Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 11, 2004, 03:39:18 pm

Title: Weather....
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 11, 2004, 03:39:18 pm
At the risk of being shot at for jinxing the weather  8) I have a theory...

Last two years - sunny as sunny can be
2001 - Wet as a hookers draws in the morning
1998 was the same as 2001, and I know 2000 was good as was 1999.

Three year cycle?  two good, one crap...  

2004 = wet and soggy weather I reckon, and if the sky so far this year is anything to go by, I will be bringing a brolly.

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: rcutler on May 11, 2004, 04:02:53 pm
I was discussing this last night. This was my theory

Wednesday      - Wet!!! Too wet to put a tent up!!
Thursday          - Wet Morning, Drizzle in the Afternoon.
Friday               - Dry
Saturday          - Dry Sunny Spells
Saturday night - Rain on and off causing loads of pit stops!
Sunday            - Wet start then brightening up.

Sorry to be soo pesimistic but I really think it will rain.

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: gibberish on May 11, 2004, 06:42:49 pm
Hey man. Quit with the negative vibes will ya..........

We need Sun.  So please expend more efforts on Sun dances or something, but please stop depressing me.  ;)

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: TonyT on May 11, 2004, 06:52:34 pm
No no not the rain, the damm rain again. Hope not though.

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 11, 2004, 08:52:18 pm
Dont give a toss if it's wet or dry it will not spoil a thing, just get blotto under cover, but must admit fine weather would be welcome 8)

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: Lawnmower Man on May 11, 2004, 09:13:25 pm
Dont give a toss if it's wet or dry it will not spoil a thing, just get blotto under cover, but must admit fine weather would be welcome 8)
Ditto,   The only thing I don't like is when it's cold.  But that only happens once in a Blue moon.    To be honest I don't remember a year when it was continually wet from Wed to Sunday.  But there have been some close calls.

I wonder if I've been conditioned by my first trip in 80 when It pissed down just before the race started and I got drenched.  I dried out fine during the evening only to get drenched again just after dark.  Back to the Tent for a 40 winks and a  change in to dry clothes only to get drenched again mid morning.  Dried out by lunch only to get soaked again at the end of the race. Drove back to the ferry with the car misting you because of all the Damp clothes and tents etc.    

Wouldn't miss it for the world.


Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: tink on May 11, 2004, 09:15:15 pm
meh don't really give a sh*t. bit of sun would be nice but so long as there's beer i'm happy

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: Paulathedrooler on May 11, 2004, 09:17:09 pm
Good for you tinky winkie.

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: tink on May 11, 2004, 09:26:15 pm
oi, its tink as in the fairy from peter pan, not the teletubbie!

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: Andy on May 11, 2004, 10:48:52 pm
The weather is gonna be wet, cold and wonderfully refreshing coming in from a Glass front, nothing like a chilled bottle of beer!
Bring on the ice or the refridgerators, what may you chill the wet stuff in!
You got to agree with that one Tinky Winky Belle person.......

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: Robbo SPS on May 15, 2004, 02:37:42 pm
It was hotter yesterday in Le Mans for the Moto GP arrivals than in the Costa del Sol the day before.

Dont worry.

Title: Re:Weather....
Post by: gibberish on May 16, 2004, 12:25:41 pm
It was hotter yesterday in Le Mans for the Moto GP arrivals than in the Costa del Sol the day before.

Dont worry.

Good man Robbo.......That's the sort of positive vibe I like  ;D