm

Title: Hi to Bobble & Frank B refuelling Team
Post by: Mark 2006 Lemons Gang on June 17, 2004, 01:30:14 pm
Good meeting up before the crossing.
I didn't see you on the Sunday night return (maybe you took a diff one).

I spotted your Moke going through Arnarge village though.
You prob get just as hot in that as I do in my motor..

Title: Re:Hi to Bobble & Frank B refuelling Team
Post by: Bobblehat on June 22, 2004, 07:26:31 pm
Hi mark great to see you. We throught we saw you in Anarge, It was not too hot in the moke aslong as you got it over 30mph, anything above and you hand to remove hats, at about 50pm hair was removed! :o

We took the 9am Monday sailing. But were in Caen the night before parked out side the hotel facing the port. Guess what when we woke up there was another Moke parked behind us. Ugger we hoped to be the only one!!!!

Sorry for the late reply. only just spoted it ???