Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Boorish Grobian on January 08, 2011, 09:07:33 pm

Title: Monza suggestions
Post by: Boorish Grobian on January 08, 2011, 09:07:33 pm
While we're on the subject of info for first-timers.  The wife & I have decided for my fiftieth birthday in 2012, we are going to take in the 2012 Grand Prix of Italy, at the old autodromo north Milan.  Looking for suggestions from any Monza veterans, where to stay, when to book flights, and race tickets, what to avoid. The usual circuit info, best places to spectate from, what to see and what to avoid.  All the usual stuff.  As I said, its not until 2012, but we decided to start investigating after the start of this year.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: tn*c on January 08, 2011, 09:48:34 pm

When I went to Monza for the LMS race a couple of years ago I stayed (

Really nice hotel, short drive from the circuit, not sure what traffic would be like on an F1 race day though. The Hotel had Prodrive and Peugeot staying in it at the time I was there too.

Price was very good and hotel really nice. Not too far from Milan city center either.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 11, 2011, 08:52:20 am
Fax if you're fly in through London (which may be cheaper than going direct to Italy, and Virgin usually have a sale on in Jan) it would be rude not to spend a night or two at Zarse Towers!

Also if the soccer league is on then no trip to Milan would be complete without seeing a match at the San Siro stadium. I went a couple of years ago with Steve Z and it was awesome.

Other than that, Milano is a fine city, be sure to visit the beautiful old shopping centre - but leave the credit card behind!! - also the cathederal is amazing inside. Finally, eat. And eat and eat and eat!

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Boorish Grobian on January 11, 2011, 05:23:28 pm
Thanks for the advice guys, Andy, we may very well take you up on that offer.  Taking in a Serie A game would be a good way to spend a afternoon or evening.  And agreed, everyone we've talked to has said to spend some time in Milan.
As far as the circuit itself. I've gotten a couple of different opinions from folks how have been there, one person told me the first chicane is the best place to watch, another said the entry to the Parabolica, and I've always thought the Variante Ascari looked interesting, especially if you can see down the straight under the old banking.  Speaking of the banking, does anyone know if spectators are allowed to walk up there and take some photos?

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: jpchenet on January 11, 2011, 10:31:21 pm
Never been to the circuit John, but a fair bit of time in Milan on business.

As Andy says, the Cathedral is spectacular (both insode and out, the detailing is amazing.

San Siro is amazing, although avoid it if its a local derby!

Corsa Como (IIRC) is a great place for an evening. Nice bars, most of which lay oni free Tapas style food during the early evening to entice people in on their way home from work.

A layover for a couple of days in London would be a great idea!

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: tn*c on January 12, 2011, 05:25:45 pm
You can access the banking normally, pic attached but I bet that during the F1 they are no go areas.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Kristof on January 12, 2011, 08:00:29 pm
Great plan !  Haven't been to Monza yet, but from what I heard of some people I know who went there, it should be an amazing atmosphere.    Staying in Milan is the best option, great city and good connections to the track.  Our plan was maybe to get to Monza also in 2012, so we might even join you over there  ;D.

Why not make an extra stop in Antwerp, could take you around there, and in less than 3 hours you're at the Nürburgring. 

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Boorish Grobian on January 13, 2011, 12:16:30 am
Nice photo there Vegas, gives some idea of the scope of the old banking.  I suspect your probably right, during GP weekend they probably try to keep spectators off there.  Lots of great ideas here.  Dottore, a trip to the Ring, and Spa is definitely on my list of circuits to see, a trip to the 24hrs there isn't far off.  If you want to join us, the more friends, the bigger the party :D
There are only a handful of circuits in the world that are true cathedrals of the sport, Le mans, the Ring, Monza, IMS, Spa are at the top of the list.  These are circuits that date back to the first half of the last century, and are steeped in history.  I've been to two of them (Le Mans & Indy), will get to all of the others eventually.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Kristof on January 13, 2011, 08:47:28 am
I'd add Bathurst and Monaco to that list too ...

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: John G on January 13, 2011, 10:44:12 am
''You can access the banking normally, pic attached but I bet that during the F1 they are no go areas.''

Attended GP a couple of years ago, walked the track back from start/finish to 1st Lesmo, after the race, the banking was accessible from Parabolica exit area

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 13, 2011, 11:53:18 am
Purely from an historic point of view, you'll need to add Brooklands and Montlhéry to your list also.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 13, 2011, 12:04:28 pm
Fax can do Brooklands when he stays here,  ;) it's only 30 mins from my place. The museum is terrific, and haven't been to Mercedes World either so we could do both.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Martini...LB on January 13, 2011, 06:02:51 pm
Seems like you are getting rather excited Andy... any particular reason?


Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Nordic on January 14, 2011, 03:35:42 pm
The itialian gp normally falls within a week or so of the Goodwood revival. Another potential excursion.

Mercedes Benz world is just a giant car showroom with a few classics and old racers on show. Impressive building and nice cafe though, museum is good.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Boorish Grobian on January 14, 2011, 06:09:22 pm
All some very tempting offers.  Agreed that Brooklands & Montlhery are must-see's, even though they are no longer active circuits, like Rheims.  Bathurst would be terrific, especially if we could hook up with our wine making hooligan down under.  Monaco would be fun, and I suspect slightly patience trying. ;D
We see about layovers when we get to booking flights, but Belgium would be great, Kirsten & I have never been there, and it would be fantastic to get back to England, its one of my favorite places on the planet, and the Mrs has never set foot on Old Blighty.  Hope I can discuss this in person with some of you in March.
First stop on the "bucket list"

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Gordonwr on January 17, 2011, 08:46:37 pm
I marshall the GP every year at Spa, and have done so twice at Monza. We have been able to climb (not walk up )the banking in the week preceding the GP and it is so full of history, you can almost hear and feel the cars thundering around it !! I'm not sure what Ascari is like from a speccy point of view but it was awesome as a marshall, that is one experience I will never forget as they came under the baking and " attempted " to get through the first left hander !! As has been said the Parabolica and also the first chicane are special places to be but  then so is the whole circuit, it just leeks history and passion out of every pore.
The same as Spa one of the true great places left to experience in the sport. If you do go to Spa do take the time to go round the old long circuit ( I saw the last GP on it won by Pedro Rodriguez ) who held the lap record in the 917, spent 8 mins in top gear, didn't lift for the Masta kink and went round the slightly banked corner at Stavelot at 185 mph  !!!!
Both awesome circuits !

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Bentley boy on January 18, 2011, 01:25:26 pm
Fax can do Brooklands when he stays here,   it's only 30 mins from my place. The museum is terrific, and haven't been to Mercedes World either so we could do both.

Have to agree with you there  ;D, well I am a volunteer there on the Concorde, if you come on a Saturday I might be able to help with a tour around the place.

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Boorish Grobian on January 30, 2011, 06:23:55 am
Just finished watching the two World Superbike rounds from Monza that Speed TV re-broadcast earlier this week.  Can't fricking wait to see Monza in person.  Must admit, it was a bit comical when Johnny Rea dumped the bike at the Parabolica, went looking for it to re-mount, and couldn't find it because it had bounced over the tire barrier.  Jesus, the bikes look a handful around the old autodromo...

Title: Re: Monza suggestions
Post by: Snoring Rhino on January 30, 2011, 11:59:12 pm
Fax can do Brooklands when he stays here,  ;) it's only 30 mins from my place. The museum is terrific, and haven't been to Mercedes World either so we could do both.

Let me know if and when this happens, will try and make the trip up, its been a while since I been, was a Friend of Brooklands for many years and it would be good to meet the infamous Fax.