Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Steve on January 10, 2011, 10:49:59 pm

Title: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 10, 2011, 10:49:59 pm
Ade - thanks for your advice.

Need some help - six of us coming in three cars and Motor Racing International tell me that they have sold all their allocation of Houx and MB camping spaces.
We've got a young 9 year old lad with us who perhaps isn't quite ready for the insanities of Blue Nord. Anyone know of any other agencies with combination tour and camping on MB or Houx or, indeed anywhere else?

Pressure's on!!!!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: ACe on January 10, 2011, 11:29:29 pm
That's because they don't get a proper allocation as they are not an official agent.  You  need to try Tickets 2 U, Speed Chills or 1st Tickets.  Speed Chills you can book on line, I don't think any of the others allow it. Or worth just emailing them all via their websites, there are only a few official agents (I think those three are the main ones) so it won't take long to know if you can get any.
Of course, if you have a 9 year old you can't beat private camping otherwise.  Worth paying the extra for peace of mind.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: sceetum on January 11, 2011, 08:06:38 am
We use Just Tickets for our plot on mb. Always been good for us, could be worth a call.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 11, 2011, 08:45:08 am
Steve, call me an old duffer but I'm not sure any LM campsite is a suitable environment to take a 9 year old! I've been on most of the sites over the years and even Houx is full of sweary drunken maniacs. At least BN is full of drunks you actually know!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: knetter on January 11, 2011, 08:50:55 am
I agree with Andy on this one, camp on BN, introduce the lad to the people you know best and everybody will keep an eye out for his wellbeing

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lazy B'stard on January 11, 2011, 09:22:06 am
I think all the agencies have sold out of MB now. I had great difficulty finding an extra before xmas.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: dukla on January 11, 2011, 11:00:22 am
We've got a young 9 year old lad with us who perhaps isn't quite ready for the insanities of Blue Nord.
Have had a teenage daughter with me a couple of times on Karting, Tertre Rouge & Arnage. Never had a problem but Sunday night on Tertre Rouge I didn't sleep. (Then again have come to the conclusion Sunday night on any site is a different experience!) Definitely would recommend Arnage as more child friendly, tickets still available via ACO ticket office.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Bas on January 11, 2011, 11:26:16 am
Steve you might want to give Karen McCarthy at a call (0844 873 0203).
She was able to get us the Houx non-numbered tickets we wanted last year.

We have our Houx tickets for this year secured, so if you manage to get Houx non-numbered then we'll gladly reserve you a spot at the same place we were last year.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: ACe on January 11, 2011, 11:55:09 am
I believe a good family friendly option are the privately owned sites nearby such as Bounty and Le Pont Romain - I've heard very good things about both and I believe the nites are a lot quieter and calmer!!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: termietermite on January 11, 2011, 06:22:09 pm
Maybe too far away (just down the road from me) from a boozing point of view and not your thing but I do know of a big gite which might be available (with above ground pool etc.)  It was empty during race week last year.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 11, 2011, 08:04:40 pm
even though I'm on MB this year. As on MB is u can walk easier to the trackside to watch the cars.

I have to agree on both the comments,

I agree with Andy on this one, camp on BN, introduce the lad to the people you know best and everybody will keep an eye out for his wellbeing

Steve, call me an old duffer but I'm not sure any LM campsite is a suitable environment to take a 9 year old! I've been on most of the sites over the years and even Houx is full of sweary drunken maniacs. At least BN is full of drunks you actually know!

they are mad, but not dangerous.

After last year, I like to think BN campers as the same as Ford Prefects updated entry of Earth, in The Hitchhikers guide  "mostly harmless"  :)

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: adinsen on January 12, 2011, 12:59:34 pm
I've been to Le Mans twice with two of my boys, in 2008 aged 8 and 10 and last year 10 and 12. We camped at BSJ both years. They had a great time! There are many drunk people at BSJ, even a few without pants on (or clothing at all), but nothing to worry about. I know parents are different and I'm probably more liberal than most, but everyone's extremely kind and helpful to the kids so I've never felt we were unsafe at all.

That said, however, they were quite annoyed by the mopeds running during the night close to the tent. A Corvette is *music* in comparison! So this year we're staying at Mulsanne and have booked a park ticket in Green area. With careful planning we expect to have a great time. Of course my intake of beer will have to be confined to times when I'm not driving the car, but I'm sure 2011 will be the best Le Mans so far for us.


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 12, 2011, 01:03:10 pm
Thank you all for your assistance and advice.
We are now sorted with pitches on Maison Blanche through the good offices of Messrs Speedchills.

Thanks again guys

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: adinsen on January 12, 2011, 02:58:36 pm
Thank you all for your assistance and advice.
We are now sorted with pitches on Maison Blanche through the good offices of Messrs Speedchills.

Thanks again guys

Great. He'll love it!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: knetter on January 12, 2011, 04:21:41 pm
Thank you all for your assistance and advice.
We are now sorted with pitches on Maison Blanche through the good offices of Messrs Speedchills.

Thanks again guys

Stay clear of those Drinking for Holland guys, they're a mess ;)

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 12, 2011, 08:57:42 pm
The young fella isn't even mine but I appreciate your concern and kind advice all.
My lad's a newbie at his first Le Mans this year but.....he is 28 are more than capable of drinking his father under the table! Unbelievable but true!
He's the Tres Hombres entertainments officer this year which, if he's learnt anything from his dad, will involve not much more than lots of Led Zeppelin at volume. I've taught him well.

All Club Arnager's welcome to Tres Hombres central on MB at any time for drinks and olives!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 12, 2011, 09:32:28 pm
All Club Arnager's welcome to Tres Hombres central on MB at any time for drinks and olives!

Blimey Lord Steve.... I might actually get to meet you finally!


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 13, 2011, 09:27:18 am
The young fella isn't even mine but I appreciate your concern and kind advice all.
My lad's a newbie at his first Le Mans this year but.....he is 28 are more than capable of drinking his father under the table! Unbelievable but true!
He's the Tres Hombres entertainments officer this year which, if he's learnt anything from his dad, will involve not much more than lots of Led Zeppelin at volume. I've taught him well.

All Club Arnager's welcome to Tres Hombres central on MB at any time for drinks and olives!

Olives!! Yuk! They're very bad for the liver you know!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 13, 2011, 05:55:31 pm
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

I have to say (and I know that camping packages are available from other sources) but I dealt with Anne-Marie at Speedchills and was stunned by how helpful she was. Within minutes of receiving my email she had confirmed ferries, camping and GA tickets for three cars and six people. In addition to this they were cheaper than any other company I tried.
They have some limited availability left on MB and Houx so if anyone's still trying to find tickets get in touch with her.
Customer service par excellence!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 13, 2011, 05:56:16 pm
All Club Arnager's welcome to Tres Hombres central on MB at any time for drinks and olives!

Blimey Lord Steve.... I might actually get to meet you finally!

Are you on MB Fran or in the cow sheds again?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 13, 2011, 06:38:48 pm
Are you on MB Fran or in the cow sheds again?

I thought it was about time I tried MB for a change - so its my first 24hrs inside the perimeter fencing!  (I have done a couple of Classics on MB but thats a bit different)

I am with Team LazyB again - Martini, Sconey, Dutch Bas, etc (but don't expect to find me doing the washing up, despite what Martini says).


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 13, 2011, 08:43:33 pm
Are you on MB Fran or in the cow sheds again?

I thought it was about time I tried MB for a change - so its my first 24hrs inside the perimeter fencing!  (I have done a couple of Classics on MB but thats a bit different)

I am with Team LazyB again - Martini, Sconey, Dutch Bas, etc (but don't expect to find me doing the washing up, despite what Martini says).

Delighted to hear it but who is Dutch Bas? The only Dutch Bas I know is resident on Houx with De Mannen de Le Mans. Can there be two Dutch Bas's????

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 13, 2011, 09:21:15 pm
who is Dutch Bas? .... Can there be two Dutch Bas's????

Its quite possible there are several.  Bas was with us Lazy B's at the Classic last year - always looked unnatually groomed for someone emerging from a tent!!  


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Bas on January 13, 2011, 11:00:02 pm
Delighted to hear it but who is Dutch Bas? The only Dutch Bas I know is resident on Houx with De Mannen de Le Mans. Can there be two Dutch Bas's????
Well Bas is about as common as Steve here in Flatland, so there might be more than one.
Could have been me though as you've seen first hand how impeccably groomed I always emerge from the tent for social gatherings at our campsite.  ;)

Anyway glad to hear the Tres (and a half) Hombres will be there, will make sure to stop over at MB and expect you (and yours) for drinks over on Houx sometime during the week.

BTW PM me a safe mail address where I can send you a DVD of last year's antics, you're in it more than once i saw.  ;D

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 14, 2011, 07:51:57 am
Delighted to hear it but who is Dutch Bas? The only Dutch Bas I know is resident on Houx with De Mannen de Le Mans. Can there be two Dutch Bas's????
Well Bas is about as common as Steve here in Flatland, so there might be more than one.
Could have been me though as you've seen first hand how impeccably groomed I always emerge from the tent for social gatherings at our campsite.  ;)

Anyway glad to hear the Tres (and a half) Hombres will be there, will make sure to stop over at MB and expect you (and yours) for drinks over on Houx sometime during the week.

BTW PM me a safe mail address where I can send you a DVD of last year's antics, you're in it more than once i saw.  ;D

Thank you Bas#1
You've got mail!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 14, 2011, 09:36:44 am
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

Monster Munch. Must be beef flavour.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lazy B'stard on January 14, 2011, 10:17:50 am
A rather select bunch on MB this year then. Better dig out my best linen and cravat.

Team LB this year will be... Me, SlowlySideways Andy, Dutch Bas#2, Newcastle_Dave, 'Frank Gallagher', Simonside Ian, Martini (Capt.)and the Lovely Fran(Wshn-up.)

We are bringing the van again with the freezer in the back so call in for ice cold beers and champers gentlemen. ;)

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 14, 2011, 11:21:11 am
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

Monster Munch. Must be beef flavour.

What about the Pickled Onion flavour?


fun to see his passport

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 14, 2011, 05:08:41 pm
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

Monster Munch. Must be beef flavour.

What about the Pickled Onion flavour?

What about it?  >:( It's okay in an emergency I suppose, but I demand beef and will be most insulted if Lord Steve doesn't furnish me with the delectable corn snack that comes in a yellow bag with all monsters on the front and that.

Oh and f**k Flamin' Hot, horrible stuff. There will be big trouble if I turn up and he only has that filth and olives. I will go mental. >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Martini...LB on January 14, 2011, 07:22:29 pm
who is Dutch Bas? .... Can there be two Dutch Bas's????

Its quite possible there are several.  Bas was with us Lazy B's at the Classic last year - always looked unnatually groomed for someone emerging from a tent!!  


Bas - Sartorial elegance, with pinstriped under garments with a perfect ironed crease in them. His effort was only matched by my dedication to sit and do nothing.


I am now in training for this years coming, I have, this week, lasted for almost four days without a drink! All this so that if we have the heatwave as at this years Classic I will only be as exhausted as everyone else.

Next month I may get my bike out and March I may blow up the tyres...

This year I feel there will be a few challenges... 1. understanding Newcastle Dave after he has had a few sherberts, Sideways Andy is bad enough. 2. Tying Fran to a plastic washing up bowl so that she can fulfill her mission.

More updates on the training soon, must go and rest my RSI from all this typing... THEN off to the Club, WooHooo.


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 14, 2011, 08:58:22 pm
A rather select bunch on MB this year then. Better dig out my best linen and cravat.

Team LB this year will be... Me, SlowlySideways Andy, Dutch Bas#2, Newcastle_Dave, 'Frank Gallagher', Simonside Ian, Martini (Capt.)and the Lovely Fran(Wshn-up.)

We are bringing the van again with the freezer in the back so call in for ice cold beers and champers gentlemen. ;)

Good Doctor - I feel a rather well dressed evening coming on. Your place or ours - or, frankly, both!!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 14, 2011, 09:03:07 pm
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

Monster Munch. Must be beef flavour.

What about the Pickled Onion flavour?

What about it?  >:( It's okay in an emergency I suppose, but I demand beef and will be most insulted if Lord Steve doesn't furnish me with the delectable corn snack that comes in a yellow bag with all monsters on the front and that.

Oh and f**k Flamin' Hot, horrible stuff. There will be big trouble if I turn up and he only has that filth and olives. I will go mental. >:( >:( >:(
Can't have you blowing a gasket - I will have Monster Munch beef flavour available - trust me.
If the E numbers send you over the edge don't forget we've got a nine year old to sort you out!!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 14, 2011, 10:22:39 pm
Good Doctor - I feel a rather well dressed evening coming on. Your place or ours - or, frankly, both!!

At least I am forewarned this time, unlike when the boys suddenly produced their smart shirts n ties n cravats etc. last year.... after I had been told to "pack very light"!!


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 14, 2011, 10:24:11 pm
2. Tying Fran to a plastic washing up bowl so that she can fulfill her mission.

I am refusing to take the bait.......

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 15, 2011, 12:26:51 am
I'll get some other snackettes in for your delectation and delight Andy - what is your food specification?

Monster Munch. Must be beef flavour.

What about the Pickled Onion flavour?

What about it?  >:( It's okay in an emergency I suppose, but I demand beef and will be most insulted if Lord Steve doesn't furnish me with the delectable corn snack that comes in a yellow bag with all monsters on the front and that.

Oh and f**k Flamin' Hot, horrible stuff. There will be big trouble if I turn up and he only has that filth and olives. I will go mental. >:( >:( >:(
Can't have you blowing a gasket - I will have Monster Munch beef flavour available - trust me.
If the E numbers send you over the edge don't forget we've got a nine year old to sort you out!!

I want always gets! :)

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 15, 2011, 07:33:11 pm
Good Doctor - I feel a rather well dressed evening coming on. Your place or ours - or, frankly, both!!

At least I am forewarned this time, unlike when the boys suddenly produced their smart shirts n ties n cravats etc. last year.... after I had been told to "pack very light"!!

Fran, for the first time in 16 trips we've got a generator this year so, sod it, I'm bringing an iron!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Ade on January 15, 2011, 08:02:18 pm
1st it's girly drinks in left hand, now it's an iron. What next red high heels?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 15, 2011, 08:05:47 pm
1st it's girly drinks in left hand, now it's an iron. What next red high heels?  ;D ;D
Never underestimate a man who buys Jimmy Choos for his wife at Christmas!! Eh Fran??  How do you think I get a pass-out every year?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Ade on January 15, 2011, 08:09:35 pm
1st it's girly drinks in left hand, now it's an iron. What next red high heels?  ;D ;D
Never underestimate a man who buys Jimmy Choos for his wife at Christmas!! Eh Fran??  How do you think I get a pass-out every year?
Jimmy Choos - are they like Hunter wellies for townies?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Canada Phil on January 15, 2011, 08:13:16 pm
While waiting for an explnation of Choos. Ade i like your tag line thogh perhaps an extra "as" in there?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Ade on January 15, 2011, 08:18:59 pm
While waiting for an explnation of Choos. Ade i like your tag line thogh perhaps an extra "as" in there?
I'll leave Steve to explain Choos as he would appear to be an aficionado.

As for my tag line I sometimes as trouble with grammar & spelling.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 15, 2011, 08:22:15 pm
They're shoes boys - I'll leave Fran to embellish this!
BTW - what's wrong with the tagline?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Ade on January 15, 2011, 08:26:04 pm
BTW - what's wrong with the tagline?
Nothing now  ;D. Ta Phil.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 15, 2011, 08:38:46 pm
I'm bringing an iron!

I will send Dutch Bas no.2 round to yours to press his boxers then Steve!

Hang on tho.... isnt "iron" cockney rhyming slang?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Ade on January 15, 2011, 09:45:19 pm
Hang on tho.... isnt "iron" cockney rhyming slang?

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 15, 2011, 10:07:33 pm
I'm bringing an iron!

I will send Dutch Bas no.2 round to yours to press his boxers then Steve!

Hang on tho.... isnt "iron" cockney rhyming slang?

I thought Lord Steve had one of these in his tent  - ( - the racing Corby Trouser Press

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 16, 2011, 09:11:31 am
Hang on tho.... isnt "iron" cockney rhyming slang?
Yeah, it rhymes with iron as in "Any old iron, any old iron" etc etc

Isn't it amazing how an original message asking for advice on the availablity of tickets has managed to cover "Bas 1 and Bas 2", savoury snacks, shoes, ironing and cockney rhyming slang? We must all be bored waiting for June.....

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lord Steve on January 16, 2011, 09:15:04 am
I'm bringing an iron!

I will send Dutch Bas no.2 round to yours to press his boxers then Steve!

Hang on tho.... isnt "iron" cockney rhyming slang?

I thought Lord Steve had one of these in his tent  - ( - the racing Corby Trouser Press
Neil - I wouldn't keep it in my tent - Bagshott, my Butler keeps it in his!

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 16, 2011, 09:29:47 am
The really amazing thing is that you actually got an answer to your original question and got your tickets sorted in the course of the thread!

Well, that and the fact that BigH's medical conditions and unguents haven't been mentioned yet!


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lorry on January 16, 2011, 07:04:06 pm
Researched, and I can confirm that this is rhyming slang, but rather poor, as a horseshoe was never called that.

None if it is very good.  I also noticed that "Berk", as in "he's a right berk", is short for Berkshire Hunt, and as a local, I'm not sure there is one, and what on earth could rhyme with Hunt

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nickliv on January 16, 2011, 08:06:18 pm
I thought it was Berkeley Hunt

Can't imagine what it rhymes with, but I suspect BobU's DFH avatar implores you not to be one.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lorry on January 16, 2011, 09:44:11 pm
There is a Berkeley Hunt.  Those Cockneys know nothing

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Lazy B'stard on January 17, 2011, 09:28:43 am

2. Tying Fran to a plastic washing up bowl so that she can fulfill her mission.

That sounds rather saucy you mucky old devil. >:D

I must remind you that there is to be no smut, foul language, nakedness or washed out Y fronts on display this year thankyouverymuch :police:

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 17, 2011, 10:13:10 am
I must remind you that there is to be no smut, foul language, nakedness or washed out Y fronts on display this year thankyouverymuch :police:

Damn - there go my plans for 2011......

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Martini...LB on January 19, 2011, 06:10:54 pm
A rather select bunch on MB this year then. Better dig out my best linen and cravat.

Team LB this year will be... Me, SlowlySideways Andy, Dutch Bas#2, Newcastle_Dave, 'Frank Gallagher', Simonside Ian, Martini (Capt.)and the Lovely Fran(Wshn-up.)

We are bringing the van again with the freezer in the back so call in for ice cold beers and champers gentlemen. ;)

If you are bringing a Jenny I can bring an old dishwasher, mind you we had one last year that would not work!!


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 19, 2011, 08:51:17 pm
A rather select bunch on MB this year then. Better dig out my best linen and cravat.

Team LB this year will be... Me, SlowlySideways Andy, Dutch Bas#2, Newcastle_Dave, 'Frank Gallagher', Simonside Ian, Martini (Capt.)and the Lovely Fran(Wshn-up.)

We are bringing the van again with the freezer in the back so call in for ice cold beers and champers gentlemen. ;)

If you are bringing a Jenny I can bring an old dishwasher, mind you we had one last year that would not work!!


Whats Jenny look like   - nudge nudge  ;)   ;)

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: nickliv on January 19, 2011, 10:19:43 pm
Short, wide, noisy, likes a drink, but will accept a number of plugs.

Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Fran on January 20, 2011, 02:11:12 pm
I can bring an old dishwasher, mind you we had one last year that would not work!!

Don't think for one minute that I might not realise what you are implying there Martini.


Title: Re: Advice!
Post by: Martini...LB on January 20, 2011, 05:36:50 pm
I laughed  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
