Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: stuey on May 18, 2004, 04:27:19 pm

Title: Maison Blanche
Post by: stuey on May 18, 2004, 04:27:19 pm
Been going to Le Mans since 1987, camped in Garage Vert car park (oops), Houx annexe, Houx and Expo, but never in MB.

Will be arriving Thursday mid afternoon, what is MB like for space at that time. Expo was a nightmare by then last year, great fun knocking tent pegs into concrete. Only redeemed by the mobile shower truck brought by the danes!

Cheers  ;D

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: rcutler on May 18, 2004, 04:30:38 pm
You should be alright on Thursday it is the friday lot that will have to worry. I am arriving on Wednesday lunch but am hoping that some space can be marked off for us as this year we have sh*t loads of gear.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: tink on May 18, 2004, 04:42:52 pm
i think we turned up on weds last year at about 7pm and there was loads of room then. unfortunately it all turns into a bit of a blur after that so i can't really remember what thursday was like...

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 18, 2004, 08:41:45 pm
There's generally quite an inrush around lunchtime Thursday, when the overnighters from Caen & Le Havre arrive. But so long as you don't need a footy pitch you should be OK.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: stuey on May 19, 2004, 01:32:21 pm
Thanks for the info guys. Depleted pary this year (3 only), so no footy pitch required.

Counting the days!

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: jpchenet on May 19, 2004, 01:36:07 pm
There's generally quite an inrush around lunchtime Thursday, when the overnighters from Caen & Le Havre arrive. But so long as you don't need a footy pitch you should be OK.

We'll be in that rush then!!  And we will need a footie pitch!!  :-\
6 Cars, 2 Trailers, 16 Tents, 4/5 Gazebos.

If only we knew someone who was getting down there on teh Sunday or Monday who might be able to save us a large space???  :)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 19, 2004, 01:47:58 pm
Well that was poor planning wasn't it JP!! :-\

The bit I go on is very exclusive and doesn't have enough space for that much stuff!

1) belt down from the ferry and don't stop, so you are there ahead of the pack
2) you will easily find enough spoace for what you;ve got, but chances are it won't be together...
3) If you can supply suitable posts and rope I can try to rope off an area, but there isn't much one can do if someone beats you to it...although Felix's area (by the Liverpool Boys) stayed intact pretty much till Friday IIRC. Maybe they could annex some land next to their bit for you, it'd be easier for them to keep an eye on?

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: jpchenet on May 19, 2004, 03:15:10 pm
That's what I'm hoping for!!   :) :) :)

I've got some "Police Line - Do Not Cross tape that I can get to them.

Maybe I'll have to get up extra early on the Sunday morning before the race(or just stay up late on the Saturday night) and open up JP Chenet's Breakfast Stop as compensation??  ;)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 19, 2004, 05:13:06 pm
Just get SOMEONE to place a reserved for Felix's chippy sign, even the ACO mafia were totally baffled by it, and give everyone credit all that stopped looked and moved on,it only got took over late on the Friday by a group of Hell's Angles from Basildon, I can hear the words still to this day it was F**K Felix lets start to rave.
PS, I think Smokie still has the sign, he took it as a memento..

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 19, 2004, 05:42:20 pm
Me??? :o :o

Don't think so... did I?

If I did, it's lost!

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Mr Toad on May 19, 2004, 08:31:21 pm
Smokie - were we lucky to get the spot we had last year up the top of the track (to your left as you looked at the circuit), or is this not part of the "exclusive" bit to which you refer. Arriving Mon as you know, so unless this is the rgular spot of someone else, I'm hoping barrier tape won't be required? I'm not on Felix/Liverpool Boys turf am I?

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: IanB on May 19, 2004, 09:03:38 pm
Lets not spoil this site and have to resort to threats of knee cappings and arson attacks. you will be fine by the fence a la 2003, caal for a beer

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 19, 2004, 09:05:19 pm
There was "front row" vacant when we arrived on Monday, but as you know, it soon fills.

The "exclusive" bit is the triangle behind the crappers, on the other side of the road from the front row. There was a big Winnebago on the corner last year with an older couple whose names I can't recall, plus powermite and his crew, and us...

Liverpool boys were back towards the entrance from us, alongside the access road (i.e. on one of the larger "fields" IIRC. It was a problem for us as whenever we went out, we felt obliged to stop and partake...

Felix was backing onto them... roadside rather than trackside

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Robbo SPS on May 19, 2004, 11:01:42 pm
I have taken the executive decision to send out the advance party ( will be there a few hours before me ) in the sports car to come and bag a good spot, hopefully before the rest of the Thursday afternoon set arrive !

JPC -I too have Police Barrier tape - Where did you nick yours from !

I think a few others wanted some with their t shirts so .........

Anyway should be lots of it.

Anyone want some CBRN tape, Looks flashy orange and has POLICE - CBRN - Bio Hazard Warning - ?

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: jpchenet on May 20, 2004, 01:13:05 am
One of our crowd has affiliations Robbo!!  ;)

We have some Hazard tape too, but it is much thinnner. As we were some of the last to leave Expo a couple of years ago it seemed a great laugh to circle/seal the toilet block with it. Believe me, at the end of the weekend it WAS a hazard!!  ;D

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Stu on May 20, 2004, 08:42:19 am
Quote from: Robbo SPS link=board=2;threadid=1906;start=0#msg21209 date=1085000502}

Anyone want some CBRN tape, Looks flashy orange and has POLICE - CBRN - Bio Hazard Warning - ?

That must be new stuff Robbo. CBRN is quite new. Have to see what tape we have spare at work.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Mr Toad on May 20, 2004, 08:55:34 am
Robbo - if you have any left over, would very much like some of said tape - a nice touch we could use for our advance party next year. Is there a French version so that the pickeys can read it?!

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 20, 2004, 09:23:12 am
I bet there is a version with ten different languages that includes gujarati, hindi, swahili and romanian but not the language of our closest "foreign" neighbours.  :)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Mr Toad on May 20, 2004, 03:41:25 pm
Smokie/Ian - thanks. I'll be aiming for the top bit of the MB track again then - hopefully the new look 2004 BeerTower (TM) will be tall enough to distract drivers as they come round the final Porsche kink....

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: gab on May 21, 2004, 06:30:53 am
There was "front row" vacant when we arrived on Monday, but as you know, it soon fills.

...with an older couple whose names I can't recall,

Smokie, that would be Charles and Nancy.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 21, 2004, 01:22:53 pm
Gab, is that an echo I can hear, was this not asked last year?dementure I think.
Low flyers Sunday at 2100 hrs my good man.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 21, 2004, 02:51:01 pm
I have an awful memory for names, Dick

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Robbo SPS on May 21, 2004, 04:54:08 pm
Stu - I gues yours will be red then. ( we're onto trialling new kit at the moment - £1500 each suit ?? )

Tape- I may get away with the odd one roll, but 3 or 4 , may see me on the dole que.

Help i cant spell.

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 21, 2004, 07:36:15 pm

Help i cant spell.

You only just noticed?  ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: powermite on May 21, 2004, 07:55:03 pm
As you will be there first again,you will have to arrange the site for us all.Will it only be two of you are are more of the guys coming again.
As far as cooking goes,ive bought a new double burner gas griddle which we will be setting up outside straight off the Winnibagos gas tanks.I think the 600litres should be enough for the week.You would be more than welcome to use it along with your own cooking gear if you like

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Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 22, 2004, 01:03:45 am
George will be there before me...along with Bertrand and Doris, or whatever their names are...then Mark and I will be there Mon am (if not Sunday)

But the triangle will be ours!

I've got fewer tents coming along this year (max 4).

Were you OK with being the side wall like last year? I thought it worked OK...?

Nice burner, will test drive with an egg or two...thanks for the offer!!!

Bugger, it's all too far away - another two weeks yet - I'm ready NOW!!! (only in a spiritual way, you understand,...)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 25, 2004, 12:39:37 am
Smokie, as we are arriving on Sunday do you think there may be room on the triangle for our crew or will it already be full? ;D ;D

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 25, 2004, 12:41:45 am
We could get electric hook up here Bart, finders keepers an all that ;D

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on May 25, 2004, 12:51:30 am
Oh no, not a 24h bar on my triangle - that's all I need...

Actually, flattering as it may sound, the back of the bogs might be a bit on the small side for your erection. But if you went across the back of them you could form an outside protective wall for the CA banner. You can choose where you go on Sunday can't you?

Whaddya reckon George?

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 25, 2004, 01:20:34 am
Smokie, we can choose any part of MB, on a Sunday arrival and your little triangle is starting to look attractive, the following points are why.
1 Free electric.
2 Being neighbours to you and Mark, Mable, Fred and Gab.
3 You would not have to evade us on your outward sorties.
4 We would not have as far to stagger after the Wed burnout on Low flyers
5 Free turd racing to break the boredom of some 24 hr race that spoils the peace and tranqillity.

Oh and not to forget being near to Canada Phil, see his brother Canada Bruce has joined us. :D
This is your worst nightmare.
Brian ;D

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Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: gab on May 25, 2004, 07:03:26 am

Whaddya reckon George?

Have no fear, I will be arriving on Sunday and will attempt to secure the Shithouse Triangle for us as I have for the past years. I hope that we will be able to get into MB on Sunday and that the chaos from last year is not repeated. There is plenty of room for the Liverpool Boys, they can setup between  Lake George and the Bog House. Not sure how large their cult following is these days, I know they have quite a few followers in their contingent. We better give them good seats at the turd races or their clan may push us off our Ponderossa!

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Gilles on June 02, 2004, 02:18:17 pm
I'll be on MB Site monday afternoon (around 3.30 / 4 PM )

I suggest to the Liverpool Boys the same bottle than last year....  ;)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: smokie on June 04, 2004, 12:57:09 am
...and this year we will recognise you...

(Brian thought he was selling the Big Issue...)

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Tim on June 04, 2004, 01:39:05 am
bottom right hand side:
arriving mid afternoon Monday, will secure corner plot for Maccesfield lads with uplift on manhole cover for there flush bog shitter., mains water etc in return for electric connection to mains for our fridge, lights etc
Ex cegb expert up the pole for lekky
2 days to go

Title: Re:Maison Blanche
Post by: Stu on June 05, 2004, 01:42:16 pm

Ex cegb expert up the pole for lekky

I wanted to do that last year on Houx Annexe but was not possible due to the bundled conductors they had and I did'nt have the connectors. One of our lot is an authorised switcher so I'll ask him to bring some permits just to be on the safe side.