Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: smokie on June 15, 2004, 01:17:10 pm

Title: 2005 suggestions
Post by: smokie on June 15, 2004, 01:17:10 pm
Anyone got any?

Robbo t shirts - same design (was v eye catching) but with 2005 on them!

Car transfers - can anyone source them? (

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: rcutler on June 15, 2004, 01:22:24 pm
I was looking at the generators that were powering the big screens. They were giving a massive output and they were silent.
Does anyone know how much it would cost to hire one.
We could then share the output from it.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Gilles on June 15, 2004, 01:56:07 pm
I was looking at the generators that were powering the big screens. They were giving a massive output and they were silent.

You sure you had nothing else to look at ?  ???

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Gilles on June 15, 2004, 01:57:04 pm
We've already T-Shirts and stickers,...

... maybe it's time to Club Arnage flags !!!  :o

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Bartus on June 15, 2004, 02:24:00 pm that you mention it.....howabout a Dutch version of the website for the growing number of foulmouthed, weedsmoking, orange-crusaders that are taking over the streets around Le Mans....?  :o

Bartus(who fits the profile)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 15, 2004, 02:27:50 pm
A club Arnage organised event - like the Caterham crew has.

It takes a bit of organisation, and doesnt need to be on the scale of the sevens club,  but a way of ordering ferries, camping etc all together would be great......

New T-shirts please - thanks to "bird" who scribbled all over mine, as did Sav, Lord Steve, half of SPS, and some other people too - mine is now knackered!!

Stickers in the style of the TWATS

A wi - fi hotspot would be good too!!


Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Ron Jeremy on June 15, 2004, 03:37:37 pm
lanyards/ticket holders

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 15, 2004, 04:42:22 pm
Smokie and CA Gang

T Shirts for 2005 - Easily Sorted, but to make things easier i will try for a nice round £10 charge .

Vinyl Stickers, didnt you see the ones on my trailer or the Commer, they were a £5 each and looked good. A URL version would be cheaper.

I shall enquire if someone can post up an idea of size font and vinyl colour.

I know Umbrellas are possible at about £12 each, i shall ask about flags.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 15, 2004, 05:29:51 pm
Names on the T-Shirts would be good for those of us too shy to butt in on those who are enjoying themselves to ask who is who!

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 15, 2004, 05:34:25 pm
That was what the champers was for :)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 15, 2004, 05:55:10 pm
That was what the champers was for :)

Well undoubtedly a bonus if you have already had muchas beeras before arriving at champers tent but failed miserably in that duty, for reasons I am not sure of!

However when arriving sober its a bit of a challenge!

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 15, 2004, 06:07:34 pm
Names are possible on T Shirts, but ....

I will arrange for a few ( ie Posters on this forum, not everyone from every crew )

That will cost more, but is easily done.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: mgmark on June 15, 2004, 08:03:05 pm
Names are possible on T Shirts, but ....

That might be pushing the boundaries of voluntary work a bit -people can always get names done locally at the local sports shop or the like.

Brollies, flags and stickers as possibilities get my vote

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Perdu on June 16, 2004, 01:43:34 am
Tee shirts again, flags and banners so that anyone can see if there is a CA member at any camp site.

Realms of fantasy here but, how about a minbus to make an easy tour of the groups. I got very "tired" with a combination of cheap beer and old mans knees and couldn't get to MB to visit the L'pool boys and Robbo etc and by the time it was time to gather at the shampoo bar it was far too far away!

Or, should we all try for the same campsite next time?

Bill        ;)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Ballast on June 16, 2004, 08:16:20 am
How about directors chairs? Excellent for camping. I now stand back and wait for the barage  ::) ;)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Ferrari Spider on June 16, 2004, 09:45:42 am
how about our own branded wine/beer/fiz?  Easy done and we drink enough of the stuff to bulk buy.  We could also sell it if we wanted to, at cost of course, as a memento!

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Nordic on June 16, 2004, 12:41:57 pm
In addition to the 2005 t shirts,

maybe a CA GB sticker for the car? we all need them and I would rather have club arnage than hoverspeed on mine.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Felix on June 16, 2004, 02:44:13 pm
For 2005, I would suggest a proper fish and chip van because, after the terrible camping faux pass of the last couple of years, I reckon I'm going to have a career change.


Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Barry on June 16, 2004, 04:28:52 pm
Reckon the design on this years T would be differcult to beat, simple, stylish but effective, as far as I am concerned just a year change would be fine.
Robbo did a fantastic job doing the T's this year, despite some people p*ssing him about, unpaid for logoed shirts would be differcult to get rid of, I for one would be happy to get mine logoed myself, if only to make Robbo's life easier and less risky.

Top of the list for me would be flags, know there were other CA's on bleu, but its like trying to find a needle in a haystack unless you are on MB, and there it's differcult to get off MB sober thanks to the wonderful hospitality. :)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Truffette on June 16, 2004, 04:32:09 pm
Need any idea for your tee shirts ?
That's a picture from the last week end with my friends and I, and our friend, which is also a great pilot, Stephane Daoudi (modena JMB Racing) in the middle of the picture  ;)

We all had a tee shirt with our nicknames  :D


Truffette : o)

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Chef on June 16, 2004, 04:33:19 pm
Beer Tankards. It is anoying having to open 15 bottles of the kurmet juice just fo a half pint. Imagine a mountain of beer tankards. . . . . . .

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: pretzel on June 16, 2004, 11:47:01 pm
Robbo did a fantastic job doing the T's this year, despite some people p*ssing him about, unpaid for logoed shirts would be differcult to get rid of, I for one would be happy to get mine logoed myself, if only to make Robbo's life easier and less risky.

Have to agree with that Barry. Talking to Robbo at the Rudmore on the Wednesday night before the off he mentioned worrying about getting shot of those he had had made but were unpaid for due to bounced cheques etc. Shame on all those that perpetrated that particular deed and congratulations for a fine (non-profit making) effort from Robbo, who I'm pleased to say got rid of all the shirts in the end.

My money will certainly go on another CA shirt with the year on it. I'll then have the name printed on the reverse just like this year.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Dijon Mustard on June 17, 2004, 05:49:06 pm
An updated Tee gets my vote.  Extra thanks to Robbo for getting my shirt to the States.  I wouldn't mind an umbrella or flag as long as I can get it back home.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: bird on June 17, 2004, 05:56:09 pm
We/I need CA pants for chamonning in at nice motors.....

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 17, 2004, 06:34:20 pm
Names are possible on T Shirts, but ....

That might be pushing the boundaries of voluntary work a bit -people can always get names done locally at the local sports shop or the like.

Brollies, flags and stickers as possibilities get my vote

Must admit my suggestion of names was slightly tongue in cheek but also genuniue as if you don't know a soul wandering up to a group pf merry gents wearing identical T-Shirts who are enjoying themselves is a daunting prospect!  An easier solution maybe for a few nominated people (ie ringleaders) to have a different coloured shirt, at least that was newcomers would have an idea who to approach.

Mind you an even better solution might be for me to go to the Gilles dinner on the Friday if he arranges it next year, as I am sure the food will be better than what I had this year!

By the way I see someone has suggested flags and these would be good, still wonder who nabbed one of mine hen it blew off the flagpole.  Certain it wasn;t stolen as the Union Jack was still flying!

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: smokie on June 17, 2004, 09:31:10 pm
Names are good but need to be individually done to save Robbo the trouble.

I'm definitely warming to the flags idea, so when wandering the sites you can see when there is a fellow CAer about.

No-one need be wary of approaching anyone wearing a CA t shirt. The large group at the 'poo bar may be intimidating, but just ask for your favourite CAer (and have a few names in reserve just in case) and you will soon belong to the "family".

Whatever is decided,  it's no good everyone popping back in next May to order. Keep an eye on the site through the long dark winter to ensure you don't miss the opportunity to order the latest "must have" CA merchandise.

Title: Re:2005 suggestions
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 17, 2004, 09:39:55 pm
Smokes- If its ok with you and the others i would be happy to araneg the merchandise as last year.

I will start a thread on what people would want, to gauge the interest then i  will approach the printers.

So people as Smokes says, keep an eye out.

I will also ask GF to do another e mail to everyone.

Oh - If you arent happy with me doing the stuff, please let Smokie or others know via PM, please.