Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Just To Say Hi => Topic started by: kenf27 on May 09, 2010, 02:01:18 pm

Title: Hello from the toon
Post by: kenf27 on May 09, 2010, 02:01:18 pm
Just thought i'd say hello. Were off to the 24 and the classic this year. Been going since 2004 when I assembled and finished my 1st kit car a month before the 24. Stayed at several of the sites. We left it a bit late for the 24 as we only intended to do the classic for the 1st time. Were on Pincidina ( spelling) so were taking push bikes like last year. Couldn't see my 61year old dad when we rode back from Arnarge last year after a few beers. Turned out he rode into a roadside ditch, but he was alright and got back on. It was his 1st trip and he's not that keen on camping so I dont think he will be back. We usually travel in sporty type cars but this year were keeping costs down so we can see them both so were coming in a diesel of some sort. Theres just 4 of us for the 24 but about 12 of us for the classic at Maison Blanch.I will be posting our shower set up if I can get a video link up and working on the previous thread. See you's at the 24 Ken