Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Robbo SPS on April 24, 2004, 04:47:18 am

Title: what ever happened-----
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 24, 2004, 04:47:18 am

The lover of all things Motorsport

I saw his reply to amazing 43's Morgan post, and he has dissappeared from the members listing ???

If he has gone, its a shame, he had really great views for petrol heads

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Matt Harper on April 24, 2004, 05:41:12 am
Robbo's absolutely right, What the hell happened John?

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Canada Phil on April 24, 2004, 06:04:37 am
Hey Fax, Time to crack open a Warstarter and Chill out. Race section is only for administrators to post to. we get all the others so not a biggie.
Canada Phil  

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: pretzel on April 25, 2004, 05:30:17 pm
I too will miss the educated postings of Fax. Can't quite work out what it is to get all worked up about. Is it the advertising for sponsors? The fact that a struggling small team needs to cast about as wide as possible for support?

Isn't part of the Le Mans thing the fact that the small guy (even if they have no hope of winning) who gets the opportunity, to pull as much as possible together to make it to the race, and then to give it their best shot?

Please Fax, reconsider and come back to the fold.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: BigH on April 25, 2004, 07:58:24 pm
Hmmmm, I have to say that it didn't sound quite like the usual fax, I suspect that damned alcohol stuff may have been involved somewhere along the line. Although there's always the alien abduction stories to be taken into consideration too. As always.
I can understand what's got his gander up though. Peter Morgan and his mates aren't exactly short of a bob or two, and I think the deal that was being offered by amazing43 was pretty naff. That was probably the real reason why there were no replies. Maybe this type of "let's see if any our damn fool fans are willing to give us something for nothing" attitude is a British thing, and fax and his colonial mates just can't stomach it. Can't say I blame him. Any more messages like amazing43's and I'll be starting to hope the Morgan team falters, and Andy Zarse'll be serving lashings of Schadenfreude with chips and gravy. (Welcome back by the way Andy!)
Fax 1
Morgan 0


Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Matt Harper on April 25, 2004, 08:26:06 pm
H - you are an intuitive fellow indeed.
Fax won't mind me saying this, but he does get a little hot under the collar, when he has partaken of the drink, on occasion.
There is a great Irish pub called Haps in Cincinnati and ol' Fax'n'Figures is a regular (indeed, I made his acquaintance in there).
Their Guinness is very well kept and their servings of Jack Daniels (tumbers straight out of the freezer) are generous, to say the least.
I suspect John may have frequented the place prior to losing his rag.
John - if you're out there, gimme a call - I need a place to get my fat head down when I come up for the Indy 500.  

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Dave H on April 25, 2004, 09:58:04 pm
I haven't chatted with Fax yet as I've been out the country, but having read this post, it appears that he suspects that Amazing (listed as an Administrator) has deleted any responses to the thread that were negative.  Not sure what that's all about.  Who is this Amazing character, and is he an admin of the site?

I plan on entering my bathtub this year and am eagerly looking for sponsorship also.  Any takers?  I'll give you a bar of used soap (only a few pubes) to use for 15 minutes during the race if you contribute over the $2k level, and you can sleep under my car for the $4K sponsorship package.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: smokie on April 25, 2004, 11:39:02 pm
OMG I go away for a few days and look what happens....


Do your best to get him back, I like him!

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Fax on April 26, 2004, 02:11:01 pm
Not much drink involved, just got very pissed off that my less than positive remark regarding the president of an automobile manufacturer trying to hit up its supporters for money so they can go racing, got deleted as fast as it was posted.  It was basically to the effect of you've got to be effing kidding.  Perhaps its an American thing, freedom of speach and expression, first amendment to the Constitution and all that.
Matt, your absolutely more than welcome to crash at my place for the Memorial Day classic.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: pretzel on April 26, 2004, 02:11:46 pm
I haven't chatted with Fax yet as I've been out the country, but having read this post, it appears that he suspects that Amazing (listed as an Administrator) has deleted any responses to the thread that were negative.  Not sure what that's all about.  Who is this Amazing character, and is he an admin of the site?

I plan on entering my bathtub this year and am eagerly looking for sponsorship also.  Any takers?  I'll give you a bar of used soap (only a few pubes) to use for 15 minutes during the race if you contribute over the $2k level, and you can sleep under my car for the $4K sponsorship package.


I'm sure that it would be a better deal than that offered by Morgan, and you'd have as much chance of being competitive, but I think I'll pass thanks all the same...

Will you be providing complimentary shower facilities as well? (Just in case anyone with a Beausejour camping pass is interested).

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: smokie on April 26, 2004, 02:31:45 pm
welcome back fax...

Don't blame me for once, I wasn't even here!

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Fax on April 26, 2004, 02:35:48 pm
No sweat Smokie,
I like you too.  Sebring buds stick together.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on April 26, 2004, 06:23:20 pm
Fax, welcome back bud.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Dave H on April 26, 2004, 08:35:12 pm
Fax - I now view this as the CA Jesus Christ Ressurection.
Can you walk on Guinness???

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Fax on April 26, 2004, 09:08:46 pm
Not sure about walking on it, but I have drowned in it many times.
Just call me Fax MkII.  I going come out of retirement more times than Derek Bell.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Fax on April 26, 2004, 09:12:25 pm
sh*t! My spelling and grammar hasn't gotten any better.

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 26, 2004, 11:10:02 pm

You just wanted to be a newbie again, bit like hitting 21 every year ????

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: BigH on April 28, 2004, 08:19:55 pm
Great news boys! (and everyone else who visits this forum),
I've managed to successfully secure sponsorship for my left bollock at this years Le Mans.
Although it's early days yet, I'm delighted to announce that Team Prodrive Boloqx UK will have complete rights of promotion with the said gonad. The colour scheme, logos and sticky tape are in the post now and a professional applicator is standing by.
The right bollock however, at the time of writing, remains unsponsored, and this represents a fantastic opportunity for someone to sample the famous Le Mans experience from the inside. (For a while I considered the chequerboard approach as favoured by Jan Lammers' RfH. I got a little concerned though that if the weather turned a bit parky then the contributors may end up out of pocket.)
The successful right-bollock-applicant will enjoy many perks and concessions throughout the race weekend. They'll get to see my a*se by flashlight for a start. There's also the squatters in Maison Blanche waiting to be explored, a truly unforgettable experience. Expert tuition in avant garde photography will also be given, with a masterclass in original angles and perspective at the The New York Nights in the fair on Saturday night. The list goes on, please send me all your money to secure this once in a lifetime opportunity to see life from the other side.

cc: Audi HQ, ACO, Richard Branson,  Anne Summers

Title: Re:what ever happened-----
Post by: JonFATBOYwarner on April 28, 2004, 08:46:06 pm
Big H,
I wait in baited breath to see your logoed Knacker, "balls out" ,if you pardon the expresion, around the Le Mans track.  I feel that all spectators would be nuts to miss such a sight.  I would also like to be the first to T.W.A.T. your other nad to give you a winning pair.

looking forward to seeing the Big H Balls Out Team in June