Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: termietermite on May 25, 2011, 03:46:22 pm

Title: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: termietermite on May 25, 2011, 03:46:22 pm
The Termites will be one short this year, and - as most of you know - my tent pitching days are pretty much over.  What's more, I need a full height tent for obvious reasons so the one we have is well-nigh impossible for one chap (Mr T) to put up alone.

We'd like to spend the night at the circuit after Wednesday practice if we can since there will only be two of us to share the booze or drive duties to and from Chez Termite.

So, you know what's coming - any chance of any volunteers to help my poor, beleaguered o/h (who already has to do rather more than he should these days) put our house up some time around lunchtime on Wednesday?  Cold beers all around for any and all who can help.

MB Row Q.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: NorwayNick on May 25, 2011, 04:53:33 pm
im sure if i can remember  ??? myself and Roar will help you out

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: LangTall on May 25, 2011, 07:15:11 pm
There will be a bunch of DfH'ers around who will be able to help Termie. We are on rows M and N spots 42-44.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: termietermite on May 25, 2011, 07:26:26 pm
Thanks so much Nick, Marius et al.  I know we are very close to camp DFH so will wave and look pathetic on arrival. :)

You guys are all great - don't know what we'd do without each other.  Well, I guess we'd all cope but it wouldn't be the same.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on May 25, 2011, 11:27:06 pm
Marius, we won't be there yet around lunch time

however Termie, if later in the afternoon is fine we will definately be able to help out!

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: wishy on May 26, 2011, 08:39:57 am
We'll be arriving about 4ish on Wednesday and are pitched on rang X row if we arrive before DfH then we can assist with putting up the tent :)

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: JDS on May 26, 2011, 08:42:32 am
Count us in too .... tent'll be up in no time with all this help  ;D

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: LangTall on May 26, 2011, 10:59:03 am
Oh sorry, I missed the 'around lunchtime'.  ::) But still, by the end of afternoon, we will be there. :)

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: BigH on May 26, 2011, 11:08:46 am
Talking about tent pitching, how much notice do people take of the place numbers on BN? We should turn up around Thursday night/Friday morning are we going to have to look forward to trying to place an eviction order or camp in a hedge when we arrive?

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: termietermite on May 26, 2011, 11:14:10 am
You are all too kind. :)

Obviously, our deadline is to be in the stands in time for the start of practice (we need about an hour to get my disabled parking ticket and get me up into the grandstand) so we need to get away from the campsite by 15.00.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 26, 2011, 11:20:09 am
Talking about tent pitching, how much notice do people take of the place numbers on BN? We should turn up around Thursday night/Friday morning are we going to have to look forward to trying to place an eviction order or camp in a hedge when we arrive?

H, we have never had a problem they are always well marked out, the only problem we have had was the girl who was trying to find our pitches the other year only had half of the bn map, see you down there for a cool one.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: nopanic - neil on May 26, 2011, 11:44:20 am
Talking about tent pitching, how much notice do people take of the place numbers on BN? We should turn up around Thursday night/Friday morning are we going to have to look forward to trying to place an eviction order or camp in a hedge when we arrive?

H, we have never had a problem they are always well marked out, the only problem we have had was the girl who was trying to find our pitches the other year only had half of the bn map, see you down there for a cool one.

Sounds like the same girl who directed me couple years ago

She said follow me, as she cycled merrily off in one dirrection, stoped after a few mins, looked at the map, turn it upside down and turned around and cycled the way we hd just come.

The good ol' French

Not long now everyone, getting excited here

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: enzo on May 26, 2011, 12:25:22 pm
Talking about tent pitching, how much notice do people take of the place numbers on BN? We should turn up around Thursday night/Friday morning are we going to have to look forward to trying to place an eviction order or camp in a hedge when we arrive?

H, we have never had a problem they are always well marked out, the only problem we have had was the girl who was trying to find our pitches the other year only had half of the bn map, see you down there for a cool one.

Sounds like the same girl who directed me couple years ago

She said follow me, as she cycled merrily off in one dirrection, stoped after a few mins, looked at the map, turn it upside down and turned around and cycled the way we hd just come.

The good ol' French

Not long now everyone, getting excited here
Having arrived at BN on friday morning a few times don't be suprised if you end up in a completely differtent spot to where you should be or an extension added on to bleu nord, this has happended to us twice in the past few visits.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: Barry on May 26, 2011, 04:54:09 pm
Not getting to BN till after lunch Deb, but if you can't find anyone on MB, text me and I'll pop over.

Title: Re: Tent Pitching : A Plea
Post by: termietermite on May 26, 2011, 05:04:38 pm
All sorted, thanks, folks.

Cheers to all those who volunteered. :)