Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jon King on April 23, 2010, 11:56:06 pm

Title: Where to watch the start
Post by: Jon King on April 23, 2010, 11:56:06 pm
 Where is the best place to watch the start from?

Title: Re: Where to watch the start
Post by: geoffd on April 24, 2010, 09:11:17 am
Personally I'll be sat in the ACO grandstand so that i can see the build up and then the start,  others will be around the circuit (obviously!)  It all depends on what you want to see,  if you want to see the build up then you'll need to be near the grid,  but if you just want to see the en-masse rolling start anywhere would do,  possibly up by the Dunlop bridge would be a good place.

Everyone will have their own fave spot though!

Title: Re: Where to watch the start
Post by: IanS on April 24, 2010, 09:18:23 am
If you can get and afford tickets I agree and would always go for Grandstands ACO T18, 19 or 20.  Its a long day stood up and from here you get covered shade (think worst case rain or red hot) and great views of the pre race build up and pit lane action.  Keep an eye on buy and sell, or try at the ACO Rotunde for ticket returns once out there.

Title: Re: Where to watch the start
Post by: termietermite on April 24, 2010, 10:04:34 am
I am also an ACO grandstand-er but you can sit/stand on the terraces in front for no more cost than the GE tickets.  The problem is that you need to make your pitch early on and it takes several of you to do this successfully if you're going to be able to go for beer and food and visit the used beer department without giving up your spot.  The other snag at that level is the bl**dy catch fencing which ruins all the pics from low down. Oh, and you'll get soaked by the TW*TS and choked by orange smoke once the cars set off..... >:D

Those nice chaps at Team Langoustine who have set up the CA camp on BN have Sommer grandstand tickets for sale at a very reasonable price - I got two from them for some latecomer newbies this year.   It's a grandstand that strikes me as being very well placed.

Title: Re: Where to watch the start
Post by: Martini...LB on April 24, 2010, 10:20:34 am
As I am not going this year (only to the Classic, did I really type 'only') I think the best place will be sitting outside my tent at home streaming the start on my laptop (hopefully)
Thinking about it though I reckon a good place to watch the start, when at LM, is from your tent with wine glass in hand, this way you won't have to put up with those tingly feelings on the back of your neck as the cars roar past for the first time - which is quite unnerving.

Bon chance mes amis, a tout a l'heure


Title: Re: Where to watch the start
Post by: geoffd on April 24, 2010, 10:34:26 am
If you can get and afford tickets I agree and would always go for Grandstands ACO T18, 19 or 20.  Its a long day stood up and from here you get covered shade (think worst case rain or red hot) and great views of the pre race build up and pit lane action.  Keep an eye on buy and sell, or try at the ACO Rotunde for ticket returns once out there.

There are still stands available on the ACO website too.