Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on June 08, 2010, 01:25:57 pm

Title: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Bob U on June 08, 2010, 01:25:57 pm
Here we bloody go again. Ten minutes ago I got a phone call to say that 3 guys who were supposed to be coming down on Thursday have dropped out. The excuse is "The weather is going to be bad". f**king poofs. Given that one of these would be on his 12th consecutive and all of them were there in 2001 when we got pissed on all weekend, I think it's a poor show. I have known these guys for a lot of years so didn't even think of asking for a deposit  This has now left me seriously out of pocket as I have spent a lot on food and stuff. After this weekend Pantyspider Tours will be defunct, no more, deceased like the Norwegian Blue. It' me me me from now on. F**k the lot of them.
 Next year I will buy 1 ticket for me, turn up with food and beer and spend the week with friends that I can trust, AKA, you lot..

Lot's of curry going spare on Saturday night.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Bonio on June 08, 2010, 01:33:22 pm
Same as , Booked Eurostar this year to accommodate someone who always seems to have a drama, only for a phone call last night to ask if i can change the date of departure.
Eurostar s computer said "NO" so it looks like i will be travelling down on me todd and out of pocket.
Not a happy bunny. Never again.....

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 08, 2010, 01:33:48 pm
If I could spare the funds Id be on my way to join you Bob  ;D

Poor show from your "mates" though  >:(

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: termietermite on June 08, 2010, 01:47:00 pm
Grrr.  Just the thought of t*ssers like that makes me angry.  Happily the last time this happened to me I sold my spare ticket to a certain Brian from Scouseland and the rest is history as thus I met you lot.  But I still swore never to do this again, Bob, you are right.  Leave them to stew and come and have a great weekend with us.  See you soon. :)

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 08, 2010, 01:53:00 pm
Deb, I am still eternally grateful  ;)

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 08, 2010, 01:58:20 pm

Come and join us for some dinner one night - I've cooked a mahoosive Chilli, that we'll never eat in the quantities that I've made....we'll take care of that night, you bring curry for another..... gives you a bit of variety over 5 nights of curry (the obvious comment here is just too obvious for Fat Zarse, so I think I'll refrain!).

The best thing about Club Arnage, is possibly the fact that you don't actually need your "mates" with you - in this group, you have all the friends you need right here.

By the way - I have bought you a set of wax earplugs.  Trust me - I lived at home for 25 years, you're going to need them - there's a reason that his sign in is "Snoring Rhino".....


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Werner on June 08, 2010, 03:17:22 pm
Here we bloody go again. Ten minutes ago I got a phone call to say that 3 guys who were supposed to be coming down on Thursday have dropped out. The excuse is "The weather is going to be bad". f**king poofs. Given that one of these would be on his 12th consecutive and all of them were there in 2001 when we got pissed on all weekend, I think it's a poor show. I have known these guys for a lot of years so didn't even think of asking for a deposit  This has now left me seriously out of pocket as I have spent a lot on food and stuff. After this weekend Pantyspider Tours will be defunct, no more, deceased like the Norwegian Blue. It' me me me from now on. F**k the lot of them.
 Next year I will buy 1 ticket for me, turn up with food and beer and spend the week with friends that I can trust, AKA, you lot..

Lot's of curry going spare on Saturday night.

Hi Bob,

I know similar situations from the past - but among my mates there was never a discussion about costs which had already occured. If someone had "booked" the tour and dropped out the last minute, it was unwritten understanding that he had to pay his share for everything which had already been spend, food, drinks, share of campsite fees, entry tickets and so on.

One Advice: make a list of all costs which you already had and charge your mates - there should be understanding for this - everything else would be not fair!

Cheers - see you soon


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 08, 2010, 03:40:44 pm
I concur with Werner - Afterall - the ferry company aren't going to give you a discount, the campsite isn't any cheaper, so they'll have to pay that regardless - You might do a deal with them to try and sell their entry tickets to other people, but make sure you let them know that if you can't/can't be arsed, they will have to stump up.  As for food, there's a big difference between 4 people, and 1 person.

I would understand if there was a huge reason (we had a family member pass away when we were en-route one year (he was back at home obv) - we had to cancel at the last second) - but the fact that the weather "might" be rainy - that's just taking the p155.....

You organise this trip out of love for the experience - you don't do it for financial gain, but you also don't do it for financial loss.  I say make the f***ers pay up, and then come and join your proper friends.... :)

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: nopanic - neil on June 08, 2010, 03:44:52 pm
Bob - know what u mean, was asked a few years back to do the same, people dropped out, wanted to changed dates for travel. AHHHHHH

In the end took a hit on cost, put it down to experiance. Thats why I like I like planning for 1!.

Mind you this year, sorted out tickets for some people who I first went with, but they offer to pay the amount straight away.

All I do this year is meet them on site.

Mind you, they are off on Sunday am (10ish  ::) ) so may be over on Sunday night for any curry left.  ;D

See u all down there on Thurs.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 08, 2010, 03:45:09 pm
Here we bloody go again. Ten minutes ago I got a phone call to say that 3 guys who were supposed to be coming down on Thursday have dropped out. The excuse is "The weather is going to be bad". f**king poofs. Given that one of these would be on his 12th consecutive and all of them were there in 2001 when we got pissed on all weekend, I think it's a poor show. I have known these guys for a lot of years so didn't even think of asking for a deposit  This has now left me seriously out of pocket as I have spent a lot on food and stuff. After this weekend Pantyspider Tours will be defunct, no more, deceased like the Norwegian Blue. It' me me me from now on. F**k the lot of them.
 Next year I will buy 1 ticket for me, turn up with food and beer and spend the week with friends that I can trust, AKA, you lot..

Lot's of curry going spare on Saturday night.

Small consolation mate, but I will be there to help you eat the food and drink the drink the drink. Surely these guys will be coughing up some of your costs??
I have your GE arranged, will give you a call when I get out side the gates of BN.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Bob U on June 08, 2010, 03:56:31 pm
There are still 3 that havn't dropped out so it's not as bad as it may sound. More beer for me anyhow.

Neil, come and join us on Saturday night you are more than welcome. Randy is coming over.

Thanks for sorting the GA's Ian.

Van collected lunch time and I'm off home now to load it.

See you Frogside tomorrow.

Anyone in Camp Arnage want an early morning call?

Safe journey everyone.

This is Bob U signing off ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Robspot on June 08, 2010, 04:09:59 pm

I'll take one GA off your hands if you need to get rid

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Werner on June 08, 2010, 04:30:58 pm

same with me - if you're stuck with GA tickets, approach me tomorrow morning. We'll arrive around 7 - 8 am and will need at least half a dozen GA



Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Kev_mk3 on June 08, 2010, 04:39:06 pm
If I could spare the funds Id be on my way to join you Bob  ;D

Poor show from your "mates" though  >:(
+1 thats piss poor performance from friends there  >:(

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: TobyAnscombe on June 08, 2010, 04:49:46 pm
Bob - Might take you up on the curry option ;D

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: LangTall on June 08, 2010, 05:42:45 pm

same with me - if you're stuck with GA tickets, approach me tomorrow morning. We'll arrive around 7 - 8 am and will need at least half a dozen GA


Half a dozen? I still need 20! we could try a group purchase at the store if you'd like werner? I'll be there around 4 in the afternoon.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brad Zarse on June 08, 2010, 05:44:57 pm

same with me - if you're stuck with GA tickets, approach me tomorrow morning. We'll arrive around 7 - 8 am and will need at least half a dozen GA


Half a dozen? I still need 20! we could try a group purchase at the store if you'd like werner? I'll be there around 4 in the afternoon.

You'd only need to know one word of french for this....



Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: pedersenkorsager on June 09, 2010, 11:31:29 am
So now it's my turn..... :(

one dropout, leaving me with one GA ekstra.

I am glad she already payed it, so if there is any takers let me know.
offer taken

I will be next to Werner in BN


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Kristof on June 09, 2010, 12:48:41 pm
Here it's the other way this year, just had a phone call from someone who's thinking about coming on Friday and should let me know by tonight.  Has never been to LM, guess I've got another one infected  ;D.  Hope to find a parking spot or a spare BN ticket for his car as the frogs are writing license plates on the camping permits on BN.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: pedersenkorsager on June 09, 2010, 02:30:06 pm
you can have one permit of mine. i have plenty for the 2 cars we will bring. As we will be there on Thursday the tickets will be there soon enough.
BTW i have 2 GA now if anyone is interested. bids taken

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Kristof on June 10, 2010, 12:47:02 am
you can have one permit of mine. i have plenty for the 2 cars we will bring. As we will be there on Thursday the tickets will be there soon enough.
BTW i have 2 GA now if anyone is interested. bids taken

Great !  I'll take the 2 GA's also if they're stille available.  Got 4 extra people (2 cars) coming over (arrive on Saturday morning, leave back Saturday night)

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Kiters on June 10, 2010, 09:46:57 pm
Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that makes me mad I'm stuck at home due to work and they don't go because of a bit of pluie gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

 >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Lazy B'stard on June 10, 2010, 09:51:16 pm
I have had this two years in a row. In 08 it was excusable- the guy got a call the night before saying he had no job to come back to. Last year though two brothers who have been regulars decided at the eleventh hour that they could not be arsed and left me £400 out of pocket.
On a positive note, back in 08 I called my friend Andy and told him to cancel his appointments,get a bag ready and find his passport. 45 minutes later he was sat in my Alfa at 90mph on his way to Le Mans for the first time (and all paid for!). Big shitface grins all the way to Pompy made up for the hassle.  

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Martini...LB on June 10, 2010, 09:59:11 pm
I have had this two years in a row. In 08 it was excusable- the guy got a call the night before saying he had no job to come back to. Last year though two brothers who have been regulars decided at the eleventh hour that they could not be arsed and left me £400 out of pocket.
On a positive note, back in 08 I called my friend Andy and told him to cancel his appointments,get a bag ready and find his passport. 45 minutes later he was sat in my Alfa at 90mph on his way to Le Mans for the first time (and all paid for!). Big sh*tface grins all the way to Pompy made up for the hassle.  

A good time was still had by all though Si, and probably better for them not coming. The guys seemed to really enjoy themselves last year especially on the bungee and I am sure you are looking forward to going on the big wheel again this year  ;D ;D

Can't wait mate.


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: BigH on June 11, 2010, 12:05:17 pm
Last minute drop outs!- tell me about it, what a pain indeed.
Just when you think you've got everything all cleaned up and nice and ship-shape, out drops another! And you're back to square one...
Last minute drop ins, now they're another thing.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 11, 2010, 12:10:27 pm
Last minute drop outs!- tell me about it, what a pain indeed.
Just when you think you've got everything all cleaned up and nice and ship-shape, out drops another! And you're back to square one...
Last minute drop ins, now they're another thing.

 ;D ::)

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Bellend on June 11, 2010, 09:28:45 pm
Watcha H.
Neuro tells me your not there this year, nor was you there last year! Bloody Hell mate is the "harris" still sore?

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 11, 2010, 09:54:41 pm
No the puffter was in USA, swimming with sharks off Alcatraz, a bit like taking a shower at Le Man

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 11, 2010, 11:50:06 pm
No the puffter was in USA, swimming with sharks off Alcatraz, a bit like taking a shower at Le Man

It definately takes more guts to brave the MB showers any time after thursday  :-X

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Martini...LB on June 12, 2010, 10:29:46 am
No the puffter was in USA, swimming with sharks off Alcatraz, a bit like taking a shower at Le Man

It definately takes more guts to brave the MB showers any time after thursday  :-X

I would rather the showers than the crappers!


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on June 12, 2010, 11:21:55 am
No the puffter was in USA, swimming with sharks off Alcatraz, a bit like taking a shower at Le Man

It definately takes more guts to brave the MB showers any time after thursday  :-X

I would rather the showers than the crappers!


Crappers or showers. Much the same come the weekend are they not??  ::) :o :-X

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on June 12, 2010, 02:05:15 pm
On my last visit some dirty rastard had used the shower as a crapper, so as Mike says no difference to me either  :(

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: BigH on June 12, 2010, 05:05:28 pm
Wotcher Bellend, and Yo! to all the the other Homies...
I've tried to watch the race on the telly, but am having no luck at all. I can tune into some race or other that's going on somewhere, but it can't be LM because there's a Lamborghini going round and round. No sign of our Nigel either, and I'm sure he's meant to be in the race.
Second weekend in June in the UK seems like a strange place to be.
PS Happy 21st Chris!

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Chris (Liverpool Boys) on June 13, 2010, 11:39:41 am
Cheers H  ;D

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Lawnmower Man on June 14, 2010, 11:19:13 am
The drop outs seem higher than usual this year. We lost a sixth of or group. 
He was kinda lucky I managed to sell on the GA but he lost a lot on the T18 ticket. :)
I had one costly event so from then on it's always been "Cash up front".


Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Bob U on June 25, 2010, 12:46:39 pm
That's it, it's official, Pantyspider Tours no longer exist.

 After the financial hit I took this year (apart from what got stolen) when 4 of the f**kers decided not to go, I have decided to say f**k the lot of them and make other arrangements. Next year I will be traveling and staying with Robbo and Crew, and after this year I am already looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see if the remnants of PST make it when there is no-one to organize it all for them.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: John G on June 25, 2010, 12:59:59 pm
After the financial hit I took this year (apart from what got stolen) when 4 of the f**kers decided not to go, I have decided to say f**k the lot of them and make other arrangements.

Shame, but it certainly makes you feel this way, why can't people mean what they say (oops, must be an age thing)

Edited to correct the Quote.  T

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 25, 2010, 11:18:36 pm
That's it, it's official, Pantyspider Tours no longer exist.

 After the financial hit I took this year (apart from what got stolen) when 4 of the f**kers decided not to go, I have decided to say f**k the lot of them and make other arrangements. Next year I will be traveling and staying with Robbo and Crew, and after this year I am already looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see if the remnants of PST make it when there is no-one to organize it all for them.

Hey Bob, its a shame you feel that way, it's always crap when a good guy gets turned over.
Being a late addition to your group, I have to say that I enjoyed the company of the present Dave, Graham, Tom, and of course Yourself . Obviously I cant account for the the guys who let you down, but we all mucked in together, certainly appreciated your preparation work (you will always be the Curry King) and did what we could to ease the crap on Sunday (as of course did many CA'er's). There was and still is an offer from me and (I believe) the others to split your financial hit.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 26, 2010, 01:18:20 pm
That's it, it's official, Pantyspider Tours no longer exist.

 After the financial hit I took this year (apart from what got stolen) when 4 of the f**kers decided not to go, I have decided to say f**k the lot of them and make other arrangements. Next year I will be traveling and staying with Robbo and Crew, and after this year I am already looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see if the remnants of PST make it when there is no-one to organize it all for them.

Hey Bob, its a shame you feel that way, it's always crap when a good guy gets turned over.
Being a late addition to your group, I have to say that I enjoyed the company of the present Dave, Graham, Tom, and of course Yourself . Obviously I cant account for the the guys who let you down, but we all mucked in together, certainly appreciated your preparation work (you will always be the Curry King) and did what we could to ease the crap on Sunday (as of course did many CA'er's). There was and still is an offer from me and (I believe) the others to split your financial hit.

That's a top quality offer from a bunch of top quality guys! You all seemed to be enjoying yourselves hugely, at least until the thieving scum ruinnned the weekend.

Title: Re: Last minute drop outs
Post by: Paddy_NL on June 26, 2010, 06:50:00 pm
Sorry to hear, Bob. I think it would only be fair if you would charge them the minimum of your loss. This is bullsh*t!