Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 03:45:23 pm

Title: Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 03:45:23 pm
Can anyone confirm that all camping sites at Le Mans circuit (apart from Houx) are to be classified as lay-bys and therefore will not have showers?

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: BigH on April 07, 2004, 03:57:35 pm
It's not as simple as that I'm afraid...
The camping areas seem to be all lumped together as Aire d'accueil, camping or lay-by. Some have showers, some don't. If you have tickets for camping, let us know which site, and someone will let you have details of what facilities you can expect. If you don't have tickets, then have a word with the immediate members of your family, and see if any of them would mind being sold. If any of them are particularly unusual, contact me first.
Good luck

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 04:00:01 pm
My half-Chinese sister any good?  Anyway, I have tickets for Tertre Rouge which I managed to obtain because I bought them in 1894.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: BigH on April 07, 2004, 04:03:02 pm
My half-Chinese sister any good?

You can have my car and tickets.

PS which half is chinese?

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 04:07:39 pm
I haven't looked - after all she IS my sister!

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: BigH on April 07, 2004, 04:09:50 pm
Fair enough Joe.
Anyway, a bit of mystery is a good thing.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 04:11:01 pm
Any information on the showers, as we have digressed?

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: BigH on April 07, 2004, 04:15:52 pm
Ahh, the showers....
I'm not sure 1894 will have been soon enough Joe, disappointing I know, after all that rigmarole with the traction engines and ocean liners. Team IKBrunel scarpered with most of the profits in a tunnelling machine that year (this was before it was a Flat race).
Personally I'm not sure about the camping facilities at TR, but somebody here will be.

I'm so excited about your sister...

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 04:19:06 pm
OK, I will let you know about her.  Her Turkish husband may be an issue....

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: BigH on April 07, 2004, 04:49:18 pm
I'm sure there'll be a warm welcome at Tetre Rouge, I've been told they're a friendly bunch.
Below is a pic taken on the Tuesday morning last year, one of the regulars has pitched up first, and I dare say he bought twist-tops.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: dryhen on April 07, 2004, 06:26:19 pm
Joe !!

You may by now have realised that any mention of showers (therefore naked bodies) is guaranteed to send BigH into raptures about bodies and bodily functions, and I'm surprised that your mention of a Turkish brother-in-law has not resulted in a missive from H about his experiences in Turkish Baths  ::) ::) !!

Now that my keyboard has dried out, I am pleased to advise you that there are indeed showers in Tertre Rouge - and clean ones at that !.  You will need some euro shrapnel to tip the attendants. BigH will advise you of the best place to keep it whilst showering .........

See you in June .....look out for a Bedford CF Camper and CA Tee-Shirts !

Matt Harper will probably insist that the winner in 1894 was a Morgan  ;D ;D

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 07, 2004, 06:33:18 pm
I will look out for you, and thanks for the warning.  I have stayed at Tertre Rouge before and am aware of the facilities but trying to get verification of the dark rumour that the showers may not be present this year.  Are you sure they will be there this year.  Please see the link below to see what I am bleating about:

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: jpchenet on April 07, 2004, 06:42:08 pm
I will look out for you, and thanks for the warning.  I have stayed at Tertre Rouge before and am aware of the facilities but trying to get verification of the dark rumour that the showers may not be present this year.  Are you sure they will be there this year.  Please see the link below to see what I am bleating about:

My guess would be that they are just trying to get people to take on their "off site" camping. If anything it's got better year by year on the laybys.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 08, 2004, 10:45:39 am
Certainly the showers / toilets facilities in Houx Annexe have improved considerably year on year.

Maybe the water will be hot this year?

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Nordic on April 08, 2004, 12:25:29 pm
Just tickets said the same last year.
As Steve says the showers last year on the annexe where as good as any time before, I would not worry to much I would be very surprised if it turned out to be true.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on April 08, 2004, 01:18:00 pm
Ah, I think you have answered my question.  If Just Tickets said the same last year then it sounds like it's all a load of poo.  Thanks people.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: dryhen on April 09, 2004, 12:04:50 pm

I really wouldn't worry about the showers - as even tho' they were there last year, one of the highlights was watching a group of nubile young ladies showering al fresco under a hose attached to one of the standpipes ! If there are no showers this year, perhaps the spectating will be even more exciting than usual !  Memories are made of this ........

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 12, 2004, 09:44:49 pm
None in Camping Blue, but the bogs were excelent, However top blokes from North of Cambridge bought a shower head on a stick with a hose and conector to the stand pipe.  Just the job in the heat of last year!!!! Thanks lads::)

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Brad Zarse on April 13, 2004, 02:59:53 pm
Oh - you do still read this forum - i did wonder.....

how many times do i have to tell you that there WERE showers on Bleu - you were just too pissed to find them??

However - this year we are taking out own shower - i have decided - just got to work out the best way to fit it in the MG.........

I could leave you at home - then Id have a shed load more storage space  ;D

have our tickets arrived yet??

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Stu on April 13, 2004, 04:38:14 pm
As well as constructing an electric shower for this year, I have also just bought a couple of those camping bag ones from my local camping shop for £3.75 each. Its the 20 litre ones you fill the black bag and leave lying in the sun for a few hours to heat up then hang up. Bargain I thought. Also got a small  gas barby for £11.95. Next up is the shower cubicle once I get some scraps of timber decking of my mate for the base.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: smokie on April 13, 2004, 05:20:11 pm
Why not get a porta potty and go for the full en suite?

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Stu on April 13, 2004, 05:54:09 pm
Why not get a porta potty and go for the full en suite?
Simply because I don't trust myself emptying it in some of the states I get in and also after one of them curries mentioned on another thread.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: IanB on April 13, 2004, 09:42:43 pm
        Electric shower with solar heating this year!! roll on 2008

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: gibberish on April 14, 2004, 07:59:54 pm
Why not get a porta potty and go for the full en suite?

Got one of those in its own dedicated tent.  Bloody marvellous.  Sh** when you want, pi** when you want, and all in total privacy and comfort.  Unless some unmittigated barsteward like me deems it fit to poke a camera under the canvass................oh how we laughed.... ;D

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: andy a on April 28, 2004, 11:58:21 pm
As I mentioned on a previous string..we have taken our own shower, instant hot water heater and shower tent with us now for the past couple of years. It`s all well and good sayin "we`re all blokes an don`t mind minging for a few days " but when you`ve spent the nite/day/nite on the lash, there`s nothing better than a long refreshing shower......(hot or cold)......we are on bleu again this year,( Many thanks to the T.W.A.T.S) so look out for the yorkshire rose flyin above what looks like "The Tardis".....if you wanna use it, there will be a small fee, but thats just to turn the shower cam off . Obviously if your a girly this fee wont apply......any technical bods out there wanna know the mechanics of the heat exchanger, just drop me a line, and I`ll send you the info.

Title: Re:Showers
Post by: Joe90 on May 06, 2004, 10:33:29 am
Yep, the heat exchanger information will be very gratefully received.