Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: smokie on June 14, 2004, 09:53:01 pm

Title: The I'm Back thread
Post by: smokie on June 14, 2004, 09:53:01 pm
I know one or two threads are already running, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a consoldiated I'm Back thread. So this is it.

This year was the Best Ever for me. Mark had a blast too. It was absolutely fantastic to meet so many CA'ers, even if it meant missing my afternoon nap a few times...

Thanks to everyone I met for the hospitality and friendliness - I would like to have done a full name check but memory precludes...

The turn out at the 'poo bar was magnificent, and with so many people taking pics I'm hoping that someone has better pics than Mark managed with my camera!

I know you are all itching to post your pics, but if you can hold off a few days Stu and Rick are working frantically on creating an off-site site
 :-\ to which we can have a link, rather than clogging up this server and the threads with posts. Rick, Stu, keep me informed of progress and if it going to be delayed then we will let you know. I will start a Best Picture from 2004 thread so just put your favoutite one on there.

Lastly, I'm sorry that I didn't meet EVERYONE from CA who was there, but there's always 2005...  ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: mgmark on June 14, 2004, 10:16:32 pm
The party's over for another year.  :(  Great race, great weather, and above all great fun - met up with some of you around and about, but didn't make it to the bar on the saturday - sorry I will try harder next year!   Back safe and sound at 0500 this morning after an uneventful (if long) run via Calais-Dover.   All  the best for now and hope you all had an equally safe journey back.   Right - now I'm back, I can start thinking about next year  ;D ;D ;D  

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Ron Jeremy on June 14, 2004, 10:58:10 pm
little ron and i arrived back at 7.00pm.

it was our first time, won't be the last, legs like tree trunks from cycling all over, i suppose that's what you get for taking an enthusiastic 10 yr old who sleeps little and wants to see everything.

the highlight of his trip was being sprayed in champers at the finish.

 ;D ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Chef on June 14, 2004, 11:32:55 pm
The S.P.S gang arrived safely back (although an idiot in a type-r nearly wiped us out) at 22:00 monday night.
personally, the highlight was to meet lots of new faces and catch up with old ones. The 'poo bar on saturday night was great although the spinny ride we all went on was not a good idea, still hurt now!
Hope every one gets home safely and im sure robbo will post heavily as soon as he has logged on too.
oh, and there was some motor sport on too this weekend as well.
well done to the tvr's and the morgan for lasting out.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 15, 2004, 12:06:58 am
Cheers Rich, Yep , all back , safe and sound, all wheels returned with the trailer...

And the SPS crew were on TV, ITV Speed Sunday, at 2pm, which we managed to see on our new SKY TV.

The piccies from the Sunday night footy will be on site soon, please note the carnage on monday morning !!

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: hgb on June 15, 2004, 12:13:54 am
Just finished the three post LM SHs (sh*t, shave, shower). Ah, I feel relieved. ;D
What a bad feeling to be back, I had such a wonderfull time and really enjoyed myself. It was excellent to see you all. Sorry to the lot at MB for me not turning up. I was so busy on sunday, watching the race and social obligations kept me from coming over. The best bit was the after race champoo  meeting with the drivers and a quick chat with Peter Wheeler. :D Oh, did I mention that ?


The only clowdy bit was the nasty stunt of Martin Short into the barrier early on sunday morning (not his fault). Thank god he's alright. He suffered some bruises and cuts but generally is feeling fine. A big, big hug for him at the Nuerburgring when the wounds are healed and it won't hurt him.
Apart from that it was an incredible excellent weekend. Any photos yet, Smokie ?

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 15, 2004, 01:42:13 am
ladies and gentlemen - The Rhinos have arrived home.

The best Le-Mans yet for us this year - regardless of the result of the race, we all enjoyed ourselves.

I would like to extend a special thanks to Robbo, Rich, Wayne, Chris, Kate, Steve and the other members of the SPS, who although we spent a lot of time with, have managed to erase thier names from my head by virtue of excessive alcohol consumption - you guys really made the weekend for us,  from the convoy down on Thursday, to the poo bar on Saturday and the football on Sunday, we really enjoyed your company, and hope that you enjoyed ours (at least a little bit!!)

Highlights on the weekend - all of it really - the drive down was superb, expertly run by Robbo, and excellently commentated on by Kate, the only down side of which was that we werent quite quick enough to warn our rear gunner of on coming geandam......90 Euros lighter, but the lad kept on smiling!!!

The Poo bar was genius - thanks to whoever it was that kept on filling my glass with champagne - i now remember almost zero of this encounter, however I do remember seeing some female breasts  (it seems i was not alone in that department eh abs?!?)

The finish on Sunday - how close CAN a 24 hour race get?

The ferry back - trying to discreetly find a plug for my laptop and falling into a barrier and head first on the the caberet stage.

I have pictures a plenty, so as soon as the seperate site is up i will post them, and mail to those of you that gave me your email.

Thanks again to the SPS, who we hope will see it in thier hearts to put up with us next year on a less ad hoc basis.

Le-Mans 2004 is over,  I hope you all had a good journey home, and that you all arrived safely - until next year, its been emotional and may the countdown to the greatest weekend ever known BEGIN.


Title: Team JPC Top Blokes!!
Post by: Ballast on June 15, 2004, 09:03:12 am
I really had to put up a post to say a HUGE thank you to the guys from Team JPC.  It was Abs, Captain Black (aka Coma) and I first year with JPC and to say that the hospitality and friendship shown by all (yes that even includes Pitball & Dingo) was outstanding would not do them justice.

I for one had a fantastic weekend and am happy to say that I've made a whole bunch of new friends. I'd also like to say a quick thanks to the Liverpool boys, RS2 & RS2 Babe.

I just can't wait till next year!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Take Care all


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Lord Steve on June 15, 2004, 09:46:28 am
Tres Hombres (There's never been three!) are back. Thanks to you all from Lord Steve, Pete, MIke, Kev, Kelly  and Wobbly. Awesome saturday night at the champagne bar - great to meet you all - too many to mention.

See you all next year I hope.


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Steve TTTD on June 15, 2004, 10:01:47 am
Team TickleTheDragon are back in the varied places in the UK they started from.
We (Me Raj and Jon) had an uneventful run through France up to Cherbourg on Monday morning, but then managed to split a rear brake pipe on the A27 north of Portsmouth, and I can say that not all Hants constabulary officers are like Robbo, I got bolloc*ed for trying to fix it at the side of the road and a producer for not having my log book with me :( :(.
Anyway a fantastic time was had by all, and as others have said, the poobar was a brilliant idea, I put faces to many names, and met up with Andy again who wandered over when we were on Becausejour a couple of years ago.

Finally, a quick plea, did anyone get and pictures or videos of the burnouts I did in the Mk2 Zodiac at Arnage on Sunday night, we have some, but no film of the third one.. (pm me if you can help)

Cheers, and the countdown to 2005 starts now


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Bobblehat on June 15, 2004, 10:22:39 am
Got the camper and the "Frank Biela Refulling Team"  Moke safely back to Huntingdon and I got back to Bucks about 10pm lastnight (Monday)  

Servivd BJ with tmdg next door to us, the microwave was fun and colourfull Hi to Skorpio hope the aircools got you home. The best LM I have had, spent most of the waking hours laughing and quit possible drunk.

Sorry I could not make to the poo bar, but my T shirt did, it was modeld by tmdg (tom).

We were planning next year by 4.02pm Sunday ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: rcutler on June 15, 2004, 10:36:00 am
Well we are back after a great year. Something in common with the weekend- I got back last night at 0230 and was back at work at 0730 in london.
Ferry journey was made great by an anniversary version of the Diablo. Very Nice.

Thanks must extend to:-

RS2's for providing dinner TWICE for all 7 of us.
The Liverpool Boys for chilling the champagne.
STU for reserving the pitch for us.
JPC for the pear wine or whatever it was.
Smokie for returning my Dad to site after the shampoo bar.
ROBBO for the T-shirts.
JPC for the POLO.

If I have forgotton anyone thanks I must have been drunk again.

P.S. On the way home we collected a new swimming pool the same as the Liverpool boys and smokie have I believe. Bargain!

See as many as I can at a local/national de-brief.


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: jpchenet on June 15, 2004, 10:40:14 am
Team JPC arrived back at about Midnight last night.

Have to say a HUGE thank you to the hospitality of the Liverpool Boys.....going to have to find a detour around their pitch next year otherwise it talkes too long to get anywhere when you have a beer thrust in your hand every time!!  ;D

To the RS2's, what a great pool!! And I hope you were serious about the invite as I will be down to visit you at some stage soon!!

To the Pie Eaters, Abs, Fat Lad and Coma. Don't worry Abs, even though you are now part of Team JPC you won't lose your own identity, you have been christened Team JPC Pie Eaters Division.

Robbo and the rest of the SPS, thanks for the footie. It's the smallest 28" TV I've ever seen but still effective!  ;) And to Kate for letting me prove to myself that I can squeeze into a TVR, so it is probably going to have been a very expensive evening!!

The T W A T S, always good value!!!  I think I've got some photos of you all on the track at teh end of the race Simon from the Pit Grandstand. I'll forward them over!!

Ferrari Spider, thanks for providing the entertainment!!  ;D

New Zealand Swimming Instructor, thanks for being the entertainment!!  :o

Andy Zarse and his gang, what can I say....always a pleasure. Not sure if Mr RS2 will say it was a pleasure though. Merry Xmas Simon  ;D

Stu, what can I say mate, once again defying gravity and proving it's possible to walk at an angle of 45 degrees.

Big H, great to meet you and uncle Albert and the rest of your guys.

Mr Toad, we'll talk soon about the open top double decker or 7.5 Tonner options!!  :)

Rick Cutler, great to see you again. Hopefully catch up for beers very soon!

Tink, thanks for the supplies....chocolate brownies as well next year please!  ::)

TMDG, thanks for keeping the microwave on Beausejour.

And a special mention to Cocktail (Stuart) a Team JPC virgin who travelled all the way from Oz to be here and is booking next years flights when he gets back to Brisbane next week!!

To everyone else I met, whether I was sober  :-\ or merry  :-[ at the time, thank you all for contributing to another fantastic weekend. It gets better every year!!

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Simes on June 15, 2004, 11:05:25 am
 Back at 3am this morning, work is not the place I wish to be.
Sadly, didn't make the 'poo bar on Sat evening but did have t-shirt on all day.

Most amusing car/tent sight was the F40 parked up next to tent on BSJ,

EDIT: to add how many times on a ferry tannoy do you hear
"Will the owner of the black Lamborghini registration V10...blah ... blah"

Roll on 2005 -

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Nordic on June 15, 2004, 11:26:03 am
The Nordic team have all arrived safely back, the e type made it there and back, the only prob a flat battery on the crossing over.
Sorry i did'nt make the poo bar but I am very shy! some of the crew did bump into some of you later, and made very welcome by JPC, who was dishing out twats stickers.
took time out on the return to dieppe to visit the large peace museam in Caen, well worth stopping by if your in the area.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: pretzel on June 15, 2004, 12:10:11 pm
Pretzel & Mother Hen now safely back in Cardiff Tuesday early am., no incidents on the journey to report although Wishy and son had a little difficulty keeping up in the Shed during the run up to Cherbourg to catch the Sea Cat back across La Manche :)

Crossing only marred by the lack of a bar and us smokers being consigned to a small area outside on a very small deck. That and the major jam at Portsmouth dock at disembarkation. 55 minutes to get out after a 2 and a half hour crossing seems daft to me. It was interesting too to see how few people seemed to recognise the driver of the Bentley Conti queuing with us was none other than a certain Mr D. Bell.

A public thanks to Wishy for his hospitality on MB Saturday as usual and nice to see Dreamracers again - hope the early start back was worth it and you didn't overheat DR :).

Like others have already said it was fantastic to meet so many of the people who post here at the 'poo bar Saturday and put names to faces, particularly the Liverpool Boys (I never knew I had relatives in Liverpool!), Starbar, the WANCS, Steve (Tres Hombres), Steve Brown, TMDG, MR & MrsRS2 etc.. etc..

For those that didn't make the 'poo bar this year hope you had a great one anyway.

Can't wait to see postings of the pictures taken and have of course already booked everything for next year (except the ferry).

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Abs on June 15, 2004, 12:37:49 pm
Team JPC arrived back at about Midnight last night.

To the Pie Eaters, Abs, Fat Lad and Coma. Don't worry Abs, even though you are now part of Team JPC you won't lose your own identity, you have been christened Team JPC Pie Eaters Division.

Mark, glad to hear your back, I'll give you a call later in the week to arrange a beer or two :D

Team JPC what can I say absolute legends!! I'd be proud be be part of Team JPC but I am not sure you guys can afford to have us back after FatLad broke all the chairs, I never knew you could get so much vodka in a melon as for the pear enough said already. Already looking into the sumo suits for next years Friday entertainment :-\ :-\

Thanks to everyone else that I meet down there, it made a great weekend just a shame it had to finish but I don't think my internals would have lasted much longer.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: tink on June 15, 2004, 12:59:20 pm
got back at about midnight last night after an eventful journey. unfortunately, whilst i returned to amsterdam my house keys went back to england with rick. whilst attempting to return to lemans i infact ended up stranded in a small village in the middle of nowhere for 3 hours!

still, absolutely cracking weekend - at least what i can remember of it. great to meet all the ca guys, jpchenets crew and the liverpool boys.

bring on 2005!

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: gibberish on June 15, 2004, 02:07:33 pm
Arrived back yeasterday at 4.30 pm.  Unloaded car, had wash, went to club, drank loads of Harveys, and Laphroiag, staggered home.  Now looking a bit disoriented.  ::)

The memories are struggling back, but lloking mostly good up to now.   8)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: MrRS2babe on June 15, 2004, 03:08:04 pm
arrived back at 18.00 yesterday after ANOTHER moped ride home!!!

note - don't try and take a moped on the train - they won't let you !! - sh*t !!

me & mrsrs2 very fortunate to be in the Liverpool Boys site where everyone always drops in so great to see everyone again. The poo bar was also excellent with so many people in the T shirts -still did not get to meet/recognise half of you.

And yes JP Chenet the invite is open to come on over whenever you wish - the same goes for any CA member - just let us know.........

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Perdu on June 15, 2004, 03:41:13 pm
Bl**dy heck, what a great weekend. Met JPChenet and buddy in Carrefour but never had time (In 24 hrs?) to get to the poo bar. But next year I will.

A massive thanks to Steve and the Cobra boys for making us welcome and giving us a great photoopportunity. We made it onto Speed Sunday too, Tiff Needell walking and talking down to our camp with me in the blow up armchair, popping Carrefour Kebabs.

I saw loads of us in the Robbo shirts, true respect to you for those Robbo, they will be preserved forever along with next year's (hint hint!)

The TVRS did us proud after last year as did the MegaMoggy.

My green Midget managed its mandatory ton up on both sides of the channel I am led to believe so everything was superb, all of our group are talking about going again.

Thanks guys!!!

 :D :D :D


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: turkish.sps on June 15, 2004, 04:32:17 pm
I would like to extend a special thanks to Robbo, Rich, Wayne, Chris, Kate, Steve and the other members of the SPS

No worries. It was good meeting you both. You have all our e-mail adresses so keep in touch.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 15, 2004, 06:05:34 pm
Got back at 8.15 nlast night, and came to  move wifes car off drive so I could unload mine straight into garage.  However find her car has flat battery.  Due to the flat battery the boot won;t open, and the jump leads are in the boot!  In my car the jump leads were under all the luggage!  So get neighbour to come over with jump leads.

Swap cars let wife go off in her car to give it a run to charge battery.

Unload car, placing gas cooker, lights etc in garage.  Go into house, and find there is a power cut.  Wait thinking lights must come on soon, at 9.30 go and collect gas lights and cooker from garage and put up with wife moaning that I wanted proper lights, cooking and shower when I got home!

Power finally came back on at 7.10 this morning!

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Dark Warrior on June 15, 2004, 06:52:00 pm
Well, another year over after having got back yesterday afternoon.... with that awful feeling that the weekend and the race are over and you know you've got to wait another year  :'( for some of the emotions of the race weekend... Some highlights for me ?

The great feeling of anticipation on the drive down, the cameraderie in the pub and on the boat... The hardware waiting to get on board on Wednesday nite was awesome...

Pitching up, the trip to Carrefour and that first beer on Thursday... Wine, Cider, Beer, BBQ and conversation on Thursday nite... The stories and the pisstaking made me cry with laughter...

The arrival of the Commer...!!!  :D Andy... I salute you sir...!!!

So many familiar names around... Robbo, Dreamracers, Liverpool Boys, Sav, Big H, Smokie, Canada Phil, The Beermountain Team, The TWATS, The Brethren, Larry Le Mans...

The drivers parade... It just gets better and better and better and better....

Race start... The physical impact of the noise never ceases to amaze me...

Shampoo Bar... Great to see so many people and have the opportunity to say hello... Brian, Canada Phil, Sav, Big H, Robbo, Andy Z, The TWATS... great to see you all...

Sunday AM... (First Wake up... Dawn.... somewhere) What the hell am doing here, what is my name, where is my kit ? Legs ? Walk... don't fail me now... Tent you look damn good...

Sunday AM (9.00am...ish in the tent) Who or what is living in my mouth, mmm... sweat those toxins out...!! What an end to the race... Just for a while I thought Jonny might just do it... But fair play to Goh... and Tom... well he's even more of a legend in Denmark now... Congratulations to you sir... an awesome record...

All in all.. Brilliant, just brilliant...

Roll on next year...

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: DickieAttwood on June 15, 2004, 08:30:33 pm
Our little party are back and completed 1st day back at school/work [depending on age]

Sorry I could not stay at the 'poo bar longer but as someone here said 'there's always next year' which remids me that it's time to begin preparation!

Brilliant 5 days!


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: DelBoy on June 15, 2004, 10:24:35 pm
DelBoy's party arrived back OK at 1.00am monday morning - got Gatso'd on the way back -c'est la vie - hope there was no film in the camera.

Cracking week (end) - met up with a few of you on MB (our first time on MB) and at the 'poo bar on Sat.  (Looked out for Kpy, but understand he couldn't make it with car problems).

Special thanks to JP - I didn't meet up with you but your namesake wine on special offer at Carrefour was excellent and cheap at 2 yo-yos per - drank many litres of it.

Roll on next year!


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 16, 2004, 01:11:58 am
We're all back, having arrived back in tractor land about 21:00 Monday night.

On route, one collected a 90 euro fine, one had fuel contamination problems, I had to rebuild the motor of my electric fan on arrival at Houx Annexe and the poor old Chevy pickup is in a compound somewhere in Le Mans waiting to be shipped home after the gearbox threw it's hand in.

Great to meet old / new faces in the Shampoo bar and during my walkabout on Thursday.

All in all, we had a bloody good time - when's the debrief drink?

Here's the poor old Chevy (this picture's hosted on the web Smokie so I'm not contaminating this thread TOO much)


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: bird on June 16, 2004, 09:15:26 am
PetrolSlutz hit the UK, still chammonning it hard, late on Monday night. Big up us for remembering to book yesterday off. Just rolled into nearly 1000 emails at work, which is nice.

Best ever weekend!

Next year seems an awfully long time away.  :'(

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 09:32:00 am
Got back yesterday and checked straight into The Priory! They've just taken the straps off my wrists and I've stopped shaking just enough to type this. Full report later.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Felix on June 16, 2004, 02:58:06 pm
I'm back...............but I'm not really sure if I got there in the first place


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: SteveZarse on June 16, 2004, 03:32:39 pm
The Magnificent ;DCommer got me home safely, well sort of anyway.
That was yesterday.
Still drunk.
At work.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 05:07:09 pm
Steve man! >:(

It's Z-A-R-S-E.

With an S! Not a C!

You're nearly as bad as Robbo, at least he spells someone elses name wrong, not his own! ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: SteveZarse on June 16, 2004, 05:28:10 pm
You see? You see what it does to me?
I knew that perfectly well, but someone already has that handle. Plus lunchtime beers have befuddled me again. ::)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 16, 2004, 05:30:47 pm
I knew that perfectly well, but someone already has that handle. Plus lunchtime beers have befuddled me again. ::)

Yes, it's you!

This drinking has GOT TO STOP!

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: SteveZarse on June 16, 2004, 05:36:36 pm

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Mr Toad on June 16, 2004, 06:36:51 pm
All safely back from Beermountain now. Nice to meet some of the CA "characters" - thanks to all for stopping by our humble base camp on MB!

Sorry to those who I didn't manage to find - Robbo I circled MB on my Chopper several times but could not see that famous trailer..

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Barry on June 16, 2004, 06:47:02 pm


This drinking has GOT TO STOP!


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 16, 2004, 09:26:52 pm
Sorry for the late reply but the key board has been hazed and the fingers not to steady to type. Got home at 0300 Tuesday, what a week and what a race.

The bowels are getting back to normal but the mouth is still sore with the fire blowing trick that Stu, taught us,barbie's in Liverpool will never be the same.
Roll on 2005.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 16, 2004, 09:29:16 pm
Well despite a number of doubters I made it there and *BACK*.  
Didn't actually try to blow the door off.  Without doubt the best thing to Microwave is a dud Bulb they can produce some very pretty colours. :)
So the microwave it made the trip back to blighty.   I'll definately take it again next year.

The only casualty of the week was my tent.  The zip went on both the main door
and the sleeping area.  Still it serverd me well over the years.


Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 17, 2004, 01:54:43 am

Sorry to those who I didn't manage to find - Robbo I circled MB on my Chopper several times but could not see that famous trailer..

we were the other side of the green tree round-about, but appartently not in very much, So Barry and Andy say....

we are going in 2005, so maybe !!


Mr ZARSE / ZARCE - I can spell, i just cut and paste into a word document fist  ::)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Bobblehat on June 17, 2004, 07:21:34 pm
Glad you are back safley tmdg. Yes the light bulbs were good, as was the conversation about the stars and other cosmic things that is slowy fading back.......what night was that!!!

Next year well blow the bloody doors off!!!!!

you were grat naborers, by the way you havent got my tent pole have you?

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: jpchenet on June 18, 2004, 08:35:37 am
Glad you are back safley tmdg. Yes the light bulbs were good, as was the conversation about the stars and other cosmic things that is slowy fading back.......what night was that!!!

Next year well blow the bloody doors off!!!!!

you were grat naborers, by the way you havent got my tent pole have you?

No......he's just pleased to see you!!!  ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on June 18, 2004, 05:00:03 pm
Back home folks!  Was my best visit to LM yet I reckon, even though the DR crew was down to three this year!

Arrived Tues 10pm in La Harve and stayed in a "Yurt" about 45 mins from the track at a friends place which saved pitching the tent in the dark.  By the time we had got to the curcuit, pitched our plot and bought essentials (beer, pool, beer, food and beer) it was 4pm.  From then to Sat night we got through 11 case of beer  8)  Made our decision not to do a beer mountain seem a bit silly....

Nice to put names to faces, but so many of you chaps seem the same - large blokes with CA t-shirts  :o ;D.  

Wishy camped up next to us, thinking the folks behind were part of us, but they seemed ok, until one of them got hit with a firework that flew over the wall from Camping Bleu and blew up on the poor blokes arm.

Just before qually for the Group Cs we were wandering in the area at the start of the pits drooling over a Ferrari of some sort, when all the Group C lot turned up and parked waiting to go out for Qual.  We noticed that they had stopped Joe Public coming in too, but it was nice to bimble around the most expensive car park I have ever seen, and had a chat with David Leslie who was an all round good egg!

Friday is a bit of a blur (see 11 cases of beer...) and by the time I remembered about the restaurant it was too late - GROVELLING APOLOGY TO GILLES FROM  US ALL....

All in all saw about 45 mins of track action, most of that from the benches on the grassy bit on the bank at the end of the pit lane - not sure how we got in there.  But it was just after a raz on the ferris wheel which I had never done yet, mainly due to a problem I have with heights, but was the mutts nuts...!

Sud made it there and back, and seemed to not like the heat much, so we skidaddled at about Noon on Sunday and relaxed in Cherbourg.

One of the best bits about this year (apart from good company and meeting you lot) was the food - Weds: Langaustines & Burgers (dull night that one), Thurs: Cod fillet poached in a foil parcel over the BBQ with butter and Cajun Spices (imported from New Orleans), Fri: Steak with Bearnease sauce, Sat: Pork Fillet with au Poivre.  Oh yes....

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: freddibnah on June 18, 2004, 06:13:45 pm
Team Spin-n-n IT! got back safe and sound after missing the 9 o'clock ferry from CAEN... we lorded it up on the Fast Cat Business Class.

Trouble is that when we got back this dude starts having a go at us for not letting him in on the show - he couldn't make it this year...;action=display;threadid=2261;start=new

Check out the needy fellow...

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Bobblehat on June 18, 2004, 06:25:43 pm
Mark (DR) was that you we were waving at, just of Arnage. Sure that we spoted that red Alfa Sud as we were wanging it in the moke. I was one of the over sized chaps in a CA T shirt

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on June 18, 2004, 07:03:03 pm
Yeah, saw the Moke, and that was us.  My mate in the passenger seat went "Wow, look at that Moke.  f*ck me, they are waving...."

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Robbo SPS on June 18, 2004, 07:24:08 pm
Mark - DR, nice to see the name change.

Although if everyone used their proper names, we would have Mark 1 Mark 2 MArk 3 and it would sound like a Ford Escort Advert !

T Shirt fits well, looks good, and chufed to wear it.

Didnt see you at the Poo Bar.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on June 18, 2004, 09:37:59 pm
Reason for the name change; just feels wrong addressing people by screen names... and I work with computers and it felt geeky...  :o

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 18, 2004, 10:35:10 pm
Hence my highly original screen name (as per my birth certificate)  ;)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Bobblehat on June 18, 2004, 11:55:15 pm
tell your mate that we waved at everbody, well everbody waved at us because they could not belive that they had seen a Moke. But I waved at all the suds ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: rcutler on June 21, 2004, 05:04:40 pm
There you go I have joined the trend.

Although my original name was Rcutler being called that made me feel a bit of a prat at LM. So here is the new Rick Cutler. Which it doesn't say on my Birth Certificate- I changed it. (Raoul wasn't great ;D)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: ridefast on June 21, 2004, 05:28:58 pm
now that you've mentioned him... Any Raoul sightings?
Or is it too embarrasing to ask?

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2004, 05:38:27 pm
I saw him getting frog marched through the customs shed at the ferry terminal by a rather grim looking official with big heavy duty rubber gloves on.  :o

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: BigH on June 21, 2004, 05:48:40 pm
The lucky, lucky, b*stard....

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: Steve Pyro on June 21, 2004, 05:54:52 pm
Yes, he had a bloody great grin on his face at the time  :o

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: ridefast on June 21, 2004, 05:58:09 pm
I suppose the official got more than he bargained for. ;D

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: gibberish on June 21, 2004, 06:24:56 pm
I suppose the official got more than he bargained for. ;D

In many more ways that one  ;)

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: skorpio on June 22, 2004, 12:27:28 am
   Well we finally got back 19.00 tonite, (intentional, we went further down for a 2nd week  ;) )  had a fantastic time, met so many can't remember all the names, TDMG, Bobblehat and jpchenet and "crew"  ;) come to mind.  Thanks to all for the friendly greetings we got from, and some of the comments,  will be back, thats for certain.

  Again thanks for all the welcome we got.

Title: Re:The I'm Back thread
Post by: gab on June 22, 2004, 07:56:20 am
Got back last Monday night, but been unable to post to the Forum due to rather large backlog of problems in work. Left LM about 06:30 in the am, drove about 8 hours to Geneve where I dropped Canada Phil off to visit his daughter. Got back on the road after about a 30 minutes and proceeded to drive another 8 hours through Switzerland, Austria and Germany, arrived home at 23:00. It was a  long day but it was a good ending to a great week. Met lots of faces from the Forum, too many to mention, hope to meet more in 2005. Want to thank the "regulars" at the shithouse triangle for again another fantastic year, that would include Smokie our omnipotent moderator and his sidekick Mark, also Powermite, AJ, Griff, Doubtfire and Canada Phil all from the w**k*rs. A special thanks to Mark and Tracy of the PC Pirates who reserved the shithouse triangle for us. And last but not least, a big thanks to Brian, Ian, Chris and Jimmy of the Liverpool Boys for their endless supply of hospitality, beer and of course low flyers. See you all next year!