Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: wishy on January 25, 2004, 02:51:58 pm

Title: route?
Post by: wishy on January 25, 2004, 02:51:58 pm
For a change this year we are travelling down from Cherbourg instead of St.Malo,due to Brittany Ferries  being greedy with their charges.

Has anyone got a preferred route...i.e the quickest and easiest will suffice.

I have looked at various ways on autoroute express and can't decide which way to go!!!!


Title: Re:route?
Post by: pretzel on January 25, 2004, 03:09:01 pm
Not necessarily the quickest but a nice drive:

N13 Cherbourg to Carentan
N174 Carentan to Vire (passing through St. Lo)
D524/924  Vire to Flers
D962 Flers to Domfront
D23 Domfront to Mayenne (We then break off and take the D7 to our Hotel at Mezangers and cold beers, while you continue on)....
D35/D304 Mayenne to Le Mans

The last stretch is just one straight road so you shouldn't have the opportunity to get hopelessly lost  :)

You could always follow us - if you can keep up.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: guest on January 25, 2004, 03:16:27 pm
N13 to Caen, then get on the N158 through Falaise ( good stop off point) Arginten and straight into Lemans, passing the Auchen hyper market on the way.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 25, 2004, 06:57:58 pm
Wishy -

I went a few year  on my bike this way , and was VERY quick

N13 to Caen , then N158 towards Alencon then  becomes the N138 and the rest in a good bit of fun..

I e mailed Stu some route cards for his help pages . I think he was going to add them.  

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Barry on January 26, 2004, 02:53:28 pm
Use the N13, N158, N138 route if you want a fast trip, I usually use that on the way down. But I always use the Mayenne, Donfort, Flers route for a more relaxed scenic trip back on Monday. Very little traffic, and great roads.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 27, 2004, 12:21:36 am
Use the N13, N158, N138 route if you want a fast trip, I usually use that on the way down. But I always use the Mayenne, Donfort, Flers route for a more relaxed scenic trip back on Monday. Very little traffic, and great roads.

I guess you have a bike then Barry...

Title: Re:route?
Post by: jpchenet on January 27, 2004, 03:06:52 am
I think the routes have been pretty much covered. The only piece of advice I'd suggest Wishy is allow a good bit of extra time when travelling back up the Cherbourg Peninsula. We did this route in 2001 and nearly missed the ferry because of the extra time it took.  That's why we always do Caen now!!

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Gilles on January 27, 2004, 09:33:53 am
The Mayenne option is definitely more a scenid road...
... but at Domfront you can stop for some local productions: calvados, cidre, poire,...  :P

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Barry on January 27, 2004, 12:34:20 pm
Hi Robbo
You guessed right, used the bike for the last 2 years, although going down by car this year.
French roads and the good attitude of French car drives towards bikes was a reverlation, up untill then, only experienced the pot holes and aggression we have in the UK.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 27, 2004, 01:55:09 pm
Hi Robbo
You guessed right, used the bike for the last 2 years, although going down by car this year.
French roads and the good attitude of French car drives towards bikes was a reverlation, up untill then, only experienced the pot holes and aggression we have in the UK.

I stopped taking the bike as i found it too easy to get carried away. And was inches from a serious fatal crash , which still gives me the chills today.

We did to Cherbourg route in 3hours 5mins on a bike. Inc food and stops.

Awsome roads.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: gibberish on January 27, 2004, 02:19:49 pm
was inches from a serious fatal crash

Fatal usually is serious Robbo, or am I being too pedantic ::)

Sorry ;D

Title: Re:route?
Post by: pretzel on January 27, 2004, 02:33:04 pm

Fatal usually is serious Robbo, or am I being too pedantic ::)

Sorry ;D

Hey Gibber - maybe you should try this kink:  ;) I've been directed to it myself by colleagues at work a few times.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: gibberish on January 27, 2004, 03:25:34 pm
Hey Gibber - maybe you should try this kink:  ;) I've been directed to it myself by colleagues at work a few times.

Ah yes, I take your point Pretzel, but I don't think I will keep up with those people.  anyone else seen a poster on the underground "People who commit violence against our staff........"  Oh lord what idiot wrote that.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Stu on January 27, 2004, 04:20:48 pm
was inches from a serious fatal crash

Fatal usually is serious Robbo, or am I being too pedantic ::)

Sorry ;D

Pedantic me thinks. Serious is'nt always fatal unlike the famous newspaper story somewhere sometime that said 3 people were killed, 2 of them fatal.

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 27, 2004, 10:49:50 pm

 anyone else seen a poster on the underground "People who commit violence against our staff........"  Oh lord what idiot wrote that.


The same idiot who wrote a poster in my establishment - Any violence or the threat of violence will not be tolerated and may impose a prison sentance.

Poster was in the CCTV footage as a lad head butted me, he recieved a drug re-habilitation order .

The old boy in the Midlands who didnt pay his £60 speeding fine of 38mph in a 30 went to Prison for 2 WEEKS.

Bloody ridiculous.


Title: Re:route?
Post by: gibberish on February 02, 2004, 10:55:58 am
[The same idiot who wrote a poster in my establishment - Any violence or the threat of violence will not be tolerated and may impose a prison sentance.

Poster was in the CCTV footage as a lad head butted me, he recieved a drug re-habilitation order .

The old boy in the Midlands who didnt pay his £60 speeding fine of 38mph in a 30 went to Prison for 2 WEEKS.

Bloody ridiculous.

I saw something in a paper the other day, tha there were more motorists being sent to prison than burglars......Utterly stupid

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on February 02, 2004, 11:34:39 am
There is quite often a lot more to these cases, I have a healthy mistrust of newspapers and politicians.  Quite like the BBC tho  ;D

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Robbo SPS on February 02, 2004, 01:10:12 pm
There is quite often a lot more to these cases, I have a healthy mistrust of newspapers and politicians.  Quite like the BBC tho  ;D

without going into too much details, the articles i have sppken about are true .

The old boy did 2 weeks and the lad on his fireblade doing 158mph di 3 months - Dangerous Driving and is now banned for 3 years

Title: Re:route?
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 02, 2004, 06:45:53 pm
and the lad on his fireblade doing 158mph di 3 months - Dangerous Driving and is now banned for 3 years

3 years, he should have been bloody well hung (cue Ivor Biggun type humerous rhyme)

Title: Re:route?
Post by: jpchenet on February 04, 2004, 04:38:27 pm
There is quite often a lot more to these cases, I have a healthy mistrust of newspapers and politicians.  Quite like the BBC tho  ;D

You're not Lord Hutton then???   ;D

Isn't it ironic that someone leaked the info from a report about leaking info!!!  Maybe Lord Hutton should have an enquiry into his enquiry this time by someone independant from him??  I believe Greg Dyke is free!!