Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Matt Harper on April 13, 2004, 08:15:52 pm

Title: Technoparc
Post by: Matt Harper on April 13, 2004, 08:15:52 pm
OK - even though I've always been a little scathing of the general pissing and moaning that runs on the forum for the 6 months prior to the race, my oppo's and I find ourselves thoroughly screwed-over by the ACO. I have word from England that our usual bookings on Houx (as per the previous 12 years or so) have been summarily transferred to Beausejour. We refused this on the grounds that it is closer to Belgium than the Village and they countered with, "You are on the cancellation list for Houx, with 6 others before you - how about Technoparc?"
Other than having an idea, more or less, where Technoparc is, I know nothing about this site.
Anyone have first hand experience/knowledge of Technoparc?
i.e. Does it have bogs, showers, stand-pipes? Marked pitches or free-for-all?
Feedback gratefully accepted

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Stu on April 13, 2004, 08:22:20 pm
I stopped on this 2 years ago. The bogs did'nt arrive until the Thursday or Friday and there wasn't any showers. It probably improved last year as most of the places had spanking new shower/toilet blocks. It was situated basically opposite Karting Nord across the road that runs through to Houx Annexe. There was a load of Danes on. Bit of a walk to anywhere though but once the beer flowed it was just the same as everywhere.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: gibberish on April 14, 2004, 08:05:11 pm
Fair shout Matt.  Reasonalble cause to be a tad miffed!  However, beasejour is not really that awful.  Yes it's 20 mins walk from village etc. but if you get pissed enough it doesn't really notice too much.  Quite handy for Arnage village.  Wuldn't want to stay there for too long though.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 20, 2004, 04:53:08 pm
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

Matt, can I recall you making mildly disparaging remarks here in the past about people who fail to get there sh it into gear with the ACO?? Schadenfreud is a terrible thing.

Technopark is a freaking long way away. You'd be better off with the BSJ option out of the two sites in my humble opinion.

However, as an alternative, I would suggest parking your cars in Blue and trying to get just one camping ticket for either Blue, MB or Houx for the MiniWinni or whatever. You won't regret it. I mean, really, how much will you use the cars over the weekend? All that walking to and from a distant campsite can spoil your day. I guess this is the lesser of two evils. How many tickets do you need as a bare minimum? I'm sure we can russle something up from the good folkon this forum.

Or perhaps ebay beckons, I know how you so admire the profiteers on there! I reckon one of them has got a ticket that should have had your name on it.

Seriously, let me know if I can help at all mate.

Andy Z

PS Failing that, I can recommend Puerto Rico as a top destination. There's less racing, but a similar level of fun to be had.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: BigH on April 20, 2004, 06:13:27 pm
It's worth pointing out that Technoparc is hosting the annual Mini Minor Travel Rug and Thermos jamboree this year. I believe the Sc*nthorpe branch are going to be particularly well represented, and will going about their usual energetic business of recruiting new members.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 20, 2004, 06:17:30 pm
I like the way the swearing filter modifies the c**t in Scunthorpe  ;D

H, does that mean I need to bring along my trainspotters anorak, satchel and notebook to write down all the registrations of the Moggies  :-\

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: BigH on April 20, 2004, 06:40:55 pm
H, does that mean I need to bring along my trainspotters anorak,

Oh yes, and don't forget your rubber overshoes and pak-a-mak.
If Matt's really lucky, the Morgan owners club will also be pitching canvas tents and having a good old sing-song and thigh slapping time.
Actually, if they do, I'll give him a nicely cut safe edged flat file with which he can file off the slots in the exposed slot head screws holding the bodywork of their cars together. Then we can get onto the real business of eating babies and discussing Val Singletons sexuality.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 20, 2004, 06:56:49 pm


Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Stu on April 20, 2004, 10:46:57 pm


That picture brings back memories. Blue Peters favourite Bean Flicker.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Dave H on April 20, 2004, 11:09:03 pm
Technopark is a freaking long way away. You'd be better off with the BSJ option out of the two sites in my humble opinion.

Surely Beausejour is infinitely more of a death march from anywhere than Technopark?  Unless the road to the village is downhill both ways.

We ran into this issue last year only to get Houx tickets changed in May.  For Matt and I, the bogs, showers issue isn't as grave with our campingcar, but for our less comfort driven comrades, it could be a bit grim.

I drove past the circuit last week and will be heading back in that direction on Thursday.  I entertained ploughing my rental Laguna Break through the wall of the ticket office as a way of expressing our disappointment that having year plus reservations is basically a total waste of time as it appears that tickets are randomly stuffed in envelopes by chimps and fired off to unsuspecting souls around the world.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Matt Harper on April 21, 2004, 03:09:51 am

Matt, can I recall you making mildly disparaging remarks here in the past about people who fail to get there sh it into gear with the ACO?? Schadenfreud is a terrible thing.

Hi Andy
Delighted that you are back and pleased you had a good time in PR.
I don't recall gloating about people who don't get their sheot together - moreover those who seemed to panic and fret about when their Godforsaken tickets might show-up. I bow to your scholastic superiority - I dunno who/what Schadenfreud is. Pray explain....
Like Dave said, having made use of the extensive information available elsewhere in this site (Campsite Maps, in particular), we are lead to believe that Technoparc is a good deal closer to the Village than Beausejour. Please advise me if this is not the case (and amend the f**k*ng map).
I'm grateful for helpful comments about our dilema and kind offers to find more suitable accommodations. Our party numbers 12 souls this year and leaving cars/bikes in car parking areas and lugging tents, barby's, Gazebo's and a substantial amount of Nigerian Lager across the French countryside could prove tiresome at best.
I'm not particularly downhearted - Dave and I plan to spend the weekend in the relative luxury of a motorhome and our coolers roll, so it's not critical where we end up. It would be a trifle rude to abandon ship on our drinking buddies (particularly as they are bringing the beer).
It just seems a bit stupid that we have been encamped on Houx for the last 10-12 years and pre-booked (against my principles, I might add) in March 2003 - and end up with camping passes for Beausejour - like there was no method applied at all. f**k*ng ACO jerk-offs.
The more I think about this, I couldn't really give a rats ass where we find ourselves - the neighbors are invariably good company and the exercise will do me good.
Dave and I plan to be at the Champagne bar on Saturday night, 9.00pm sharp - we look forward to seeing you all then.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 21, 2004, 02:17:34 pm
Have you thought of getting a push bike or a scooter for the trek around the circuit ??

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Dave H on April 21, 2004, 02:43:54 pm
How does one transport booze on a push bike or scooter????

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 21, 2004, 03:33:25 pm
How does one transport booze on a push bike or scooter????

Carefully !

(you asked for that  ;D )

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: smokie on April 21, 2004, 03:37:28 pm
In one's rucksack of course  :)

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: BigSteve on April 21, 2004, 03:48:21 pm
Why has nobody mentioned the bus that run from the village to Bouesejour!

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Matt Harper on April 21, 2004, 03:58:31 pm
How does one transport booze on a push bike or scooter????

More to the point, how does one transport a pushbike or scooter across the Atlantic Ocean? I can just see us at Delta check-in, "Sir, your Lambrettas are classed as excess baggage" - "Nah, we can stuff 'em in the overhead".....

Smokie - I despare with you! Toting warm beer around in a rucksack is so far off-side that you should have a serious word with yourself.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: smokie on April 21, 2004, 04:46:26 pm
You are never happy with my beer choice are you?

What was it at Sebring this year - the same as tramps drink? And last year - wussy beer, I think... :)

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 21, 2004, 05:53:43 pm

Matt, can I recall you making mildly disparaging remarks here in the past about people who fail to get there sh it into gear with the ACO?? Schadenfreud is a terrible thing.

Hi Andy
Delighted that you are back and pleased you had a good time in PR.
I don't recall gloating about people who don't get their sheot together - moreover those who seemed to panic and fret about when their Godforsaken tickets might show-up. I bow to your scholastic superiority - I dunno who/what Schadenfreud is. Pray explain....

Dave and I plan to be at the Champagne bar on Saturday night, 9.00pm sharp - we look forward to seeing you all then.

Hi Matt

Scadenfreud is a German word and it means taking amusement from the misfortunes of others (though I stand to be corrected by HGB). Not a nice thing to do really, but...

Was just trying to come up with a few suggestions to help you out but it looks like you've had it as far as Houx goes old chap. Techno and BSJ are a long way away, it was bad enough being in Karting Nord one year and I swore never again. Better than nothing though.

Have you tried getting into one of the new laybys they are doing specially for motorhomes on some of the car parks? I had a letter from the ACO about it but threw it away as it was of norelevance to me. Give them a ring, you've nowt to loose.

Anyway good luck and failing all else, see you at the Poo bar 21 hundred pronto.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on April 21, 2004, 05:57:05 pm
Ah welcome back Mr Zarse, you have been sadly missed, no PQ for you then Andy thought you may have made it.

Title: Re:Technoparc
Post by: Matt Harper on April 21, 2004, 07:04:13 pm
Quote from: Andy Zarse
Was just trying to come up with a few suggestions to help you out [quote

Don't get me wrong Andy - I really appreciate the thought and advice. You'd have figured that after more than 20 years of going to this frickin' race, we'd have figured it out by now.
This happened to us last year (although I remained in blissful ignorance of it) then, in May they said, "It's OK, we've got you on Houx, as usual, after all", so who knows?
The guys we're going with need bogs and showers (because there is no way in hell that Dave and I are paying $$$$ for those dudes to befoul our sleeping accommodation), so a lay-by won't really cut-it.
In an ideal world, we need 4 x pitches, all together on either Houx, The Annexe or anywhere else really, that is on level ground and not miles and miles from the action. Frankly, I'm not going to sweat-it - like most folks, there are much more important things in my life, to lose sleep over!

Oye, Smokie - warm beer? Nooooooooooo!!! (apologies to Harry Enfield)