Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Steve Pyro on April 05, 2004, 10:00:36 pm

Title: If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 05, 2004, 10:00:36 pm

This should generate a bit of debate  ;D

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: DelBoy on April 05, 2004, 10:04:48 pm
I think you should add another option

'Pushing up the daisies'


Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Rhino on April 05, 2004, 11:37:16 pm
We have 2 of our crew missing it this year. Giving them hell of course. Contemplating phoning them at the start letting them hear the first lap roar and hang up. What other cruel sadistic way can we punish them?

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Andy on April 06, 2004, 12:19:03 am
There is the sad photo of the beer wall that they were not party too, and lots of photos of the teams birds taken with all the lads that were there.
not to forget the shampoo bar or Brethren Bash or the other 300 alternatives which are a blitz over the weekend. ;D
And whats their excuse for not going that they had better things to do? :-[

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: jpchenet on April 06, 2004, 12:23:00 am
We have 2 of our crew missing it this year. Giving them hell of course. Contemplating phoning them at the start letting them hear the first lap roar and hang up. What other cruel sadistic way can we punish them?

Did that last year to one of our guys who was "missing in action" (wife booked the holiday last year.....he says "never again")  Every time we saw him for about three months after the call he just looked at us and said "bast4rds!!"

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Robbo SPS on April 06, 2004, 03:08:57 am
Its the first lot of leave i book every year.

Me and the boy rich are booked for every year until  ???????

No excuse for me at the moment.

Unless the new mini needs more dosh .Turbo Power is coming

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: jpchenet on April 06, 2004, 09:15:14 am
Its the first lot of leave i book every year.

Me and the boy rich are booked for every year until  ???????

No excuse for me at the moment.

Unless the new mini needs more dosh .Turbo Power is coming

Did you get the Metro engine??

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Nobby Diesel on April 06, 2004, 10:21:50 am
It's a foregone conclusion.

You know that you have to book this time off. My wife expects me to be there, my friends expect me to be there.

Many of our group don't see each other from one June to the next. You just know that you have to be at Newhaven, on the Thursday before, for a 07.30 sailing.

Like I said, foregone conclusion.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Steve Pyro on April 08, 2004, 10:54:00 am
Mid June is always a busy time for me as I am working at various power station shutdowns.
However, one station is 'considerate' of my LM needs and seems to arrange their shutdown inspection requirements around my time off.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Abs on April 08, 2004, 02:02:03 pm
Only missed 1 since '91 and then I was catching all I could on Eurosport etc.. bbq and beer on Friday and Saturday just to keep with tradition. Trouble is as the plan man for the group I still had to make all arrangements for the rest of the group, talk about rubbing it in.

Luckly I was such a miserable bast4rd that the wife now makes sure that I am booked (well I think/hope that's the reason ???)

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 08, 2004, 02:12:25 pm
Having to miss the Sarthe this year but two weeks before Le Mans I've got the Indianapolis 500, the week after Le Mans comes the USGP at Indy and then the week after that is the Mid-Ohio round of the ALMS...I'll make it just fine thank you.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: hgb on April 08, 2004, 02:22:28 pm
I'd be most certainly standing at the curcuit (equipped with beer, BBQ fork in hand and all the other essential gear around) to watch the 24 hours of the Nuerburgring. I'm fine too, thank you.  8)

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 27, 2004, 04:09:35 pm
Oh hell,
If I can't go to the Sarthe, might as well take in some racing action somewhere.  The SVRA Vintage & Historic racing association is holding their annual June weekend at the Mid Ohio Sportscar Course the same weekend as Le Mans.  They usually have a nice turnout of Group C and IMSA GTP rocketships for this meeting as well as the older stuff and this year the featured marque is Jaguar.  I'll have to take a Saturday trip up Interstate 71 and see what shows up.  Certainly some Group 44 Kitty's to mix it with the usual horde of 962's.  Hopefully someone will have a satellite dish and TV setup so we can check in on the going's on at Le Mans.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: president on April 27, 2004, 05:01:26 pm
i would become a porn star ;D

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Stu on April 27, 2004, 05:14:57 pm
We have 2 of our crew missing it this year. Giving them hell of course. Contemplating phoning them at the start letting them hear the first lap roar and hang up. What other cruel sadistic way can we punish them?
Ring them at 4 in the morning and do the same. You can dial staright into the tannoy where I work from an outside line so a couple of years ago they got about 10 mins worth of cars from arnage corner at 4 in the morning. Took them a couple of mins before the penny dropped.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: smokie on April 27, 2004, 09:09:51 pm
The SVRA Vintage & Historic racing association is holding their annual June weekend at the Mid Ohio Sportscar Course the same weekend as Le Mans.  

I think the bloke we were camped next to at Sebring runs in that, and was champ last year. Phil may be able to confirm...

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Canada Phil on April 28, 2004, 08:33:30 am
Hi Smokie, Yes that would be "What's his name' from Mississauga in his Porsche although I think he said the year before last. And Fax .. sell another soul and come to France.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 28, 2004, 01:41:51 pm
Hi Phil & Smokie
Would love to go to the Sarthe in June but I have to get a hernia fixed torward the end of June and that's going to eat a week a my vacation time right there. As you can imagine I'm really looking forward to this.  Just gonna have to settle for the USGP and a couple of trips to Mid Ohio.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: jpchenet on April 28, 2004, 03:07:57 pm
Isn't there a surgeon on this forum?? (Sav??)

You could come to Le Mans and get the Hernia op done there. We could set up a Gazebo on Maison Blanche a bit like a field hospital from M*A*S*H. That way you can claim for the cost of your whole trip on your medical insurance!!  ;D

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: smokie on April 28, 2004, 04:38:49 pm
It wouldn't go far on the BBQ though would it...

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Barry on April 28, 2004, 04:49:46 pm
Hawaiian Tropic girls in army nurses gear ;D ;D ;D ;D
Think I need a cold shower.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 28, 2004, 04:51:19 pm
I most confess that I find the prospect of my guts being split open by a bunch of guys knocking back bottles of Stella a bit unsettling.  I can see it now...Anesthetic? we don't need no stinking anesthesia, just give him some more Grimburgen.  I steak knife and a staple gun and we're ready to cut.  Yeesh!

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Barry on April 28, 2004, 04:57:40 pm
But what music would we have on the sound system during the op?
'The first cut is the deepest'?
Good to see you back Fax.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 28, 2004, 05:05:21 pm
It wouldn't go far on the BBQ though would it...

Fax, get real. We can truss you up with ducktape to stop you bursting and then operate after the football on sunday. You won't feel a thing.

Then in order to see that we all get a bit, I would suggest grating it raw over a tossed salad, just like the finest white truffle which the hernia will no doubt resemble.

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: jpchenet on April 28, 2004, 05:14:36 pm
That's settled then, free trip to Le Mans for Fax courtesy of his health insurance company, no need for anaesthetic (apart from Stella/Grmbergen), sterilise the steak knives in alcahol (if we have any left) then a quick op after the footie followed by a CA feast.  ;D ;D

As it's the Rickmeister's 40th birthday perhpas we should let him have the first cut?  ;D

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 28, 2004, 05:29:05 pm
Any of you guys really named Hannibal?

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 28, 2004, 05:36:46 pm
Any of you guys really named Hannibal?

Fax I have spent the last fifteen years being told I have a more than passing resemblence to Sir Antony Hopkins.  (or Sir Hopkins as some Americans apparently insist on calling him).

I intend to eat your hernia with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Ffff Ffff FFfff Ffff!!!

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: Fax on April 29, 2004, 03:13:35 am
I always suspected there was some fricking weird sh*t going on in those campgrounds...Cannibalism!  Holy sh*t!
Is Beausejour French for "Eat Your Neighbor"?

Title: Re:If you didn't go to Le Mans.....
Post by: hgb on April 29, 2004, 08:27:30 am
Is Beausejour French for "Eat Your Neighbor"?

No, that would be Bon Appetit or not ?