Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: RS2 Babe on May 07, 2003, 03:05:13 pm

Title: So, who is going in what?
Post by: RS2 Babe on May 07, 2003, 03:05:13 pm
....and where is the dedicated forum on such?

Well Im' just interested! It makes it easier to put names to faces.

Will the mobile chippy make it this year (unlike last)??

RS2 Babe

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 07, 2003, 03:15:31 pm
Hi Rs2, yep we wondered what happened to the promised mobile chippy, I recall that the guy's engine blew up, but he did have an offer from ( Andy ) I think, for a replacement.
 Who knows maybe he will make it this year, I wonder if he has found the new site so he can post his intentions
Take care.

Brian. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 07, 2003, 04:02:17 pm
Brian whack,

You're right, no one seemed to see the Commer chippy, so I guess it never made it. I did offer them a spare engine after theirs threw a rod. I recall they had already got one and it was being installed in time to leave for the race. I told them they'd never make it as far as Pompey!

As to who is going in what, we are in our Commer van again and also taking a Porker 996, so it should be an interesting race (provided I get an hour head start from Caen). I think I can almost guarantee we will be the only Commer van in Le Mans driven by someone dressed in a gorilla outfit, with Batman as his co-driver. I'll wager £20 for the first person who can prove otherwise.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 07, 2003, 04:57:38 pm
Andy, what a wager, people that may be going in a Commer van, are all now phoning  around fancy dress shops attempting to get the suits. I have just rang our local one and it has been engaged for over an hour.

How will the bet be paid out, Sterling or Euro?

Call in and see us on M.B for a beer, Large portable garage, silver Ford ranger and car trailer, just in case Big H, has any more mishaps.

Catch u later.

Brian. :) :)

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 07, 2003, 05:37:06 pm
Very wise Brian, I guess H will be going in a Jag Mk II and returning in a Ford Ranger. Or a black mariah.

The bet will be paid out in sterling, though I'm fairly sure my money is safe.

We're on MB too, so bound to bump into each other.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 08, 2003, 09:28:41 am
Andy, try and look us up, it would be nice to have a few scoops with like minded people. Ian has promised that with the two fridges that we are taking , I can say for certain that the beer will be cool ;D.Or give us a clue, so that we can find your pitch,and bum some of your liquid refreshment, if not at home beware scouser's on the prowl, hope everything is chained and padlocked, but on a more seriuos note,as people believe that scouser's are bad as the pikies!. Only joking scouser's, have this bad image, but if you all cast your minds back to the Grand Natinol bomb scare fiasco a few years ago, the hospitality of the Liverpool folk was second to none.
Look forward to you and some of the regulars of this site meeting up and having a few, over the week that we are there.
Catch u later.
Brian.  ;D

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 08, 2003, 02:11:27 pm

Would love to catch up with you on MB, cold ones always go down well. Look out for a Commer van with Cock Piss Partridge written on it's roof.

I understand the big Club Arnage hook up is scheduled at the Champagne bar in the village at 9.00pm Saturday night. However, on past experience, no one makes it due to other distractions. I fully expect to be upside down in a hedge by then. But if I do make it, can I take this opportunity to apologise in advance for my terrible behaviour, I can't think what will come over me.

We'll also be in the Sports Bar opp the main entrance on Friday for a few lunchtime snifters before going into the town for the drivers parade and a right proper lash up.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 08, 2003, 09:09:13 pm
The AlfaSud will be there, under its own stream or the end of a tow rope!   Getting the stoppers sorted this week, so at least I will be able to come to a halt when I get there.

Anyone spotting her welcome to join us for a stubby or 6..!  ;D

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Alfa Dave on May 09, 2003, 04:02:27 pm
It looks like we'll be in the Griffith not the Alfa this year.
Hmm - Blackpool reliablity or Milan reliability - tough call.
We're on Bleu.

See you there.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Bluebottle on May 10, 2003, 05:43:55 pm
A red  L-reg Rover 216 and a R-reg purple Quantum H4i. Between them they will carry myself and my wife, our 20-month old daughter Ellie and our friend TimD (driving the Rover with all our stuff in it!) We'll be at the Chinese at some point. Look out for a long haired idiot probably in loud trousers.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: president on May 11, 2003, 09:03:27 pm
the T.W.A.T.S. have just purchased a racing green Bentley R turbo for the trip to la sarthe next month. others will be travelling in Lotus Elise, Mitsubishi FTO, Subaru STi, Nissan 300ZX and a Ford Transit mini-bus!

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: smokie on May 11, 2003, 09:08:22 pm
Will we see said Bentley outside MB on Friday afternoon, with the T.W.A.T.S. spraying water under the tyres for max  effect, as with the Vectra when you blew the clutch/gearbox/whatever (two yeasr ago??)

Bet ya can't do a donut in it...

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on May 11, 2003, 09:18:15 pm
Smokie, that would be one to film, did anyone see the lad on the goped, giving it loads the year before last, he even brought his own oil and water mix in a washing up bottle. Happy days.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: pretzel on May 12, 2003, 02:48:27 pm
We'll be taking the Impreza as usual but to gain some credibility we will be joining up with Wishywashyman and crew who are taking The Shed (Renault Espace, zillions of miles on the clock and new gaiters on the CV joints to prevent imminent driveshaft failure :D ;D).

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: rcutler on May 12, 2003, 03:15:04 pm
i will be travelling down in a VW motorhome, doesn't sound fantasic but with a sports racing clutch a turbo and a 2.4 tdi it will shift to 60 in 14seconds and stops running at 130mph!!  :o not bad for 3.5tons. Only problem is there are drums on the back and only small discs on the front and no ABS!!

See you there!


Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 12, 2003, 05:03:29 pm
:o not bad for 3.5tons. Only problem is there are drums on the back and only small discs on the front and no ABS!!

See you there!


If you stop - otherwise, we'll wave as you sail on past!  ;D :D ;D

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Andy Zarse on May 12, 2003, 05:22:43 pm
Hey Dreamracer,

Question. Why does the picture of your Sud flash all four lights at once? My Sud had the Marelli electrics and never more than one headlight would work at a time.  Then the wire would melt and smoke pour from the airvents.

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 12, 2003, 09:55:20 pm
 ;D ;D Good ole Adobe Photoshop - the best fix for dodgy Alfa electrics!  Lens flare filter, four times and BINGO!

Notice the fog lights arent flashing - I really dont think they work....

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Bluebottle on May 18, 2003, 10:53:30 pm
Smokie, that would be one to film, did anyone see the lad on the goped, giving it loads the year before last, he even brought his own oil and water mix in a washing up bottle. Happy days.

I remember him! Saw him at Arnage I think, talk about putting things into perspective :)

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Lord Steve on May 19, 2003, 08:04:16 am
Tres Hombres are going in a metallic blue Audi A4 and we should be on MB (usually the annexe) by Thursday evening. Thursday lunchtime tunnel then to LM via Rouen, Alencon etc.
Give us a wave en route.
We'll be at the Champagne bar on Sat @ 9pm but why don't we all get together for a lash up on Friday @ the Maison Blanche burn-out.
Bring beers and gather round the Tres Hombres flag at the roadside.
Lord Steve

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Gilles on May 19, 2003, 10:17:23 am
Just going in a black 1.8l VW Golf with nothing modified inside ... and a large club arnage homemade sticker on its back to make you know why I passed you!


Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: monkey on May 19, 2003, 02:22:00 pm
alfa 156, red, me and three other monkey's, going to be a bit tight i think

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Liszt on May 19, 2003, 02:34:56 pm
TVR 5l Chimera, TVR Taimar, Merc Sports coupe and a Disco.
We are a seriously depleated crew this year, as we normaly are about 20-25.  

For the past couple of years we have had an Asquith bus, which always turns head even when parked next to exotica,  camped on Expo with a nice selection of motors, but other factors (mainly fatherhood) have caused a reduced tunout

Title: Re:So, who is going in what?
Post by: Ruptured Duck Motorsport on May 19, 2003, 07:45:27 pm
We took a two tone Datsun Laurel a few years back - was the mutts nuts....  Bit on the thirsty side tho'