Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: hgb on December 19, 2003, 04:47:08 pm

Title: Someone has to start this...
Post by: hgb on December 19, 2003, 04:47:08 pm
Merry Christmas everyone   :D

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Nordic on December 19, 2003, 05:10:27 pm
 :-* :-* :-* :-*

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Mr. Rick on December 19, 2003, 06:19:10 pm
And from me too!

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: mgmark on December 19, 2003, 06:35:21 pm
Merry Christmas everyone  

Indeed someome has to start it and it is timely - better now than on 26 December....  

All the best to everyone, have a great Christmas, hope Santa brings you nice things, have a stonking New Year, and I wish all your hangovers are mild transitory phenomenon.........

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 19, 2003, 06:49:07 pm
Yes, I hope Santa manages to heave his bulk down your chimney and you all have lots of Grimbergen.

See you in a field in northern France in 2004, only 6 months to go.

Merry Christmas

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Mr Toad on December 19, 2003, 08:39:56 pm
Merry Christmas from Mr Disco, Doctor, Chef, Sticky, Oddball, Baron, Buzz, and all at the Mountain.

I've got my Santa's stocking out under the chimney - I've wished for a new paddling pool, a flag pole & 6000 flashing fairy lights...

Maybe if I leave a bottle of Grimbergen and a mince pie out I might be lucky?

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 19, 2003, 09:25:04 pm
Happy Chrstmas everybdoy

Had a gerat chritsmas party for work today. will tyr not to post much as it is dufficult

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: powermite on December 20, 2003, 01:03:40 am
Yes,best wishes to all from the WANCs.We'll be slamming in the lamb all over Xmas and maybe evn the odd gobbler too!!(no i dont mean you H)

Happy Xmas only 4 months till PQ

PM and the crew

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy on December 20, 2003, 11:46:18 am
A very merry Chistmas to you all.
may you all have hangovers that shame all other hangovers. party on and on and on and on and on.....
(hold back on the D&D, is it worth it?)
happy new year too.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Paulathedrooler on December 20, 2003, 03:26:44 pm
To all the crew on this great forum and race fans world wide. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lots of love and festive hugs.
Paula and Jane.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 20, 2003, 07:42:06 pm
Have a Proper Crimbo

Merry Christmas and have a heavy and happy  new year celebration.

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: pretzel on December 20, 2003, 08:53:56 pm
Merry Crimbo too from here at Pretzel towers. Having been dragged around the shops all day time now for a few glasses to get in the mood for the celebrations over the next week or so.

Looking forward to a grandchild too sometime in the next few days so another excuse for downing just one too many :)

Have a good one....

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Matt Harper on December 21, 2003, 04:27:06 am
Merry Christmas everybody!

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: powermite on December 21, 2003, 10:03:17 am
And enjoy this from the WANCs,,4845,00.swf

make sure your speakers are on.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Rich - Team Gulp Racing on December 21, 2003, 12:19:14 pm
Merry Christmas from all of Team Gulp Racing.
Looking forward to thrashing the old porker to within an inch of its life again in 2004!

Rich - team gulp racing

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 21, 2003, 04:09:07 pm
In common with most threads on this forum, there's usually a dissenting voice somewhere. This time it's me.

Anyway, I hate Christmas. >:( >:( Always have, well ever since I was about 16. I'd like to think I am the new Ebeneezer, the world's biggest humbug. >:( >:(

Ill-will to all men abounds; vomit and vandalism; arguments and fights; expense and boredom in inverse proportion; wrapping paper at up to 10p a sheet; crap presents which are down the Hospice shop by the following Monday; old people who smell of piss; a sickening waste of good food; false bonhommie and forced joviality; cards from people you wished would sod off; over exited children who are both seen AND heard; the wanton expense; greed and commercialism; the "carol singers" coming round with pre-recorded carols played by a tape machine from a car, the lazy twats; borderline blood/sugar levels, a blocked bile duct and the great taste of sick in the back of the throat. :( >:( :( >:( And all that's just in our house, Christ alone knows, it must surely be worse in some other folk's homes.

Oh, and you can't get to the bar in the local cos it's clogged up with bastards you never see in there the other 360 days of the year.

You may have guessed I despise everything that Christmas has come to stand for.

The whole thing is so plastic. I could go on...


From Uncle Andy Zarse, The Kiddy's Friend.

PS I suppose not everyone takes what could be called such a slightly jaundiced view as this. So, (through clenched teeth) Happy Christmas Everyone. ;) ;) ;)


Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 22, 2003, 02:37:51 pm
You miserable old git Zarse.  I don't believe a word of it.  Merry bloody Christmas, AND LIKE IT  ;D

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Dave H on December 22, 2003, 03:06:07 pm
PS I suppose not everyone takes what could be called such a slightly jaundiced view as this. So, (through clenched teeth) Happy Christmas Everyone. ;) ;) ;)


Andy, I suspect you don't have a 20 ft inflatable Santa in your front yard like my neighbor does?

I'm sure they'd love you to come down to the local primary school to talk to the kiddies about the facts on Father Christmas!  Just think of the looks on those little faces.

Happy Hols all - get me the hell out of this ice-station, Indiana!

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 22, 2003, 06:17:10 pm
No. There are no inflatable Santa's near me. Or Snowmen. Everyone round here knows I'd torch them with a gallon of four star.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 22, 2003, 08:52:53 pm
No. There are no inflatable Santa's near me. Or Snowmen. Everyone round here knows I'd torch them with a gallon of four star.

 ;D ;D

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 22, 2003, 09:00:12 pm
Thought you might like this one too Andy.

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Canada Phil on December 23, 2003, 05:38:13 am
Merry Christmas to all my friends here at Club Arnage :-* Canada Phil aka The Moose

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 23, 2003, 10:08:35 am
Thought you might like this one too Andy.
Steve that is the funniest thing I've seen all christmas! Scrooge is being printed out as I write, ready to be laminated and turned into a lapel badge.


Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 10:48:13 am
Steve that is the funniest thing I've seen all christmas! Scrooge is being printed out as I write, ready to be laminated and turned into a lapel badge.


We look forward to seeing a photograph, Christmas cheer to you too  ;)

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 10:50:55 am
Andy, you can buy a suitable t-shirt here

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 10:52:38 am
Enough Steve!  Youe given the old f*rt quite sufficient material to depress the whole of the south of england for the next 3 minutes  ;)

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 10:54:16 am
Enough Steve!  Youe given the old f*rt quite sufficient material to depress the whole of the south of england for the next 3 minutes  ;)

Gib, there's more   ;D

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 10:55:21 am
Notice the resemblance ??   ;)

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 10:56:20 am
Notice the resemblance ??   ;)

Awesome...........CA should have that one framed  ;D

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 23, 2003, 04:00:17 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

All this has made my Christmas complete.

And Happy New Year.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 04:14:32 pm
Ahem...........Zarse old chap,  do you not think that the nightshirt might be just a little too rural?

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 23, 2003, 04:21:00 pm
I am sitting here in full Victorian dress, with waistcoat, stovepipe hat, fingerless gloves and threadbare wing collars. Nightshirts are a total waste of good money, just sleep in your everyday clothes and bath once a month whether you need it or not.

And the price of lamp oil these days. Disgraceful!

Did I tell you I hate Christmas?

If you see a blue Subaru in Crawley with a smashed in back end and a laminated A4 poster of Humbug (above), then almost certainly, that will be me.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 04:27:46 pm
I can recommend a very inexpensive lamp oil emporium, but it is incompatable with 4 wheel drive foreign automobiles.  Research has, however, suggested that the aforementioned lamp oil has a highly effacatious effect on Commer engines.  ;)

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: saveloy on December 23, 2003, 04:29:00 pm
Andy. you're a man  after my own heart,   I hate 'kin christmas too and all that it means. great pics guys. Will wish you all a  joyeux noel etc, and so on.  get pissed and fall over. Hmmm sounds like crimbo to me

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 04:33:36 pm
Will wish you all a  joyeux noel etc, and so on

Et bon anne

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 04:35:30 pm
I am sitting here in full Victorian dress, with waistcoat, stovepipe hat, fingerless gloves and threadbare wing collars.

Like this then ??

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Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 23, 2003, 04:39:44 pm
That's the fella!

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: gibberish on December 23, 2003, 04:53:39 pm
Looks like a frustrated Commer driver  ;)

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Nordic on December 23, 2003, 05:07:01 pm
I will keep my eyes open for a Sabaru driven by a guy with a shaking fist, driving thru puddles next to bus lanes in the Crawley area over the next few days.

I did see red glow on the southern horizon last night, and I said to the missus, that will be Zarse tourching the local round table tree and xmas scene.  :o

If you see a silver galaxy or Red SEAT, with a pair of twins in the back, smiling happliy at the wonder of the spectulaur decorations in the local area, driven by a guy who looks like 2 weeks at home is 13 days to long, give me a wave.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Mr. Rick on December 24, 2003, 12:43:40 am
I did see red glow on the southern horizon last night, and I said to the missus, that will be Zarse tourching the local round table tree and xmas scene.  :o

So that's what it was - superb Nordic, made me laugh out loud and wake the kids! Been out cycling tonight (on the excuse that is a training run) but managed to sink 6 pints of Abbeydale's "Moonshine" so flying high and just had to check in with the CA possee.

And has to be said, love your latest avitar (of the Kremer 917 from 1981 for those reading this in the future when Nordic has changed it!!!) - what a car. !981 was my first year, had been wanting to go to Lemons as a result of the McQueen film (how many of us can say that? loads probably .. good old Steve!) and for it to be my first year and a 917 running was just the dogs doodaas! Saw it at Brands too in its other race that season .. if it was possible, I had wood for that car!  :o

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Gilles on December 24, 2003, 02:49:35 pm
Joyeux Noel


Bonne Annee !!!  ;D

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Matt Harper on December 24, 2003, 03:32:34 pm
I did see red glow on the southern horizon last night, and I said to the missus, that will be Zarse tourching the local round table tree and xmas scene.  :o

So that's what it was - superb Nordic, made me laugh out loud and wake the kids! Been out cycling tonight (on the excuse that is a training run) but managed to sink 6 pints of Abbeydale's "Moonshine" so flying high and just had to check in with the CA possee.

And has to be said, love your latest avitar (of the Kremer 917 from 1981 for those reading this in the future when Nordic has changed it!!!) - what a car. !981 was my first year, had been wanting to go to Lemons as a result of the McQueen film (how many of us can say that? loads probably .. good old Steve!) and for it to be my first year and a 917 running was just the dogs doodaas! Saw it at Brands too in its other race that season .. if it was possible, I had wood for that car!  :o

Couldn't agree more about your sig pic Nordic - best on the forum. It's a shame the car was as fragile as it was - but good for Kremer for giving it a shot.
I should imagine most of you will be in the boozer by now - still only 9.30am here - have a good 'un everyone.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: smokie on December 24, 2003, 06:50:51 pm
Enjoy, peeps.

Title: Re:Someone has to start this...
Post by: Pidgeon on December 25, 2003, 12:21:20 am
 8)It is 6:15 PM here in Miami. It's 70o F. I have the ceiling fans going but not the air conditioner after having the windows open all day.
So my Christmas is different. But the spirit of Christmas is the same as everywhere.
There is also a lot of 'Bah Humbug" here but mostly it's expensive. ( if you get my drift ).
I wish one and all a Happy Holiday Season. ;D ;) :) 8)