Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: IanS on December 13, 2009, 01:19:02 pm

Title: World Cup
Post by: IanS on December 13, 2009, 01:19:02 pm
Whilst appreciating many will want to stick with the race, what are the best options for watching the England game on Saturday night? 

Not expecting much by way of ACO provision based on previous years experience, no offers on the corporate front, and the bar outside the main entrance wont cope with the numbers, so thinking along geny, freesat tv and dish?

Any ideas?

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Robbo on December 13, 2009, 01:58:24 pm
I will be taking my tv & satelite setup to BN.....
Not only for the England World Cup game on Saturday night but also the Canadian GP F1 on Sunday evening around 5pm GMT & of course not forgetting the 24 hour coverage (I've not seen the finish yet, so another year won't matter!)

I have the full SKy package so all I will do is activate Sky Multiroom for June, £10 then cancel when I return home!

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Brian on December 13, 2009, 03:55:35 pm
Robbo, you may need a very long phone extension wire, when I ordered multi room Sky stated that the box had to be permanently connected to the phone line, I thought oh ok, bought an extension lead and the box was acctivated, I then unplugged line and said sod them, within minutes I recieved a warning that if the line was not put back on multi room would be blocked.
Speaking to a Sky installer he told me that the line is checked daily to ensure that the box is being used at your home as people were getting multi room and putting the box at a different address, makes sense, get advice or you may be disapointed.

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: IanS on December 13, 2009, 10:48:41 pm
Not sure why you need sky multi room, the games are on terrestrial ITV(HD) and BBC so any sat reciever will do?  Any big screen options, may be not.  

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Lord Steve on December 20, 2009, 06:54:30 pm
I'm just there to watch the race.

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Lorry on December 20, 2009, 07:56:13 pm
I'm just there to watch the race.
It is a bit of waste if you go all that way and don't.  Many years ago we did consider camping on the south coast, and watching it on Sky, but you'd be missing the atmosphere, and the cheap beer and wine.

The trouble is that the beer and wine are no longer so cheap, and the atmosphere is nothing compared to 1988 [/old git mode off]

However, getting back to camp at 2am and watching a bit more on the telly, with a short, and then watching a bit more over breakfast, does make up for some of the disappointment

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Lord Steve on December 21, 2009, 02:24:58 pm
I must admit that after the Champagne Bar gathering (which seems to have lost it's appeal - whatever happened to the camerarderie of the original "tea towels on the head" meeting?) I tend to plonk myself at various points between the Dunlop Bridge and Tetre Rouge until the contents of my rucksack have finally been consumed and I wander, mainly sideways, back to MB. (Or Houx this year).
By the time I'm back at my tent I'm usually compus mentis enough to grab my folding chair, re-stock the rucksack and head for the banking at MB where I can doze contentedly to the sounds of Corvettes rumbling through the night.
Sheer bliss.

Nothing wrong with being an Old Git btw Lorry!!!

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Canada Phil on January 01, 2010, 11:08:17 pm
I must admit that after the Champagne Bar gathering (which seems to have lost it's appeal - whatever happened to the camerarderie of the original "tea towels on the head" meeting?) I tend to plonk myself at various points between the Dunlop Bridge and Tetre Rouge until the contents of my rucksack have finally been consumed and I wander, mainly sideways, back to MB. (Or Houx this year).
By the time I'm back at my tent I'm usually compus mentis enough to grab my folding chair, re-stock the rucksack and head for the banking at MB where I can doze contentedly to the sounds of Corvettes rumbling through the night.
Sheer bliss.

Nothing wrong with being an Old Git btw Lorry!!!

Hi Lord Steve,
                  Thank You some happy memories there.
Canada Phil

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Lord Steve on January 02, 2010, 04:39:56 pm
Hi Phil and a very Happy New Year to you my friend.
I seem to remember you officiating at a faux wedding that year at the Champagne Bar, my mate Kev and someone who's name I can't remember. Nice girl though.
Think that was the year the Wailers played the concert on the other side of the Dunlop Bridge as well. Seem to remember the mass skank by the Up North Crew. I also remember being able to afford two (that's two!!) bottles of champagne. Blimey, it must've been a long time ago!


Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: johnhere on January 05, 2010, 04:23:45 am
As already said if you remove the telephone line on your Sky Multiroom (within 12 months) they will block it.
So swap your main receiver with the Multiroom receiver and take that one. (as long as you have had the main one for over 12moths).

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: smokie on January 05, 2010, 11:18:05 am
When I used to have Sky multiroom it was permanently disconnected in two rooms (due to no phone lines in the rooms), except each week I'd run a line to the box and use the engineer menu to force it to call home. So it should be good for 1 week. It may have changed since then but that worked for me for ages.

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Robbo on January 05, 2010, 11:39:29 am
When I used to have Sky multiroom it was permanently disconnected in two rooms (due to no phone lines in the rooms), except each week I'd run a line to the box and use the engineer menu to force it to call home. So it should be good for 1 week. It may have changed since then but that worked for me for ages.

Top tip Smokie, thanks!
The footie & F1 are on terrestrial so they should be safe!
Its only the LM that I might loose, in which case, I may have to get off my arse and go and watch it live!!

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Canada Phil on January 10, 2010, 03:09:02 am
Hi Phil and a very Happy New Year to you my friend.
I seem to remember you officiating at a faux wedding that year at the Champagne Bar, my mate Kev and someone who's name I can't remember. Nice girl though.
Think that was the year the Wailers played the concert on the other side of the Dunlop Bridge as well. Seem to remember the mass skank by the Up North Crew. I also remember being able to afford two (that's two!!) bottles of champagne. Blimey, it must've been a long time ago!

Hi Steve,
              Yes to the above. and the flying mercedes and the Japanese Toyota team nearly made it or was that the year before  ;D

Title: Re: World Cup
Post by: Lord Steve on January 10, 2010, 06:12:49 pm
I'm going to have to look up some old photos and posts on here because this is where we organised the towel head gathering in the early days. See if I can and I'll get back to you.