Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: Skoff on June 14, 2004, 02:02:53 pm

Title: Hello to you all!!!
Post by: Skoff on June 14, 2004, 02:02:53 pm
Hello Everybody,

Just got back from probably the best weekend of motorsport I have ever been on, including numerous trips to F1 in various countries.

Having digested a ton of info posted on this sight and followed advice that really enhanced the weekend I thought it only fair to register and say a great big THANKS!!! to you all.  ;D

This was my second trip to Le Mans, last year was good, but got to see far more this year and managed to keep relatively sober so I didn't pass out before dawn!

Also decided to go down the 138 and miss Paris. What a scream. A big 'Hello' to whoever was in a red 360, 911 Turbo, red Noble, blue Mini Cooper S, Ford Ligtening, and US cop car - We had a great game of follow my leader. (We were in the orange Elise).

And the drive back... Wow I felt like a celebrity, I lost count of the number of people waving, taking photos, and videos. We got almost mobbed by people when we stopped at a supermarket to buy some provisions.

Anyway, all that's for other parts of this forum, So Hello & thanks again..

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: smokie on June 15, 2004, 01:37:40 am
You're welcome.   :)

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: jpchenet on June 15, 2004, 10:15:46 am
Another satisfied customer!!  ;D

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: Simes on June 15, 2004, 12:49:20 pm
Isn't the N138 great?  ;D

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: Skoff on June 15, 2004, 02:25:48 pm
Hi Simes

Yeah it's a riot!!! Though you have to keep your eyes open for the gendarmes. We were in a queue of traffic and we overheard a conversation about some poor chap who had had his licence taken off him and was no longer allowed to drive his Ferrari in France - oops!

I would have driven it for him!!!  ;D

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: adiesurrey on June 15, 2004, 04:23:42 pm

I don,t know!!!!! ::)

You got to drive all the tunnels, and you get more replies to your post than me!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Hello to you all!!!
Post by: Skoff on June 15, 2004, 05:02:26 pm
Yes, sorry Adie...

If only we could drive through the Channel Tunnel  ::) How many gear changes would that be ???

Thank the maker for de-cat pipes  8)