Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gilles on October 03, 2003, 10:03:29 pm

Title: TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Gilles on October 03, 2003, 10:03:29 pm
Great report on French TV news...

... a study made in UK on your favourite leisures...

The average Brit spend more than half his entertainement budget (cinema, theatre, museum, car events,...) in... Beer.

And most of these guys are able to drink regularly more than 2 litres of beer.

So you turn to be the best drinker all over the European Union.

But it also costs a lot to your economy because of the loss of productivity the day after pub crawl.

May I ask you a question  ??? ...

... are British economy able to run the monday after Le Mans ??

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: wishy on October 03, 2003, 10:06:05 pm
The answer is very little production for the whole week following Le Mans,So I guess the British economy suffers a little.

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Black Widow on October 04, 2003, 01:03:34 pm
Gilles, it also suffers for a week prior to Le Mans.  This is because we all get our last bit of practice and build-up!! ;D ::)

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: hgb on October 06, 2003, 10:23:49 am
However it's great for the french economy.  ;D

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Gilles on October 06, 2003, 10:27:19 am
However it's great for the french economy.  ;D

Just a week per year, and almost just for beer market, almost owned by foreign compagnies.

During the 51 other weeks, FRENCH people are drinking FRENCH beverages...
... it's not protectionism, it's just pleasure !!!

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Andy Zarse on October 06, 2003, 10:51:47 am
During the 51 other weeks, FRENCH people are drinking FRENCH beverages...
... it's not protectionism, it's just pleasure !!!
Gilles, where on earth is the pleasure in drinking French beer, such as Kanterbrau? If you mean drinking French wine, then fine. But the French seem to have as much idea of how to brew beer as the British have in making wine! i.e. none.

We bring our own beer from home.

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Stu on October 06, 2003, 02:46:34 pm
Agreed Andy. The french beer is a bit hiity missy. (I did have a soft spot for the 6.2% 1664 though). What gets me is that a crate equates to about 12 normal cans of our beer. Now if I drank about 12 bottles of the delectable nectar shown over on the left there, I would be in a fairly well oiled state. But if you drink a crate of roughly the same sort of percentage french stuff, you don't seem as well cut.
Comments and scientific theories welcome.


Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 07, 2003, 01:32:32 am
Now Stu............I remember Friday night!!!!!

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Steve Pyro on October 07, 2003, 10:28:53 am
Stu, I know this may be sacrilege, but all Newcastle Brown has ever given me is chronic flatulence and a bad head.  >:(

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Stu on October 07, 2003, 01:14:50 pm
Now Stu............I remember Friday night!!!!!
That could be one of many Fridays, but I know which one you are on about. I definitely had more than 12 pints worth then. I've decided that in my wisdom of older years, if you hit the spirits when you're well gone anyway, you're f**ked. Definitely the road to oblivion. (Now where did I put that bottle of malt).


Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 07, 2003, 07:25:44 pm
I've decided that in my wisdom of older years, if you hit the spirits when you're well gone anyway, you're f**cked. Definitely the road to oblivion. (Now where did I put that bottle of malt).

Probably on the other side of the gazebo side panel.........oh that's OK, there's a hole in one of them anyway!!   ;D

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Stu on October 07, 2003, 07:48:03 pm
And next doors if my memory serves me rightly.

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: jpchenet on October 08, 2003, 09:49:49 am
You mean you remember anything about it??   ;)

BTW, Shaft says to say hi!!  How's Trev??

Title: Re:TV news confirmed my intuition !!!
Post by: Stu on October 08, 2003, 03:08:50 pm
You mean you remember anything about it??   ;)

BTW, Shaft says to say hi!!  How's Trev??

Hes just been for another operation to fuse part of his ankle. Hopefully thats it repaired. I've just been on to him about getting the ferry booked up for next year ASAP. Just so we know we are booked for the Sunday night return.
