Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: johnevans3 on January 29, 2004, 10:50:45 pm

Title: First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on January 29, 2004, 10:50:45 pm
I plan to attend my first 24 Hours of Le Mans this year.  I live in Texas and will be on a tour with some high school kids the first two weeks in June.  When I found out the dates that we were to be in France and that the race was starting when the group is leaving to come back to the US, there was no question as to what I wanted to do.  Anyway, having never been, I don't know my way around, logistics, transportation, etc. but have been picking up on valuable info on this site.  I just want to thank all of you for the little pieces of info I have found.   I plan to ride the train from Paris on June 12 to Le Mans and then back to the airport in Paris for a flight home.  Does that sound like a good plan or is there a better way, less costly such as motorcoach (we call them buses here in Texas)?   I plan to buy a General Admission ticket at the gate and just "bum" around.  I do want to go to the "village" to see displays, eat, etc and I hope the general admission will allow that.  Any advice or help will be most appreciated.  Thanks

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Stu on January 29, 2004, 11:42:48 pm
Welcome John,
All of what you plan is feasible. Obviously the earlier you get to Le Mans, the better. When do you intend to return. The train would be the quickest ( and probably best) option and should'nt cost to much. Its about 1.5 to 2 hours from Paris if my memory serves me correctly. If you are definitely going, I would pre book your train ticket on the internet as you get cheaper fares in france for booking in advance, plus the trains will probably be busy that day, so the earlier the better. I believe that a shuttle bus runs to the circuit. General Admission tickets are available on the day and allow access to the village and all the spectator areas apart from the grandstands (Tribunes) which you need an extra ticket for. If we can be off any more help, please don't hesitate to ask.


Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Canada Phil on January 30, 2004, 09:09:45 am
HI John, Your plan is sound. Definitely book your train especially the return portion. Travel time is 55 minutes to Paris ( Montparnasse) 1 1/2 hours to Charles de Gaule Airport. Shuttle bus from Gare ( station) in Le Mans to track about 20 minutes takes you to main enterance. Carry euro cash as  Credit card machines at entrance can be  out of order. Food and drink readily available. Be sure to visit Champagne Bar 9:00 pm Saturday to meet  the CA crowd. GA ticket is all you need to see the best race in the world. Be excited you are in for the treat of your life.
Canada Phil
PS it is totally addictive

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: jpchenet on January 30, 2004, 09:48:43 am
Welcome John.

What a fantastic coincidence that the greatest motor race in the world fits in around your trip.

There's a great help section here that will provide you lots of useful information.;action=display;threadid=274

The only thing I would add to the comments you have already seen would be that if you can, I would recommend getting there earlier than the Saturday if your itinery permits. We get there on the Thursday morning but there are others who get there as early as the Sunday before. All you would need is a small tent. I take it your flight leaves on Sunday night??

We make regular trips out to the Hypermarket so if you wnat us to pick up a case of beer (or two) for you just ask neared the time.

As for transportation, Gilles may well be your man who can suggest if there is a coach/bus available from Paris and relative costs/times. I'm sure he'll post a reply soon. He lives in Le Mans so provides us with all sorts of invaluable information.

Look forward to seeing you there!! But remember, it's addictive and so you better start planning next years trip already!!!!!  You will be back!!!

Cheers,   Mark

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: mgmark on January 30, 2004, 10:45:24 am
Welcome, and thanks for taking the trouble to look around for information on the site first.   You will always find plenty of good people willing to help on this forum, whether it is in the form of advice, knowledge or actual help when you are there, particularly for people who are travelling significant distances.   If you can get there before the Saturday, then do.   Friday is always good with the pit lane open in the morning, the driver's parade in the town centre in the afternoon/evening and the pre-race build up on Saturday at the circuit.    Don't worry about the language - many French speak English and there are about 80,000 very identifiable Brits there every year.   Be prepared to spend the rest of your life planning the trip and returning every year.   Prepare your family to be bored fartless by stories of wonder from each time you visit.  Enjoy.   ;D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 30, 2004, 03:04:47 pm
Buy / beg / steal a sleeping bag for when you're 'poorly' with drink and manage to get some sleep somewhere.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on January 30, 2004, 03:42:31 pm
Thanks for the info guys, good ideas are most appreciated.  I think I will book the train back to De Gaulle and bring a sleeping bag.   My plane should be leaving early Monday AM for Texas and back to 90+F. temperatures.  I watched the movie Le Mans (Steve McQueen) last night and saw the cold, rainey weather.   People seem to just lay down where ever and sleep even outside the camping areas.  Layers of clothes and raingear may be needed.  I'm trying to determine how many Euros I may need ie. bus from the train station to the Circuit, junk food and drink, souvenirs, toilets, etc.  I would think some vendors, food establishments would take credit cards.   Well, that's about it for now, hope to meet some of you folks at the race and personally thank you for the information.  It may take awhile though to weed through 80,000 Brits just to find all of you.  

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 30, 2004, 03:51:29 pm
We'll be the ones wearing the Club Arnage 't' shirts


Also, scheduled to meet up at The Champagne Bar in the 'Village' on Saturday night.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on January 30, 2004, 03:59:43 pm
I need to get me one of those!!!! :o :o :o ;D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: hgb on January 30, 2004, 04:25:59 pm
What, the t-shirt or Anna ?  ;)

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Dark Warrior on January 30, 2004, 04:48:05 pm
I fear that the attendee's on Saturday nite in the Champs bar wearing the aforesaid attire may not be as easy on the eye as the luvverly lady modelling the shirt...  ;D ;D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on January 30, 2004, 05:01:17 pm
As to the shirt or Anna, depends how cold the weather may be ::)...and as far as you guys are concerned, I won't be looking at you for sure.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: gibberish on January 30, 2004, 05:40:35 pm
As to the shirt or Anna, depends how cold the weather may be ::)...and as far as you guys are concerned, I won't be looking at you for sure.

John, last year it was very hot.  An hours worth of fine rain, but nothing bad.  Hot hot hot.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 30, 2004, 06:35:29 pm
I need to get me one of those!!!! :o :o :o ;D


Look at the Teeshirt thread in the General Discussion forum. They are just about to be ordered up, but if you ask Robbo nicely (and quickly), I'm sure he'll make sure you get one.

Meeting is at the Champaigne Bar at 21.00 on the saturday night. Don't be shy, there'll be dozens of us there.

Andy Z

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 30, 2004, 09:33:14 pm
Welcome Texas John. You have found the best and most helpful Le Mans site on the web.

Take about 200 Euro's for spending , and dont worry you dont pay for the loo's.

Afterwards you may want a refund for having to use the loo's..

Come meet us at the bar at 2100 hrs. T Shirts, you maybe a little late now ( e mail me if you want one ) , but i am doing a special last minute order in April , should there be a need.

Enjoy. I went in 2000 and it just gets better, this will be my 5th year and i still havent a clue about lots of things.

Don’t worry about rain, you’ll dry very quickly. i would recommend sun Tan Lotion.

Maybe see you there

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: pretzel on January 30, 2004, 11:02:55 pm
Don't worry TOO much about the rain. It's normally pretty good weather (summer in Europe and all that) and it's warm when it's wet. Mind you, something to put on against the elements is always a good idea (2001 springs to mind).

It's probably worth having a few Cents (European) to pay the toilet attendants to make sure they don't follow you back to the campsite or whatever accommodation you may have.

Apart from that it's whatever your budget will stretch to for beer, croque monsieur, merguez etc.  (junk food, and it really is junk! but essential all the same) that you can stand. Forget the credit cards though - strictly cash only. Souvenirs can be had on plastic but there's a reason for that.

There may be 80,000 Brits but take the time to go to the Champagne Bar in the Village at 9:00 pm Saturday night and there will, I'm sure, be a welcome.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: jpchenet on January 30, 2004, 11:34:43 pm

As long as you have a sleeping bag (or if it's as warm as last year you won't even need that) you'll always find somewhere to "crash" for a feww hours kip. We take three or four Gazebo's with us, a couple iwth isdes to protect from the elements if the weather turns, so you can always use that for shelter or to rest, you'l be made very welcome!! We're camping on Maison Blanche, as I think are at least 50% of this forum's regulars.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: powermite on January 31, 2004, 10:02:09 am
Just one other thing,John.As you will be on foot,you wont need a camping ticket.So nearer the time,arrange to meet any number of us who are staying on Maison Blanche and we can sort you out with somewhere to leave your stuff or to get some sleep


Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on February 02, 2004, 12:16:33 am
Hey Robbo, as to the shirt, since it's a late time in the ordering cycle, hopefully, you may have an extra shirt with you at the bar (AND, Anna of course),and I can buy it there.  You may not want Euro's though.  I could send a check, it would be in dollars, if I knew how much and if it would get there in time.  Please let me know.  I gather the loo's is the toilet, john, potty, can.....
jpchenet and powermite, thanks for the offer to take me under your wing,  I cetainly don't want to impose on anyone's space and I truely appreciate just a small corner anywhere close to friendly folks.  I am so glad I got to this website, the BMW sales rep in Shreveport, Louisiana, US, told me about this site.  

I saw another newbie posting but forgot his name but saw he/she?? was directed to this thread.  Sounds like we are going to take the train from Paris, maybe we can link up.  Will contact you on your posting.

Don't know if any of you guys saw any of the 24 Hours of Daytona that finished earlier today.  What a miserable race.  I had some local friends that went down to the race and probably got drenched.  Porsche almost took the overall again this year.  Who are the favorites at LeMans this year.  Wish the Bently's were back, would love to "hear their song".  I understand there is a British Audi team that's been accepted.  I've seen Audi's run here in the US and they are really good. Don't know about privateers but the factory effort was first class.  It should be lots of fun.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 02, 2004, 01:58:35 pm
Do not stay with Powermite. Terrible things happen at his pitch. Such terrible things I tell you. ???

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: powermite on February 02, 2004, 05:06:26 pm
After that result in Daytona,I can drive my Pontiac to Lemans with my head held high.Pontiac Rules!!!

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 02, 2004, 06:56:42 pm
After that result in Daytona,I can drive my Pontiac to Lemans with my head held high.Pontiac Rules!!!

Thanks PM, I'll go and kiss the Tin Indian engine in my cobra then.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: powermite on February 02, 2004, 09:05:17 pm
Do I detect an Extra Recruit to the WANCs

W.A.N.C.E.R. Steve,we havent got one of those


Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Canada Phil on February 03, 2004, 06:56:20 am
Hi PM, Does that mean you have the Pontiac
re-assembled AND Running ::) ?
Poor Old Negro Thought It A Cadillac :-X
Canada Phil

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: powermite on February 03, 2004, 08:01:55 am
No Phil,not quite.
The engine will be ready by the end of this week and then will be 2/3 weeks to float across the Atlantic.
Im more or less ready to spray the engine bay and then put everything back in before the engine arrives.I think it'll be the middle of March for the fire-up.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: bigredbus on February 03, 2004, 11:11:55 am
This year will be our 8th trip and it has only rained seriously twice while we have been going.
One of those was on the friday anyway and the other saw Johnny Herbert 60 secs faster than anyone else on the track in monsoon conditions.
Chances are it will be hot and sunny. Either way it will be epic.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: mgmark on February 03, 2004, 11:38:41 am
One of those was on the friday anyway and the other saw Johnny Herbert 60 secs faster than anyone else on the track in monsoon conditions.

1995....McLaren F1....JJ Lehto.....middle of the bridge.......AWESOME  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: jpchenet on February 03, 2004, 09:49:59 pm
in time.  Please let me know.  I gather the loo's is the toilet, john, potty, can.....
jpchenet and powermite, thanks for the offer to take me under your wing,  I cetainly don't want to impose on anyone's space and I truely appreciate just a small corner anywhere close to friendly folks.  I am so glad I got to this website, the BMW sales rep in Shreveport, Louisiana, US, told me about this site.  

No problem at all John. You'll discover that the spirit of Le Mans is quite unique. You can spend the whole week walking around camp sites meeting new people and being invited to join them for a beer.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 04, 2004, 12:55:05 am
Welcome to the club John.   :-)  I would agree with all the other replies.  But I think it's only fair to warn you it's adictive.  I went once in 1980 and tried giving it up a year later.  Failed and have been going ever since.  :-)  So that could be expensive traveling from TX unless you can swing School trips every year.  :-)

The General Entrance ticket will also get you in to the Mulsane and  Arnarge corners.  But getting there is a problem if you don't have a car.   You will find everyone is very friendly.  But finding  a particular person is difficult unless you have a pre arranged meeting or a cell phone.  

The weather is hot & dry more than cold or wet.

If you can bring a Jackalope along you will be more than welcome to my group for food and drink.  :-)

BTW.  What part of TX are you from?  

Don't Mess with Texas!

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on February 04, 2004, 03:06:41 pm
Hey Tom, nice to hear from you.  You must know something about Texas by referring to our Jackalopes.  They are a little hard to catch alive, usually only see them dead and stuffed on somebodys wall.  But I will see what I can do.  I'm from Tyler, half way between Dallas and Shreveport, Louisiana.  
I gather that most of the folks on this site are guys, very few ladies it seems, and most are from England?  Any other Texans out there?  Or any other state?

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: BigH on February 04, 2004, 03:19:59 pm
Most Mondays I'm in a terrible state, if that's any help.

My hopes have been crushed by your mention of stuffed Jackalopes and living room walls, I was hoping they were young schoolgirls on holiday, and you were bringing a few along.

You're right, there are very few ladies in here, but I suspect more than we think; and a few making the transition. But that's the English for you.

You'll have a great time I'm sure, just don't mention the war...

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 04, 2004, 06:18:56 pm
As i voted New Labour, You could say i live in Portsmouth , NEW England  :D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 04, 2004, 06:22:21 pm
As i voted New Labour,

You're to blame then  ;D

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 04, 2004, 06:38:11 pm
Hey Tom, nice to hear from you.  You must know something about Texas by referring to our Jackalopes.  They are a little hard to catch alive, usually only see them dead and stuffed on somebodys wall.  But I will see what I can do.  I'm from Tyler, half way between Dallas and Shreveport, Louisiana.  
I gather that most of the folks on this site are guys, very few ladies it seems, and most are from England?  Any other Texans out there?  Or any other state?

Jackalopes. Very funny! See here:

We actually have something similar that goes to Le Mans each year. It's called Felix and his Mythical Commer Fish'n'chip van. He's there yet no one ever sees him.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 04, 2004, 06:39:09 pm
Hi John,

Yes I used to work for TI so I spen a fiar bit of time in TX mostly in Austin.  I've seen Blue Bonnetts growing in the Wild and the Indian War paint.  But Jackalopes I've only seen on Postcards.

A couple of other facts about Le Mans for you.

1)  Le Mans "The Race" is actualy a British Motor Race.    We just hold it in France coz the weather is better and the Beer is cheaper.

2) Le Mans "the Event"  is just an annual party that the French hold for the British.

Yes Le Mans is a bloke thing.  For some reason the Women object to the guys using thier showers and toilets.  I don't see the problem I did see a woman in the Gents  once!

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Matt Harper on February 04, 2004, 09:10:42 pm
Quote from: johnevans3 Any other Texans out there?  Or any other state?

Pidge is from Miami FL
Fax is from Cincinnati OH
Dave H lives in Indian no place, but is English
I live in Orlando FL, but am English
and Phil lives in Canada, which is America Lite (that's gonna start a punch-up!)

We make the trip over from the US and it's pretty straightforward, but horribly expensive, given the strength of sterling and euro.
If you need a taster - get down to Sebring FL on March 20th for the Mobil 12 Hours of Sebring - all the key Le Mans players will be there and you'll then have an idea about what to expect both on and off track (actually, there is a lot more 'flange' at Sebring, spring-break, an' all).

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: johnevans3 on February 04, 2004, 10:38:37 pm
Hey tmdg, I thought the French only had unisex toilets and showers.  I was looking forward to a reason to take a shower while I'm there.  Since I will be there for a short period of time, my focus will be on the race and the ladies.  Not necessarily in that order.  May take a break for a little food and drink, but not much.

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: Rhino on February 04, 2004, 11:54:49 pm
Im sorry you don't understand the beer is obligatory.. :)

Title: Re:First time attendee
Post by: sceetum on February 11, 2004, 11:28:37 pm
If you check the small print on your entrance ticket it does say that all spectators must be under the influence of alcohol ;D