Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: jonners on September 22, 2010, 02:13:35 pm

Title: Afternoon!
Post by: jonners on September 22, 2010, 02:13:35 pm
Have been a regular on Beer Mountain for a few years so thought it was about time I said hello on CA!

Camped on BN every year since 1998 (you remember those days when the sun shined over Le Sarthe?)

Plans are well advanced for 2011, ferry and tickets booked so hope to meet up with some of you all next year.

Hope you all enjoy your planning for next years sorte.....  :)

Title: Re: Afternoon!
Post by: landman on September 22, 2010, 02:23:16 pm
A'noon Jonners.

You have your ferry booked you say?  Which route?  I was perusing LD Lines & Brittany Pirates last night & no details on 2011 fares were available.

We're waiting for the ACO to open the ticket office on the 4th of Oct.  Let battle commence!

Paul aka Landman aka TwoPointFiveTurbo [when on BM].

Title: Re: Afternoon!
Post by: Lorry on September 22, 2010, 10:27:01 pm
Welcome aboard

Small world isn't it

And some of the ferry sites only work 6, 7 or 8 months ahead, so have a look every week or two, as the prices will go up, but there may be special offers later on :-\

Title: Re: Afternoon!
Post by: jonners on September 23, 2010, 09:59:33 am
Hi Lorry! Small world indeed....  ;)

Landman (TPFT!), I was convinced to look into Dover - Dunkirk (by Silver Fox on BM) on Norfolk Lines and have booked a return for £42! Not a route I have used before so will see how it goes and report back. As Lorry says most operators are not publishing prices yet for June but given the price fluctuations of fuel I thought I would 'bank' the £42 NL deal as I can change the date and use it for Nurburgring if a good Pompey deal comes up next year - hedging my bets you might say!!

Title: Re: Afternoon!
Post by: landman on September 23, 2010, 10:48:46 pm
I think that I'll just hang on for the Pompey fares given that it's less than 25 mins from my front door to the check-in booth at the ferry terminal  ;D