Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bartus on January 02, 2004, 11:32:12 am

Title: Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Bartus on January 02, 2004, 11:32:12 am
Le Mans is a race in Europe, the beer is paid in Euro's, England is a subsidiary of Europe as well so why @#$%&*$@#@# can't you mention a price P&P in Euro's?  :o



This was split from the t shirt thread to avoid clutter in that thread. Braketest was querying why t shirts cannot be priced in €'s.

Of course there is always a risk of threads being removed completely if they contravene site guidelines. Remember, nanny is watching!!

'Nuff said...

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 02, 2004, 12:12:51 pm
Maybe as the guy taking payment, and doing all the hard work is in the UK and we dont use 'Nazi Schillings' here....

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Bartus on January 02, 2004, 01:25:41 pm
"Hard work" and "UK" do not fit together very well for some strange reason and the last remaining nazi is to my knowledge british and playing a destructive role in the FIA these days...  ;D

Cheer up lad, coal mines, abandonned shipyards and a car-industry whose relation with bankrupty is tighter than Mel B's pants won't help you to qualify for the Euro, for the years to come you'll still have to change your rubbish into Euro's if you want to order a beer with us....  ::)


Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Matt Harper on January 02, 2004, 02:38:25 pm
Good work fella!
This should be interesting.....
Seconds out......Round One....ding, ding!

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: smokie on January 02, 2004, 03:39:39 pm
Oh dear, the season of peace and goodwill is definitely over isn't it.  ;)

The tee shirts are still £9 btw.

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 02, 2004, 05:39:55 pm
Le Mans is a race in Europe, the beer is paid in Euro's, England is a subsidiary of Europe as well so why @#$%&*$@#@# can't you mention a price P&P in Euro's?  :o



Right Braketest,

On the contary, I would have thought it was entirely apparent to anyone with even the slightest modicum of intelligence for the reasons the shirts are priced in £STG.

Just to enlighten you, maybe it's because the vast majority of members ordering the teeshirts are UK based, the tees are designed, printed and costed in £STG and this is the currency which I would imagine is most convenient to Robbo.

I would dispute your description of "England" (I think you're probably referring to Great Britain) as being a subsidiary of Europe. We are our own country with our own currency and therefore able to determine our own fiscal policy as a nation. Unlike the Euro zone member countries who are largely little more than a collection of limbless, hopeless euro regions.

Further, I would respectfully suggest that once, and only once, you have made a worthy contributuion to this forum and to the greater Le Mans experience in general, may you have the moral ground to start lobbing critisisms at other people who are making an effort. If you don't like it, then you know what you can do, don't you?

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Abs on January 02, 2004, 05:46:29 pm

Further, I would respectfully suggest that once, and only once, you have made a worthy contributuion to this forum and to the greater Le Mans experience in general, may you have the moral ground to start lobbing critisisms at other people who are making an effort. If you don't like it, then you know what you can do, don't you?

Andy, nice to see you've recovered from the hangover!!! ;D

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: The Planman on January 02, 2004, 05:46:34 pm
Hear hear - Nice darts Andy, well put.


Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: smokie on January 02, 2004, 05:48:12 pm
I can hear the shutters coming down on this discussion...enough!

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 02, 2004, 05:52:23 pm
"Hard work" and "UK" do not fit together very well for some strange reason and the last remaining nazi is to my knowledge british and playing a destructive role in the FIA these days...  ;D

Cheer up lad, coal mines, abandonned shipyards and a car-industry whose relation with bankrupty is tighter than Mel B's pants won't help you to qualify for the Euro, for the years to come you'll still have to change your rubbish into Euro's if you want to order a beer with us....  ::)


Not really sure where to start with this ill advised drivel, other than to say have a look at the OECD worldwide growth rates. I think you'll find the UK is doing exceptionally well, way above continental Europe. We overtook France last year to become the world's forth largest economy.

As for hard work, have a look too at our low levels of unemployment. We produce lots of cars, it's just that the plants are owned by multinational companies. It is the way of the world. So f**k*ng what?

No idea where you're from, but you seem to have a fixation for old fashioned 19th century industries like mining and ship building and assess a nations sucess and worth on it's nations contribution to the above. Generally, you seem a bit confused by life.  ??? ???Wakey wakey, it's time to live in the now, old son. :-*

I really don't want to start a childish argument about my country is better than your country.

And you can shut your gob too Harper! ;D ;D

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 02, 2004, 05:57:19 pm
Sorry Smokie, didn't see your post until it was too late! :-X :-X

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: BigH on January 02, 2004, 06:30:07 pm
Can I pay for my shirt in kind?

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Matt Harper on January 02, 2004, 06:47:01 pm

I really don't want to start a childish argument about my country is better than your country.

And you can shut your gob too Harper! ;D ;D

(To strains of Land of Hope & Glory) - We'll fight them on the beaches etc. etc.

I suspect that braketest is a clog wearing, tulip growing, cheese-muncher.

I think it a terrible shame that as soon as we have some lively difference of opinion, liable to spark some healthy debate, name-calling and mud-slinging, the moderating Gestapo wade in with "Stop it chaps, or we'll shut the thread down".

Braketest has thrown down the gauntlet - or rather slapped us unceremoniously around the chops with it. I only feel it appropriate that we identify the bugger and elect one of our membership to kick his head in, when we get to the track. I nominate Degenerate Dan, our pet jailbird - or maybe Robbo - he's an angry young man, who's sterling efforts re the t shirts has been rubbished by this no-good dyke plugger.

Let good sense and angry diatribe prevail!  

Title: Re:T Shirt
Post by: Bartus on January 02, 2004, 11:13:25 pm
Pretty good fishin' conditions here....nothings beats the good ol' rasf1 though....

Bartus(who slowly starts loving this place)

Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Nordic on January 03, 2004, 01:25:08 pm
To have a different opinion and lively debate on such important subjects as commer vans, ferry vs tunnel, autoroute (or 'motorway' to us in gods own land) vs RN's (A roads) is one thing, to 'go fishing' for an cyber fight is childish, purile and best left on the f1 fourms.

Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 03, 2004, 02:39:56 pm

The Tshirts canbe priced in Euros,but as my bank and myself dont really like them,i must charge a penalty for sending a Eurocheque.Call it 18 euros to you if you like.

If you are not interested , fine.


I am not an angry young man anymore, although i am most probably younger than you . Who cares.

I feel i must now go and put the world to right, so i am going for a spin in my mini, if it starts.

One last thought,

Would the Le Mans experience be quite so special for all if the Brits didnt turn out in such numbers intent on having childish fun in an adult over suit....

Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on January 03, 2004, 06:48:40 pm
Oh dear, looks like my light-hearted reply was taken waaaaay to seriously....

And yes, hard work put in by Robbo - thanks for sorting the t-shirts old chap!

Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 04, 2004, 08:27:25 pm
Oh dear, looks like my light-hearted reply was taken waaaaay to seriously....

And yes, hard work put in by Robbo - thanks for sorting the t-shirts old chap!

I suspect that somehow  youre not the clog wearing one from the flat lands.


Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Gilles on January 05, 2004, 02:02:53 pm

The Tshirts canbe priced in Euros,but as my bank and myself dont really like them,i must charge a penalty for sending a Eurocheque.Call it 18 euros to you if you like.

If you are not interested , fine.


I am not an angry young man anymore, although i am most probably younger than you . Who cares.

I feel i must now go and put the world to right, so i am going for a spin in my mini, if it starts.

One last thought,

Would the Le Mans experience be quite so special for all if the Brits didnt turn out in such numbers intent on having childish fun in an adult over suit....

As a member of the SPS, you only should accept gold !

Title: Re:Xenophobe thread (split from the T shirt thread)
Post by: Mr. Rick on January 07, 2004, 12:22:44 pm
As a member of the SPS, you only should accept gold !

Just remember not to "blow the bloody doors off" !!!
