Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pidgeon on December 25, 2003, 05:04:58 pm

Title: Y'all
Post by: Pidgeon on December 25, 2003, 05:04:58 pm
 8)Today is Christmas Day and I am dead broke.  ::) But there is no 'Bah Humbug'  >:(in my holidays. All my grown children and all of their children are celebrating Christmas morning as I once did several years ago, and I have the good fortune of celebrating  ;Dthese days all over with my childrens children. The looks and smiles and laughter just never change. :o
Having been introduced to this venue, I see a group of people who are not only are followers of motorsports around the world, but also many who are involved ... if not in the racing sport themselves, but are the avid followers of races throughout the world, and owners or 'wanna be' owners of some 'REALLY NICE CARS'.
This Club Arnage site is full of 'dedicated' motorsports racing buffs. able contributors with a great gift of articulation and description, ( some not so gifted  like myself :-[ ), dedicated moderators ???, and obviously a bunch of horny drunks. :-* :-X :-[ :P ::) :o >:( ;D( been there ... done that ).
Having made only one trip to LeMans, I want to say that the people I met there and especially the two persons most responsible ( The Moose & Powermite ) for making it such a great trip, AND to all of you on this site 'THANG U' and have the Happiest and the most PROPEROUS of all of the coming New Years.  Keep up the good work.              Pidge