Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 11, 2010, 04:26:13 pm

Title: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 11, 2010, 04:26:13 pm
How the hell do I deal with the withdrawal symptoms of not making Le Mans this year? Just been watching bits of the 8 heures du castellet and realised how sh*t it will be to be stuck at home in June!

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 11, 2010, 05:03:06 pm
How the hell do I deal with the withdrawal symptoms of not making Le Mans this year? Just been watching bits of the 8 heures du castellet and realised how sh*t it will be to be stuck at home in June!


Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Andy on April 11, 2010, 05:04:28 pm
Send the family away for a long weekend  >:D
Invite mates around and pitch tents in garden, marquee and flag pole.
Buy loads of stubbies and get plenty of coal for the BBQ and french stick and cheese and any other crap food you can lay your hands on.
Plenty of beer and scotch, lack of sleep loud music
Motors TV or Eurosport

Nearly there........ I'm sure there will be others to add to the simulation
Stay well Mike

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Martini...LB on April 11, 2010, 06:21:45 pm
Nice one Andy, I feel inspired, I think I will camp out that weekend (in the back garden) and have a bit of a LM party. I had better book the monday off work as well. It will give me a chance to air the tent prior to the Classic, and make sure that the mice have not got to it, and if they have I will not be buying a throwy tent thing, there are a few standards that should be adhered to. Just wondering how much TV cabling I have got...

>Martini...LB... Outdoors man

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Brian on April 11, 2010, 08:53:44 pm
invite loads of mates around have lots of beer and big plate of chilli loaded with laxative, fit a timer lock on your bog set at say 20 mins, then all form a line, first to sh*t themselves buys the following days beer

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 11, 2010, 09:43:27 pm
All of those sound like superb ideas,not so sure about people shi**ing their pants in the house though.

1 more post Bobby and your no longer a newbie ;D

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Perdu on April 11, 2010, 10:25:08 pm
just think, if it wasn't for geography we could all be p1ssed off together

Your place if you like

I intend to go the "stubbies, motors tV or what ever, tent in the rolling acres of perduland and constantly phoning garyfrogeye and Toby for updates route

a man has to do what a man has to do

and Doris in Noozeeland too of course, it isnt just us being deprived

Dx have a few cidres with me sweetheart wont you...

I have a great reason to hope next year's date isnt the 12th of juin

and if it isnt

I'll see you all there

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: SL on April 11, 2010, 10:50:13 pm
Perhaps next door could keep a genny running all weekend.

If you ask nicely they may also let off a huge firework at 03:00 Sat morning after playing ABBA's greatest hits at volume 11 up till then.

Do all their kids have motorized scooters? If not get them some.

Oh, and don't forget the best of UB40 CD for Sat night

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Barry on April 12, 2010, 04:40:59 pm
Change your mind, book a ferry and get over to Le Sarthe, even if it's a Friday to Sunday night flying visit.

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 12, 2010, 05:40:51 pm
Change your mind, book a ferry and get over to Le Sarthe, even if it's a Friday to Sunday night flying visit.

Hmmmmmm!!!! I could tell her im off to work in Kent again for a few days...............  ;D

Nah,i'd never get away with it  ::)

The thought had crossed my mind if I had been back on the Ashford job again on race weekend to shoot across on the chunnel on friday and back sunday night but she'd find out at some point then it would be safer just to stay in France  :-\

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on April 12, 2010, 08:22:01 pm
Got it.
Get some of your local mates to kidnap you for the weekend, make a big fuss and send her pictures of you bound and gagged, then get them to take you to France. Then when she does not pay the £50,000 ransom, it's her fault and she will feel guilty! Of course, when she see's the bank statements with withdraws from France you can say that you had to bribe them to stop beating you and that it was a cunning plan to buy time whilst planning your escape. Your escape came about after being abducted by Aliens who landed at Le Mans Airfield under the cover of the race and the fireworks. They then subjected you to an unrepeatable invasive examination but rejected you as an adequate sound specimen due to liver poisoning, and just happened to drop you back to earth at the end of your street on the Monday after the race.
I have to say that I don't think my wife would buy it, but the utter Bollo*ks value might avert some of the blows.
Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mgmark on April 12, 2010, 08:56:07 pm
Got it.
Get some of your local mates to kidnap you for the weekend, make a big fuss and send her pictures of you bound and gagged, then get them to take you to France. Then when she does not pay the £50,000 ransom, it's her fault and she will feel guilty! Of course, when she see's the bank statements with withdraws from France you can say that you had to bribe them to stop beating you and that it was a cunning plan to buy time whilst planning your escape. Your escape came about after being abducted by Aliens who landed at Le Mans Airfield under the cover of the race and the fireworks. They then subjected you to an unrepeatable invasive examination but rejected you as an adequate sound specimen due to liver poisoning, and just happened to drop you back to earth at the end of your street on the Monday after the race.
I have to say that I don't think my wife would buy it, but the utter Bollo*ks value might avert some of the blows.
Hope this helps.

slight flaw in the argument might be if she says "keep him".....

MG Mark

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Brian on April 12, 2010, 09:19:19 pm
invite loads of mates around have lots of beer and big plate of chilli loaded with laxative, fit a timer lock on your bog set at say 20 mins, then all form a line, first to sh*t themselves buys the following days beer
Oh goody

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: nopanic - neil on April 12, 2010, 09:54:49 pm
Change your mind, book a ferry and get over to Le Sarthe, even if it's a Friday to Sunday night flying visit.

Hmmmmmm!!!! I could tell her im off to work in Kent again for a few days...............  ;D

Nah,i'd never get away with it  ::)

The thought had crossed my mind if I had been back on the Ashford job again on race weekend to shoot across on the chunnel on friday and back sunday night but she'd find out at some point then it would be safer just to stay in France  :-\

Save money, is Le Mans not closer to Ashford than home in Scotland?

Well it is on my map  ::)

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 12, 2010, 11:04:41 pm
Change your mind, book a ferry and get over to Le Sarthe, even if it's a Friday to Sunday night flying visit.

Hmmmmmm!!!! I could tell her im off to work in Kent again for a few days...............  ;D

Nah,i'd never get away with it  ::)

The thought had crossed my mind if I had been back on the Ashford job again on race weekend to shoot across on the chunnel on friday and back sunday night but she'd find out at some point then it would be safer just to stay in France  :-\

Save money, is Le Mans not closer to Ashford than home in Scotland?

Well it is on my map  ::)

The job Im working on when im needed in Kent is 13 miles from Folkstone  ;D

Its VERY tempting but if I went to France id have to take her on some boring holiday after that to keep the peace  ::)

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Andy on April 13, 2010, 12:44:22 am
Play it straight with her Mike - "we are going to france shopping for the weekend" - dump her in the village and say you will meet her at the guinness bar sunday afternoon.
Job done

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Doris on April 13, 2010, 06:58:08 am

Dx have a few cidres with me sweetheart wont you...

Of course I will Bill, but only as you asked so nicely.   :-* 
I will get a supply of Magners (the only decent :-\ cider available here) in to have for breakfast on race day.


Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Werner on April 13, 2010, 12:12:53 pm
Hi Mike, Doris and everybody else who cannot attend the race,

there is no help! Whatever drugs you try, you will feel miserable and sad in June. Live with it!

Cheers - and start working on your plans for 2011!


Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 13, 2010, 10:01:33 pm
Hi Mike, Doris and everybody else who cannot attend the race,

there is no help! Whatever drugs you try, you will feel miserable and sad in June. Live with it!

Cheers - and start working on your plans for 2011!


Plans are well on the way for 2011  ;D

I've been thinking of ways to turn the Transit into a kind of dual purpose vehicle.

1) Keeping it as is for my work van

2) Building some sort of removable/easy to install kit to turn it into a mini camper van.

I had a few spare hours this afternoon and had a good look at how to go about it. Doing all the woodwork and fabrication wont be a problem. The electrics are what might confuse me,eg leisure batteries and the likes of that. I have 14 months to get my head round it all and get building.

The bodywork needs slight attention aswell so she might even get a Le Mans inspired makeover  ;)

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Doris on April 14, 2010, 06:09:26 am
Bloody hell Werner!

How are those of us who cannot make Le Mans going to cope now?  

We know we will be sad and miserable.
We know there are no drugs known to mankind that can help (not even our greatest ally - alcohol).
We know we have to live with the decisions we've made.

But could you not, just for a while, let us live with the delusion that there may be some way it wouldn't be so bad?  No.  
You had to go and tell us the cold hard truth didn't you?  Bastard!   ;)

I shall be having strong drinks words with you next time I see you.     ;D


Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on April 20, 2010, 12:55:29 pm
You will be missed, Stu Nick and I will have a few beers for you BTW there is still plenty of room for your tent.
Get a job at Portsmouth on the Wedensday b4. Then tell the other half we got you pissed and forgot to let you out of the car, till we got to BN ;D

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on April 20, 2010, 01:15:56 pm
Its very tempting Mike  :P 2011 is going to be a good year though.

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on April 20, 2010, 03:05:21 pm
Well I hope so Mike, if all the OLD FARTS can make it ;D

Yes, Brian,Ian & Jimmy I mean you. :) Oh!! and Chris if he is about

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Jules G on April 21, 2010, 10:08:39 am
For those of you who cannot make it there is always this to go to in june, especially if you are in the north west ;D:

(pinched the link off pistonheads)

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Fran on April 21, 2010, 02:37:41 pm
What a shame its the same dates, would have been nice to go to both!  ;D

Title: Re: Help needed!
Post by: Jules G on April 21, 2010, 05:43:32 pm
Hi Fran... indeed it's a shame we could have organised a CA encalve at the camp site ;)