Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Barry on October 31, 2003, 06:47:32 pm

Title: Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Barry on October 31, 2003, 06:47:32 pm
Warning to all you lucky blighters heading for LM this weekend, there were at least 2 mobile speed traps on the above motorway being set up on Thursday morning at about 10.30 am. I haven't seen them on this section before, although I only travel along it about 4 times a year. Hope french plod is not practicing for this weekend.


Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: smokie on October 31, 2003, 07:19:12 pm
Oh. I thought the 1000 was next weekend!!!  ;)

Thanks for the warning Barry

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Barry on October 31, 2003, 07:52:33 pm
Got the wrong date, didn't write it in my diary as I can't go. :(
I've got the 19th and 20th of June written down though ;)

Enjoy the race NEXT weekend!!!!!

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Robbo SPS on October 31, 2003, 10:48:03 pm
Quick bit of speed trap legend . If you go past a Police man looking through a laser, he couldnt see youre reg plate , if you are exceding 65mph , as the human brain doesnt have enough time to remember the data.

Just hope they dont stand infront of you with an out stretched arm , or they have a camera , then you are flucked , big time.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 01, 2003, 10:23:58 am
Suppose "if you can pay the fine, dont do the crime" applies

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 01, 2003, 01:45:49 pm
I've got the 19th and 20th of June written down though ;)

Barry, I couldn't help noticing "19th and 20th of June".

Next year it's 12th and 13th.  :o

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Kpy on November 01, 2003, 03:37:22 pm
There is a whole new campaign to stop speeding in France. A new generation of mobile traps is already operating (one was on the A28 between Abbeville and Rouen on Tuesday) with reception committees stategically placed just out of sight. A nationwide network of fixed cameras was launched in October, and will be enlarged.
Random alcohol tests are springing up in rural locations at very odd times of day - 5.30pm for instance.
Fines have increased at least fourfold in the last year, according to a French friend I was talking to last night, as he explained why he won't drive very far to a restaurant these days.
Fatal accidents are still far too common in France (four people were killed in three separate accidents near my little neck of the woods last week) and the government seem determined to make speeding and drink driving too expensive for the average guy.
This is not a sermon, just plain fact.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Dave H on November 01, 2003, 05:15:39 pm
Interestingly, some of the worst accidents I've ever had to drive past have beein in France.  Usually horrific head-ons.  It doesn't surprise me as I'm sure we've all seen way too often the locals ducking back into lane after overtaking at the last possible moment.

Has something happpened lately that's been a catalyst for this emergence in "clamp-down" in France, or do you think the Govt. has finally said "enough's enough"?

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Matt Harper on November 01, 2003, 08:08:47 pm
Quick bit of speed trap legend . If you go past a Police man looking through a laser, he couldnt see youre reg plate , if you are exceding 65mph , as the human brain doesnt have enough time to remember the data.

Just hope they dont stand infront of you with an out stretched arm , or they have a camera , then you are flucked , big time.

I don't think speed cops actually 'look through' a laser speed detector - in fact I'm sure it works just the same way as a radar gun, but emits a laser beam, rather than a radar pulse. Cops prefer them because they can target an individual vehicle rather than the more indiscriminate radar, when there's a lot of traffic in the target area. The device measures the target closing speed, based on how quickly the bounced signal returns to the transmitter. The cop is looking at the car - not the gun - he gets an audible signal if the target is speeding (Well, that's how they work in US, at least). Damn sneaky, but effective.  

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: smokie on November 01, 2003, 09:26:10 pm
...and of course radar detectors (and probably laser detectors, which are useless anyway) are highly illegal en France. There are many tales of drivers being forced to drive over the device to total it, as well as the accompanying fine.

Mind you, they've got to catch you first  ;)

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Robbo SPS on November 04, 2003, 01:16:23 am
Quick bit of speed trap legend . If you go past a Police man looking through a laser, he couldnt see youre reg plate , if you are exceding 65mph , as the human brain doesnt have enough time to remember the data.

Just hope they dont stand infront of you with an out stretched arm , or they have a camera , then you are flucked , big time.

I don't think speed cops actually 'look through' a laser speed detector - in fact I'm sure it works just the same way as a radar gun, but emits a laser beam, rather than a radar pulse. Cops prefer them because they can target an individual vehicle rather than the more indiscriminate radar, when there's a lot of traffic in the target area. The device measures the target closing speed, based on how quickly the bounced signal returns to the transmitter. The cop is looking at the car - not the gun - he gets an audible signal if the target is speeding (Well, that's how they work in US, at least). Damn sneaky, but effective.  

Yars ago as penance for getting cauhght the copper let me look through his hand held device . You had to aim a red dot at the light housings then press a button for the reader to work . But that was 7 years ago, so not sure now ?

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: DelBoy on November 04, 2003, 10:35:01 pm
Further to KPy's post above, I was in France last week and there was an article on the news showing new Gatso type traps on the roads leading to and around Caen.

BEWARE!!! :( :(


Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on November 05, 2003, 08:40:32 am
Anyone going this weekend, have a great time!  Sorry we can't be there  :-[

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Gilles on November 05, 2003, 09:24:26 am
Anyone going this weekend, have a great time!  Sorry we can't be there  :-[

You'er here in mind !  ;)

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: smokie on November 05, 2003, 10:12:17 am
In case you can't go...from the AcO webpage

The A.C.O., together with the technical assistance of Interface Sport, will be providing a production of TV pictures for this race.
“Eurosport” will be relaying pictures on Sunday evening, 9th November, and a 52-minute film on the Friday the following week. “AB Moteurs” and "Motors TV" will be broadcasting 3 reports of 2’30”, 13’ and 52’.

Dunno if this will be on UK Eurosport though.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: pretzel on November 05, 2003, 02:25:17 pm
Thanks for the info Smokie.

Like Dreamracers I was going to wish all those attending the 1000kM this weekend all the best. Even looks like the weather will be OK?! Global warming has it's benefits after all.....

2 requests:

1: Could someone report back on what they thought about these cars on the shorter and twistier Bugatti circuit.

2: Is there anyone with Eurosport out there prepared to video the 52 minute film due to be shown on on Friday 14th and send it over? I'd be quite willing to cough up for the video blank and the postage.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Robbo SPS on November 05, 2003, 04:14:51 pm
i am going to try and record as well as the Motor TV bit, cant promise anything as my brother will do the recording bit, as i am away. If its good , i will post up, but hopefully sdomeone else here will be able to record as they are sat at home in the warmth 8)

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Gilles on November 05, 2003, 06:26:59 pm
In case you can't go...from the AcO webpage

The A.C.O., together with the technical assistance of Interface Sport, will be providing a production of TV pictures for this race.
“Eurosport” will be relaying pictures on Sunday evening, 9th November, and a 52-minute film on the Friday the following week. “AB Moteurs” and "Motors TV" will be broadcasting 3 reports of 2’30”, 13’ and 52’.

Dunno if this will be on UK Eurosport though.

Let me bet it gonna be on Eurosport France...

... and I don't have this channel! Damned  >:( !!!! to record the show.

You'll have to ask RS2babe for the recording.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: smokie on November 05, 2003, 08:05:52 pm
If I can work out how to do it, I'll get the TiVo to record it, then copying to video is a breeze...

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: smokie on November 05, 2003, 11:26:52 pm
Searched the Eurosport schedules on line and in the TiVo for all dates and can find no reference to this event...sorry

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Robbo SPS on November 06, 2003, 07:11:22 pm
Searched the Eurosport schedules on line and in the TiVo for all dates and can find no reference to this event...sorry

It may be at which is SKY channel 416.

Or Sky Sports 1 on Monday at 9pm , World Motor Sport ?

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Steve Pyro on November 06, 2003, 09:38:48 pm

I've just had a trawl on for coverage of the 1000k but I'm afraid the schedule looks a bit like the Gobi Desert.

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: Robbo SPS on November 07, 2003, 06:18:59 pm
One of my lot will check the Eurosport channel and Motor Tv on Sunday for the coverage and will record, if anything is on .

Title: Re:Speed traps A16 Calais to Boulogne
Post by: saveloy on November 11, 2003, 10:39:19 am
 On this link, there's an interesting article in the times today. see page 12  makes good reading!!!