Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: smokie on June 15, 2004, 01:18:23 pm

Title: 2004 tales and memories
Post by: smokie on June 15, 2004, 01:18:23 pm
I’m sure many people will have memories and tales which they want to post, so let’s have a single thread for relating your tales and memories of 2004.

Please don’t post anything which may cause embarrassment or offence to others, whether or not they are CA regulars.

My list could go on forever, but here are the highlights I can think of right now, in no particular order…

The hot weather, especially earlier in the week

Meeting so many CA members and their mates…

Trying to have a late night conversation with Gilles and Stuart and not understanding either of them – I’m sure it was their accents and NOT my ears…

Stu’s card tricks, and Bri, Stu and others fire eating

Sav dropping by to see us regularly on his bike, and Uncle Albert passing regularly on his…

The arrival of the shitehouse family and their extended family later in the week

The day the shyte lorry was late and the cess pit started to overflow and the bogs started to come to us instead of us going to them…

Millions of pounds worth of cars passing me in 30 minutes watching burn outs outside MB on Friday afternoon

Saturday night @ the Poo bar…unbelievable

Everyones hospitality and friendliness, especially the Liverpool Boys who seemed to be"always open”

The driver's parade, especially the "up closeness" of it - pics to follow

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: rcutler on June 15, 2004, 01:25:48 pm
My Frank Biela moment when passing Falaise on the way down. Petrol stations were shut for two hours!!!

Ironing the transfers onto rpettafor's T-shirt upside down.

We operator a Lemon award for the most stupid thing over the weekend. It looks as though I sarted before we even left home.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: tink on June 15, 2004, 01:32:53 pm
i think losing my keys has to go down as a bit of a winner.

i can't really remember anything specifically good, it's all kinda blurred into one sketchy recollection of vaguely having been in france. drivers parade was good - can't wait to see dlowe's pics of that

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Bobblehat on June 15, 2004, 01:45:16 pm
My Le Mans moments are in no particular order

Getting a crowd of people to look up from a F40 engine bay and shout "MOKE" (Moke 1 F40 0) as we drove through Arnarge (went there a lot of F40's?)

Sitting at the bar just in the paddocks on one of the tables on the pavement with all the Group C cars driving past for their qually session, giving a few a push and singing Postman Pat as the swift air tiga drove past.

Getting completley drenched by super soakers in the Moke out side MB on Friday.

Also not coming home with sunburn...............

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: gibberish on June 15, 2004, 01:57:18 pm
Bumping into other CA tee shirt wearers.

My mate losing his contramarque, and the subsequent panic  ::)

Losing car keys, and then remembering the safe place where I'd put them......Lots of moans from other team members who were searching in the grass.

Actually getting the map reading right for once.  (congratualations to this years replacement navigator)   :)

Not having a Frank Beila momemt, like we nearly had last year.

Was that the lovely Anna that was with Robbo when I bumped into him?  If it was, then that was a very fine moment  ;)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: pretzel on June 15, 2004, 02:16:26 pm
Definitely has to be meeting up at the 'poo bar Saturday night and being able to talk to other CA'ers in person.

Also encountering 3 elderly French gents on our way out of Parking Vert after Thurs. night qualifiying. There they were sitting around a fold up table in between our car and theirs, with a couple of bottles of vin rouge and eating baguettes with local speciality rillette.

Ah monsieur et Madame - you're not going yet, please join us (but in French).

There followed a convivial time, plenty of pidgeon French on our part and no English at all from them, but a mutual understanding as to why we were all there and the sharing of the experience. And they were only there for the evening! Classic  :) and sums it all up for me.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 15, 2004, 02:22:51 pm

Was that the lovely Anna that was with Robbo when I bumped into him?  If it was, then that was a very fine moment  ;)

No it wasnt anna - but im not going to tell you who it was - it will allow the moment to remain with some mystery,  which everyone knows,  makes moments like that a million times better ;)

I'll give you a hint though - "why is that bird sitting in the outside lane waving us past???  oh well, lets pass her........would you like a swe......holy shi*, that TVR must be doing at least 140mph - and it has a woman driving it as well!!!!!"  ;)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2004, 02:27:22 pm
1. Being there
2. Meeting all you guys again at the Shampoo bar (especially the swimming instructor!!)
3. The Liverpool boy's hospitality (Forever grateful Brian)
4. Being alongside the T.W.A.*.S. in the tribune (JUST AWESOME GUYS - total respect)
5. Meeting the French family in the tribune whom we met the last three years. They don't speak a word of English but their 5 year old son recognised me and ran up and threw his arms around my neck. His mum gave me the recipe for Tartiflette as well!!!!!
6. More thanks for hospitality and entertainment to Powermite's posse and Canada Phil's sense of humour during massed p*ss taking.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: MrRS2babe on June 15, 2004, 02:37:41 pm
setting up camp on Sunday only to go home and back to work for 2 days before enjoying the festivities......definitely staying all week next year.

A 4 hour scooter ride topping out at a whopping 50mph down a steep hill, with the bike sounding like a strained hair dryer and realising just before the sharp right hander that brakes on mopeds aren't really that effective at that speed.........

the Thursday night informal gathering at the Liverpool Boys site including Stu's card tricks and fire breathing lessons....

Emergency Chilli sauce dash by our late arrivals on Friday following my unfortunate breakage of existing chilli sauce outside Buffalo Grill on Thursday after MrsRS2 insisted we take it to supplement her nosh...

the list could go on and on........

it was the best - how are we going to top it next year?

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 15, 2004, 02:43:32 pm
Lists are too big :

Meeting at the pub, Tuesday & wednesday night, wishy, mini, pretzel, bobblehat, the MG boys...

Travel down with the Rhino Racing Team in convoy.

Using these little radios for general inter-car chit chat

Ice Cold Beer , Nice Food, Steaks, Meal on Sunday night, The Po bar and more, to much to write down for a few weeks.

And nice to make new Friends, Brad and Ian were a good crack, they may even have a TVR for next year.

Oh and getting a new saying


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: JonM on June 15, 2004, 02:59:49 pm
1. The superb fireworks displays around the campsite this year. Must be the best year yet.
2. The entertainment inadvertently provided by our camp site neighbour; a the 40+ year old “Max Power”Essex boy in his be-winged Sierra Cosworth. “Been burning of Ferrari’s all effing day”. etc etc etc ……priceless
3. Touring the Group C paddock and seeing so many fabulous memory evoking cars. Shame the race was such a shambles !
4. Finally getting to drive on a part of the circuit other than the Mulsanne straight.
5. The joy of taking a shower in a cubicle without a turd in it.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: ROBMOG on June 15, 2004, 03:01:38 pm
having a frank biela on the way down, driving 20miles out of the way to fill up in Pont L'Abbe (i know it's miles away!)
and then passing the esso service area on the N158 less than 5 miles further on.
that superb piece of totty in the red cat suit in the drivers parade before the race, didn't notice what team they were cos she kept threatening to get em out for the lads, sadly she didn't!! shame (pics can be found on official Le mans web for those who want to re-live that experience)
meeting Tom K on the expo campsite after the race, cos his mom and dad stayed there in a motorhome with all the other danes and he came to see them, what a nice bloke, no probs chatting and signing any thing you wanted, brill geezer, respect!!!
being there for the eighth time and seeing the morgan cross the finish line at the end of the race, despite all the problems, well done the Malvern boys!!!
meeting all the nice people everywhere, CA guys et al it seems only nice people go to Le Mans, another great year.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: mgmark on June 15, 2004, 03:34:21 pm
1)   Wonderful trip, great race, good weather, fantastic atmosphere.
2)   Not being in the driver's parade for a change and having Friday to myself to experience Arnage village first-hand!
3)   My 2 lads, at Le Mans for the first time, wide-eyed throughout the weekend, in shock and awe of the race, the campsites and peripheral antics.
4)   The company of good friends and camping next to The Brethren again - great party and fireworks, including the arrival of the fire engine about an hour after the large non-display "firework" had set fire to the oil-drum rubbish bin and already been safely put out.
5)   Missing the saturday night CA meeting and vowing to make it there next year!
6)   Text message from the missus on the way home telling me that England were leading 1-0.   Hurrah!   Followed by pulling in to refuel and refresh at a service station on the autoroute after Rouen, and hearing the cheer in front of the TV in the cafe - 1-1.  Bugger.   Followed by another cheer two minutes later - 1-2.  B****x.
7)   The wonderful thought that it will all be there next year.....


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: goldfishsps on June 15, 2004, 03:35:19 pm
well what can i say started bad getting caught by the garndame mingy french coppers,just what you want 90 euros lighter before you even get there.
shampoo bar was absolutely fantastic even though the next morning i felt otherwise.big thanks to the rhinos for a great laugh and joining in the convoy,and as for robbo that man is a legend for organising our trip.

big thanks to all of ca because saturday night was fantastic hope next year will be just as good or even better.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: turkish.sps on June 15, 2004, 04:25:14 pm
First off a massive thanks to the legendary Robbo (who doesn't this guy know?) and co-pilot/bbq king Rich for organising a fantastic weekend and making my first Le Mans an enjoyable one. Just one more turn on those wheel nuts and the trailer will be ok for another year!

Highlights for me include:

Goldfish's 90 Euro fine for driving on the right/wrong side of the road. Hope you got a good exchange rate!!

Accompanying 'TVR Girl' Kate with the roof down and getting soaked. Hey we gave as good as we got.

Getting everyone in MB to assist in repairing the gennie only to find out all it needed was a drop of oil!!

Pulling up next to a scummer and absolutely drenching him with the super soaker. (Play Up Pompey!)

Everything about the 'Poo bar on Sat night (except for the  spinning ride after a cocktail of Champers and Heineken Blleeeuuurgh!). Thanks to my fellow fancy dressers for getting in the spirit and i forget how many wolf whistles my blue pig tails attracted!! (Did anyone notice Robin and the two surgeons hiding in the crowd?)

Getting branded by the Petrol sluts in permanent ink!

The footie on Sunday and everyone who attended, especially those that were asked not to bring beer but did anyway! Also fair play to Gilles for putting in an appearance.

Finally a big to hello to anyone I annoyed over the weekend but forgot your names: Sleeping Rhino and Son (nice meeting you and see you en route next year!), Pitbull (careful with other people's mobile phones!!). anyone from JPC, The Twats etc.

Roll on next year.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Skoff on June 15, 2004, 04:40:45 pm
Wow, too many good ones to list them all...

The N138 and follow-my-leader with various exotic hardware...
Steve and the lads letting us pitch the tent on their patch - Thanks Lads we owe you a crate of beer - will bring it along next year!!!
Seeing Tiff Needel tell some poor chap to Eff-off after interupting one of his links  :o
Seeing the TVR boys cross the finish line
The race at dawn - wow
The drama of the 'vettes vs Ferraris
Feeling like a celebrity on the way home being waved at, photographed and even videoed by the locals for at least 100miles out of Le Mans!
Planning next years trip on the ferry on the way home (is it 2005 yet??)
The list goes on....

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: ridefast on June 15, 2004, 05:47:35 pm
that superb piece of totty in the red cat suit in the drivers parade before the race, didn't notice what team they were cos she kept threatening to get em out for the lads, sadly she didn't!! shame (pics can be found on official Le mans web for those who want to re-live that experience)

I found this on  ;D
By the way, those were the Larbre Competition drivers...

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 15, 2004, 06:00:55 pm
I have to mention that we were standing about 2 feet from the Hawain Tropic Girls with Bollocks during the parade on Friday.

They got more attention than anyone and I noticed that one lot of Hawain Tropic girls totally ignored them which was most amusing!

ps I can't spell Hawain!  

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Stu on June 15, 2004, 06:57:23 pm
In no particular order:

Low Flyer's (100's of them)
The RS2Babe Pool (pulled me from the brink of death a few times)
The Liverpool Boys freezer contents
The Liverpool boys sign and flags. (Like the North Star when I was pissed)
The TVR's and the Morgan finishing.
The close Audi race.
Friday night (amongst others)
The Poo Bar
The New Zealand Swimming instructor with that 'Knights of the Round Table' bra on.
Two new fire eating recruits (Respect Lads)
The noise of the Corvettes. (Always impressive)
Tai Curry (Respect Lisa,  Top Dollar)
The heat (36 degrees when we arrived)
Meeting everyone.
First time in stands for start and finish.
My 12V shower (when I  finally built it that is. Was that good though it will be improved for next year)
The friendliness of everyone I met. Never shook so many hands in my life.

What a vintage year. Next Years plans are under way already. Just need the date of the race.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: JonM on June 15, 2004, 07:14:10 pm
Forgot to mention following a D-type on a twisty D road (where else?) on the way down; he wasn't holding back. It was a real privilege to see.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: starbar on June 15, 2004, 09:19:20 pm
My memories of this year were

Seeing my old mate Dougie cry his eyes out at being dragged over the wall onto the start and finish straight after the race, (he has had a stroke and not very mobile) he never thought he would make it back to LeMans never mind standing with the rest of the hordes. this was his 15th appearance.

Winning a Radio Lemans competition, i.e. signed Bentley (1/18th scale) with the winning drivers from last year, having an evening meal with Chuck Dressing in the Audi hospitality and sat with johnny Herberts mum and dad (very nice people) spoke to Guy Smith as well. Also got the autographs of the Champion Audi drivers JJ, Marco and Emmanuelli.

Meeting all you reprobates at the shampoo bar on saturday evening. (even though I was still on cloud 9) and I just loved the chain mail bra - what a super girl. she even stuck a TW*TS logo on my groin (probably the most excitement I had all week.

Enjoying more Audi hospitality throughout the race, just popped in for a coffee and snacks whenever I wanted, and the TV coverage and the Text telling you lap times and which sector the vehicles was in was mind boggling trying to take the information in.

And finally to my 3 travelling companions who this week would not have been possible,  Dave, Dougie and Simon

Roll on 2005  --- COME ON.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: fraz on June 15, 2004, 09:45:01 pm
well this was my first LeMans and apart from the general ambience of the week , all the fireworks, the noise, lesGirls  etc etc etc one enduring memory will be the Range Rover that got wrapped around a tree in the Terte Rouge campsite Sunday night.

Could have been a serious incident but fortunately the only people hurt were the driver (apparently not the owner!)and the passenger (bounced off windscreen before exiting stage left via the passenger door window) , the tree stopped them going into innocent campers. The idiot came down the gravel track at some stupid speed and eneded up embedded in a pine tree,the front LH wheel was back into the passenger door!!!

Hmmm wonder if the kids next to us got their Escort home on spacesavers after doing burnouts and blowing both front tyres ;)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Rover Man on June 16, 2004, 10:49:36 am
 :) :) :) :)

First time, it won't be the last!

Planning next year already, leaving the missus in Paris and driving down early Saturday.

Great race, great atmosphere - why haven't I been before???

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: DelBoy on June 16, 2004, 11:24:16 am
:) :) :)

... leaving the missus in Paris and driving down early Saturday.

Saturday??? - you'll miss half the fun, especially on the Friday - wheelies, burnouts, campsite parties, Arnage street party, fireworks and, of course, lots of liquid refreshment.  Try leaving the missus in Paris on Tueday or Wednesday!


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Radar on June 16, 2004, 12:03:55 pm
- Avoiding the gendarmes to get trackside on the Mulsanne at dusk on Saturday

- Synchronised overtaking in a 4-car convoy on the way down

- Watching Herbert kicking arse trying to make up the gap in the closing stages

- Friday evening in Arnage!!!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: critchetti on June 16, 2004, 12:53:48 pm
Stoney from the US who could do a passable rendition of any car from the race - current and past, turbo and non turbo varients, full race and qualifying laps, awesome and top entertainment.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 16, 2004, 01:02:16 pm
Too much stuff lost from my brain already!

Here's some of the more memorable bits tho:

Meeting the B.O.L.L.O.X. bwoys in camping vert and fully abusing their facilities.
L'illegal beaucoup viewing spot on the mulsanne straight (plus the scars to prove it).
Chamonning everyone in hearing distance all weekend.
Red Marker Pen Madness.
You lot.
Being fully town centre drunk in the chamonpagne bar
Chundering attractively all over the chamonpagne bar  ;D
Shivering to glowing brakes and popping noises.
Waking up with "Paul" and "Steve" scrawled on my left and right tits respectively.  
Killer Caterham, VW Sharan with a waterpistol dude in the ski box, and much chamonning at the camping vert roundabout.
Footie at Tetre Rouge (despite the result).

There's more, I know it, but my brain's still in another country and it might not come back. Should it do I'll write some more.

Chamon next year!


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Radar on June 16, 2004, 02:25:12 pm
And another one I forgot - getting 105mph out of a 1972 MGB on the return journey while trying to keep up with a Porsche. The rebuild will probably cost a fortune, but hey, it was fun.

The B is red, by the way, and if I accidentally cut you up in the traffic on the Rouen road - Sorry, but I had to keep moving. Overheating, you see.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Felix on June 16, 2004, 02:53:02 pm
I'm rather perplexed and upset today.

I reckon the Cat got the navigation somewhat ar*e about face as I must have took a wrong turning in the Channel Tunnel and, after driving for miles and miles, thought it a good idea to ask for directions.

When I tried a bit of my fluent french on the old knarly biddy by the side of the road, she just looked at me thoughtfully, took a swig of her gin, and laughed heartedly.  I sent a shiver up my spine.

Anyway, after passing the odd looking guy sitting on the fence playing the banjo, I was SERIOUSLY worried.

The camp site we ended up on was a bit bizarre, I felt a bit guilty at attempting to sell fried fish to the locals.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lancs Se7en on June 16, 2004, 03:00:12 pm
Sorting the leaking water hoses on the GT40 en route to Le Mans

Looking at peoples faces and hearing the laughter as I drove through Arnage wearing a Prince Charles mask

Watching one of our group creeping up on the Pink Lady of the Latrine as she slept on Sunday afternoon outside the front of her charge

Paying our respects at the D Day museum and memorial in Bayeaux

A youngsters face as he was invited to sit in the F40 for a photo session

And lots more besides

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Ron Jeremy on June 16, 2004, 03:40:46 pm
1. N138 holding on to the shirt tails of faster cars
2. seeing the twat in the porsche who cut me up get nicked
3. atmosphere - never in all the years as a track marshall or spectator have i experienced that
4. noise
5. the fact that at some points you could get so close you felt you could reach out and touch them
6. getting lost in Le Mans on the way home - visting a french housing estate much to the obvious amusement of the residents
7. getting soaked at one french village on the N138 through having the window down neat ambush - step in front of the car, make it stop, soak the occupants
8. beckham and his boyfriends loosing
9. weather, sun set, sun rise
10. beckham and his boyfriends loosing


just everything really, just a great event wish i'd done it years ago

Thanks for all the advice via the site

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 04:45:53 pm
Christ! What can I say? Pretty much all been written already but here are a few personal faves:

1. Trip got off to a great start on Wednesday night when we all met up in a pub near Fareham and I suffered terrible diarrhoea whilst standing at the bar waiting to be served.
2. Slogging the guts out of the Commer for hours on end and marvelling how she kept coming back for more.
3. Friday madness at the Kroney pub, then a trip to the poo bar. Paul setting off a can of fart spray in a mate's tent. It was truly horrid and it was christened the Cat Sh it in a Can. Sorry for bringing it Wazza!
4. Seeing one of our lot get sooo lashed, he pissed himself then wandered around tumbling over every guyline on our site.
5. The hospitality of JPC, the SPS's, Dark Warrior, BigH and the L'pool boys and several other groups. Thanks for the beer and use of the swimming pool on sunday Brian. Did Ian get a piccy of my hilarious "Merry Christmas, Santa's here!" trick?
6. Meeting loads of really great people, fellow LM addicts all. Take too long to mention you all by name but I think I clocked just about all the regulars on here. Cheers buddies!
7. IMO the Poo Bar deserves a thread all on it's own. I have never before seen anything quite like it. We arrived a tadge early, at about 7.30 I think. Only Benji7 and his pals were there prior to us. Things degerated pretty quickly from there on in. I can't remember who I met and didn't meet but it was a wonderful night. Thanks go to Sav for the kind gift of a massive cigar and a lovely refreshing bottle of beer, called Erdington or something, on the label it said "One of the strongest beers in the world" 23 degrees proof! As if I needed it at that stage in proceedings! Chamon to the Petrol Slutz Girls and big up the Kiwi Swimmer in a chain mail bra for the entertainment value. Girls, I still have the opening chapter of War and Peace written on my arse and it won't wash off! I didn't know women like you existed, you're all top quality individuals. When I left at 3.30am, somewhat "over refreshed" there were still plenty of folk kicking around and the Poo Bar appeared to resemble Picasso's Guernica. Awsome!
8. Watching a fantastic motor race, what a finale! Johnny is a true star. Who else saw the Vettes at the finish turn the brake bias bar round to full forward, lock the fronts and then wheelspin it up the track to the huge annoyance of the marshalls?
8. Bumping into Uncle Albert just about everywhere I went, even on the boat home on Tuesday!

On reflection, we were away for six days and I can only remember about six hours. I think I must have pi ssed out billions of memory cells and I've still got terrible Hatties, I'm shaking like a three legged washing machine.

Thank God it's only once a year.

2005 - BRING IT ON!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 16, 2004, 04:57:05 pm
Chamon to the Petrol Slutz Girls


p.s. try sandpaper  ;)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 05:18:26 pm
Chamon to the Petrol Slutz Girls


p.s. try sandpaper  ;)

Are you mad?? (Actually, don't answer that one) :D

Sandpaper?  >:( On what's left of my backside after a week on the sauce and chillihot food? I'd sooner pour battery acid on it.

There has to be a better way ???

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: BigH on June 16, 2004, 06:30:22 pm
Jesus H Christ!,
What a session, back in one piece, even if the components are not very well connected together. What the hell happened on Saturday night in the champagne bar? I remember looking around at one stage and it's no exaggeration to say it looked like a war zone. Earlier it had looked like a scene from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. There were body parts I'd rather not have seen, things no man should have to see. After far too much champagne (our small group managed more than 10 bottles!!) I vaguely remember trying a Grimbergen from the Harper Bros, I must have resembled a dog chewing a toffee. It was followed by a Guinness, which tasted like Spring Water by comparison. After further refreshments I headed back to MB to find the boys. That was when I was sucked into Grimpen Mire. I can think of no other explanation for the lost time and my appearance.
There are a lot of gaps, it's how to fill them in that's a problem. Stu, did we really drink a bottle of whiskey on Tuesday night?
Got to go, someone has doubled the number of keys on my keyboard, and they're not all in English.
Great to meet one and all, it all goes just too quickly.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Mr Toad on June 16, 2004, 06:46:20 pm
I won't forget the helicopter that blew away our marquee and destroyed the beer tower on Wed afternoon in a hurry. However, fortunately the combined powers of CA, Carrefour, the Pope Mobile boys and the PC Pirates allowed us to recover from this one... Thanks to you all! I can't remember too much about the rest of the week, but once I have the photos I'm sure the memories will come flooding back!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Stu on June 16, 2004, 07:05:49 pm
Stu, did we really drink a bottle of whiskey on Tuesday night?


Can't remember but quite possible as Sav kept mentioning it next day. I have vague memories of a bizzare conversation. Have to admit though, that the Tuesday night drink set me up fine for the rest of the week.  Not one hang over, just immense bouts of dehydration in the heat. I think I drank enough to end a third world drought. And everytime I had a cup of coffee, I got caught of Brian Liverpool who then proceeded to hit me with the verbal ponce stick. I only drank about 10 cups in the whole week. I normally do that in a morning.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: BigH on June 16, 2004, 07:07:07 pm
Oh! a memory has just popped up (and I think I've a picture to prove it) -
Andy Zarse walking past me late on in the champagne bar, looking like a chameleon. You know, that trick with the eyes, where they rotate round and round and point independantly in different directions.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: petrolslut on June 16, 2004, 08:33:42 pm
well, where to start.
3 nights & days in-between of cars, racing, drinking, hangovers, fun, = happy me.
to all that i met over the weekend - chamon.  ;D
can't believe we gotta wait a year til next one, but then again it may well take that long for me to recover!! more than worth it tho, got the battle scars to pove it!!! fantastic time all round.
to many moments to to list/ remember, but ALL brilliant.
thanks to Team B.O.L.L.O.X  &  all of yous whos paths we crossed.  
bring on Le Mans 2005!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 16, 2004, 10:16:56 pm
1) Arriving Sunday evening and driving through the main gate without showing one single ticket.

2) Not remembering the end to Monday, being told that Uncle Albert put me to bed. Watching video evidence later.

3)Tuesday is just a blurr

4) Wed, start of qual, meeting up with Andy, Barry, Canada Phil, Gab, Sav, Big H, Dicko, Mark, Jayne and a lot more at terarouge bar, and walking home with a Stella umberella!

5) Thursday, my Birthday, 40 + people drinking until late,late at our camp site, doing fire blowing tricks with barbie fluid and some bloody good card tricks by Stu. Loads of beer and Scotch consumed.

6) Friday, John Evans3 arrived to be with us for the weekend as a virgin, loads more beer and scotch consumed.Great to hear the passion from John as he lived out his child hood dream of attending Le Man 24 hr, he was like a kid in a sweet shop.

7) Sat, Start of race watched from the ACO, Grand stand,Standing for the French anthem and being applauded by the French family who took up a full row behind us and sang with vigor. 1900, back to site quick shower and changed into CA T shirt, and off to the Poo bar, what a turn out that was and great to see so many CA, t shirts and the New Zealand swimming instructers nipples. JPC running after a scooter that was speeding away to make a good hit firmly on his helmet with a twats sticker well done Linford.

8) Sunday, What a great finish to a great race, to be less than 1 minute between first and second was gob smacking.
Waved people off and had a silly pool time withe JPC and MR Zarse doing his impression of a Christmas rain deer with his private parts and a can of MR RS2's shaving foam.

9) Monday, backed up and departed at around 1300. :-[

Would just like to say a big thank you to all that we met.Stu and crew, Smokie, Mark, Mark,Jayne ,Amy, Lewis ( Look after the Pengy or your a dead man boy. ) Gab, Canada Phil, John Evans3, Dark Warrior, Pretzle, JPC, Fat Lad, Pit bull,The New Zealand swimming instructor, R Cutler and Dad, Abs, The Leeds 3, Andy, Andy and Tig, Robbo ( thanks for the mug mate).PM, Sav, Uncle Albert, Dicko, Andy, Barry, Gilles, Andy and the The Zarse crew, Chris 24, MR & Mrs RS2.Most of the twats. Mr Toad and crew, The Black Grannies
One twat who visited briefly on Sunday morning who will remain nameless but knows who he was!
And if I have missed anyone it is because it was due the drunken haze that I was in.

Roll on 2005.
At the end of the race I turned to Ian and said well bud that's it for another year, Ian's reply was swift its not a year mate,it is  only 51 weeks as we always come down one week early remember.
That is the spirit of Le Mans and long may it continue.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Barry on June 17, 2004, 11:34:30 am
3 memories of 2005 that will remain with me till I fade away are:

1) Poo bar, what a night, for those of you who didn't make it, try again next year, you don't know what you are missing ;D :o 8) :P

2) What a great race

3) Meeting up with all the other CA's and putting names to faces.

Other fantastic memories:

Great Brethren party, thankyou Rusty and the lads & ladies for another night to remember, party on dudes.

Comedy moment of the year, this was a tie between the Ferrari pit crew trying to put the brake fire out, amid mucho continental waving of arms as one extinguisher after another failed to do the job, and the Hawiian Trollop lady boys :o, if any of you are reading this, respect for a great comic moment, the drivers seemed to be more intrested in you than the real thing.

Burnouts of the week go to the guy in the black Fiesta outside Bleu on Friday 8), closely followed by a black audi at the same venue.

Pit crew of the race, all of them, with special mention to the guys who repaired the 2 Audi's and the Porsche #75 crew, lost count of how many punctures and damage that car had.

Most of all, after life returns to normal and the scars fade (note to be careful with gaz lamps next year) I will remember the friendliness and hospitality that CA's members show to old timers and virgins alike. Brits abroad? We ought to be proud of ourselves.

The pass for next years race is OKed, but the savings account is £5.94p, and the liver may be evil but it's accepted it's punishment and will recover.

Roll on 2005

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: R8KDJ on June 17, 2004, 12:38:37 pm

We were first timers and OMG where to begin?  

Spending over 4 hours getting to the circuit from Cherbourg (over an hour of that was searching for our campsite, Beausejour!)  Round and round and round Le Mans town

Arriving at the campsite and finding a plot next to some great guys (Team Pigsbladder) and the guys on the other side of us being in the recovery position having competed in a knock out drinking comp with the Danes.

Watching sunrise on Saturday and Sunday morning with a drink still in my hand.  Waking up at 8am and declaring "BEER O'CLOCK"

Being asked the question "so what brings 4 young women to Le Mans?" about a million times from every guy we met.  hmmmm... I wonder... could it be the racing/atmosphere/beer/champagne/ratio of men to women

Watching the start from the start/finish, night racing at Arnage (sorry we didn't make it to the poo bar but we will def make it next year) and finish from a bar in the centre having got completely out of control on Champagne

Packing up on Monday and rocking out of the campsite with the Top Gun sound track "Danger Zone" blurring with my hand on the horn!  All we needed were our Aviator Raybans!

Meeting so many nice people!!!  A big thankyou to all the people we met, the guys for your kind hospitality!

Planning the trip for next year with more girlfriends!  ;D


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: R8KDJ on June 17, 2004, 12:46:27 pm
  :o  Also meant to add about the guys in the convertible cars and pick up trucks late on Sunday night, naked with the blow up dolls!  Have no idea what that was all about but it made us chuckle!!!

There are just so many memories from 4 days away it's impossible to mention them all.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lurker2004 on June 17, 2004, 12:48:37 pm
Lots of great memories from LeMans 2004...
1. Only mamaged to get 85mph from our 'slug' of a camper  :-\
2. Having a real laugh with our campsite Dutch neighbours. The dutch really are MAD!! Constant lager abuse(as we had a cold fridge!)
Anybody camped in Houx Annex see a huge fireball around midnight on the Sunday night?.....that was the dutch :o.We really couldn't stop laughing all night, everybody around just stopped and stared in disbelief as a huge petrol fireball blew 50 ft into the air!
3. Arnage village friday night, fantastic!
4. Badly bruising and grazing my shin (whilst peed)
5.Meeting some of the CA guys at the poo bar sat night.
6.Helicopter flight around the circuit Sunday(awesome)
7.Seeing F40's GT40, and all the other (mainly British) sports and classic cars.
8.Good weather.
9. worrying moment stuck in traffic, thinking we were going to miss the ferry home :(

So many memories to cherish..........roll on next year!  Al.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: mgmark on June 17, 2004, 03:07:50 pm
Who else saw the Vettes at the finish turn the brake bias bar round to full forward, lock the fronts and then wheelspin it up the track to the huge annoyance of the marshalls?

Oh yes - that really was a moment or three - brilliant fun, drivers obviously enjoying it, marshals hating it, crowd loving it!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: johnevans3 on June 17, 2004, 04:17:13 pm
Well, it's Thursday and I'm begining to adjust back to US time after being in Europe for two weeks.  The Le Mans experience was so rich for me, I just don't have adequate words to express all of the emotion and excitement I had at the race.

 As many of you may recall, I was chaperoning some high school kids thru France, Italy, and Switzerland two weeks prior to Le Mans.  Because the tour was ending as the weekend for Le Mans was begining, it was the opportunity of my life to fullfill a lifelong dream to be able the come the the granddaddy of all endurance/motorcar racing.  I am no spring chicken, so this has been festering for over 40 years...and now it was going to happen.

I caught the train on Friday the 11th from Engelberg, Switzerland, to Lucern.  Changed trains to Olten, then caught another one to Geneva and then the TGV to Paris.   There I change Gare's from Lyon to Montparanasse via the Metro at 5:00 rush hour.  You can't imagine how physically difficult this was because I'm bringing 22 kilos of two weeks in Europe luggage plus another bag with the camping gear weighing 20 kilos.  And a wheel on each bag was burned out.  So here I am dragging this heavy luggage up stairs, down stairs, only 1 wheel rolling on each bag, walking long distances from platform to platform and Montaparanasse seemed like a mile from the Metro to the Grand Train station.  I thought I was going to die right there in the train station.

But I finally made it to get on the train to Le Mans.  The worst was behind me, right?  Hell no!  When I got the Le Mans, the plan was to store my Europe tour traveling suitcase in the storage locker at the train station and backpack to the circuit.  I was to meet the dinner party set up by Gilles at 8:00.  Well, the train station people are not providing any lockers because of terriorists.  I became very depressed and didn't know what I was going to do.  They wouldn't even let me throw my stuff in the garbage can and just walk away.

Finally, a young lady, an angel named Marlene, spoke English and understood my problem.  She called Gilles for me and he came and got me at the station.  He saved my life because I was at the end of my rope.  Here I had come nearly 5000 miles to see something I had dreamed about since I was a boy and it was falling apart.  But Gilles came thru---Gilles, thank you so much, you have no idea how much you kindness and gesture means to me!!!

Anyway, on the way to dinner to meet the other guys, he got a call from a friend who was unable to come for the weekend.  Gilles said that his tent is already set up at MB and that it is mine if I want it.   ARE YOU KIDDING?????

After a lovely dinner, lasting until midnight, we headed for the circuit, rode right in the gate to MB and up to the campsite of some people that adoped me as family immediately.  These guys are the most hospitible, welcoming people I have ever met.  The first gift to my country from their town was the Beetles and now their gift was to me personnally.

Brian, Ian, Jimmy, and Chris of Liverpool, no words can express how blessed I was to be with you guys during this event.  They made me welcomed immediately and their help, guidance, generousity, and fun conversation made a great racing event become an experience that I shall never forget!!!

There are stories during the race I could talk about like examining and evaluating, wire mesh suspension systems from New Zealand at the Shampoo Bar on Saturday night.  I was too far from home to handle that very well.

But on Sunday around noon time, another CA angel came to my rescue, Big H.  He was leaving after the race for town to his hotel room which happened to be just across the street from the train station and so he gave me and my 100 pounds of luggage a lift, in a classic 57 or 58 Jag Saloon,  beautiful car.  Thanks Big H, I really appreciate you help so much.

I saw Marlene again, she was the one who called Gilles for me when I arrived and didn't know what I was going to do with all my luggage.   She bid me farwell and I thanked her again and headed to the platform to head to Charles D Gaulle airport.  I have a short converstion with a photographer on assignment by Car and Driver Magazine and then walks up Johnny O'Connel and Ron Fellows ( the Corvette drivers in the race)  We have a nice conversation and ride in the same coach to Paris.  There is a whole another story about that part of the trip but I'll save space by wrapping this up here.

But I just want to say that CA is a whole lot more than a website, with information about the race, and maps, and chatty stuff between people with funny names, and they write English but use words I don't know their definition, but much more than all of that, it's real people, who like to have a good time, who are helpful to strangers they have never met, who are generous with their time, food, drink, and even grandstand pass, who are late for the dinner they set up for their friends to pick up some fool from the states with too much luggage, and on and on and on!!!!.

 I know this is probably one of the longest postings on the site and I apologize for that, but I just had to try to express my deepest and sincerest thanks to all of those "angels" who helped me have the grandest time of my life.  I could never repay you guys, ever.  Gilles, mercie,  Brian, Ian, Jimmy, Chris, Mr and Ms RS2babe, Big H and all the other folks I met that helped me along the way, thanks guys, What a deal! What an event! and yes, What a race!    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Added some paras to improve readability! John, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and it is no surprise to me that CA members came up trunps for you...they are all top people. Remember Gilles ride after the meal ..."all you want now Mark is a cobbled street".

Come back next year, now you know what to expect...

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: tink on June 17, 2004, 04:23:52 pm
reading all this some things are starting to come back to me now...

thanking you brian for reminding me of jpc chasing after the french kid on a scooter to 'tw*t' him on the helmet - quality

the miserable english git who didn't appreciate the supersoakers on mb, and warned us 'i wouldn't do that if i was you'

countless beers and smokes and whiskey on saturday night - thankyou to whoever provided the goods

watching insane fire-breathing at l'pool boys on fri

watching the girls go by in le mans for the parade

many more things which i can't really remember.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: jpchenet on June 17, 2004, 05:38:51 pm
Well, it's Thursday and I'm begining to adjust back to US time after being in Europe for two weeks.  The Le Mans experience was so rich for me, I just don't have adequate words to express all of the emotion and excitement I had at the race. ..............................
.......................................I know this is probably one of the longest postings on the site and I apologize for that, but I just had to try to express my deepest and sincerest thanks to all of those "angels" who helped me have the grandest time of my life.  I could never repay you guys, ever.  Gilles, mercie,  Brian, Ian, Jimmy, Chris, Mr and Ms RS2babe, Big H and all the other folks I met that helped me along the way, thanks guys, What a deal! What an event! and yes, What a race!    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes, but did you enjoy yourself??  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 17, 2004, 05:46:23 pm
Was a pleasure to meet you John. Great post above btw!

Anyway, the old brain is starting to get back to normal now but yesterday whilst putting a few files in the boot of my car I actually had a fleeting hallucination of a man walking through the back door of our offices! Madness! I've never suffered from the DT's before, well at least it wasn't a pink elephant.

I've remembered a couple more things. One is Steve Zarse cutting open a blow up doll and getting inside with the help of a lot of talcum powder and sweat. The other is the Belmondo Racing truck drivers giving us a wave and a blast as they blatted past us on the N158. I'm sure more will come back later on, but it's time for the footy now so over and out.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 17, 2004, 07:56:06 pm
Great to meet you John in the 'Poo Bar on Saturday.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 17, 2004, 08:48:57 pm
Long may the LM spirit live on - nowhare else can so many top blokes and girls get together for the purpose of having a bloody good time and doing such a good job!

Especial thanks to the SPS crew (just how does Kate drive that Griff in those stilleteos!).

Most incredible sight had to be the 250GTO parked in St Saturnin car park with the lesser F40's, F50 and other top motors - well done to the organisers brill day, worth a visit.

The full christmas being had on Karting Nord on friday- Christmas tree with decorations, twikly lights, father christmas, the perverted pixy, Roast turkey with all the trimmings, guys in DJ's ladies in posh froks - truly bizzar!

Apprently I did enjoy my afternoon snoze on the start line terrece 5 minutes after the start of the race.

Shampoo bar met was tops - good to meet you all.

The the confussed looks of the guys being told that they could only watch the football on SPS's TV if they took their beer away and HAD to drink SPS's.

Gilles for not gloating!

Already looking forward to next year and hooking up with you all again - just how long do we realy have to wait?

Stay safe and well.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: johnevans3 on June 17, 2004, 09:31:18 pm
Smokie, you know Mark did have a big grin on his face during the cobblestone street ride with Gilles.  The "gusher" "came" with the brakes on the ??? ;D :D "hard" stop made to test the VW stopping ability with a full load.  Muffled sounds from the front I believe.  You know, he was never the same the whole weekend.  Can't imagine why???

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: smokie on June 17, 2004, 09:32:04 pm
John, I remember it well....

And I was jealous...... :P

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: johnevans3 on June 17, 2004, 11:12:35 pm
Hey Robbo, I'm sorry I forgot to mention you in the thank you posting I did earlier.  I love the shirt and am glad you brought it for me.  Sorry, I didn't help much with the generator, I forgot about the oil low cutoff.  I'm just glad it was something simple rather than no power at all for the weekend.  The spark plug tool didn't even fit but we gave it a try anyway.
I think that you should issue with the CA shirts,  New Zealand wire mesh suspension systems for all females next time for inspection and examination.  What about that guys?????  Am I right about this???

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Andy on June 17, 2004, 11:17:48 pm
Wow, 2004 over already what a buzz. what memories we have all got!

1. travelling down the D579 trying to overtake a wide loader and a geezer pops his head up from the middle of the trailer made me piss my self laughing to look over the top of the cab to wave me through.
2. got lost for the first time in LM before i got to the camp site .. bummer.
3. Arrived to find Barry has got a Puker spot in an empty field in Bleu.
4. brill meeting in Tetre Rouge. so good good that we couldnt be arsed to see the next session of qual. good piss up with liverpool boys Canada Phil Barry Mark George Big H Savaloy sorry to forget others but a bloody good night after as well. the Penguin was the piss take of a gadget lads lets alone the air conditioning Bat!!
5. thurs was a drunken blurr, just had to top up on weds.
6. thanks rusty and the Brethren for a great bash. good to meet you all again. What a bomb!!
7. as mentioned by all Shampoo bar meet was just the best ever. I reckon a good million quids worth of cars got twated and a million units of champayne got consumed... top notch. cant wait to see the photos. we had to be the biggests club there this year????? did Bird get her t-shirt christened??
8. Canada Phil and myself in search of a LM moment but no coffee to be found, only the site of the Ferrari on the track with the wheel on fire prior to the car catching fire in the pits.
9. thanks to all the Lads & Lasses of CA who's hospitality was fantastic as ever. and to Barry. Will,Dirk,Graham,Kev. top scoffing.

lots more to say so little brain cell to cough it up.

roll on 2005... ;D

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: gibberish on June 18, 2004, 09:18:17 am
I think that you should issue with the CA shirts,  New Zealand wire mesh suspension systems for all females next time for inspection and examination.  What about that guys?????  Am I right about this???

I'll agree with that John.  A very pleasant sight.   ;D ;D

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Rover Man on June 18, 2004, 02:39:53 pm
Lesson learnt!

Camera: Read the instructions for manual over-ride of focus and exposure BEFORE getting stuck behind the catch fencing! Also, bring the instructions with you!

Car: Thursday 15:15 new car delivered (Rover 75 Tourer Contemporary SE CDTi). Thursday evening, pack car. Friday 08:30 set out in new car.
Friday 11:30 read handbook while on the shuttle!
(It ran faultlessly except for getting an MP3 CD stuck - probably because it was duff)

Anybody know of a filter for Photo-shop that gets rid of catch fencing??

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 19, 2004, 10:14:42 am
Firstly would like to thank all CA members for making our first LM an event that we will never forget.
1.Well every bit from start to finish.
2. The two old guys on the ferry with the C-type-you would think they were 18 again, sums up the whole week
3. My first glimse of a prototype at full chat, at night in practice, how good are the brakes??? a sight I will never forget.
4. Our man McRae on the podium in GTS ;D RESULT!
5. poo bar :o, managed half an hour and fled fearing our lives/sanity/last pair of clean undythrappers  :-[
6. the dutch guys on bleu who drove their car nose first into the ditch at the back of our tent, v.funny-hope you got home ok
7. Grand Marnier crepe stall, mmmmmmmm yummy!!
8. All the kinky stuff in the campsites/car parks
9. Getting just 3 hours sleep in the first 96 hours since leaving home::)
10. Mr Sugdens industrial strength power shower, 50 litres a minute

Not so good stuff
Running 8 items off one car fag lighter at once, result-darkness, no tunes, no fridge, no breakfast and damaged wiring loom, thanks to all who donated fuses, wire, tape, jump leads etc.
Big thanks to the chap with the yellow fiat that blocked the van in for 2 days, we did not really want to go to Arnage on sat night  >:(
long drive home 14 hours + 6 on ferry
Even longer wait for next year ;)

How about putting a countdown clock in the top corner of this site to next years event

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 19, 2004, 10:40:14 am

How about putting a countdown clock in the top corner of this site to next years event

Just use my pic on the left.  :)  

I've also offered Smokie the php code to do the job.  (See  I think we need to give Dave and Chris a bit of time to recover from the Race.  

See guys I'm not completely destructive. ;D


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Chef on June 19, 2004, 11:53:21 am

Anybody know of a filter for Photo-shop that gets rid of catch fencing??

There is a plug in called the 'miracle shot' All you need to do is beg and beg and beg the aco for a media pass and all the fencing goes.
but for a more realistic answer. No. The fencing is there and we have to live with it.
Next year try taking a mini step ladder. i saw one guy at the porches curves on one and he could see over the fence and got shots with no fence.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 19, 2004, 02:38:06 pm
2. Having a real laugh with our campsite Dutch neighbours. The dutch really are MAD!! Constant lager abuse(as we had a cold fridge!)
Anybody camped in Houx Annex see a huge fireball around midnight on the Sunday night?.....that was the dutch :o.We really couldn't stop laughing all night, everybody around just stopped and stared in disbelief as a huge petrol fireball blew 50 ft into the air!

I saw that too Lurker - it was insane! Still, I'm not really surprised it was the Dutch, they've always excelled at making some great smoke. 8)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 19, 2004, 07:39:27 pm

Anybody know of a filter for Photo-shop that gets rid of catch fencing??

There is a plug in called the 'miracle shot' All you need to do is beg and beg and beg the aco for a media pass and all the fencing goes.
but for a more realistic answer. No. The fencing is there and we have to live with it.
Next year try taking a mini step ladder. i saw one guy at the porches curves on one and he could see over the fence and got shots with no fence.

I guess it helps to have your own mobile "porche" through the Porsche Curve Fencing!!  Sorry it was to good not to miss.  It was a great week.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 20, 2004, 07:24:51 pm
Right! Having had nearly a week to drag myself back to some sense of steady-headedness (there's still a fair way to go yet!), I thought it was time to put some of these fantastic memories (not all of which have come back to me yet, I'm sure!) into this thread. I'll not bore you with all of them, but here are some of my fondest:

1.   Completely ignoring the french security at the entrance to MB on thursday, almost mowing them down with the Commer - it's not that we didn't want to stop, you understand.

2.   The Liverpool boys' hospitality was great once again - I witnessed Brian's fire breathing - awesome display mate 8), but missed Andy's "Santa Claus" impression (I didn't know santa was a Ballchinian). Cheers guys.

3.   Friday afternoon at the Krony pub (out side the main entrance) got very messy. An epic wrestling match in the car park with Chris Zarse resulting in many scrapes and bruises was followed by the discovery of some poor shedded sod sat on the crapper, slumped forward, trousers round ankles, almost unconscious, and with a pool of what looked like tartiflette around his feet :-X. Not bad for 1.30pm!

4.   Playing dead in the poo bar later on friday, after Andy Zarse thought a 'swipe-the-chair-as-he's-about-to-sit-down ploy' was in order. Quite a convincing performance, I might add, as after a few minutes of prodding and kicking from various members of Team Zarse, and Andy tipping gravel into my not unsubstantial lughole, I heard someone say "Come on guys, I think he's really out." I could almost feel the atmosphere sobering as the poo bar attendant was checking for my pulse. That was when I opened my eyes and yelled "Tada!" and scared the sh**t out of the worried onlookers! ;D ;D

5.   Saturday night in the poo bar was superb. I still remember very little of the whole occasion, but would like to thank Sav, Amy, Bird, and Petrolslut for signing my t-shirt (among other things), especially Bird for her discretion! So far... ;)

6.   Colin McRae on the podium – the man’s a legend!

7.   Houx Annexe on Sunday night – again fairly messy: Caterham vs goped mayhem, giant fireballs just feet away, wham, chamon, and hours of walking.

8.   The wonderful Commer, not least for heaving herself out of the quagmire of sick and urine that was our campsite, but for making the entire round trip for the 4th time without causing too much stress. What a truly remarkable vehicle! ;D

The dodgems, Dan, DAAAN, booby traps in the campsite, blow-up dolls, losing my pants, fireworks… Unbeatable event for atmosphere and shenanigans, until the next time that is.

Only 11 months 3 weeks to go… :D

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 21, 2004, 11:15:35 am
/me awaits her bribary fee


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: BigH on June 21, 2004, 11:44:41 am
Don't go shouting the word 'bribery' too loudly, I have a couple of interesting little shots here myself, but as we know "what goes on tour etc".
While I'm on, please accept my apologies for doubting your existence earlier, you and your tonsils are quite obviously real, as the pics show.
Now, in my book, you can shout the word Barbary as loud as you like, have you seen those monkeys!! and what's going on at their rear ends? Personally, I think they're proof of Darwinism on the island, and the natural end result of a full English every day.
Glad to hear you had a good time, I'm going to recommend to a lot of the posters on this forum that they add mechanics barrier cream or felt tip solvent to their list of essentials next year. Mind you, as you say, a coarse bit of emery cloth is much more fun.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 21, 2004, 11:53:48 am

It Wasn't Me. It Was Her.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: saveloy on June 21, 2004, 01:11:35 pm
 having lodes of problems posting, just a quickie to say hi to everyone I met,m and a big thanx to all

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: saveloy on June 21, 2004, 01:30:10 pm
 it's working at last.
big H and stu emptying my whisky before my eyes!!!!!
Friday. heinekin bar some idiot showing off trying to get everyone to spin up, when the guy on the pushbike came round and knocked the drink out of his hand, to much applause and cheering from everyone.
the shampoo bar of course, everyone too numerous to name, petrol sluts, Tanx for autograph. bird, who wouldn't let us write on her, robbo and crew canada phil, gab, the great provider of beer[ well done on that front] Smokie, Lisa/ simon, cigars 23% beer, . Amy signing everyone in sight.
gettying onto a empty campsite.
Brian and everyone on their team. a big THANX

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Joe90 on June 21, 2004, 02:02:09 pm
My lucky, lucky mate who came home on the ferry on the next table (in club class) to Derek Bell and his gorgeous wife.  Engaged them in conversation and heard all about Derek's conversation with Herbert "this morning sitting at breakfast with Johnny I questioned him about why he took on a triple stint, and then lost it 3 laps in and thus lost the race"!

Lucky git.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 21, 2004, 03:22:25 pm
/me awaits her bribary fee


What could that possibly be - a box of red marker pens?

Or 20 silk cut?

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 04:41:07 pm
Why is Bird exercising discretion??

Anyone would think you had whipped your coc* out and she'd signed it for you there and then.........

It can't be THAT bad can it?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

P.S.  We dont need proof - again!!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 21, 2004, 04:53:55 pm
How very true! So there it is bird: 10 silk cut or nothing!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 21, 2004, 05:05:47 pm
20. or the pants Get It.


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 21, 2004, 05:44:11 pm
 :DOh it IS worse -  GIVE HER THE GOD DAMM CIGGIES!!!!!  :'( :'( :'( ;D :D ;D

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 23, 2004, 12:07:37 pm
20. or the pants Get It.

Priceless! What could you possibly subject those to that would be worse than the job they've been doing for the last few years - but I'm sure a boil wash wouldn't go amiss! :P

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Co Pilot on June 23, 2004, 05:48:45 pm
First time - awesome!

Highlights were:-

Lift to Arnage from campsite - 10 in a disco

Lift to Arnage from Le mans old town including impromtu lap of the track - 6 in a Nissan Bluebird - big thanks to the photographer bloke from Studio 21

Gordon sleeping through impromtu lap of the track

Watching the race at tetre rouge on saturday night

Managing to get all the way in to the paddock on Sunday with general admission tickets(http://)

Getting soaked in champers under the podium gantry

Burn outs in Arnage on sunday (much more fun than the footy)

150 on the way home

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: bird on June 24, 2004, 09:55:11 am
but I'm sure a boil wash wouldn't go amiss! :P

Do I look like your mother?  ;)

Don't answer that.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: SteveZarse on June 24, 2004, 10:15:46 am
Do I look like your mother?  ;)

You haven't got as much facial hair, but apart from that... :)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Gilles on June 25, 2004, 02:38:12 pm
Could I have some explanations from Wishy, Dreamracers and Mdt for the no-show of Friday evening ?  :(

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: LaSarthe on June 26, 2004, 10:51:04 am
4th year and it just gets better and better.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: lordbloom on June 26, 2004, 03:04:06 pm
Another great year at MB with Big H Sav Uncle Albert Dicko woor Dave

A big thank you to our neighbours The Liverpool Boys for the most excellent hospitality & use of the pool and water hose for the Gin Palace.

Lewis says hello to you all, Bri,Chris, Ian,Jimmy & wants to know when he can come & stay.

Memories many of them, 7 am at Mulsanne Corner with Dicko enjoying coffee & croisants, the noise as one tries to sleep on Sat night/Sun morn.
Arriving at the circuit with that coming home feeling.
The sheer friendliness of everyone, poo bar, fairground, where were the strip shows? The start of the race from the stands though would be nice to see it from Arnage one year.

First time at MB for Sunday night, great fireworks, good to relax & not have to rush off prolonging the whole event, great.

There is no other like it.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on June 30, 2004, 05:29:22 pm
Could I have some explanations from Wishy, Dreamracers and Mdt for the no-show of Friday evening ?  :(

I did post my grovelling apologies in another thread....

THIS TRHEAD (;action=display;threadid=2234;start=30)

But happy to grovel and apologise some more.....

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Black Granny on June 30, 2004, 09:21:58 pm
As has been said before- another great year

Team black Granny raised £100 for charity on our Friday night tour of the campsite. It would have been more if we hadn't got dragged out the back of Serges' Bar in the houx and made to listen to his organ recital by a group from the Goh Audi Squad!

Serge is to organ playing as Margarita Pracatan is to singing

We missed Big H on Maison Blanche so your tax returns are safe for another year!!!!!

Have pictures of the bent Range rover at Tetre Rouge on Sunday but they are too big to post. I'll try and reduce the size and post them at a later date.

tickets ordered for 2005

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Lottie on June 30, 2004, 11:46:39 pm
Having just read all previous entries i am totally miffed about how much i missed out on.....we arrived weds and i don't recall much after setting up the tents (although being a girlie i just had to pout and say 'i don't know where this goes!' so i just blew up the airbeds!) after spending heaps of cash in the Super U the beer began flowing and the rest of the week was a blur (i was told i hogged the bottle of vodka and happily made my way through most of it on the saturday - hair of the dog required the following morning!)
I had a great time, but realise now it could have been soooooooooo much better if i had ventured further afield..........we are already booking our places for next year and i'm going sick if i don't get the time off work!! i hope to meet as many of u guys as possible next year and will no doubt make a complete and utter t*t of myself, but hey, ain't that what lifes all about?!!!

ROLL ON 2005......5 days went quick with the aid of beer, perhaps that will help to pass the next 11 months.....just a thought!!!  ;D


Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 01, 2004, 03:34:53 pm
Team black Granny raised £100 for charity on our Friday night tour of the campsite. It would have been more if we hadn't got dragged out the back of Serges' Bar in the houx and made to listen to his organ recital by a group from the Goh Audi Squad!

Serge is to organ playing as Margarita Pracatan is to singing

We missed Big H on Maison Blanche so your tax returns are safe for another year!!!!!

And you guy's are to tax inspecting what Clive James is to comedy!  :D

Well done guys and look forward to the pics of the smacked p Rangey, if only as a warning of the dangers of drink driving tomfoolery.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: saveloy on July 01, 2004, 04:51:52 pm
 Lottie, just keep in tune with whats happening on the forum, you'll be sure to get advice some good, some 'kin awful but it all has to be tried.
the shampoo has to be the highlight of the event as you've seen already

Title: Bent Range Rover on Tetre Rouge
Post by: Black Granny on July 04, 2004, 01:46:09 pm
As promise dthe result of too much drink and inexperience behind the wheel.

I understand that the guy who totalled this wasn't even the owner- it belonged to a mate (probably an ex-mate by now).

The tree saved a gazebo plus occupants from being wiped out!!
Sorry for the poor quality but i've had to degrade the photo to get it under 200mb to post it.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on July 04, 2004, 09:05:38 pm
Try this one instead

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: jpchenet on July 05, 2004, 10:38:30 am
He must have been doing some speed to do that much damage!!  Thank God the tree stopped him hitting anyone!!!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: saveloy on July 05, 2004, 04:13:45 pm
 Good job the tree was in his way, else the undertakers could have had a busmans holiday.

Title: Bent Range Rover
Post by: Black Granny on July 05, 2004, 10:00:14 pm
Thanks for modifying the picture.
 One day I'll learn how this new fangled technology works.

Now you know why I drive 20 year old Ford Granadas!!!!

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Perdu on July 05, 2004, 10:05:53 pm
It's a really good job the tree stopped him from hitting that waste bin! All that smelly rubbish lying around would not have been nice...

If the truth be known that is why I got sore legs all weekend rather than risk totalling my little baby. I was in basically a "stunken drooper" all weekend!

Did you see Steve's Cobras and our Spridgets in Classic Cars magazine this week? Seems Houx Annexe was a journalist magnet this year...



Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 05, 2004, 10:32:21 pm

Did you see Steve's Cobras and our Spridgets in Classic Cars magazine this week? Seems Houx Annexe was a journalist magnet this year...



Bloody hell Bill, did you say we're in a magazine.  Right, I'm off out tomorrow to the newsagents for a look see.

What page / issue?

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Perdu on July 10, 2004, 06:54:05 pm
Sorry you had to wait for t'answer Steve, your lot page 11, our lot page 13. August Classic Cars, a sort of picture diary of the month.

Oh yes we were on telly whilst we were there didya see the tape?

(OK I know I'm overdoing it but it don't happen every day! Are you going for the Annexe again next year?)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 11, 2004, 05:23:00 pm
Sorry you had to wait for t'answer Steve, your lot page 11, our lot page 13. August Classic Cars, a sort of picture diary of the month.

Oh yes we were on telly whilst we were there didya see the tape?

(OK I know I'm overdoing it but it don't happen every day! Are you going for the Annexe again next year?)

Cheers Bill, yes I've seen the mag (good feature on a 289 Cobra also).

If all goes to plan we'll be in the Annexe for 2005, see you there.

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 02, 2005, 09:15:58 pm
Just thought I would bump this back to the top, reading from page one just reminds you what is in store for us all again this year, some great stories and insights for the first timers.
only 5 weeks next Sunday. 8) 8)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on May 03, 2005, 11:59:09 am
Well said brian

just been reading through this laughing my head off.

By the way did Ian ask you about the gas??

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: jpchenet on May 03, 2005, 04:06:56 pm
Well done Brian!!  Just read through from the start and it's brought lots of memories flooding back.

Not long now!!!!!!  :)

Title: Re:2004 tales and memories
Post by: Perdu on May 03, 2005, 09:14:26 pm
A great "bump" Brian, gor blimey don't it bring it all back again?

I'm nearly out of breath from reading it all again.

No Bird this year either, will that make the 'poo bar a quieter function altogether? Won't matter, I will be there this time.

Starting the festivities at the Stella Bar Wednesday. ETA HA 1700 Weds, and then visiting MB for background experience on Thursday.

There should be some cars going round on the Sat/Sun I believe too...

