Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: DickieAttwood on March 17, 2004, 10:59:13 pm

Title: Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: DickieAttwood on March 17, 2004, 10:59:13 pm
Does anyone recall Duncan Hamilton's showroom in Bagshot?

Sadly no longer there, but what a great place. I called in once to find an Aston Martin Nimrod. It had the engine cover removed and was propped up so that you could see all the detail.

There's a good gallery here....


Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Robbo SPS on March 18, 2004, 12:04:16 am
I used to go through Bagshot regulary but never saw it, was ir near the A30 ?

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Abs on March 18, 2004, 09:32:16 am
I thought they were still on the A30 near hook, this is only about 5 minutes away I've got nowt to do today so I'll go and have a look.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: mgmark on March 18, 2004, 10:02:34 am
Does anyone recall Duncan Hamilton's showroom in Bagshot

Remember it well - used to drive past it frequently in the mid-80s - always had mouth-watering amchinery in the window!

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Barry on March 18, 2004, 12:37:58 pm
The showroom was in the village just off the A30.
They probably had to get a window cleaner in on Monday mornings, just to clean the drool off the windows, left by the adults? staggering out the pub opposite on saturday nights and oggling the very tasty machinary that was always on display.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: BigH on March 18, 2004, 01:06:05 pm


Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: hgb on March 18, 2004, 02:16:39 pm
Look at the 917 in the back yard...


Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: pretzel on March 18, 2004, 02:44:52 pm
Always see their advertisement in Classic & Sportscar Magazine every month. Much mouth-watering machinery always on sale from them.

Seems to me that the trade in motoring exotica, particularly the competition varitey, is a much better bet than investment in the stock market/pensions/endowments etc..

What interests me is how much the stuff marked 'POA' is actually traded for!

I suppose if you have to ask then you can't afford it.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: hgb on March 18, 2004, 02:54:05 pm
I used to buy the Classic & Sportscar Magazine too for some time. Over here it's now at 13 Euros or something. I decided I better save that money and may one day be able to ask what POA means without getting too embarrassed.  ;D

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Bobblehat on March 18, 2004, 06:30:39 pm
Frends of mine got thier Moke through them, then drove it all the way to Portugal! We have one on BJ this year, blue I think ???

As for POA, there was a Ferrari 456 thingy - the last pritty one with pop up lights - converted into a 4 door estate, which I phoned up about, £ 500.000 was the asking price, but he did offer to sign-write it for me for free, wich was nice......................

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: DickieAttwood on March 18, 2004, 08:13:51 pm
Glad the place is well remembered...They might remember me as 'that scruffy bloke who might be an eccentric millionaire'


Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Perdu on March 18, 2004, 10:22:28 pm
That "C  type winning Le Mans, where is that picture taken? Was it at the end of the Mulsanne or at Indianapolis? Definitely a great place to see motorcars!!!!
(Giving away my ignorance now, but I only got to see some ofthe track last year, more this year I hope.)

Those cars bring a lump to your throat, all that serious history in one place, w-w-w-wow! :)

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Rhino on March 18, 2004, 10:54:01 pm
And of course the legendary story of duncan being disqualified in practice, reinstated, dragged out of a bar saturday morning, fed gallons of coffee and then winning the race. What a legend

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: BigH on March 19, 2004, 09:30:20 am
It's the end of the Mulsanne, don't you just love those telegraph poles!
Also, I believe he was revived with something a little stronger than coffee. Not Grimbergen obviously, but after a night in the Relax bar, coffee just wouldn't cut the mustard.

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Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Matt Harper on March 19, 2004, 02:58:29 pm
The couple taking tea in the lawn chairs and the chap, who looks like he's out for a Saturday evening stroll at trackside, are almost as funny as the telephone poles.
That era does seem a lot more genteel and romantic, doesn't it.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 19, 2004, 04:45:42 pm
The couple taking tea in the lawn chairs and the chap, who looks like he's out for a Saturday evening stroll at trackside, are almost as funny as the telephone poles.
That era does seem a lot more genteel and romantic, doesn't it.

Plus the opposite lock, tail sliding Jag - brilliant  :-*

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 23, 2004, 02:30:07 pm
I recall seeing an AMR1 from 89 sitting in the showroom around about 1991. It was either car 18 or 19, can't remeber which. I think it was for sale too, but unfortunately, I did not have enough spare cash on me at the time to invest in it.  :(

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: BigH on March 23, 2004, 03:44:22 pm
Wotcher Andy,
Here's a little reminder.
I remember a C-type for 3 and six in a garage in Putney, while a pet shop in Barnes once had a DB4 Zagato for 19 and eleven with a complimentary hamster and some bird seed. Those were the days alright, when a man could wear suspenders and roger the paperboy without causing a furore.

Forgive me mate, I know nothing about cricket, my fault I know. But is there a chance there'll be no cricket to see in the windies? -everytime I put the telly on there seems to be a local lad heading with his head down to the pavillion, and whitey jumping around punching the air. I know these things tend to drag on a bit, but this time around the adverts seem to last longer.

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Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 23, 2004, 04:26:16 pm
Yes H, the cricket does seem to be going our way for once. 2- nil up after two games in a five match series, it looks as if it's becoming boring. However, one mustn't look at things like this. Me and me pals are going for the same reason as one goes to Le Mans. It is not the race that is important, but the being there.

Also, I think they should introduce a system at Le Mans similar to the one that the good people in the marketing dept of  Red Stripe lager have introduced in the Caribbean. At each day of the match, it is possible to purchase a teeshirt. No ordinarary tee this, for it entitles the wearer to drink Red Stripe FREE all day. Cost? £15!!! Last time I was there, they ran out of Stripe on the first day, tricked by the somewhat thin numbers of England fans. They did not bank on the fact that we were human beer processing machines and the barman ended up serving us free pints of whiskey! I have to say it was somewhat acidic on the throat after a day on Stripe and a Jerk Chicken lunch. How we drove home I will never know.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: rory on March 24, 2004, 10:53:38 am
sorry to detract from the very uncommon topic of successful english cricket.....
but if you ever see the number 18 c type check out the gnarly looking old testicle stuffed down the side of the cockpit.  his son adrian, who now owns the car, swears it is the remains of an orange which duncan had in the car during the race in '53.  apparently he was able to lock the steering wheel with his knees while on the mulsanne and peel an orange - until he took a sparrow in the face which broke his nose!!!
another good bit of triv - his daughter caroline was the model in that old athena poster we all remember so well.  the one with tennis player and the peachy cheeks.....
she denies it but i have it on good authority.  i was best man at her wedding.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: jpchenet on March 24, 2004, 11:45:25 am
Yes H, the cricket does seem to be going our way for once. 2- nil up after two games in a five match series, it looks as if it's becoming boring. However, one mustn't look at things like this. Me and me pals are going for the same reason as one goes to Le Mans. It is not the race that is important, but the being there.

Also, I think they should introduce a system at Le Mans similar to the one that the good people in the marketing dept of  Red Stripe lager have introduced in the Caribbean. At each day of the match, it is possible to purchase a teeshirt. No ordinarary tee this, for it entitles the wearer to drink Red Stripe FREE all day. Cost? £15!!! Last time I was there, they ran out of Stripe on the first day, tricked by the somewhat thin numbers of England fans. They did not bank on the fact that we were human beer processing machines and the barman ended up serving us free pints of whiskey! I have to say it was somewhat acidic on the throat after a day on Stripe and a Jerk Chicken lunch. How we drove home I will never know.

They were saying on the telly yesterday that we have retained the Wisden Trophey as we were two up in a four match series. Are you usre you've got tickets to the fifth test??  Didn't buy them off eBay did you??  ;D

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: jpchenet on March 24, 2004, 11:51:33 am
Just checked on and it is only four tests. 3rd is in Barbados 1-5 april and the 4th is Antigua 10-14 April.  You're going to Antigua aren't you?? Should be a great finale to the series!!

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: BigH on March 24, 2004, 11:58:41 am
That made me laugh Andy, £15 was hopelessly optimistic for the poor man, and beers not cheap there either, I'll bet his face dropped everytime you headed back for another round. Fair play to him that he kept serving. It's a good idea though, and maybe should be extended to a fish and chip supper from Felix's van.
In my league table of "worst hangovers I've ever had", a day on Red Stripe followed by some bush rum, is right on top. I thought I had Denghi Fever, and admit that I still cannot go anywhere near the stuff, even just the sight of a bottle makes me go all queasy.

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 24, 2004, 02:13:09 pm
Derrr! You're right! You know, I was sitting in the traffic yesterday half trying to work out just how they were going to fit in back to back tests in Barbados before Antigua on the 10th. No matter, I arrive on the 9th. Thanks gents!

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: opposite locker on March 24, 2004, 02:18:22 pm
Red Stripe and Rum? I'm not the only one that has that reaction to it then. I'd drunk twelve cans and half a bottle of St. James Rum between 8pm and when it all went blurry (must have been about 2, I guess) and I had my second worst hangover ever.
My worst involved St. James rum too.
I wonder why (50%!!!)

Title: Re:Duncan Hamilton & Co
Post by: smokie on March 24, 2004, 04:10:03 pm
Not bad for a 16 year old OL...

How're the GCSEs going?