Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fax on November 21, 2003, 06:06:01 am

Title: I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Fax on November 21, 2003, 06:06:01 am
I know this is a completely inappropriate subject for a motor racing forum but right now I'm so furious with this smug boob running my nation I feel obligated to say something.
To our friends in Europe, please don't confuse the Amercian people with these idiots running our nation right now.  99.9% of Americans are hard working, working class schmucks like myself.  Just trying to make a buck, put clothes on my back and put food on the table.  I love my nation but I'm terribly embarrassed about the things this government is doing right now.  The sooner this moronic thug gets out of power, the world will be a better place.

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Canada Phil on November 21, 2003, 07:03:11 am
Hi Fax, You'r among friends here. You can vent if you want too.
Canada Phil.

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: mgmark on November 21, 2003, 10:01:38 am
Hey Phil - worry not - 99.9% of Brits are exactly the same and should not be confused with the variety of idiot running our great nation.   Old saying - it is unfortunate that those in positions of power are generally those least capable of exercising it effectively.

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Andy Zarse on November 21, 2003, 11:44:13 am
Just to aggravate you Fax, I was in the car on Weds and I listened to Dubya's speech from the Banqueting Hall on the radio. I was fully prepared to laugh at him, he's such a great target! but I was very surprised to hear a well delivered, eloquent, witty and intelligent speech. He clearly had not written it himself.

Whilst I don't necessarily agree with him, he ain't the thick idiot he's made out to be in the press. Which somehow makes him all the more dangerous. But at least when he sends troops into the arena, they get the best kit possible, no expense spared. Not like the crap equipment doled out by the tosser Blair, our lot have to make do and mend.

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Fax on November 21, 2003, 02:09:15 pm
No doubt about it, our troops have the best kit our tax money can buy.  I support the troops with everything I've got, its the half-assed policy of Bush and his goonies that has them over there in the first place that has me infuriated.  Seriously, Bush is just a cocky, arrogant, boob. Rumsfeld is just as bad if not worse.  Colin Powell is probably wondering what the hell he has latched himself onto.  This is Bush's war, not America's.

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 02:35:29 pm
Not like the crap equipment doled out by the tosser Blair, our lot have to make do and mend.

Didn't used to be that bad in my day.  Makes you bloody weep when you think what those boys go through :'( :'(

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Pidgeon on November 21, 2003, 05:29:06 pm

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Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: gibberish on November 21, 2003, 05:36:12 pm
Korea was a bit before my Pidg, but it's nice to hear from a fellow  ex sailor.  What was your specialty?

Title: Re:I didn't vote for him!
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 21, 2003, 10:16:17 pm
The thing about the protestations for Gulf War pt II was that whilst there were an anwful lot of people against the war, a good majority of them realise that it is not the fault of the armed forces, but the leaders, and as such, the armed forces get their full support and I know they will do as professional job as possible (well, the Brits check their targets), but I was against the military action, and am against the occupation.  What are the UN for??!