Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Matt Harper on March 23, 2004, 11:59:23 pm

Title: The Power of The Internet
Post by: Matt Harper on March 23, 2004, 11:59:23 pm
The following thread is lengthy, but highly amusing (and current) and just goes to prove that if you try to screw someone-over on an internet deal, it can blow up in your face. The bikers amongst us will be more interested than the solely 4 wheeled folk - but it is damn funny.....

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: smokie on March 24, 2004, 01:12:14 am
Wow...takes some reading, but what a thread!

My fave bit is where he's written to the moderator to complain - the mod's response is something else...

Why isn't clubarnage on the list then Matt?

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: gab on March 24, 2004, 08:43:07 am
Super thread Matt, word of mouth these days is certainly accellerated with the use of the Internet. Smokie your right about the time needed to read the thread, by the time I went to post my response in the CA Forum my 1 hour login time had expired. Good reading if one has the time.

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: BigH on March 24, 2004, 11:28:48 am
Whoa! and Phew, it takes some reading, and definitely has it's ups and downs. I see-sawed between 'is it real?' and 'no it's not'.
It was worth it though, especially for the line:

"sounds like its time for KS to travel to Houston and open up a can o' whoop ass!"

I had to take a time out when I reached that one.
Funnily enough I had a very similar experience at the beginning of the year, with a purchase through e-bay. I bought a digital camera from a NY based company, paid up front with PayPal, and two weeks later an empty box arrived. The shippers response was "not our problem, we don't ship empty boxes". There then followed a very protracted set of e-mails and calls not disimilar to poor 'ole Kurts.
Just for laughs, I've copied below my last e-mail reply after it was requested I return the empty box. It does happen. Mmmm, maybe I should let it lie...

Upsetting! -you're not kidding!!
The job I wanted the camera for has now finished. The broken down camera it was to replace has now been fixed and returned. And I'm now convinced that the UPS customer services phones are manned by complete morons with a share in my phone bill!
I know what I'd like them to do with the empty box...
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 21 January 2004 17:44
To: Hxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: missing camera

What are they going to do with an empty box??Ill keep bugging them! This is really upsetting.

Ah well, you live and learn. Actually, maybe that's not strictly true.
Good call Matt.

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: jpchenet on March 24, 2004, 11:39:53 am
And I was always taught "All publicity is good publicity"   ;D

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: Abs on March 24, 2004, 11:49:10 am
What a read, almost gave up a couple of times. Can't believe anyone could run a business like that and hope to survive.

100% true about how things used to get around by word of mouth, but looking at the links shown the internet just blows all away.

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: Fax on March 24, 2004, 02:37:27 pm
Looks like good ol'e Will should consider himself fortunate if he can sell go-peds to mall rats after that roasting.  He sure as hell won't
be doing any business with any WERA dudes.  They're a pretty tight knit bunch.  Got a bud who races in the WERA 750 Superbike ranks, really good bloke but Jesus he's one crazy Mo-Fo.

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 24, 2004, 04:51:59 pm
It took me a good hour to read through the 17 or so pages of posts.
It certainly shows that your lies will catch you out one day.

The posts started to get a bit tedious and had devolved into a flame war by the end but the bulk of it shows how the internet has reached into everyones homes all around the planet.

Some of the linked forums made interesting reading, I particulary like the boat site and Bradford FC!!

It goes to prove that there's some slippery b*stards out there.

Title: Re:The Power of The Internet
Post by: TonyT on March 25, 2004, 02:51:24 pm
Lost the will to live after page 10, but great thread.