Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mr Toad on December 14, 2003, 05:42:15 pm

Title: Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 14, 2003, 05:42:15 pm
Here's one for you to have a think about!

At Beermountain, our team are awarded medals and commendations for both ceremonial reasons and gallantry in their duities on the campsite.

For example -

Distinguished Firework Cross (DFC)

First awarded in 1996, the medal recognises those who risk all to protect others from the regular firework disasters that take place on the campsite. Three team members have been awarded this decoration, all from incidents on the infamous Houx Annexe. One non team member was also awarded this medal in 1999 for surviving a near rocket miss in what we thought was dead ground from our launch location. He said it reminded him of a Vietnam war movie.

I'd welcome suggestions for any new awards and nominations for who should recieve them from your team (or ours!). You can check out our our awards here -

Enjoy! Toad

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: rex on December 16, 2003, 11:53:33 pm
A free crate of "COLD"Kroneburg to whoever gets this Acronym first.
It's the"S A P"award for the conservation of campers property,especially on Saturday and Sunday night.'s to do with white vans and dids!!
regards.Rex.L. Supplier of powerless ice boxes.
Bon chance mon amis : 8)

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: jpchenet on December 17, 2003, 12:46:47 am
Stay Awake Patrol??

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr. Rick on December 17, 2003, 01:13:14 am
Spot A Pikey?  ;D

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on December 17, 2003, 08:19:27 am
Shoot a Pikey ;D

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 17, 2003, 09:07:31 am
powerless ice boxes.

Please explain.....

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr. Rick on December 17, 2003, 10:18:46 am
A free crate of "COLD"Kroneburg to whoever gets this Acronym first.
It's the"S A P"award for the conservation of campers property,especially on Saturday and Sunday night.'s to do with white vans and dids!!

S A P = "Spot A Pikey" or indeed as Brian suggests "Shoot A Pikey", or may I venture "Stop A Pikey"?


Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 17, 2003, 06:00:41 pm
powerless ice boxes.

Please explain.....

I A Fridge

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 17, 2003, 06:20:52 pm
Anyone who stands up and defends a camp from pikeys would be up for the Beer Cross (BC) in our team or at minimum a "Purple Bottle". We have defended ouselves recently with some plastic shotguns with rubber darts (seems to spook them). We also used to empty our thunderbox into the old fridge and leave it as a booby trap... Vietnam style or what? Maybe some sort of camp defence decoration is required?!

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: rex on December 17, 2003, 08:30:31 pm
No right answers yet but Richmiester's on the right track.
The cold beer comes from a 100mm thick polystyrene outer case,all from a 1200 *2400*50mm sheet and a cool box or bucket full of water in the freezer . 1 week before departure.Last year i left home at 14-30hrs on sunday with ice blocks and un-insulated travelled overnight ,N orth Sea Ferries,arrived on Expo at 16-30hrson monday.assembled cool box with duct tape.Istill had enough ice left on the following monday morning to make a dozen well chilled G&T's--honest.
regards Rex the ice man.

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 18, 2003, 02:32:37 pm
Pikies - A name used by romany Gypcies to identify inbreed ill manered gypcies who marry from within the family.

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: saveloy on December 22, 2003, 12:07:50 pm
i'm suprised that the diddi's go to France it must mean that they. a, have to spend money to get to the circuit. b, spend money to get in. come to think of it , they are expert at the art of invisible entry,  forget B,  for those reasons I would think it ain't diddi's but some race fans (sic). therefore the security guards with the 'kin great dogs. ferocious creatures with teeth like a great white. should be hired to patol the campsites and set the dogs on to tea leaves.

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on December 22, 2003, 09:26:35 pm

errr... powerless? ???

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 23, 2003, 01:29:39 am
whilst we are talking about shooting Pikies , What a good vantage point to take aim from the Grandstand.....

Now which do i shoot first......

Answer : the one with the white van  :o :o

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: jpchenet on December 23, 2003, 05:44:30 pm
i'm suprised that the diddi's go to France it must mean that they. a, have to spend money to get to the circuit.

erm.............French Pikies perhaps!!!!!  ::)

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 23, 2003, 06:13:06 pm
I'm going to try an attachment here so fingers crossed - Toad, Jazzy and The Doctor gear up campsite security on Monday morning...

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Steve Pyro on December 23, 2003, 06:18:29 pm
I'm going to try an attachment here so fingers crossed -

Mr. Toad, success.  You must have pushed the correct button  ;)

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 23, 2003, 06:24:32 pm
Lets try again to see if it was a fluke...

Camping Houx - Mon am 2000 (the wet year?) - whilst Beermountain has set up a defensive perimeter, the Pikeys advance - here you can see the spoils of war - airbeds & BBQ's mainly!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 23, 2003, 06:26:12 pm
My goodness, this attachment thing is going to my head - and I've now got a CA "small member" as well! Time for tea and medals I think.

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Rhino on December 26, 2003, 11:00:17 pm
What do they do with it all.
I mean second hand airbeds with an odd smell and warped babecues with the congealed fat at the bottom, what is the market??

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 28, 2003, 01:41:36 am
What do they do with it all.
I mean second hand airbeds with an odd smell and warped babecues with the congealed fat at the bottom, what is the market??

Toys for the kids ,

No one ever throws away barbies do they.....

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Mr Toad on December 29, 2003, 06:20:58 pm
In our experience they normally send a wave of kids in first to eye up the loot on offer. We usually successfully repel this initial probe. The cars then arrive with the parents and relatives on a days outing to the campsites.

That's why we always use barrier fencing, and it's the last thing we take down - anything outside they can have, anything inside is defended Zulu style.

Title: Re:Medals & Awards of Campsite Bravery
Post by: Gilles on December 30, 2003, 09:54:25 am
The circuit is surrounded by pikies campsites.

They probably don't pay to get into car parks and campsites

Market for second-hand BBQ? their own use and exportation in eastern europa and north africa.

My second-hand BBQ are red-sealed "pre-owned by the original buyer of the BBQ"  ;)