Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: mdt on January 23, 2004, 03:45:10 am

Title: I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: mdt on January 23, 2004, 03:45:10 am
Seems like my motorhome was too big for the Houx, or however you spell it. So I was booked into the Maison Blanche campsite.

I recall from reading my Christmas present book on Le Mans that Maison Blanche was the site of the famous Whitehouse accident of 1066 or something.

Anyway, what's it like? Am I going to get any sleep? ;D

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Canada Phil on January 23, 2004, 07:05:34 am
           You won't like it! MB is full of WANKs and w**k*r's, Lunatic race fans. The Pope and his entourage to say nothing of the Commer or the odd mad Frenchman. Houx is huge in comparison so no idea why ACO should think there would be room for your motor home. Ofcourse if you get there early you could grab Felix's spot before the Chip Wagon rolls in.
Canada Phil The Moose and a w**k*r ;D

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: mdt on January 23, 2004, 07:23:12 am
           You won't like it! MB is full of WANKs and w**k*r's, Lunatic race fans. The Pope and his entourage to say nothing of the Commer or the odd mad Frenchman. Houx is huge in comparison so no idea why ACO should think there would be room for your motor home. Ofcourse if you get there early you could grab Felix's spot before the Chip Wagon rolls in.
Canada Phil The Moose and a w**k*r ;D

I take it that it's good? ??? ;D

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: hgb on January 23, 2004, 09:16:13 am
...the famous Whitehouse accident of 1066 or something...

Famous White House accident anno 1066 ? Can't find that in the history books.  ;D Sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: rcutler on January 23, 2004, 10:06:13 am
I am on Maison Blanche for the second time this year after moving from the Houx. The only advantage the Houx has is Electric hook up but these are often 100-300m from your pitch. Also on Houx the pitches are 5mx5m which means even my van conversion (see left) is officially too big. On MB there are no markings so you use as much space as you need. The atmosphere is more for race fans as it is only seconds up the bank to the ford chicane. As for the noise there is no where within about 5 miles of the circuit that is any easier to sleep. Houx is just as noisy and besides it is a 24 hour race what are you planning on sleeping for!

See you there

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 23, 2004, 10:25:27 am
Out of the 23 years (including this one) I've been coming, have used campsites for 16 of them. In that time, have been in Bleu three times, Houx once and MB twelve!!

Have to say I love it there. Not to say the others aren't great but when something ain't broke, don't fix it if you know what I mean. The atmos is great and you get to make some great buddies who almost always camp roughly in the same place. Some we have managed to upset a tad over the years but generally a damn fine place to be put mdt!!

It is indeed just a stone's throw away from the famous Maison Blanche stretch (as you may have guessed).

Actually, just a thought but as so many of us camp in MB, wonder if we could make a rough location map together with a list of identifying markers (such as the Commer, PM's Winnie etc....) so we can hook up easier?

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: rcutler on January 23, 2004, 10:30:14 am
That seems to be a good idea rick. I am not sure where we will be just we need to be within 50m of a tap other wise there are going to be a few thousand buckets moving water for the pool. If a position can be saved for us then mark it on!


Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 23, 2004, 10:35:11 am
Looks like I've volunteered meself like!!! Not a prob, please send likely/rough location to me at and I'll get it sorted!!!

Estimated arrival date, vehicles likely and any banners, inflatable objects etc. that might aid visual recognition!


Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 23, 2004, 10:36:35 am
I'll start a separate thread then, so I don't highjack mdt's question!!

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 23, 2004, 10:49:49 am
...the famous Whitehouse accident of 1066 or something...

Famous White House accident anno 1066 ? Can't find that in the history books.  ;D Sorry, couldn't resist.  ;)

HGB, that was the White HORSE accident when William the Conqueror fell off his stead.  ;)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: hgb on January 23, 2004, 12:18:38 pm
Ah yes, I remember, 1066 and all that...  ;)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 23, 2004, 12:41:30 pm
Seems like my motorhome was too big for the Houx, or however you spell it. So I was booked into the Maison Blanche campsite.

I recall from reading my Christmas present book on Le Mans that Maison Blanche was the site of the famous Whitehouse accident of 1066 or something.

Anyway, what's it like? Am I going to get any sleep? ;D
Great site and on the whole great people, what day are you arriving as it does fill quickly as Rick states you can tape off what space you require so the earlier the better. Enjoy.

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 23, 2004, 03:08:46 pm

I too am new to MB this year, so it will be interesting .

I will be near to a large white trailer. With this rather large ( now finished ) flag.

Come in for a beer or a swim in the pool.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: gibberish on January 23, 2004, 03:11:35 pm
Nice Robbo............really nice :)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: dryhen on January 23, 2004, 05:57:24 pm
Are there still incredibly noisy bull-frogs in the pond in MB?

The Bedford CF Challengers are in Tetre Rouge again, which if anyone is interested has a great view of the track from under the Dunlop bridge, through the Esses and down towards Tetre Rouge, now that the track has been re-aligned.  Also not so noisy now that they have neutered the fun-fair........

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Stu on January 23, 2004, 07:22:37 pm
Out of the 23 years (including this one) I've been coming, have used campsites for 16 of them. In that time, have been in Bleu three times, Houx once and MB twelve!!

Have to say I love it there. Not to say the others aren't great but when something ain't broke, don't fix it if you know what I mean. The atmos is great and you get to make some great buddies who almost always camp roughly in the same place. Some we have managed to upset a tad over the years but generally a damn fine place to be put mdt!!

It is indeed just a stone's throw away from the famous Maison Blanche stretch (as you may have guessed).

Actually, just a thought but as so many of us camp in MB, wonder if we could make a rough location map together with a list of identifying markers (such as the Commer, PM's Winnie etc....) so we can hook up easier?

This could be added to the Who What Where that Smokie compiles each year, but I'm sure that he'll let you take over. I still have last years if you want it.

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 24, 2004, 11:26:11 am
And in case anyone wants to find me, I can easily be found by this subtle piece of self-promotion!!!


[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 24, 2004, 11:27:50 am
I have to say that neither of those Deutsche-mobiles are my responsibility thankfully!!! But the green tent to the middle of shot is where my sock resides!!  :-X

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: BigH on January 24, 2004, 12:30:17 pm
Reminds me of that Paul Young song Rick, "Wherever I hang my sock, that's my home..."

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 24, 2004, 02:35:37 pm
 ;D Hmmm, now there's an image that could blight your weekend H!!!  ;)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: BigH on January 24, 2004, 03:31:42 pm
With Burns neet looming, there's just about enough time to learn one of Robbie's finest, and really impress the mother-in-law...

A Blawin Lament

Oh what a sleekit horrible beastie
Lurks in your belly efter the feastie
Just as ye sit doon among yer kin
There sterts to stir an enormous wind

The neeps and tatties and mushy peas
Stert workin like a gentle breeze
But soon the puddin wi the sauncie face
Will have ye blawin all ower the place

Nae matter whit the hell ye dae
A'body's gonnae hiv tae pay
Even if ye try tae stifle
It's like a bullet oot a rifle

Hawd yer bum tight tae the chair
Tae try and stop the leakin air
Shifty yersel fae cheek tae cheek
Prae tae God it doesnae reek

But aw yer efforts go assunder
Oot it comes like a clap o thunder
Ricochets aroon the room
Michty me a sonic boom

God almighty it fairly reeks
Hope I huvnae sh*t my breeks
Tae the bog I better scurry
Aw whit the hell it's no ma worry

A'body roon aboot me chokin
Wan or two are nearly bokin
I'll feel better for a while
Cannae help but raise a smile

Wiz him! I shout with accusin glower
Alas too late, he's just keeled ower
Ye dirty bugger they shout and stare
A dinnae feel welcome any mair

Where e'ere ye go let yer wind gan' free
Sounds like just the job fur me
Whit a fuss at rabbie's party
Ower the sake o one wee farty

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: powermite on January 24, 2004, 08:17:40 pm
Barking Big H!!

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 26, 2004, 10:45:47 am
Marvellous H!!! Very timely. Now given it was also Chinese New Year - any wee ditties for that??

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: jpchenet on January 26, 2004, 11:32:17 am
Burns Night

Three Haggis ...........£30
Crate of Whiskey .....£80
Neeps and Tatties ....£10
Scottish .................£100

Big H......................PRICELESS!!!!!!!!

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 26, 2004, 03:30:08 pm
Seriously funny, that one!

BTW I have heard about these new patented fart whislte pants. A pair of undies with a butt plug/whistle tailored into the back panel. It doesn't prevent wind but upgrades the bad human grunting/phweeping sound to a lovely whistle in C sharp.

Does anyone know where such a garment can be purchased?

It's nice to be back.

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: gibberish on January 26, 2004, 03:37:01 pm
It's nice to be back.

Nice to see you back AZ.  How was the snow?

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: hgb on January 26, 2004, 04:25:23 pm
Whistle trousers ? Mhh, might be a good idea to widen the CA garmet collection.  :D Nothing broken, Andy ?

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: jpchenet on January 26, 2004, 05:21:51 pm
Welcome back Andy!!


Hope your fingers are feeling've got some catching up to do!!  :)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: dryhen on January 26, 2004, 05:45:12 pm
Keep up the entertainment, Big H - you make me think the TV licence is a waste of money 8) 8)

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 27, 2004, 11:07:23 am
It's nice to be back.

Nice to see you back AZ.  How was the snow?

Hi Gibber, JP et al,

The snow was freakin' freezin, minus 14c and that was just in the resort, but had a great time tho and pleased to say there's no broken bones, just a bit of facial wind burn. My face looks like I've been subject to a viscious assault with a beetroot.

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: gibberish on January 27, 2004, 11:15:34 am
My face looks like I've been subject to a viscious assault with a beetroot.

Most unfortunate dear sir.  Sounds like an afliction that BigH should have. :o

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: jpchenet on January 27, 2004, 11:16:44 am
My face looks like I've been subject to a viscious assault with a beetroot.

Most unfortunate dear sir.  Sounds like an afliction that BigH should have. :o

Nope, wrong end for Big H!!  ;D

Title: Re:I've been booked into the Maison Blanche campsite: what's it like?
Post by: gibberish on January 27, 2004, 11:23:12 am
Nope, wrong end for Big H!!  ;D