Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bonio on May 20, 2011, 02:44:57 pm

Title: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Bonio on May 20, 2011, 02:44:57 pm

Even though it is only doing a demo this news has still made my day  ;D ;D ;D 

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: gt6 on May 20, 2011, 02:54:18 pm
That is the best news I have heard for some time, the sound of that car is one of my lasting memories from my early years at le mans

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Nordic on May 20, 2011, 03:11:06 pm
Very good news, hopefully herbert will be on hand to give it blast.

Cany beleive it was 20 years ago it won! feel very old.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Bob U on May 20, 2011, 03:13:26 pm
Great news. That was my first Le Mans. Will be good to see and HEAR it again.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Andy on May 20, 2011, 03:24:07 pm
I may need my Budgie Smugglers to contain my excitement
My second LM and who didn't know where this car was on the track was deaf.
 >:D What memories I dont have were liquified

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: knetter on May 20, 2011, 03:36:56 pm

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Barry on May 20, 2011, 03:56:46 pm
According to the report, it's going to take part in the drivers parade  :o
Can't even begin to imagine that.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: powermite on May 20, 2011, 04:06:20 pm
Brings back so many great memories.It was the WANCs first Lemans  too

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: gt6 on May 20, 2011, 04:22:04 pm
From any point on the campsites yu could hear it powering along the old mulsanne straight, a ghostly noise for sure but one you never forget

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Kristof on May 20, 2011, 04:42:09 pm
Great news !   Might even try to make it to the parade then  8)

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: monkey on May 20, 2011, 05:43:57 pm
I seem to remember reading once that the team took the car back to Japan covered in the Le Sarthe grime - and lacquered over it to retain the 'just finished the race' look - is that true?? If it is then it will look rather grubby!! :-)

Actually I am quite excited about this as this was the last race I missed - because our second son was born on the morning of Sunday 23/06/91 (the race was late that year) which was Le Mans Sunday - and he (now nearly 20) will be with team Monkey this year of course.

That and it sounds like nothing else!!! ;D

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Rhino on May 20, 2011, 08:02:24 pm
Used to kip by the Mulsanne then, would lie there listening as it screamed down the straight. It never seemed to change gear.
At the end of the race they had it on a transporter and to the airport within an hour of the finish.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Ade on May 20, 2011, 08:08:08 pm
Great! I haven't seen it & I didn't think I ever would.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: pretzel on May 20, 2011, 09:27:20 pm
Brilliant news! If I had any hearing left from the first time I experienced it it would be great to hear it again :-)

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: SL on May 20, 2011, 09:28:05 pm
It ? It? It?  Seem to recall there was at least 3 of the darn things screaming around all day and night every year


Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: lofty on May 21, 2011, 12:10:09 pm
my first le mans hangover doubled in pain by charging mazada and rest for the wicked.i shall relive my first l m with another over indulgent beer,cider,red wine fest.shame the aco banned it

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 23, 2011, 10:55:23 am
shame the aco banned it

With respect, I think it was the FIA who banned it not the ACO on this occasion, as they wanted world sportscars to go down the 3.5 litre route. .

This gave rise to the fabulous Dassault Peugeots, which sounded - IMO - even better than the Mazda.

Nice to see her come home though, they were awsome.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: Rhino on May 23, 2011, 10:56:57 am
I think your right. It was the change to the 3.5 litre rules enforced by the FIA which killed it.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: goodduck on May 23, 2011, 04:07:07 pm
Im sad to miss this. Its one of my favorite cars of all time. Im hoping that mazda will also bring a crew of videographers to shoot it in high def. if not at least there will be plenty of great shots from TV crews and photographers with modern equipment.

Title: Re: Screaming Rotary Returns...
Post by: lofty on May 24, 2011, 08:36:04 pm
doh.your correct mr z.nobody liked it though cause its hard to measure the cubic capacity of a rotary engine.was it the poison dwarfs doing to piss of the aco because they wouldnt let him play?they ended up with venturis and weired but good imsa stuff to make up the nsx