Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mr. Rick on April 28, 2004, 10:17:38 pm

Title: Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on April 28, 2004, 10:17:38 pm
Gimme your money for the kids!!! NOW!!! (Please  ;D ) (

First to shout "who ate all the pies" will get a slap (and maybe a bit of tickle) from the missus!!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 28, 2004, 10:28:42 pm
I will chuck in a £5, when do you want the dosh ?

Do you except money at LM ???

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on April 28, 2004, 11:09:14 pm
You thought about using Just Giving ( for collecting some of your funds?  

James Thompson (VX Racing BTCC driver) used them for his fund raising run on the London Marathon

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on April 29, 2004, 12:03:49 am
Thanks for the offer Robbo, will sort out how in the next few weeks - cheers!

And thanks for that DR, that looks good - again, will get it sorted.  ;D

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: smokie on April 29, 2004, 12:30:56 am
Seems a good cause, can't think why I should delete!

I'll give you a few €'s en france

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Stu on April 29, 2004, 12:32:06 am
Count me in for a fiver.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on April 29, 2004, 01:44:28 am
Count me in for a fiver. This may be increased if we don't sponsor the Morgan.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Lord Steve on April 29, 2004, 08:24:37 am
Fiver from moi aussi monsieur le rickmeister.

Lord Steve

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Canada Phil on April 29, 2004, 08:46:27 am
Hi Rick, Put me down for a Fiver too.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: jpchenet on April 29, 2004, 09:25:13 am
I'm still good for the tenner I previously promised Rick!! Just let us know when you need it by.

Excellent Cause!!  Good Man!!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: gibberish on April 29, 2004, 09:31:37 am
Aw, go on then Rick.  I'll give you a fiver. Gotta be better value than the Morgan  ;)

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on April 29, 2004, 09:55:57 am
Cheers Chaps!! I am not worthy (but thankfully GOSH is!!!).

And a special thankyou to Smokie for conveniently forgetting where the "moderate" button is!!  ;)

Will try to hook up with you all "en France" and blag you for the promised wonga. The events I'm doing go on most Wednesdays until August so no great rush yet - if I miss anyone @ LM, I'll hound them on my return!

Itinerary plans for LM will be posted on the relevant forum topic in a few mins.

Did one of the qualifying events last night in that torrential rain and driving winds - must have earnt a big slice of pledges last night alone! Just about dried out now.


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on April 29, 2004, 04:15:03 pm
Oh, didnt say - I will be good for a fiver too...

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 29, 2004, 04:15:52 pm
Count me in Rick.  Are you doing the race in that Bond Bug you got saddled with ?  ;D

You could cut out the floor and fit peddles!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Abs on April 29, 2004, 04:35:39 pm
Rick, I'm in for a fiver, see you at LM

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Perdu on April 29, 2004, 11:07:54 pm
Rickmeister, I won't speak for Nick my copilot but my very finest, cleanest Fiver is yours at the Shampoo bar.  If not collected there, it's still yours!

Then I'll put the arm on Nick... ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Rusty on April 30, 2004, 02:39:47 am (
First to shout "who ate all the pies" will get a slap (and maybe a bit of tickle) from the missus!!
If your missus willslap Trayboy, I'm sure we can raise a very sizeable contribution, as long as you can afford the quarantine.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Felix on April 30, 2004, 10:12:45 am
I will happily set up my chip van at the finish line and offer battered sausages and pickled eggs at cost price.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on April 30, 2004, 10:15:51 am
Wow! Thanks even more!! And as for Felix, I promise not to say any more bad things about you!!  ;)

And Steve, flogged the Bondy a few months ago on ebay having decided it was a basket case - mucho profito!!!! Otherwise - grand idea!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 05, 2004, 02:43:24 pm
Right then you 'orrible lot!

Thanks to DR's brilliant suggestion, I now have a page up at ( .. so no excuses for not finding me at Le Mans!!!!

Come on Rodney, you know it makes sense. Do your good deed for the day right now and help the kiddies!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: smokie on May 05, 2004, 03:50:56 pm
Now, there's a wheeze. I went to the webpage to stump up my fiver, which was quite easy to do (with a credit card of course).

During the interrogation it asks if you are a taxpayer, to which most of us would say yes, upon which actual amount donated shot up to £6.41. Good old Inland Revenue I say!

So, although it might suit you better to pass on a few grubby notes in June, Rick, and more imprtantly the worthy cause, will do considerably better if you do it through the page...

Good Luck with the fundraising Rick...

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: jpchenet on May 05, 2004, 04:04:29 pm
Yep, done mine too!!  I noticed Steve Brown has too!!

Good on you Rick. Here's hoping you reach your target!!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 05, 2004, 04:29:24 pm
Thanks chaps! I will try my hardest. Got the fourth of the fourteen events this evening, not sure what the weather is going to do - got absolutely soaked last week - all in a good cause though!!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 05, 2004, 05:15:14 pm
I've given too but kept it anonymous as I don't want anyone to know that I do a lot of good work for charadee...

Quick question Rick: You seem to have a trick alloy framed racer, whereby every spare ounce has been pared off the bike to reduce weight and thus increase speed and acceleration. Don't think me impertinent, but could not a similar thing have been done to the rider?

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 05, 2004, 05:59:09 pm
I've given too but kept it anonymous as I don't want anyone to know that I do a lot of good work for charadee...

Quick question Rick: You seem to have a trick alloy framed racer, whereby every spare ounce has been pared off the bike to reduce weight and thus increase speed and acceleration. Don't think me impertinent, but could not a similar thing have been done to the rider?

LOL!!! Yes indeed, that it what I am trying to achieve!! Those of you that have met me before at Lemons may not notice but I have dropped two trouser sizes (cue comment by Big H??) since last year's event - so I am getting there!  ;D

Call it the onset of the inevitable mid-life crisis if you like but I am suddenly (after all these years!!!!) concerned about my appearance and trying to do something about it!!  Stable doors and horses that have already bolted spring swiftly to mind!  ;)

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 05, 2004, 08:18:45 pm
Rick, have used your site found it better than trying to remember to pay up in June, good luck with the event. Take no notice of the weight thing, what they forget chubbies go down hill faster.
Take care.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: wishy on May 05, 2004, 08:42:54 pm
Hi Rick.

There seems to be a number of lightweights contributing to the cause on this website......I mean a miniscule fiver......however i will donate a tenner for the sponsored cause as that seems to be the norm at our local school fundraising these days.

I will pay you at the Shampoo bar on the Saturday night......or send me a PM and I will send you a cheque.


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 05, 2004, 10:09:54 pm
I am overwhelmed and (almost) moved to tears!! Thank you all!!

As for offers of meets at the Shampoo Bar, bet I forget to blag the tenner!! This will be my first beered up race since 1997!  :o See you there!  ;D

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: jpchenet on May 05, 2004, 11:42:42 pm
Hi Rick.

There seems to be a number of lightweights contributing to the cause on this website......I mean a miniscule fiver......however i will donate a tenner for the sponsored cause as that seems to be the norm at our local school fundraising these days.

I will pay you at the Shampoo bar on the Saturday night......or send me a PM and I will send you a cheque.



Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Nordic on May 06, 2004, 02:30:15 pm

Anyone fancy going on this one? ;D
I suggest we gather at terte rouge at 8am whos in?

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Abs on May 06, 2004, 02:36:59 pm

Anyone fancy going on this one? ;D
I suggest we gather at terte rouge at 8am whos in?

Better not borrow Mr. Toads chopper after reading the accidents that have happened!!!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Steve Pyro on May 06, 2004, 02:43:59 pm
Sounds interesting  ;).
I won't have a bike though! - not that that's stopped me before!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Paulathedrooler on May 06, 2004, 09:07:08 pm
oh,oh Jayne what are you doing there, i told you it may leed to trouble.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: smokie on May 06, 2004, 10:08:13 pm
That'll bring the saddle sniffers out...  :o

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 06, 2004, 10:32:29 pm
How about our own naked ride up and down the pit straight between the warm up and the Group Cs? That'd get the punters up early!

After all the effort this organisation have gone to, it would be rude not to! But whatever you do, don't forget to pack the Savlon!


Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Felix on May 06, 2004, 10:58:45 pm

I see this has degenerated whilst I have been away.  If you're all going to ride around naked, you'll need some quality fish oil to lubricate your saddles so that you don't get too chapped.

I recommend sunflower oil as it's very good for your skin.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 06, 2004, 11:02:19 pm
Actually I recommend keeping away from Felix after the ride coz our bits will be "battered" and he might mistake them for something to sell from the van!

Battered sausage anyone? Or maybe a pickled "egg" or two?  :-X

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Perdu on May 06, 2004, 11:04:56 pm
After spending weeks on this beerbelly I hope you don't expect me to make it wobble about on a bike!

Rick, I just gave already on the webpage, so no "finest " fiver in the shampoo bar, but less risk of it going astray in drunken revelries (I hope!)

Bikes, you'll never get me up in one of those things.....


 ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 06, 2004, 11:21:59 pm
Cheers Bill, you are indeed a gentleman and a scholar (or something like that!!).

Took me twenty years to cultivate my beer/pie/curry belly, must be the onset of mid-life (crisis? what crisis?) that has motivated to spin the wheels and attempt to revisit my youth!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 11, 2004, 08:55:29 pm
let's get this thread back on track and make some money for Ricks good deed..

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Paulathedrooler on May 11, 2004, 09:18:57 pm
Bri, have you heard from Sav, is he still travelling with your crew. Give us a call or pm me.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on May 13, 2004, 02:08:09 pm
Wow! Just checked out my on-line donations page and got a couple of nice biggies, one from a well known Porsche driver!!!  ;D Thanks Johnny!!!!

And thanks again to DR for suggesting that route!

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Stu on May 13, 2004, 03:25:16 pm
I've paid my promised £5 online, but don't forget to tap me again at the shampoo bar and you'll probably get a tenner when I'm cut.  So come on you parsimonious lot, if I can do it so can you. Tighter than a wet knot etc etc etc etc.

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: smokie on May 13, 2004, 03:47:25 pm
Not all of us have 4 well paid jobs Stu...  ;)

Title: Re:Blatant Plug .. wonder how long before this gets "moderated"? ;)
Post by: Mr. Rick on June 18, 2004, 05:52:22 pm
Forgot to tap you all at the poo bar didn't I???

Thanks to Wishy and DR who very generously coughed up in MB on Friday - thanks chaps!!!

So for those of you who I failed to badger for cash (due to too much Spanish brandy mixed with the champers) - come on chaps, do the online thang! If it's good enuff for Johnny Mowlem (what a generous chap these racing drivers are  ;D ) it's good enuff for CA!!

You know it makes sense Rodders..... (

or (
